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CAIR Releases Arabic Video Appeal on Anti-Islam Film Protests

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 9/15/12) -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today released a video appeal in Arabic to those protesting an anti-Islam film, portions of which have been circulating on the Internet.

In the video, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad tells viewers in the Middle East that ordinary Americans and the U.S. government should not be blamed for the religious hatred expressed in the film.

[NOTE: In 2011, Awad was included on the "Power 500" list compiled by Arabian Business Magazine. In 2009, he was recognized among the world's "500 Most Influential Muslims" by the Jordan-based Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center.]

He explains that the low-quality production was designed to provoke religious sensitivities and to distract from the positive efforts being undertaken to improve newly-free societies in the wake of the Arab Spring.

Awad's appeal notes that the controversy over the film distracts from more important issues such as the struggle for freedom in Syria, the need for justice for the Palestinian people and ongoing killings of Muslims in Burma.

He quoted a verse in the Quran, Islam's revealed text, which states that no soul will carry the burdens of another and asked viewers to emulate Islam's Prophet Muhammad, who did not retaliate in kind to personal abuse. He also urged protesters to put their energies into rebuilding their societies.

Watch the video here.

Awad's video appeal was filmed against a backdrop of a verse from the Quran, which states: "A goodly word (is) like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed and its branches (reach) to the heavens." (14:24)

It ends with the recitation of a verse from the Quran: "You have indeed in the Messenger of God [Muhammad] a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in God and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of God." (33:21)

Earlier this week, CAIR condemned the killings of American diplomats in Libya and said that extremists must not be allowed to control the political and religious discourse worldwide.

CAIR made that statement at a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., at which representatives of CAIR and other Muslim organizations condemned both the killings of the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other diplomats in that nation and the attack on the American embassy in Egypt.

CAIR had previously called on Muslims in the Middle East to ignore the distribution of the "trashy" anti-Islam film that resulted in the attacks in Libya, Egypt and other nations throughout the Muslim world.

CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

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CONTACT: CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper, 202-744-7726, E-Mail:

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I looked at the u-tube version. I do not c any seriousness in its content. It appeared to be more of a comedy. 


A muslim scholar by the name of Hadad back in the 1950's addressed a muslim gathering in the UK(Bermingham) and he made alot of ridiculous(ridiculing the personage of THE CHRIST) comments. His comments met with thunderous applause by his muslim audience. It can be seen on U-Tube if one wishes to search it out.


Payback sometime is a bitch.


Before 911, Fridays at mosques were a time to bash christians. How I know. Guyanese muslims were too eager share their new found knowledge imparted to them by the ME immams. 


Whether this video is the influence of Satan or Divine Beings, it is for a reason.


In Eygpt the muslims bombed a coptic church with worshippers in it.

In NIgeria, the same thing.

In Iran, a christian pastor is sentence to be hanged for his faith.

In Pakistan, it is an on going conniving by muslim clergy against christians.

In Afghanistan, there, is another story.


All people wishes to have peace and tranquility. A person's religion should not bring him grief.


Y is it muslims have some much grief. Collectively, they r passe about JOY.


In the West, they enjoy such a gift, but condone the suffering of others by their quietness. 



That is true. Many Muslims have committed atrocities against Christians, burning down churches, etc. As a matter of fact they even bomb their own mosques. But by now people should realize that some people use religion to further their personal, political or social agendas. At the same token, Muslims have the right to protest as do anyone, when people insult their religion. No true Muslim condones violence and when a few radicals run amok and commit atrocities, the general Muslim population always condemn them. However the press is not interested in Muslims condemning Muslims. It doesn't make news.
Originally Posted by TI:
That is true. Many Muslims have committed atrocities against Christians, burning down churches, etc. As a matter of fact they even bomb their own mosques. But by now people should realize that some people use religion to further their personal, political or social agendas. At the same token, Muslims have the right to protest as do anyone, when people insult their religion. No true Muslim condones violence and when a few radicals run amok and commit atrocities, the general Muslim population always condemn them. However the press is not interested in Muslims condemning Muslims. It doesn't make news.

People have a right to protest, not cause death and destruction


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