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FC posted:
Drugb posted:

Don't know this fellow tola, however it looks like with all his experience and connection with the PNC, it does not appear that he has done anything for Guyana. I see a lot of bragging about his accomplishments overseas, but unfortunately it didn't not translate to any help for our countrymen.  Rumors of running a scam in Guyana is abound about this fellow. 

In the name of transparency why don't you publish the information that you are basing the above on or did you pull it out of your ass?

You are a newbie so I will excuse you. If you were on this forum long enough you would know the story about tola and the rumors of fake charities. How many wells this man drill and solar projects installed in Guyana and where it the evidence of this? So far all we see is bragging but no proof. In fact many called for evidence of his claims, the mission statement of his charity etc, silence was the outcome. 

Django posted:


First you said yo don't know Tola,making your self a Jackass you heard rumors about him.

You and Bibi can shake hands,two of a kind always hearing and when confronted,no proof can be shown.

Some of you PPPites can't be trusted,alyuh sniffing too much from the Piss Pot.

djangy bai, why you so hot and bothered by my mistrust of Tola? Until the man provide evidence otherwise, we are to believe him?

BTW, I am no pppite, never voted or campaigned for them like you and the rest of the slop can crew. 

Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Mitwah posted:

The farmer, spying her, quickly ran up to her. "Excuse me miss Bibi," he said. "Would you hold my cock and pullet while I scratch my ass?"

They don't call you vulgar mitwah for nothing. 

Dem don't call you dry Turd Rugbeer Bhai for nothing.

Only you and the slop can crew stoop to such levels to tarnish a giant such as my self. You are mere mortals compared to me, not qualified to shine my shoes. 

Drugb posted:
FC posted:
Drugb posted:

Don't know this fellow tola, however it looks like with all his experience and connection with the PNC, it does not appear that he has done anything for Guyana. I see a lot of bragging about his accomplishments overseas, but unfortunately it didn't not translate to any help for our countrymen.  Rumors of running a scam in Guyana is abound about this fellow. 

In the name of transparency why don't you publish the information that you are basing the above on or did you pull it out of your ass?

You are a newbie so I will excuse you. If you were on this forum long enough you would know the story about tola and the rumors of fake charities. How many wells this man drill and solar projects installed in Guyana and where it the evidence of this? So far all we see is bragging but no proof. In fact many called for evidence of his claims, the mission statement of his charity etc, silence was the outcome. 

I don't need to be excused by you. On the contrary, I am familiar with the posts of Tola on this forum.  I find him to be more credible than you,  Baseman and Bibi.  He has always demonstrated very balanced commentary and humanity unlike you and the brown Bai KKK.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Mitwah posted:
Drugb posted:
Mitwah posted:

The farmer, spying her, quickly ran up to her. "Excuse me miss Bibi," he said. "Would you hold my cock and pullet while I scratch my ass?"

They don't call you vulgar mitwah for nothing. 

Dem don't call you dry Turd Rugbeer Bhai for nothing.

Only you and the slop can crew stoop to such levels to tarnish a giant such as my self. You are mere mortals compared to me, not qualified to shine my shoes. 

Oh skites Drugb is a tap daag,he is God.

Dood what you sniffing ??

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