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American soldier opens fire on Afghan civilians, killing 17

A file photo of a US soldier in Afghanistan
Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:30AM GMT
An American soldier goes on a shooting spree in Afghanistan's southern province of Kandahar, killing at least 17 innocent Afghan civilians and wounding several others, Press TV reports.

The shooting took place early Sunday in the district of Panjwaii in southern Kandahar Province.

The US soldier has been reportedly detained following the assault.

The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan confirmed the incident but did not disclose further details. The motive behind the deadly attack is not known yet. The Western military alliance says it will launch an investigation into the incident.

"This is a deeply regrettable incident and we extend our thoughts and concerns to the families involved,” ISAF said in a statement."

Meanwhile, the Taliban claim that the shooting spree has left at least 50 people, inculding women and children, dead.

Civilian casualties in Afghanistan have been a major source of friction between President Hamid Karzai's government and the US.

The incident came in the wake of recent violent clashes in several provinces of the war-ravaged country over Qur’an burning by the US-led forces, which left over 30 people, including six American soldiers, dead and around 180 others injured.

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WASHINGTON β€” President Barack Obama and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta both called Afghan President Hamid Karzai to express their condolences after an American soldier in Afghanistan wandered off base and allegedly gunned down 16 villagers, and Panetta vowed to "bring those responsible to justice."

In a statement released Sunday by the White House, Obama said, "This incident is tragic and shocking, and does not represent the exceptional character of our military and the respect that the United States has for the people of Afghanistan."

Panetta said a full investigation was already under way.

A U.S. official said the suspect is a conventional soldier from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash.

Another U.S. official said the sergeant is married and has two children. He served three tours in Iraq, and had been serving his first deployment in Afghanistan since December.

He was assigned to support a special operations unit of either Green Berets or Navy SEALs engaged in a village stability operation. Such operations are among NATO's best hopes for transitioning out of Afghanistan. They pair special operations troops with local villagers chosen by village elders to become essentially a sanctioned, armed neighborhood watch.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is still ongoing.

Gen. John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, issued a statement pledging a "rapid and thorough investigation" into the shooting spree, and said the soldier will remain in U.S. custody.

U.S. officials said the service member was being detained in Kandahar and the military was treating at least five wounded. One U.S. official said the soldier, an Army staff sergeant, was believed to have acted alone and said initial reports indicated he returned to the base after the shooting and turned himself in.

The shootings come at a particularly sensitive and critical time for the U.S., just as violence over the burning of Muslim holy books at a U.S. base was starting to calm down. Sunday's incident could further fuel calls for a more rapid withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

The destruction of Qurans in a fire pit used to burn garbage last month sparked violent protests that killed some 30 people. Six U.S. service members were killed in attacks by Afghan security forces since that incident, which U.S. officials have apologized for and said was accidental.










Originally Posted by TI:
The US went into Iraq and Afghanistan to kill people and create destabilization, nothing more, nothing less. It's an age old strategy of diversion from domestic issues.

I suspected this for quite some time now, that is one of the reason i penned a topic "US SOLDIERS MASSACRING INNOCENT WOMEN, CHILDREN AND BABIES"


Now I am convinced that that were their strategy from  the start.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

yuh kech mi deh bah.  good taak.

That stuff has been going on from the beginning of time. Adam and Eve did their wutlissness and he blamed her and she in turn blamed the snake. The snake wasn't human so the blame did go further back but if the snake was human, it probably would have blamed God or something else.

Twenty US soldiers involved in Kandahar killings

A mother mourns death of her child killed in a shooting spree by US soldiers on Sunday, March 11, 2012.
Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:11PM GMT
An Afghan committee says that up to 20 US soldiers have been involved in the Sunday killing of at least 16 Afghan civilians in Kandahar Province.

The committee or fact-finding mission has been set up by the Afghan Parliament to investigate the killing of at least 16 Afghan civilians in Kandahar’s Panjwayi district.

According to the head of the mission, after probing the circumstances and speaking to witnesses and locals, it was concluded that the crime could not have been committed by a single soldier.

Seyed Ishaq Gilani also said that local religious and tribal elders said there was more than one soldier involved.

This is while the US military insists that only one soldier was involved in the massacre.

On Sunday, a US soldier opened fire on Afghan civilians inside their homes, killing at least 16 and injuring several others in the town of Panjwaii.

Kandahar tribal leaders called on the Afghan government and the international community to carry out an investigation into the crime and put the perpetrators of the heinous act on trial in an Afghan court.

