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Drugb posted:

These large carriers will eventually run as Guyana has relatively low volume. AA will only stay if profit margin really high, like Delta did and then fled when CA push them out. Same fate here. 

CA didnt push dem out. Dem leff when ayoo Lard and Savior tek away de official mail service from dem. Hey hey hey...

Labba posted:
Drugb posted:

These large carriers will eventually run as Guyana has relatively low volume. AA will only stay if profit margin really high, like Delta did and then fled when CA push them out. Same fate here. 

CA didnt push dem out. Dem leff when ayoo Lard and Savior tek away de official mail service from dem. Hey hey hey...

It shouldn't affect him. He flies Cargo Class. 

Labba posted:
Drugb posted:

These large carriers will eventually run as Guyana has relatively low volume. AA will only stay if profit margin really high, like Delta did and then fled when CA push them out. Same fate here. 

CA didnt push dem out. Dem leff when ayoo Lard and Savior tek away de official mail service from dem. Hey hey hey...

Which lord and savior?  News to me. Delta left in 2013. Jagdeo gone for 2 years. 

Drugb posted:

Which lord and savior?  News to me. Delta left in 2013. Jagdeo gone for 2 years. 

So explain why Ramotar isn't the leader of the opposition.  In most parliamentary systems the executive head of state becomes the leader of the opposition if his party loses.

So why Jagdeo?  Now some say he bytch slapped Ramotar for losing to "black man", the first time that the PPP lost an election since independence. Deciding that his puppet was too dumb and stupid he took over the job himself.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Which lord and savior?  News to me. Delta left in 2013. Jagdeo gone for 2 years. 

So explain why Ramotar isn't the leader of the opposition.  In most parliamentary systems the executive head of state becomes the leader of the opposition if his party loses.

So why Jagdeo?  Now some say he bytch slapped Ramotar for losing to "black man", the first time that the PPP lost an election since independence. Deciding that his puppet was too dumb and stupid he took over the job himself.

Ramo is a loser bai, Jaggy neva lose, that's why he was elected by to the leadership. Your claim about puppet is just that, a baseless claim with no facts to backup. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

These large carriers will eventually run as Guyana has relatively low volume. . 

So Guyana has lower volume than Grenada or St Kitts?  Yes given that Guyanese are the 5th largest immigrant group in NYC, and many others live elsewhere in the USA like ATL and DC?

Try again!

Extremely low volume compared to other nations. Do the math and figure it out, ohh then again you may have to hire a school child to do that for you. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Which lord and savior?  News to me. Delta left in 2013. Jagdeo gone for 2 years. 

So explain why Ramotar isn't the leader of the opposition.  In most parliamentary systems the executive head of state becomes the leader of the opposition if his party loses.

So why Jagdeo?  Now some say he bytch slapped Ramotar for losing to "black man", the first time that the PPP lost an election since independence. Deciding that his puppet was too dumb and stupid he took over the job himself.

Ramo is a loser bai, Jaggy neva lose, that's why he was elected by to the leadership. Your claim about puppet is just that, a baseless claim with no facts to backup. 

Jaggy has them all bassidy and messed up. 

Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted: 

Jaggy has them all bassidy and messed up. 

Correct, all of them senselessly jumping up and shouting puppet etc with no evidence of such. 

Mutwah going mad already. He seeing jumbie and wants to know who is who at GNI. The other one is fetching a PNC Shittypot. Look story, Carib G wants the PPP to elect jackass Ramotar as leader. He thinks that we are stupid. 

Jagdeo keeps busting their ball*. The man is taking sweet revenge for them for going to CCJ to stop him. All of that and stll the man continues to kick them in the nuts.

Moses is shyting bricks nowadays. Kanwa can only follow and sing PNC Bhajans.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

Ramo is a loser bai, Jaggy neva lose, that's why he was elected by to the leadership. Your claim about puppet is just that, a baseless claim with no facts to backup. 

And who made the decision to dump Ramotar.  Jagdeo!  So why your incessant wails about Jagdeo.  He was extremely visible in the 2015 election campaign when he had no reason to be. In fact he was MORE visible than Ramotar.

Jagdeo=PPP=Jagdeo and until that ends, yes Jagdeo's name will pop up.

You still wail about Burnham even though his jumbie has been roaming for 33 years.  Yet Jagdeo, a man whose rants are heard on a daily basis you wish to fool yourself is irrelevant!

, Carib G wants the PPP to elect jackass Ramotar as leader. He thinks that we are stupid. 


I know that it isn't up to the PPP to elect anyone.  It is up to Jagdeo to decide who he wants and for you all to grovel and accept it.

Granger can only wish that the PNC supporters were so docile but the irritating scamps went and selected Volda who will be a thorn up his ass.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Ramo is a loser bai, Jaggy neva lose, that's why he was elected by to the leadership. Your claim about puppet is just that, a baseless claim with no facts to backup. 

And who made the decision to dump Ramotar.  Jagdeo!  So why your incessant wails about Jagdeo.  He was extremely visible in the 2015 election campaign when he had no reason to be. In fact he was MORE visible than Ramotar.

Jagdeo=PPP=Jagdeo and until that ends, yes Jagdeo's name will pop up.

You still wail about Burnham even though his jumbie has been roaming for 33 years.  Yet Jagdeo, a man whose rants are heard on a daily basis you wish to fool yourself is irrelevant!

Bannas like you stupidie or wah. The party have internal voting. Ramo was dumped for failure and no confidence. I know you accustomed to dictatorship in your world, but not everyone have your mindset. 

Drugb posted:
 The party have internal voting. 

Even you dont believe that. Jagdeo screams and the few PPP execs allowed to vote cower in fear.  The PPP doesn't allow rank and file party members select its leadership the way the PNC does.  This is why Volda beat Harmon.  The rank and file detest him and dont give a damn what Granger thinks of him.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
 The party have internal voting. 

Even you dont believe that. Jagdeo screams and the few PPP execs allowed to vote cower in fear.  The PPP doesn't allow rank and file party members select its leadership the way the PNC does.  This is why Volda beat Harmon.  The rank and file detest him and dont give a damn what Granger thinks of him.

Volda was a great choice.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
 The party have internal voting. 

Even you dont believe that. Jagdeo screams and the few PPP execs allowed to vote cower in fear.  The PPP doesn't allow rank and file party members select its leadership the way the PNC does.  This is why Volda beat Harmon.  The rank and file detest him and dont give a damn what Granger thinks of him.

Never trusted the man.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
 The party have internal voting. 

Even you dont believe that. Jagdeo screams and the few PPP execs allowed to vote cower in fear.  The PPP doesn't allow rank and file party members select its leadership the way the PNC does.  This is why Volda beat Harmon.  The rank and file detest him and dont give a damn what Granger thinks of him.

Never trusted the man.

Doesn't mean that internal party delegates didn't vote for him. All this is speculation with facts to substantiate. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
 The party have internal voting. 

Even you dont believe that. Jagdeo screams and the few PPP execs allowed to vote cower in fear.  The PPP doesn't allow rank and file party members select its leadership the way the PNC does.  This is why Volda beat Harmon.  The rank and file detest him and dont give a damn what Granger thinks of him.

Pure speculation again on your part. First, Ramoutar was a puppet, now Jagdeo bullied his way to leader and still no evidence to corroborate these claims. 


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