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The Pak and Indian Teams are in the same Hotel, sharing the same Pool, Gym but are not speaking to each other. According to Cricinfo they are both doing their very best to avoid each other or talk about each other. Is this how/what a Sport is suppose to teach young people?? I doubt it very much. Where are the grownups? Where is the ICC and their mentors?? What a disgrace for a Sport!!

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Nehru posted:

Nah it is not funny to me. Sports is suppose to teach humility, compassion, friendship and to expand one's cultural and social skills.

GNI supposed to be a friendship, cultural and civility site ... 

There is fighting in mosques, temples and churches. 

this is a dag eat dag world. Father having sex with their daughters . Brothers and sisters killing each other 


I once had a Paki who I was doing a project with ask me if I was a Hindu because if I was then he could not speak to me. It was then I realized that the white Arab push for world domination had polluted the minds of brown South Asians. We must always remember this. We come from a long line of Indo Aryan and Dravidian greatness. We must never trample our people for the white Arab.


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