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I just realized that Mits and Jailil are now suspended, what does one need to do so they be suspended?

Let's say a poster ( one arsehole in particular ) comes on the board everyday and lies about other posters and makes posts that have no truth in it, he then starts calling other posters "pedophiles" which could be a serious defamation charge by these posters if/when they decide to make their move, would this not be something that needs to be addressed?


Replies sorted oldest to newest

If I keep getting many reports about someone and some of their posts are flagged, I will suspend them. All depends on what they are posting though. Some of the reports are too petty. Yes, if a member keeps calling other members names and I catch it, they are suspended,


Those 2 can cool off for the rest of January, as grown men they are behaving like spoil brats.


BTW Mars is also suspended for posting a degrading picture..

Last edited by Amral
Originally Posted by Amral:

If I keep getting many reports about someone and some of their posts are flagged, I will suspend them. All depends on what they are posting though. Some of the reports are too petty. Yes, if a member keeps calling other members names and I catch it, they are suspended,


Those 2 can cool off for the rest of January, as grown men they are behaving like spoil brats.


BTW Mars is also suspended for posting a degrading picture..

That's a laugh. You still have dozens of racist stormfront pictures of Obama in all sorts of degrading poses per the Illustrious Rev. You cannot say you did not know of them since I informed you of their source and their intent on numerous occasions.


Same goes for Drubabeer who has been calling everyone on the post Pedophiles. He even has his avatar as a anti pedophile illustration which he habitually embeds in his posts where he calls Mits and Cain pedophiles. He gets a wink wink. I also brought this to your attention on numerous occasions to no avail.


The good lady said she was not disapproving of backballing.It is a "cultural" thing! I guess it is not and it is disapproving if someone takes it to its fullest extent and exposed it for what it is...nasty, pornographic sexually suggestive and indeed degrading. Mars was making a point that these creatures are duplicitous. That you see fit to suspend him makes his point as well. I will make me a poster of you saying AMRAL DISAPPROVES and post it on that thread where the lady said it was tolerable.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Amral:

If I keep getting many reports about someone and some of their posts are flagged, I will suspend them. All depends on what they are posting though. Some of the reports are too petty. Yes, if a member keeps calling other members names and I catch it, they are suspended,


Those 2 can cool off for the rest of January, as grown men they are behaving like spoil brats.


BTW Mars is also suspended for posting a degrading picture..


Kudos to Admin. This will put an and end to the name calling and degrading posts.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Admin please ban Yugi for making false reports.


What false reports ?

Dude, were street creds currency here you would be a Punk and get slammed. Were reason currency here your racist, weaseling scumbag punk assed self would be in the pen and some of the others out.


Were you not the one here rambling for days that you know me to be a crook because a fried of mine in bygone times jail? Did you not try to sell that cravenly ignorant and bottom of the barrel trolling as logical currency to get a leg up?


I say you are a filthy minded punk assed grovelling weasel who in real life would be bitch slapped to the curb for you nasty conniving ways.

Last edited by Former Member

This is how Danyael address Yuji here:

Danyael is behaving as if he is above the rules at this forum:


8 minutes ago

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Sorry....crooks and corruption are the fundament to democratic rot. Wherever these arises democratic deficits arises in equal proportion. The PPP are that; corrupt. Success cannot be measured as a side business to corruption. The rise of the new sybarite class with obscene wealth is not progress. It is plain and clear theft and deprivations to the people whose assets are pilfered and to whom equal access to the instruments of state were denied.


Minus all of your shouting, to date, the AFC/PNC has been able to prove Zero, yes Zero in a court of law. So much for your shouting out in the cold. Bring me the evidence that will be proven in a court of law.


Until then, you are only blowing smoke and engaging in "Dem Boys Seh" mentality. That's what separates the men from the boys.



you dumb prick, who convicted any in the PNC against whom you liberally leverage various and sundry claims of extreme knavery?  Sending a jackass to obedience school does not yield any success. You are what you are.


The honourable Yuji refuses to engage in gutter type behaviour and vulgarity and will not engage with you any further. You call for higher standards but your posts reflect your true personality and those in your beloved PNC.


