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Half of Americans below or near

poverty line


The Census Bureau says 15 percent of the country is living in poverty, but the reality is much worse


This article originally appeared on AlterNet.

AlterNet The Census Bureau has reported that 15% of Americans live in poverty. A shocking figure. But it’s actually much worse. Inequality is spreading like a shadowy disease through our country, infecting more and more households, and leaving a shrinking number of financially secure families to maintain the charade of prosperity.

1. Almost half of Americans had NO assets in 2009 

Analysis of  Economic Policy Institute data shows that Mitt Romney’s famous  47 percent, the alleged ‘takers,’ have taken nothing. Their debt exceeded their assets in 2009.

2. It’s Even Worse 3 Years Later 

Since the recession, the disparities have continued to grow. An  OECD report states that “inequality has increased by more over the past three years to the end of 2010 than in the previous twelve,” with the U.S. experiencing one of the widest gaps among OECD countries. The 30-year  decline in wages has worsened since the recession, as low-wage jobs have replaced formerly secure middle-income positions.

3. Based on wage figures, half of Americans are in or near poverty. 

The IRS reports that the highest wage in the bottom half of earners is about $34,000. To be eligible for food assistance, a family can earn up to  130% of the federal  poverty line, or about $30,000 for a family of four.

Even the Census Bureau recognizes that its own  figures under-represent the number of people in poverty. Its  Supplemental Poverty Measure increases, by 50%, the number of Americans who earn between one-half and two times the poverty threshold.

4. Based on household expense totals, poverty is creeping into the top half of America. 

A family in the top half, making $60,000 per year, will have their income reduced by a total tax bill of about $15,000 ($3,000 for  federal income tax and $12,000 for  payroll, state, and local taxes. The  Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau agree that food, housing, and transportation expenses will deduct another $30,000, and that total household expenditures will be about $50,000. That leaves nothing.

Nothing, that is, except debt. The median  debt level rose to $75,600 in 2009, while the median family  net worth, according to the Federal Reserve, dropped from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010.

5. Putting it in Perspective 

Inequality is at its ugliest for the hungriest people. While food support was being targeted for  cuts, just  20 rich Americans made as much from their 2012 investments as the entire  2012 SNAP (food assistance) budget, which serves 47 million people.

And as Congress continues to cut life-sustaining programs, its members should note that their 400 friends on the  Forbes list made more from their stock market gains last year than the total amount of the  foodhousing, and education budgets combined.

Arguments about poverty won’t end. Neither should our efforts to uncover the awful truth.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is where we part company.  Zapping terrorists in Afganistan and the terrorist sponsoring state of Pakistan is what needs to be done.  The innocent people suffering collateral damage need to question their nation's leaders as to why they provide safe heaven to terrorists, not the USA for taking them out.


I will support Obama on his terrorist-cleansing "crusade".  This is just what's needed.  At least he keeping his word here.


I go into the store and see a hundred flavored ice cream when that is reduced to one tell me. Now please leave if you hate it so much. But you like the hundred flavored ice cream option!

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I go into the store and see a hundred flavored ice cream when that is reduced to one tell me. Now please leave if you hate it so much. But you like the hundred flavored ice cream option!

Wow, how deep, how substantive, how D-2-ish....


I see the other day, colored flavored ice cream in abundance in Iran as a way to thumb their noses to the US sanctions.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I go into the store and see a hundred flavored ice cream when that is reduced to one tell me. Now please leave if you hate it so much. But you like the hundred flavored ice cream option!

Are you serious, you would use ice cream as a yard stick to measure and compare the seriousness of American Poverty.


Bai for your information, in a poor country like Guyana you can go into an Ice Cream store and see the same. Get serious.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I go into the store and see a hundred flavored ice cream when that is reduced to one tell me. Now please leave if you hate it so much. But you like the hundred flavored ice cream option!

Wow, how deep, how substantive, how D-2-ish....


I see the other day, colored flavored ice cream in abundance in Iran as a way to thumb their noses to the US sanctions.

makes the point don't it? Iran is catching its ass from sanctions. And Iranians are not the Mullahs. Mullah rule is an anathema in even islam. Iranians, given their will to exercise their freedom to choose will be a flower to the region. If instead of the compulsion to build a bomb they focused on industry; the lights of Tehran and Tabriz would be a lure from Astana to Lahore.


But all of that is a waste of time to the premise that America is the dumps...compared to where? India....Beijing? Moscow? I dont waste time here since I am convinced the world can only experience progress if the engine of change is seated in the western philosophical sphere. Other than that you end up with a woman not wanting to show her face and  hiding behind a burka as presently happened in Guyana. That is not change we want or need or even necessary but a backward retrogressive and anti freedom step.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I go into the store and see a hundred flavored ice cream when that is reduced to one tell me. Now please leave if you hate it so much. But you like the hundred flavored ice cream option!