Afghan lawmakers have also called for a public trial of the US troops involved in the massacre.

Meanwhile, the Afghan Taliban have vowed revenge against the US forces.
Daily Mail, March 12, 2012

U.S. Sergeant on SEAL team β€œshoots dead nine sleeping Afghan children before burning their bodies” in deadly rampage that killed 16 (Photos)

Relative: He 'poured chemicals over their dead bodies and burned them'

By Beth Stebner and Thomas Durante

Anar Gul gestures to the body of her grandchild, who was allegedly killed by a U.S. service member in Panjwai, Kandahar province south of Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, March. 11, 2012
Anar Gul gestures to the body of her grandchild, who was allegedly killed by a U.S. service member in Panjwai, Kandahar province south of Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, March. 11, 2012. Afghan President Hamid Karzai says a U.S. service member has killed more than a dozen people in a shooting including nine children and three women. (Photo: AP)

NATO troops in Afghanistan are on high alert after the Taliban vowed to avenge the deaths of 16 innocent civilians - including nine children and three women - who were shot and killed by a rogue U.S. soldier who opened fire after suffering a 'mental breakdown' early Sunday morning.

The Army staff sergeant, stationed at a U.S. base in Kandahar, entered three Afghan family’s homes at 3am and began the vicious killing spree. Relatives of the dead said he then 'poured chemicals over their dead bodies and burned them.'

The shooter is an Army staff sergeant from Fort Lewis-McChord in Washington state, and was believed to have acted alone.

Military officials are investigating the incident and working to discover what made the soldier - believed to be a father of three - snap to such extremes that he would embark on a killing mission.

With tensions rising in the region, U.S. and British officials said they were now braced for a backlash as the Taliban claimed the killings were the work of 'more than one soldier'.

Militants condemned the 'blood-soaked and inhumane crime' by 'sick-minded American savages' on its website and vowed to take revenge 'for every single martyr with the help of Allah'.

Two grief-stricken Afghan men look into the van where the body of a badly burned child lays, wrapped in a blue blanket
Disbelief: Two grief-stricken Afghan men look into the van where the body of a badly burned child lays, wrapped in a blue blanket. (Photo: EPA)

 The bodies of an elderly Afghan man and a child killed in the Alkozai village of Panjwayi district are shown wrapped in blankets
Horrific: The bodies of an elderly Afghan man and a child killed in the Alkozai village of Panjwayi district are shown wrapped in blankets. (Photo: AFP / Getty Images)

Initial reports indicated the gunman returned to his base after the shooting, calmly turned himself in and was taken into custody at a NATO base in Afghanistan.

In a statement, Afghan President Hamid Karzai left open the possibility of more than one shooter. He initially spoke of a single U.S. gunman, then referred to 'American forces' entering houses.

The statement quoted a 15-year-old survivor named Rafiullah, shot in the leg, as telling Karzai in a phone call that 'soldiers' broke into his house, woke up his family and began shooting them.

Mr Karzai condemned the attacks as 'an assassination' and furiously demanded an explanation from the U.S. He has also demanded the gunman be handed over so he can stand trial.

Little is known about the soldier who committed the atrocities, including his name, but a U.S. official said he is married with three children, and served three separate tours in Iraq.

He was assigned to support a special operations unit of either Green Berets or Navy SEALs engaged in a village stability operation.

Such operations are among NATO's best hopes for transitioning out of Afghanistan, pairing special operations troops with villagers chosen by village elders to become essentially a sanctioned, armed neighbourhood watch. He has reportedly been stationed in Afghanistan since December.

Fort Lewis-McChord is about 45 miles south of Seattle and home to about 100,000 military and civilian personnel.

A former soldier out of Fort Lewis shot and injured a Salt Lake City police officer in 2010, and on January 1, a 24-year-old Iraq War veteran shot and killed a Mount Rainier National Park ranger.

Locals people gather outside the houses where 17 civilians were murdered by a U.S. soldier in a horrific house-to-house killing spree
Tragedy: Locals people gather outside the houses where 17 civilians were murdered by a U.S. soldier in a horrific house-to-house killing spree. (Photo: KeystoneUSA-ZUMA / Rex Features)

Four Lewis-McChord soldiers were convicted in the deliberate thrill killings of three Afghan civilians in 2010. The military newspaper Stars and Stripes called it 'the most troubled base in the military' that year.

