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Dem boys seh…Thiefing spreading all over de place


March 22, 2012 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 



Plenty of dem Government people ain’t intend to change and learn because dem set in dem thiefing ways. Tek Cement Roti. He got $90M fuh put back and straighten de books. He got to come clean wid de country because up to this day Henry de Yellow ain’t seh nutten.

But he find time to write a laang letter in de papers today and he stick pun de same tune that he did singing since 1992. De tune is ‘De media is de opposition.” Nobody mustn’t ask question.

He got fuh stop wid this nonsense about papers is opposition and answer de damn question bout de $90 million. Bring out de money. You wuk fuh that?

Is de same sk—- wid Shaatie. Every project de media criticise he defending. And guess how? He saying is development and creation of jobs. Dem boys want tell he that if a dummy knock up two piece wood, put on wheels and roll pun de road that gun create job. That is development fuh Shaatie.

Uncle Sammy send one Toyota fuh he nephew drive pun de road, that is development; couple coconut tree and couple acre rice is development, too because all does create job.

Stop that, Dem boys want know bout feasibility study; and most important dem want know about cost fuh dem projects. And if you still nah understand, de people in dis country want value fuh money.

Dem boys want a public debate wid he, de Rat, Brazzy and all of dem who feel that dem can defend de projects. He and all of dem must mek up dem mind fuh debate de Amaila, Marriott, airport project, de Sanata Complex and dem others.

All was secret, so secret that de Rat sign dem contract pun de darkest night of de year. That is de night before Diwali–Amawaz. It look like nuff of dem Government people born pun that night. Old people always tell dem boys that all who born pun that night does thief baaaad.



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