Are you serious, you would use ice cream as a yard stick to measure and compare the seriousness of American Poverty.


Bai for your information, in a poor country like Guyana you can go into an Ice Cream store and see the same. Get serious.

It is a metaphor dummy. But then you idiots are literal in all expressions

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I go into the store and see a hundred flavored ice cream when that is reduced to one tell me. Now please leave if you hate it so much. But you like the hundred flavored ice cream option!

Are you serious, you would use ice cream as a yard stick to measure and compare the seriousness of American Poverty.


Bai for your information, in a poor country like Guyana you can go into an Ice Cream store and see the same. Get serious.

It is a metaphor dummy. But then you idiots are literal in all expressions

Sometimes you speak in metaphor, sometimes in tongues, sometimes in parables, and even then sometime in garbage, make up your mind dude


Most of the times in Malapropism (sp)

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I go into the store and see a hundred flavored ice cream when that is reduced to one tell me. Now please leave if you hate it so much. But you like the hundred flavored ice cream option!

Wow, how deep, how substantive, how D-2-ish....


I see the other day, colored flavored ice cream in abundance in Iran as a way to thumb their noses to the US sanctions.

makes the point don't it? Iran is catching its ass from sanctions. And Iranians are not the Mullahs. Mullah rule is an anathema in even islam. Iranians, given their will to exercise their freedom to choose will be a flower to the region. If instead of the compulsion to build a bomb they focused on industry; the lights of Tehran and Tabriz would be a lure from Astana to Lahore.


But all of that is a waste of time to the premise that America is the dumps...compared to where? India....Beijing? Moscow? I dont waste time here since I am convinced the world can only experience progress if the engine of change is seated in the western philosophical sphere. Other than that you end up with a woman not wanting hiding behind a burka as presently happened in Guyana. That is not change we want or need or even necessary but a backward retrogressive and anti freedom step.

I don't agree with ASJ regarding the US.  There has always been poor, even in the richest nations, and it's true, it spikes in times on economic stress.  However, 7.5-8% unemployment is not overly bad given the crisis we had and the lack-luster Obama economic performance.  Could you imagine how much better had we have a true leader like Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I go into the store and see a hundred flavored ice cream when that is reduced to one tell me. Now please leave if you hate it so much. But you like the hundred flavored ice cream option!

Wow, how deep, how substantive, how D-2-ish....


I see the other day, colored flavored ice cream in abundance in Iran as a way to thumb their noses to the US sanctions.

makes the point don't it? Iran is catching its ass from sanctions. And Iranians are not the Mullahs. Mullah rule is an anathema in even islam. Iranians, given their will to exercise their freedom to choose will be a flower to the region. If instead of the compulsion to build a bomb they focused on industry; the lights of Tehran and Tabriz would be a lure from Astana to Lahore.


But all of that is a waste of time to the premise that America is the dumps...compared to where? India....Beijing? Moscow? I dont waste time here since I am convinced the world can only experience progress if the engine of change is seated in the western philosophical sphere. Other than that you end up with a woman not wanting hiding behind a burka as presently happened in Guyana. That is not change we want or need or even necessary but a backward retrogressive and anti freedom step.

I don't agree with ASJ regarding the US.  There has always been poor, even in the richest nations, and it's true, it spikes in times on economic stress.  However, 7.5-8% unemployment is not overly bad given the crisis we had and the lack-luster Obama economic performance.  Could you imagine how much better had we have a true leader like Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan?

 I lived through RR. It was hell, 18 percent interest rate. He spent us into the poorhouse building bombs. If Gorbie did not exist and there was a Putin instead both Russia and the US would be history if they did not blow up the world with the useless grandstanding. RR will never be a hero of mine. Gorbachev is my hero of the era. He had the courage to do what is right.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I go into the store and see a hundred flavored ice cream when that is reduced to one tell me. Now please leave if you hate it so much. But you like the hundred flavored ice cream option!

Wow, how deep, how substantive, how D-2-ish....


I see the other day, colored flavored ice cream in abundance in Iran as a way to thumb their noses to the US sanctions.

makes the point don't it? Iran is catching its ass from sanctions. And Iranians are not the Mullahs. Mullah rule is an anathema in even islam. Iranians, given their will to exercise their freedom to choose will be a flower to the region. If instead of the compulsion to build a bomb they focused on industry; the lights of Tehran and Tabriz would be a lure from Astana to Lahore.