The attack is sure to further tarnish relations between Afghanistan and the U.S., as it comes weeks after NATO soldiers burned copies of the Koran - the Muslim holy book - sparking a violent protest that has left some 30 people dead.

And the former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan, Colonel Richard Kemp, said British troops could now be targeted in revenge and that the massacre would also erode the vital trust allied forces have built up with Afghan civilians over the course of the war.

He told ITV's Daybreak: 'I think every soldier in Afghanistan, British, American and other allies, will be sickened by a person wearing their own uniform literally going door to door and killing people as they sleep in their houses.

'These are the very people that this soldier and his comrades are supposed to be in Afghanistan to protect not kill.

'You would have to make a very persuasive case that these actions were due to mental stress, that's not to say that the stress isn't there for every soldier in Afghanistan.'

Neighbours said they had awoken to crackling gunfire from American soldiers, who they described as laughing and drunk.

'They were all drunk and shooting all over the place,' said Agha Lala, who visited one of the homes where killings took place. 'Their [the victims'] bodies were riddled with bullets.'

A senior U.S. defence official in Washington rejected witness accounts that several apparently drunk soldiers were involved.

'Based on the preliminary information we have this account is flatly wrong,' the official said. 'We believe one U.S. service member acted alone, not a group of U.S. soldiers.'

An Afghan youth mourns for his relatives, who were allegedly killed by the U.S. service member
Tears of grief: An Afghan youth mourns for his relatives, who were allegedly killed by the U.S. service member. (Photo: AP)

An AP photographer reported that he saw 15 bodies of Afghans - some of them burned and some covered with blankets - in the villages of Alkozai and Balandi in Kandahar province's Panjwai district.

One man told the AFP news agency of his great loss. β€˜Eleven members of my family are dead. They are all dead,’ Haji Samad said.

'They [Americans] poured chemicals over their dead bodies and burned them,' a weeping Mr Samad told Reuters at the scene.

According to Al Jazeera, the soldier went into three separate houses at 3am local time when it was pitch black and shot the civilians, who were sleeping in their beds.

An elderly Afghan man sits next to the covered body of a person who was killed early today by a U.S. service member
Perched: An elderly Afghan man sits next to the covered body of a person who was killed early today by a U.S. service member. (Photo: AP)

Relatives sat in shock in a van also carrying the bodies of their kin wrapped in blankets
In shock: Relatives sat in shock in a van also carrying the bodies of their kin wrapped in blankets. (Photo: EPA)

A resident of Alkozai, where the shootings took place, said 16 people were killed as the U.S. service member went into three different houses and started shooting.

The villager, Abdul Baqi, said he had not seen the bodies himself, but had talked to the family members of the dead.

β€˜When it was happening in the middle of the night we were inside our houses. I heard gunshots and then silence and then gunshots again,’ Mr Baqi said.

Reports say that 15 members from two Afghan families were slaughtered, as well as an unidentified sixteenth person.

Mr Karzai also said that five people were wounded. Their conditions are unknown.

Defence Secretary Leon Panetta called the Afghan president to express β€˜profound regret’ and assure him that β€˜this terrible incident does not reflect our shared values or the progress we have made together,’ his office said in a statement.

He concluded: β€˜We will bring those responsible to justice.’

Maj Jason Waggoner, another spokesman for ISAF said: β€˜The civilian casualties were not the result of any operations. The soldier was acting on his own. After the incident, he returned to the compound and turned himself in.’

NATO-led International Security Assistance Force deputy commander Lt Gen Andrian Bradshaw would not speculate the reasoning behind the seemingly random attack.

Mr Karzai said in a statement that he was sending high-level authorities to investigate the shooting and deliver a full report. NATO officials, too, are conducting an inquiry.

β€˜This is an assassination, an intentional killing of innocent civilians and cannot be forgiven,’ Mr Karzai said in a statement, adding that he has repeatedly called for the U.S. to stop killing Afghan citizens.

A man sits in a truck bed keeping watch over the body of a young boy
A man sits in a truck bed keeping watch over the body of a young boy. (Photo: Reuters)

President Obama issued a statement this afternoon saying he is β€˜deeply saddened’ by the β€˜tragic and shocking’ killing of Afghan civilians by a U.S. soldier.

He said: β€˜This incident is tragic and shocking and does not represent the exceptional character of our military and the respect that the United States has for the people of Afghanistan.'

The White House said that Mr Obama phoned Mr Karzai to personally express his regret.

The president also vowed to β€˜get the facts as quickly as possible and to hold accountable anyone responsible.’