Admin needs to take a close look at your posts and your disgraceful attacks on other posters.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is how Danyael address Yuji here:

Danyael is behaving as if he is above the rules at this forum:


8 minutes ago

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Sorry....crooks and corruption are the fundament to democratic rot. Wherever these arises democratic deficits arises in equal proportion. The PPP are that; corrupt. Success cannot be measured as a side business to corruption. The rise of the new sybarite class with obscene wealth is not progress. It is plain and clear theft and deprivations to the people whose assets are pilfered and to whom equal access to the instruments of state were denied.


Minus all of your shouting, to date, the AFC/PNC has been able to prove Zero, yes Zero in a court of law. So much for your shouting out in the cold. Bring me the evidence that will be proven in a court of law.


Until then, you are only blowing smoke and engaging in "Dem Boys Seh" mentality. That's what separates the men from the boys.



you dumb prick, who convicted any in the PNC against whom you liberally leverage various and sundry claims of extreme knavery?  Sending a jackass to obedience school does not yield any success. You are what you are.


The honourable Yuji refuses to engage in gutter type behaviour and vulgarity and will not engage with you any further. You call for higher standards but your posts reflect your true personality and those in your beloved PNC.


Admin needs to take a close look at your posts and your disgraceful attacks on other posters.

Yuji and honourable are like oil and water.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is how Danyael address Yuji here:

Danyael is behaving as if he is above the rules at this forum:


8 minutes ago

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Sorry....crooks and corruption are the fundament to democratic rot. Wherever these arises democratic deficits arises in equal proportion. The PPP are that; corrupt. Success cannot be measured as a side business to corruption. The rise of the new sybarite class with obscene wealth is not progress. It is plain and clear theft and deprivations to the people whose assets are pilfered and to whom equal access to the instruments of state were denied.


Minus all of your shouting, to date, the AFC/PNC has been able to prove Zero, yes Zero in a court of law. So much for your shouting out in the cold. Bring me the evidence that will be proven in a court of law.


Until then, you are only blowing smoke and engaging in "Dem Boys Seh" mentality. That's what separates the men from the boys.



you dumb prick, who convicted any in the PNC against whom you liberally leverage various and sundry claims of extreme knavery?  Sending a jackass to obedience school does not yield any success. You are what you are.


The honourable Yuji refuses to engage in gutter type behaviour and vulgarity and will not engage with you any further. You call for higher standards but your posts reflect your true personality and those in your beloved PNC.


Admin needs to take a close look at your posts and your disgraceful attacks on other posters.



grow a pair and stop being ah sissy

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Amral:

If I keep getting many reports about someone and some of their posts are flagged, I will suspend them. All depends on what they are posting though. Some of the reports are too petty. Yes, if a member keeps calling other members names and I catch it, they are suspended,


Those 2 can cool off for the rest of January, as grown men they are behaving like spoil brats.


BTW Mars is also suspended for posting a degrading picture..

That's a laugh. You still have dozens of racist stormfront pictures of Obama in all sorts of degrading poses per the Illustrious Rev. You cannot say you did not know of them since I informed you of their source and their intent on numerous occasions.


Same goes for Drubabeer who has been calling everyone on the post Pedophiles. He even has his avatar as a anti pedophile illustration which he habitually embeds in his posts where he calls Mits and Cain pedophiles. He gets a wink wink. I also brought this to your attention on numerous occasions to no avail.


The good lady said she was not disapproving of backballing.It is a "cultural" thing! I guess it is not and it is disapproving if someone takes it to its fullest extent and exposed it for what it is...nasty, pornographic sexually suggestive and indeed degrading. Mars was making a point that these creatures are duplicitous. That you see fit to suspend him makes his point as well. I will make me a poster of you saying AMRAL DISAPPROVES and post it on that thread where the lady said it was tolerable.


They should ban that poster Drubabeer, he is no good.  Come to think of it I have never seen any of his posts.  Could you repost?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:

this board used to be fine without yugi...first ever on GNI to run to Admin so much

d2 by his own admission ran to admin complaing about my campaign against the pedophiles. That guy is a snake and hater of women as evidenced by his attacks against Priya.