But all of that is a waste of time to the premise that America is the dumps...compared to where? India....Beijing? Moscow? I dont waste time here since I am convinced the world can only experience progress if the engine of change is seated in the western philosophical sphere. Other than that you end up with a woman not wanting hiding behind a burka as presently happened in Guyana. That is not change we want or need or even necessary but a backward retrogressive and anti freedom step.

I don't agree with ASJ regarding the US.  There has always been poor, even in the richest nations, and it's true, it spikes in times on economic stress.  However, 7.5-8% unemployment is not overly bad given the crisis we had and the lack-luster Obama economic performance.  Could you imagine how much better had we have a true leader like Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan?

 I lived through RR. It was hell, 18 percent interest rate. He spent us into the poorhouse building bombs. If Gorbie did not exist and there was a Putin instead both Russia and the US would be history if they did not blow up the world with the useless grandstanding. RR will never be a hero of mine. Gorbachev is my hero of the era. He had the courage to do what is right.

Then you must be a loser depending on Govt help.  I came here under Reagan and saw the improvements and progress.  The Interest rates were high due to the hang over from inflation under Carter.  Under Reagan and Clinton the US experienced the longest, largest economic expansion in recent history.  The winners won, the losers lost, as usual.


Gorbie, well who went bankrupt?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Then you must be a loser depending on Govt help.  I came here under Reagan and saw the improvements and progress.  The Interest rates were high due to the hang over from inflation under Carter.  Under Reagan and Clinton the US experienced the longest, largest economic expansion in recent history.  The winners won, the losers lost, as usual.


Gorbie, well who went bankrupt?

I came in during Carter and saw the rise of RR. I was actually a student in Meridian dorm when he was shot and ran down the street to see what the fuss about.


Why would I have to be a loser on government help if I say he is not my hero? You folks are truly astounding? I used my British passport exclusively until the 90's so you are just being an ass that any government helped me. I was not born here.


RR spend us into the a deep debt crisis that went over to bush and had to be cleaned up by Clinton.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Then you must be a loser depending on Govt help.  I came here under Reagan and saw the improvements and progress.  The Interest rates were high due to the hang over from inflation under Carter.  Under Reagan and Clinton the US experienced the longest, largest economic expansion in recent history.  The winners won, the losers lost, as usual.


Gorbie, well who went bankrupt?

I came in during Carter and saw the rise of RR. I was actually a student in Meridian dorm when he was shot and ran down the street to see what the fuss about.


Why would I have to be a loser on government help if I say he is not my hero? You folks are truly astounding? I used my British passport exclusively until the 90's so you are just being an ass that any government helped me. I was not born here.


RR spend us into the a deep debt crisis that went over to bush and had to be cleaned up by Clinton.

I was referring to you comment about being driven to the poor house under Reagan.  True the military spending was high as the nation was in a death race with the USSR.  It was the USSR which collapsed, not the USA.  It's just funny how you see things.  Did he not take over the problem economy of Carter, turned it around, took the USSR into bankruptcy, the his terms were up and sure there were residual problems that Bush Senior took over and passed onto Clinton.


Under Clinton, the US benefited greatly through US-led globalization as the status of the only superpower and the US crushing on Iraq in GW1.  Don't you believe these events had any roots in the RR policies which convincingly defeated the USSR?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Then you must be a loser depending on Govt help.  I came here under Reagan and saw the improvements and progress.  The Interest rates were high due to the hang over from inflation under Carter.  Under Reagan and Clinton the US experienced the longest, largest economic expansion in recent history.  The winners won, the losers lost, as usual.


Gorbie, well who went bankrupt?

I came in during Carter and saw the rise of RR. I was actually a student in Meridian dorm when he was shot and ran down the street to see what the fuss about.


Why would I have to be a loser on government help if I say he is not my hero? You folks are truly astounding? I used my British passport exclusively until the 90's so you are just being an ass that any government helped me. I was not born here.


RR spend us into the a deep debt crisis that went over to bush and had to be cleaned up by Clinton.

I was referring to you comment about being driven to the poor house under Reagan.  True the military spending was high as the nation was in a death race with the USSR.  It was the USSR which collapsed, not the USA.  It's just funny how you see things.  Did he not take over the problem economy of Carter, turned it around, took the USSR into bankruptcy, the his terms were up and sure there were residual problems that Bush Senior took over and passed onto Clinton.


Under Clinton, the US benefited greatly through US-led globalization as the status of the only superpower and the US crushing on Iraq in GW1.  Don't you believe these events had any roots in the RR policies which convincingly defeated the USSR?

Dude, I am done for the day. The rain is gone, there is a hint of blue peeking out from puffy clouds in the sky so I am gone into t he wood to churn up some mud on my bike and come home dirty and tired. I am taking my rottie with me. He can hang for eleven miles of hills...that is 3 hours....goneeeee!!!!!!!


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