On Sunday, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said in a statement: β€˜We are deeply concerned by the initial reports of this incident, and are monitoring the situation closely.’

There are precious few details on the alleged shooter. Officials have only said that he was an Army staff sergeant who was acting alone.

On CBS’ Face the Nation, Newt Gingrich commented on the escalating tensions in Afghanistan and elsewhere, saying: β€˜I think that we have to reassess the entire region,’ noting Washington’s tumultuous relationship with neighbouring Pakistan as well.

Twelve of the dead were from Balandi, said Samad Khan, a farmer who lost all 11 members of his family, including women and children.

Mr Khan was away from the village when the incident occurred and returned to find his family members shot dead and burned.

One of his neighbours was also killed, he said. It was unclear how or why the bodies were set ablaze.

To prove that the bodies had been set on fire, Afghan villagers brought out badly burned blankets, the New York Times reported. More than 300 people came out to protest the senseless violence.

An AP photo showed the bloodstained corner of a house next to a large black area that was charred by fire. The charred area appeared to be remnants of blankets and possibly bodies that had been set on fire.

Villagers packed inside the minibus looked on with concern as a woman spoke to reporters. She pulled back a blanket to reveal the body of a smaller child wearing what appeared to be red pajamas.

A third dead child lay in a pile of green blankets in the bed of a truck.

'This is an anti-human and anti-Islamic act,' said Mr Khan. 'Nobody is allowed in any religion in the world to kill children and women.'

Mr Khan demanded that Karzai punish the American shooter.

'Otherwise we will make a decision,' said Mr Khan. 'He should be handed over to us,’ he told the Associated Press.

β€˜I cannot explain the motivation behind such callous acts, but they were in no way part of authorised ISAF military activity,’ he said in a statement.

There were reports of protests in Panjwai following the shooting and the U.S. embassy warned travellers in Kandahar province to β€˜exercise caution.’

The Afghan Taliban would take revenge for the deaths, the group said in an e-mailed statement to media.

β€˜The so-called American peacekeepers have once again quenched their thirst with the blood of innocent Afghan civilians in Kandahar province,’ the Taliban’s statement read.

The shooting comes after weeks of tense relations between U.S. forces and their Afghan hosts following the burning of Korans and other religious materials at an American base.

Though U.S. officials apologised and said the burning was purely accidental, the incident sparked violent protests and attacks that killed some 30 people and a host of anti-American protests.

Six U.S. troops have been killed in attacks by their Afghan colleagues since news of the Koran burnings came to light.

Afghan civilians gathered outside the military base today; tensions between the U.S. and Afghanistan have been tense at best for the past decade
Furious: Afghan civilians gathered outside the military base today; tensions between the U.S. and Afghanistan have been tense at best for the past decade. (Photo: AP)

In the capital, meanwhile, Mr Karzai said the government still expects to sign a strategic partnership agreement with the United States by the time a NATO summit convenes in Chicago in May.

The agreement would formalize the U.S.-Afghan relationship and the role of U.S. forces in Afghanistan after NATO's scheduled transfer of security responsibility to the Afghan government at the end of 2014.

But Mr Karzai stressed the importance of foreign forces leaving Afghanistan to preserve the country's national sovereignty.

Any international forces that remain after 2014 would have to operate under strict guidelines governing their responsibilities and when they could leave their bases, he said.

β€˜We have a strong army and police, so it is to our benefit to have good relations with the international community, not have international troops in our country,’ Mr Karzai said at a public event in Kabul.

The president has demanded that international forces stop night raids on the homes of suspected militants as a condition to signing the strategic partnership agreement.

The raids have caused widespread anger among Afghans.

All foreign combat troops are slated to withdraw by end of 2014 from a costly war that has become increasingly unpopular.

Malalai Joya
Malalai Joya

Also Sunday, a prominent Afghan women's rights activist said gunmen attacked her office in a western province in an apparent assassination attempt.

Malalai Joya, a former Afghan lawmaker and vocal critic of both the Taliban and of criminality in the Afghan government, said the attack on her office in Farah province was the sixth attempt on her life to date.

Armed men tried to storm the compound before dawn on Saturday, she said.

The attackers did not get into the building but two of her guards were seriously injured and are currently in the hospital.

Ms Joya said she was in Kabul at the time but had planned a trip to Farah soon and news of that may have leaked out.

She said she believes the attackers thought she was in the building.

The shooting spree took place in the Panjwai district of Kandahar province this morning.

