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No justification for local govt poll delay; fix local govt laws- Western diplomatsPDF| Print |
Written by Demerara Waves  
Wednesday, 09 January 2013 12:12


Western diplomats on Wednesday, calling 2013 The Year for Local Government Elections, declared that there is “no valid justification” for the prolonged delay.

The American, British, Canadian and European Union envoys here urged all political parties to match lip-service calls for the holding of local government elections with action  by urgently resolving outstanding issues in legislative reforms that are before a parliamentary select committee.

Local polls have not been held since 1994 and since then many town and neighbourhood councils have collapsed due to death, migration and resignation. There have been allegations of corruption and shoddy drainage, road and garbage disposal works.


Following is the full text of the Joint OP-ED by D. Brent Hardt, Ambassador of the United States of America; Andrew Ayre, High Commissioner of the United Kingdom David Devine, High Commissioner of Canada, and Robert Kopecky, Ambassador of the European Union.

GEORGETOWN– During Guyana's 2011 National Elections, one issue on which all political parties were in full agreement was the need to hold local government elections.  As we celebrate the arrival of the New Year, all three of Guyana's major political parties continue to publicly affirm their commitment to holding local government elections.  Given the important and pressing need for effective local governance, we believe that 2013 should be a watershed moment for the people of Guyana-- the year they can once again democratically elect their local government.


Who Holding up these Elections



The tangible benefits of local democracy go far beyond the act of casting a vote.  Throughout the world, countries and international agencies have come to recognize the vital importance of representative local government.  Effective and efficient public administration coupled with healthy local governance can drive development efforts.  Local government institutions bring government closer to the people, fostering greater inclusion, civic responsibility, empowerment and participation. 


Who Holding up these Elections




 In fact, local government offers one of the most important avenues for women and other groups typically under-represented to participate in the development of their communities and influence decision-making processes that directly affect their lives. 


Who Holding up these Elections


 In communities throughout the world, a new generation of democratically-elected local leaders is creating change and sparking national development.


Who Holding up these Elections


Unfortunately, Guyanahas not held local government elections since 1994, and the institutions and practice of local governance have withered on the vine since that time.  While the people of Guyanaare familiar with the reasons offered for repeated delays in holding local government elections, there is no valid justification for further delay.  The key legislative foundations for local government reform have been tabled in the National Assembly and they are now before the Select Committee. 


Who Holding up these Elections



While there may be differences between the parties over the role and authority of the Minister of Local Government and over the control and scope of fiscal transfers, these issues can -- and should -- be resolved as a matter of urgency among all parties in the Select Committee.

The principles that should guide the Committee and the Assembly in reviewing local government reform legislation have been amply articulated in a host of national and international assessments. 

Who Holding up these Elections


Moreover, all three parties have articulated their principles and commitments to this end, around which there is clear agreement.  In its 2011 manifesto, the PPP called for reinvigorating local government and pledged to "ensure, within one year of the 2011 general elections, that local government elections are held, bringing much needed reinvigoration into local government entities." 


APNU likewise called for "the implementation of agreed Local Government Reforms and the holding of Local Government Elections." 


 And the AFC affirmed that in its first year in office it would "implement local government reforms and hold local government elections." 


Who Holding up these Elections


In a political environment in which the people of Guyana and leading civic voices such as the Chamber of Commerce have called for greater national unity and cooperation, this consensus on local government reform and elections offers all parties a vital opportunity to work together in 2013 in the national interest.

While Guyanahas made great strides in strengthening its democracy, the continued absence of democratically elected and effective local government remains a persistent drag on Guyana's national development and its attractiveness as an investment destination. 


Only when people have transparent and accountable institutions at all levels of government -- national, regional and local -- will they have confidence in their future



Who Holding up these Elections



In 2013, it is time for Guyanato seize its great potential by affording its citizens strong and effective local governance to build safer, more prosperous, and more democratic communities.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:


 Without the Canadians you would get no elections, without the yanks, HIV would have already crippled the society, with out the brits, your ass would be born in bihar and not be squatting on native people's land. That fact that we survive still and can claim "progress" despite never making half of what is necessary for our quality of life  is due to the considerable financial input from these people. No Carter and the US, no transitional democracy. As they pushed Hoyte, the are needed to push this corrupt government so they hold local elections

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
You are a hateful chap Nehru

Bannas, I will NOT be ENSLAVED AGAIN!!!!

Oh rass banna, when were you ever enslaved, enlighten us?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Brutus:
You are a hateful chap Nehru

Bannas, I will NOT be ENSLAVED AGAIN!!!!

Oh rass banna, when were you ever enslaved, enlighten us?

FOR 28 YEARS!!!!!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


 Without the Canadians you would get no elections, without the yanks, HIV would have already crippled the society, with out the brits, your ass would be born in bihar and not be squatting on native people's land. That fact that we survive still and can claim "progress" despite never making half of what is necessary for our quality of life  is due to the considerable financial input from these people. No Carter and the US, no transitional democracy. As they pushed Hoyte, the are needed to push this corrupt government so they hold local elections

You have a RIGHT to be thankful for those reasond, I thank them for NOTHING. They have devided our Country and STOLE our Natural Resources!!!


Oh shut up aready with that shyte. Did the Brits, Yanks, Canadians ever enslave you?  As mentioned by Stormborn, without the assistance of those countries, you would probably be running around in loin cloths and crapping anywhere you feel like

Originally Posted by cain:

Oh shut up aready with that shyte. Did the Brits, Yanks, Canadians ever enslave you?  As mentioned by Stormborn, without the assistance of those countries, you would probably be running around in loin cloths and crapping anywhere you feel like

If that is how you see it fine. They are the reason we are left behind but time is on our side.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


 Without the Canadians you would get no elections, without the yanks, HIV would have already crippled the society, with out the brits, your ass would be born in bihar and not be squatting on native people's land. That fact that we survive still and can claim "progress" despite never making half of what is necessary for our quality of life  is due to the considerable financial input from these people. No Carter and the US, no transitional democracy. As they pushed Hoyte, the are needed to push this corrupt government so they hold local elections

You have a RIGHT to be thankful for those reasond, I thank them for NOTHING. They have devided our Country and STOLE our Natural Resources!!!

 I am not thanking them. I am grateful for small favors when it is to our benefit. Broadening our democracy via local elections will do vastly more for us in the progress to democracy than the PPP has done for us. And remember, they were given the same advice as Hoyte got. They welcomed it then with open arms and you should welcome them now.


They had more right to the land than you. Shouting our land when you are an alien no less than them makes no sense. That we inherited what was their adventurism with all its ills along the way does not mean we should not learn and  strive to be better.


The idea of nation is recent and it does not have very much more long life. Borders are ever fluid and you sitting in RH  on a second diaspora in 3 generation shouting about your "inheritance" is laughable when you only saw the place for  a couple of decades.


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