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Americans Mark Martin Luther King Jr. Day With Service Projects and Calls for Change

US-POLITICS-OBAMA-MLKPresident Barack Obama sits alongside children as he participates in a literacy project at the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in Washington, DC, Jan. 19, 2015. Saul Loeb—AFP/Getty Images

"We have more to do to bring Dr. King's dream within reach of all our daughters and sons"

Marches and service projects across the U.S. on Monday celebrated the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., but others used the day to highlight calls for better community relations with police in the wake of last year’s high-profile, officer-related deaths of unarmed black Americans.

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama led a day of service to commemorate the civil rights leader, on what would have been his 86th birthday, by volunteering at the Boys & Girls Club in Washington, D.C. “Our nation has made undeniable progress since his time, but securing these gains requires constant vigilance, not complacency,” the President said in a video announcement. “We have more to do to bring Dr. King’s dream within reach of all our daughters and sons. We must stand together for good jobs, fair wages, safe neighborhoods and quality education.”

Hundreds of people held a convocation honoring King at Tennessee State University in Nashville, USA Today reports, while others held a unity breakfast and march in Fort Myers, Fla., and black and white students at Clemson University in South Carolina boxed up food for the poor.

Americans in other cities took to the streets to protest the treatment of minorities by law-enforcement officials, fueled by this past summer’s police-related deaths of unarmed black men Eric Garner and Michael Brown, of Staten Island and Ferguson, Mo., respectively. In both cases, which ignited nationwide demonstrations and a larger talk about police brutality in communities of color, grand juries declined to indict the officer involved in the death.


A new Gallup poll released Monday found that only 30% of respondents were satisfied with the state of race relations in the country.

Protesters in Oakland, Calif., gathered outside the house of Mayor Libby Schaaf before dawn to call for harsher punishment for police officers who use violence. They played King’s speeches, drew the outlines of bodies with chalk on the street and chanted, “Black lives matter,” the rallying cry of the Brown and Garner protests.

In New York City, Boston and Washington, among others, protesters staged “die-in” demonstrations. In Brooklyn, Garner’s family and the Rev. Al Sharpton placed a wreath on the street where two officers were slain in December. The gunman, identified as Ismaaiyl Brinsley, claimed he was avenging Garner’s death and responding to the grand-jury decision not to indict the officer involved in his choke-hold-related death.

Brown and Garner were also on the mind of British actor David Oyelowo, who plays King in the new drama Selma that chronicles the march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala., ahead of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Oyelowo was a featured speaker at a commemoration at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where King once preached.

“I have four children and I cannot imagine walking through life every day knowing there were people on earth who wanted to take my four children’s lives and my wife’s life,” Oyelowo said, “and then to leave and go and do it anyway.”


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January 13, 2012 9:36 PM

I now Live in Canada, thanks to PNC Burnham and Hoyte. 99 percent of Berbicians own their own house lots, you must be speaking of blacks in berbice who have still not purhased land 200 years later. Drive around berbice and take a look around or buy a new pair of prescription lenses. I own a couple of multi million dollar homes in Berbice with my hard earned money. I not lazy like most blacks. If China were to recall their debt instruments purchased to save america, they would have to default. America credit ratings have been downgraded. You are talking about coconut shell economics like Obama. Blacks just cannot govern. This guy will be kicked out of office, Americans have had enough of this black president.



i [re]post the above bit of GNI history just so we are not deceived by this low IQ, blackman-hating bigot calling himself yuji22 on this day people of true goodwill honor MLK Jr.

Last edited by Former Member



It may appear that you went to great lengths to dig up an old thread to incite division.


Let me say this, I am ashamed of those past statements.


I must also say this, I vow to fight racism and condemn it where I see it.


Happy MLK day.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



It may appear that you went to great lengths to dig up an old thread to incite division.


Let me say this, I am ashamed of those past statements.


