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Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Storm, bet is on. I live in a mansion in Woodbridge so no help needed here. See you in October.


Remember, no political discussion while we are on the trail.

I bet you chicken out.


I do not eat chicken but I will not chicken out.

Tell Mara who you are. He knows who I am. Precaution so in October you do not hire a white boy to race me. Not many Indians on the mountain bike circuit. Don't think I ever saw one.


I look white but I am 100 percent Indian with some white blood dating back 80 years. My Guyanese accent will give me away. See you in October.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:

well said, classic point me to the person who said the above  I want to give them a medal.


stop calling for amral, you cheap w****, stormborn. deal with it like a real man. I forget you're not a man, that censor name suits you.

YOu low lifes get medals for imagining others to be worse than yourselves. If you need to be forceful or relevant in your advocacy you should address what I say. That is the ground on where you demonstrate your abilities and knowledge of the realities of our social experience.


You and that ass with a foot in the loogie represent what is wrong with us. The salient issues in the society is irrelevant to your idea that you must have your way.


We are fully aware of your social status. It hurts you when it is exposed. That is why you run to admin like a cry baby. Be like a man, if you dish it out , you better be able to take it back.


Someone must stand up to bullies like yourself.

Dude, I was born to a wealthy family.  I lived a good life from birth and  while I am presently not stinking rich I do not have to worry where the money will be for the rest of my life unless something catastrophic happen, if the bank failed and my properties are burnt down and the insurers default and the brokers turned out to be Madoff. Since that is highly unlikely you will have to contend with me on the level of my intellect and not on some imagined reality you alone know.


If being a fishwife means dishing it out then it speaks to a difference between us.

a relatively rich buck! what fun,The baffling aspect to all this is that, overwhelmingly, you do so little with the cornucopia of abundance and opportunity.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Least we forget his personal attack on my mother. But when his turn came around, he ran like a cry baby to admin.

He loves to attack people personally to distract  you from the seriousness of any issues, he deserves to be slapped , stripped naked and put on a red ants nest to siddow foh one hour. 

Originally Posted by criminal#1:

a relatively rich buck! what fun,The baffling aspect to all this is that, overwhelmingly, you do so little with the cornucopia of abundance and opportunity.


 The only thing baffling about that is your ignorance and crass bigotry.  We still own most of Guyana as a people. As a culture our accomplishments from tierra del fuego to Ellesmere Island span the spectrum and is of equal to any.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Least we forget his personal attack on my mother. But when his turn came around, he ran like a cry baby to admin.

He loves to attack people personally to distract  you from the seriousness of any issues, he deserves to be slapped , stripped naked and put on a red ants nest to siddow foh one hour. 

If wishes were horses. I see why you call yourself a first class criminal. You seem to have an inclination of a sadist.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Storm, the AFC/PNC thug has awaken and will now spend all day defending terrorism in Guyana.


Someone on welfare should go out and find a real job and then he will realise the real value of money. Please take note of his posting times all day long today.


I pray that he not drunk like he usually is.

Relax yuh p*ss and stop complaining............ Bloody bum

Originally Posted by albert:


Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Storm, the AFC/PNC thug has awaken and will now spend all day defending terrorism in Guyana.


Someone on welfare should go out and find a real job and then he will realise the real value of money. Please take note of his posting times all day long today.


I pray that he not drunk like he usually is.

Relax yuh p*ss and stop complaining............ Bloody bum

Everyone cant be WRONG. You are NOT the first to address as such.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


Storm, You attack others and run like a cry baby to admin. Remember your recent attack on my mother ?

D2 has always been like that.


Who does this Guy think he is?


He is a total bully. He feels that he can can dish it out but run like a cry baby to admin when he is on the receiving end.


He must learn to take his lumps. Politics is not for the weak or timid.

I taught you well, you make me feel proud. See, calling you a patacake worked. Now all you have to do is think for yourself and stop following the other losers on this board who attack Storm.

They are in a league of their own..the patacake league.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

that wicked man Dfunctional2 now suddenly ketch a conscience. This fool has blood on his hand along with gmoney, the afc and pnc. They incite the Lindeners for political reason and duck for cover when the bullets start flying, leaving the protester to fend for themselves. 

You most certainly were struck in the head as a baby. I did not shoot anyone. Actually, I have no affinity for guns. Focus your attention to those in office who believe they have a divine right to rule and see any protestation against their heavy-handedness as obstinacy and disrespect. They murdered those people and wounded others and are asked to account.


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