I complained at your sick compulsion to make light of a serious issue. You are here pretending you are getting an edge on those fellows body slamming  by fabricating some morbid tale that they are child molesters. It might be a game to you but that is a sick game from a sick mind. One does not make a mockery of a serious issue as you have.


You should be warned for you ceaseless and perverse misuse of these terms. There is no excuse for this unseemly exercise. It is clear you do not have it all together up there between the ears but even that is no excuse. You need to be in the paddock for some cooling off time.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is how Danyael address Yuji here:

Danyael is behaving as if he is above the rules at this forum:


8 minutes ago

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Sorry....crooks and corruption are the fundament to democratic rot. Wherever these arises democratic deficits arises in equal proportion. The PPP are that; corrupt. Success cannot be measured as a side business to corruption. The rise of the new sybarite class with obscene wealth is not progress. It is plain and clear theft and deprivations to the people whose assets are pilfered and to whom equal access to the instruments of state were denied.


Minus all of your shouting, to date, the AFC/PNC has been able to prove Zero, yes Zero in a court of law. So much for your shouting out in the cold. Bring me the evidence that will be proven in a court of law.


Until then, you are only blowing smoke and engaging in "Dem Boys Seh" mentality. That's what separates the men from the boys.



you dumb prick, who convicted any in the PNC against whom you liberally leverage various and sundry claims of extreme knavery?  Sending a jackass to obedience school does not yield any success. You are what you are.


The honourable Yuji refuses to engage in gutter type behaviour and vulgarity and will not engage with you any further. You call for higher standards but your posts reflect your true personality and those in your beloved PNC.


Admin needs to take a close look at your posts and your disgraceful attacks on other posters.

You are a f-in dumb prick, so what would you like to be called instead?

Arsehole is already taken.

Originally Posted by Amral:

If I keep getting many reports about someone and some of their posts are flagged, I will suspend them. All depends on what they are posting though. Some of the reports are too petty. Yes, if a member keeps calling other members names and I catch it, they are suspended,


Those 2 can cool off for the rest of January, as grown men they are behaving like spoil brats.


BTW Mars is also suspended for posting a degrading picture..

Really Amral? What about the the info from Danyael?

That dam Drugb will get you and this board up shits creek if something aint done.

Originally Posted by Amral:

If I keep getting many reports about someone and some of their posts are flagged, I will suspend them. All depends on what they are posting though. Some of the reports are too petty. Yes, if a member keeps calling other members names and I catch it, they are suspended,


Those 2 can cool off for the rest of January, as grown men they are behaving like spoil brats.


BTW Mars is also suspended for posting a degrading picture..

It would help, for transparency's sake, to let us know the abuses that led to the three fellahs' suspension.


Seriously, Amral, there will come a time when it will make no sense to be part of this Board.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I complained at your sick compulsion to make light of a serious issue. You are here pretending you are getting an edge on those fellows body slamming  by fabricating some morbid tale that they are child molesters. It might be a game to you but that is a sick game from a sick mind. One does not make a mockery of a serious issue as you have.


You should be warned for you ceaseless and perverse misuse of these terms. There is no excuse for this unseemly exercise. It is clear you do not have it all together up there between the ears but even that is no excuse. You need to be in the paddock for some cooling off time.

I see this sick compulsion seems to hit a nerve with you, is there something you are hiding in the closet? Why defend these perverts? When they have their fun fabricating lies about me you join in the ruckus enjoying the entertainment at my expense. Even contributing to the taunting at times. When I lash back at cocaine man and carifag fellow you suddenly get a conscience and become a saint. You hypocrite, never once did you stand in my defense against their harassment. Even admin saw this harassment as benign and the moderator asj joined in the taunts without accountability. So cry me a river, I don't call names nor respond to any of their posts.  The pedo gang are all blocked now. ahhaha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I complained at your sick compulsion to make light of a serious issue. You are here pretending you are getting an edge on those fellows body slamming  by fabricating some morbid tale that they are child molesters. It might be a game to you but that is a sick game from a sick mind. One does not make a mockery of a serious issue as you have.


You should be warned for you ceaseless and perverse misuse of these terms. There is no excuse for this unseemly exercise. It is clear you do not have it all together up there between the ears but even that is no excuse. You need to be in the paddock for some cooling off time.