I must also say this, I vow to fight racism and condemn it where I see it.


Happy MLK day.

***** there is hope the KKK might soon come out and launch its own multicultural program

Originally Posted by yuji22:



It may appear that you went to great lengths to dig up an old thread to incite division.


Let me say this, I am ashamed of those past statements.


I must also say this, I vow to fight racism and condemn it where I see it.


Happy MLK day.

Good for you keep it up,sometimes what we do

and say comes back to bite us.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



It may appear that you went to great lengths to dig up an old thread to incite division.


Let me say this, I am ashamed of those past statements.


I must also say this, I vow to fight racism and condemn it where I see it.


Happy MLK day.

Herr yugee, please rest assured that there was no real effort involved in "dig[ging] up an old thread . . ." of yours


all i has to do was follow the stench of your racist vomit deposited so liberally and PROUDLY over the years on GNI


i am fully aware that u are "ashamed" that i have lifted up your nasty hore's skirt so that everyone is reminded of your foul disease


further, i certainly do not need to eplain why despicable creatures like u covering up your scales with the cloth of the African American civil rights movement is such an AFFRONT!


your "Road to Damascus" protestations ring hollow for all the OBVIOUS reasons . . . punk hypocrite

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



It may appear that you went to great lengths to dig up an old thread to incite division.


Let me say this, I am ashamed of those past statements.


I must also say this, I vow to fight racism and condemn it where I see it.


Happy MLK day.

yuji, it's decent of you to make the declaration above. I have no reason not to accept your confession.

There are other statements you made on this board in the past that would embarrass you today.

Just be careful from now onwards. Friendly advice. No ill will.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



It may appear that you went to great lengths to dig up an old thread to incite division.


Let me say this, I am ashamed of those past statements.


I must also say this, I vow to fight racism and condemn it where I see it.


Happy MLK day.

That is but a year ago. In between that time you denied vehemently having ever made these and similar statements. You are almost half a century old and those words still percolated deep from some bilious core. It is not easily cleansed.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



It may appear that you went to great lengths to dig up an old thread to incite division.


Let me say this, I am ashamed of those past statements.


I must also say this, I vow to fight racism and condemn it where I see it.


Happy MLK day.

yuji, it's decent of you to make the declaration above. I have no reason not to accept your confession.

There are other statements you made on this board in the past that would embarrass you today.

Just be careful from now onwards. Friendly advice. No ill will.

He lies constantly. That is reason enough.

Originally Posted by redux:

January 13, 2012 9:36 PM

I now Live in Canada, thanks to PNC Burnham and Hoyte. 99 percent of Berbicians own their own house lots, you must be speaking of blacks in berbice who have still not purhased land 200 years later. Drive around berbice and take a look around or buy a new pair of prescription lenses. I own a couple of multi million dollar homes in Berbice with my hard earned money. I not lazy like most blacks. If China were to recall their debt instruments purchased to save america, they would have to default. America credit ratings have been downgraded. You are talking about coconut shell economics like Obama. Blacks just cannot govern. This guy will be kicked out of office, Americans have had enough of this black president.



i [re]post the above bit of GNI history just so we are not deceived by this low IQ, blackman-hating bigot calling himself yuji22 on this day people of true goodwill honor MLK Jr.

Good reminder that yuji is a racist.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


I must also say this, I vow to fight racism and condemn it where I see it.


Happy MLK day.

Given that blacks in Guyana are now being treated WORSE than they are in the USA, what are you doing to fight racism in Guyana?


Your support for "ahbe pan tap, black man time DONE" isn't about fighting racism.   The PPP in it appointment of leadership is blatantly racist and in fact reflects your previously expressed sentiments, that blacks are unfit to lead.  Yet you uncritical endorse PPP rule.


Redux thanks for exposing this HYPOCRITE!


I will set aside the fact that many PPP supporters flee from their Indian run land to feast in black run small islands.

Last edited by Former Member

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