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Former Member


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General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party, Clement Rohee today told a press conference that the opposition's recent recent parliamentary vote against the $1.1B  Amerindian Development Fund during the consideration of the 2014 budget estimates is a move to punish the indigenous tribes for their support for the ruling PPP/C administration.

Rohee vowed nevertheless, that his party will continue to champion the cause of Amerindians as he recalled initiatives by the administration over the years to foster social and economic development among Amerindians and in hinterland communities.

Hundreds of Amerindians also protested the move for several days outside parliament. The PNC/APNU in response mobilized a group of its supporters which was then transported to an area opposite where the Amerindians were. They then hurled a series of abusive and racist comments while taunting the Amerindians.

Rohee described the move to disapprove funding for Amerindian development as outrageous, highly unconscionable and said that it also exposes the true nature of the APNU and the AFC both of which conspired to “deny the Amerindian people their inalienable right to a decent and dignified life.”

“The PPP has consistently held the view that Amerindians under the previous PNC regime were reduced to second class citizens and were denied basic fundamental rights which included the right to quality education, quality health care, employment opportunities and recreational facilities. It is quite evident from the actions taken by the combined opposition that they are bent on repeating their past performance, namely to starve Amerindians of developmental funds and to stultify their material and cultural advance,” he added.

The PPP called on the Opposition parties to desist from “playing politics with the lives and wellbeing of Amerindians and hinterland communities” and urged the Opposition parties to immediately restore the cuts and stop putting “narrow partisan interests ahead of the lives and wellbeing of our indigenous people.”



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Lets call this for what it is. It is a brazenly crafted voter suppression scheme that the PPP is passing off as "development". 2000 select Amerinds are on the dole. They are not in any training program with a finite end date and they are not learning any trade trade that would benefit them. They are just receiving 30k a month gratis to be underlings for this corrupt regime.


The PPP is strategically implanting a critical mass of its paid agents to undermine the will of the Amerindians and dilute their political strength at elections time. It is PPP dark arts in auction and a an another level of wrong being heaped on this these unfortunate people. Worse, they are doing it on the nations dime and calling it "development".

Last edited by Former Member

The PPP wants to use taxpayers' funds to recruit Amerindians into the PYO and are now enraged that their little plan was found out.


The fact that they don't deny it is what astounds me.


That video was staged and produced by Newguymedia, one of the propaganda units of the PPP. Coounscie works for that unit and is paid to post propaganda on GNI using taxpayer's hard earned money. 

Originally Posted by Mars:

That video was staged and produced by Newguymedia, one of the propaganda units of the PPP. Coounscie works for that unit and is paid to post propaganda on GNI using taxpayer's hard earned money. 

New Media was  seeded by GINA money. It originated as  a Misir/Kwame scheme to enhance the PPP image on the internet and elsewhere. I think it is currently owned by the Robert fake MBA clan.


We know they have been given three leases to the radio spectrum so this is a PPP media empire on the rise. The Pandit's son and the President's  already has the internet tied down, We are talking some 100 million sunk cost from the nations treasury being consolidated here!  That group and its associations also have some seven licenses! In time they will own all TV, Phone, News paper and radio...complete communication dominance in the state!


Then there is the owner of the no bid big pharma scheme in gy. He already has a 3 million clear leech scheme given to him by Plumpy to foster distant learning! The excuse for this no bid contract is only he can do it!


One wonder if the opposition is merely sitting on their asses while the PPP is strategically implanting themselves and their associates into every financial nook and cranny of the society.

Last edited by Former Member

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