I see this sick compulsion seems to hit a nerve with you, is there something you are hiding in the closet? Why defend these perverts? When they have their fun fabricating lies about me you join in the ruckus enjoying the entertainment at my expense. Even contributing to the taunting at times. When I lash back at cocaine man and carifag fellow you suddenly get a conscience and become a saint. You hypocrite, never once did you stand in my defense against their harassment. Even admin saw this harassment as benign and the moderator asj joined in the taunts without accountability. So cry me a river, I don't call names nor respond to any of their posts.  The pedo gang are all blocked now. ahhaha

You are a sickening piece of excrement.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Amral:

If I keep getting many reports about someone and some of their posts are flagged, I will suspend them. All depends on what they are posting though. Some of the reports are too petty. Yes, if a member keeps calling other members names and I catch it, they are suspended,


Those 2 can cool off for the rest of January, as grown men they are behaving like spoil brats.


BTW Mars is also suspended for posting a degrading picture..

It would help, for transparency's sake, to let us know the abuses that led to the three fellahs' suspension.


Seriously, Amral, there will come a time when it will make no sense to be part of this Board.

Thanks. I am back. I have gone thru my  posts and can't figure out what post was offensive. Perhaps Admin can point it out, so that I don't make the same mistake again.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I complained at your sick compulsion to make light of a serious issue. You are here pretending you are getting an edge on those fellows body slamming  by fabricating some morbid tale that they are child molesters. It might be a game to you but that is a sick game from a sick mind. One does not make a mockery of a serious issue as you have.


You should be warned for you ceaseless and perverse misuse of these terms. There is no excuse for this unseemly exercise. It is clear you do not have it all together up there between the ears but even that is no excuse. You need to be in the paddock for some cooling off time.

I see this sick compulsion seems to hit a nerve with you, is there something you are hiding in the closet? Why defend these perverts? When they have their fun fabricating lies about me you join in the ruckus enjoying the entertainment at my expense. Even contributing to the taunting at times. When I lash back at cocaine man and carifag fellow you suddenly get a conscience and become a saint. You hypocrite, never once did you stand in my defense against their harassment. Even admin saw this harassment as benign and the moderator asj joined in the taunts without accountability. So cry me a river, I don't call names nor respond to any of their posts.  The pedo gang are all blocked now. ahhaha

I can see from your reasoning that you are not only a stupid person. Why would I defend you because someone beat u up verbally on a BBS by using something like your mama jokes? You on the other hand pretend they are sexual deviants. Now were their names in public they could sue your pitiful behind.

Originally Posted by Amral:

If I keep getting many reports about someone and some of their posts are flagged, I will suspend them. All depends on what they are posting though. Some of the reports are too petty. Yes, if a member keeps calling other members names and I catch it, they are suspended,


Those 2 can cool off for the rest of January, as grown men they are behaving like spoil brats.


BTW Mars is also suspended for posting a degrading picture..

Amral, thank you for being charitable and reducing my sentence.  

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Amral:

If I keep getting many reports about someone and some of their posts are flagged, I will suspend them. All depends on what they are posting though. Some of the reports are too petty. Yes, if a member keeps calling other members names and I catch it, they are suspended,


Those 2 can cool off for the rest of January, as grown men they are behaving like spoil brats.


BTW Mars is also suspended for posting a degrading picture..

Amral, thank you for being charitable and reducing my sentence.  

I hope all you gave was yo serial number and yo rank and no  more.


When folks start to post under their name then they become more responsible, focused and only report what can be verified.


Folks like  Chief and many others are just fooling themselves under a "pseudo" name?  Why pretend to lead a false life men with backbone. move is to remove all the fakers




Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:

When folks start to post under their name then they become more responsible, focused and only report what can be verified.


Folks like  Chief and many others are just fooling themselves under a "pseudo" name?  Why pretend to lead a false life men with backbone. move is to remove all the fakers




I think Chief has more backbone than you. TK used his real name and now blacklisted by the PPP/C. Obviously you don't know about Lenin, Trotsky et al; Call Centres operators use aliases. Why?

Last edited by Mitwah

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