Captain Justin Brockhoff, Nato spokesman confirmed a U.S. service member had been detained following the attack.

The wounded are receiving treatment at a medical base and U.S. forces are investigating the shooting with Afghan authorities.

Read more:

Coverup – Probe Finds Not One – But up to 20 US Soldiers implicated in March 11 massacre

By On March 21, 2012

Yesterday we reported that U.S. Staff Sgt. Robert Bales now has a legal team to defend him in the United States against widely published charges that he alone killed the 16 Afghan civilians including 9 children and 3 women in their sleep on March 11, 2012. Later last night we received a report that there has been a coverup by the US government and that more US soldiers may have been involved in the massacre.

One surviving family member said: β€œI don’t want any compensation. I don’t want money. I don’t want a trip to Mecca. I don’t want a house. I want nothing. But what I absolutely want is the punishment of the Americans. This is my demand, my demand, my demand and my demand.”

Not surprisingly, the US media has been in complicity with the coverup. For examples, the Washington Post reported Bales as the lone assassin and quoted Captain Chris Alexander, Bales’ platoon commander, saying he’s β€œhands down, one of the best soldiers I ever worked with.” And the New York Times dutifully parroted the US military’s version that Bales acted alone without any investigative journalism, saying that he was injured twice in the past and cited a report that his military record was exemplary.

According to the article below a group of Afghan parliamentarians believe there is evidence that 15 to 20 US soldiers were involved. Today, the Karzai government has accused the US military of not cooperating with that investigation and Karzai demanded that the servicemen (plural) must be brought to justice. Afghan army head General Sher Mohammad Karimi said US military officials β€œignored and blocked” his attempt to investigate the incident. Karimi indicated the US Military would not allow Afghan officials to interrogate Bales who was flown out of the country and placed in the Leavenworth Federal Prison in Kansas. Moreover, in the video below, Rick Rozoff gives reasons to believe that Robert Bales will not receive any trial.

- Les Blough, Editor


Up to 20 US troops executed Panjwai massacre: probe
Pajhwok Afghan News
by Bashir Ahmad Naadimon Mar 15, 2012 – 21:33

KANDAHAR CITY (PAN): A parliamentary probe team on Thursday said up to 20 American troops were involved in Sunday’s killing of 16 civilians in southern Kandahar province.


The probing delegation includes lawmakers Hamidzai Lali, Abdul Rahim Ayubi, Shakiba Hashimi, Syed Mohammad Akhund and Bismillah Afghanmal, all representing Kandahar province at the Wolesi Jirga and Abdul Latif Padram, a lawmaker from northern Badakhshan province, Mirbat Mangal, Khost province, Muhammad Sarwar Usmani, Farah province.

The team spent two days in the province, interviewing the bereaved families, tribal elders, survivors and collecting evidences at the site in Panjwai district.

Hamizai Lali told Pajhwok Afghan News their investigation showed there were 15 to 20 American soldiers, who executed the brutal killings.

β€œWe closely examined the site of the incident, talked to the families who lost their beloved ones, the injured people and tribal elders,” he said.

He added the attack lasted one hour involving two groups of American soldiers in the middle of the night on Sunday.

β€œThe villages are one and a half kilometre from the American military base. We are convinced that one soldier cannot kill so many people in two villages within one hour at the same time, and the 16 civilians, most of them children and women, have been killed by the two groups.”

Lali asked the Afghan government, the United Nations and the international community to ensure the perpetrators were punished in Afghanistan.

He expressed his anger that the US soldier, the prime suspect in the shooting, had been flown out of Afghanistan to Kuwait.

He said the people they met had warned if the responsible troops were not punished, they would launch a movement against Afghans who had agreed to foreign troops’ presence in Afghanistan under the first Bonn conference in 2001.

The lawmaker said the Wolesi Jirga would not sit silent until the killers were prosecuted in Afghanistan. β€œIf the international community does not play its role in punishing the perpetrators, the Wolesi Jirga would declare foreign troops as occupying forces, like the Russians,” Lali warned.

President Hamid Karzai on Thursday asked the US to pull out all its troops from Afghan villages in response to the killings.


You need to sell one lunatic as the "US policy". Should anyone sell that lunatic in France as the state of the "muslim mind"? BTW, why did you not post that as well as the recent daily bombings across both Afghanistan and Iraq of civilian targets by the insurgents?


This soldier is sick and will be dealt with. Those fools above need to take a closer look at their society. My hope is the US leave.  There is nothing there to be gained. Leave them to the life they want.


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