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Former Member
Raymond is allowing some on GNI to falesly claim .....
AFC/APNU supporters "Celebrating the Death of Indians".....
This is the Same Nonsense which put Jagdeo in the Prisoners Dock....
and Raymond wants to muzzle us when we respond to these blatant lies.
I do not know if he reads what Bibi post......


Please stop the nonsense

Take Action
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Keep y'all eyes on this Anscale fish,

he is dangerous and evil to the bone.

Karma is going to be a bitch though. 

Let him continue celebrating the death of Indians.


Now we crying for .....

Lamumba, Hamilton & Kwame..


Scratch De Poke until yuh understand....

we are not celebrating the Death of Indians,

We are celebrating an end to

Black House Of Israel Thugs, Killers & Racist plus

De Ballot Box Riggers & Thieves

getting thrown out of Office of the President.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:

One Year Has Passed since That Sad Day

The PPP got booted out because of their arrogance,they have not changed same old.. same old,Indians only matters the rest does not exist.

Not to worry. The daily slaughtering and ethnic cleansing will take of those bad bad Indians.  You will be one happy camper. 

Now with protection from Raymond..... this Homan is using GNI to claim AFC/APNU is Slaughtering Indians Daily .....and practicing ethnic Cleansing against Indians.....

Now when CaribJ respond they will claim he is a Racist.


Quote by: Gilbakka

PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration. Secondly, no black person in his/her right sense will vote PPP".

This statement is anti-indos and racist to indicate that no blacks will ever vote for the PPP.

Cobra posted:

Quote by: Gilbakka

PPP will NOT win the 2020 general elections. Firstly, the party's Indian voting base is diminishing steadily through deaths and emigration. Secondly, no black person in his/her right sense will vote PPP".

This statement is anti-indos and racist to indicate that no blacks will ever vote for the PPP.

When a political party in a multi ethnic country made statements that they are an "Indian party",will they get the votes from the other ethnic group,simply no..

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