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Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

I made a suggestion about having a rum shop forum that’s free for all where members are warned about the nature of that forum before posting and informed of the fact that bottles fly and brawls break out. 

There can be the existing Political Discussion forum where members adhere to a strict code of conduct and quick suspension if that forum rules are violated. While I hear talk about civility, I hear and read about old time members having big brawls. Leonora spoke about being threatened by members here. 

The issue of race discussion will still exist and those who hang onto the race crutch will continue being the biggest culprits. Guyana is still a racially divided country. 

I am interested in 2020 option. Will talk with bossman by the end of the year. It will have to be a buyout option. 

I have a interest also, it can be partnership. 

Its called a backward option, one step forward and two in the grave.

Is your mind right to promote a rum shop forum. But you must be desperate to kill coolie rum drinkers, where coolie women are killed  left and center, from drunkards.     


This forum need owners who aren't biased and party hacks,they will kill it.I am tagging along, whenever i see changes that doesn't suit my taste, will be out of here. There aren't many participants like in the olden days, seems it's not attracting newbies. Tried to invite a few folks, apparently they aren't interested.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

This forum need owners who aren't biased and party hacks,they will kill it.I am tagging along, whenever i see changes that doesn't suit my taste, will be out of here. There aren't many participants like in the olden days, seems it's not attracting newbies. Tried to invite a few folks, apparently they aren't interested.

Why would people be interested in a place where lunatics show up to fabricate lies and promote racism?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

This forum need owners who aren't biased and party hacks,they will kill it.I am tagging along, whenever i see changes that doesn't suit my taste, will be out of here. There aren't many participants like in the olden days, seems it's not attracting newbies. Tried to invite a few folks, apparently they aren't interested.

Why would people be interested in a place where lunatics show up to fabricate lies and promote racism?

Who are lunatics ?? well the liars stories can be debunked, that should be a piece of cake.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

In hindsight, PPP should have gone to the NCV, be defeated with 33/32 and today PNC would be trapped!

I don't think the PPP would have violated the 33/32 defeat. They are not like the despotic PNC.

Did you and your quicky liker understand what I wrote?  Thats exactly what I meant.  The PPP would have accepted defeat and today the PNC could not make the 34 argument.

Amral posted:

Wow 167 replies, at first I thought that this was an old thread that was brought up back for my attention.

I do agree with D2, that yes the board has really gotten bad. At the same time it is the rukus that keeps many coming back to the board.

Many here still love the rum shop atmosphere, likewise this  is the place where many of us are still in touch with our friends and associates.

Facebook and Instagram I find is boring and serves the younger crowd and everyone is on their best manners.

Anyways to get back to the topic on hand, indeed we should lift the standards. But you the members should be the ones to start setting the examples.

When we suspend someone everyone else complains. Being fair is very difficult since we are not here 24/7 nor do we read and keep track of everything.

I did mention a few months back that I intend to step away and move on to other things in my life in 2020. I was serious.

By mid 2020 I will like to remove myself as owner of this BB and have it taken over by someone else or group who can  steer it.

The year 2020 will mark 25 years for GNI and 23 years for this BB.

I think I have had my run and it is time for a new leader.

One person made it known that they might be interested. The floor is open and if someone thinks that they want to run the Forum and possibly GNI I will be happy to talk with them.

Do bear in mind there are costs and time involve in running everything. Example the cost of hosting. But on the other hand with the right exposure you can also make some money and break even.

My personal advice to you is to move on with your life and close the site down in 2020 which is just a few months away.

Bibi Haniffa
Tola posted:

167 replies with nothing accomplished, but GNI management laughing all the way to the bank. 

Destroy to conquer in Guyana and GNI, where everyone lose. Shameful indeed, but that is the Guyanese culture and we might die with it. 

This is so contemptuous. GNI management don't ask any poster for a fee so it is quite unbecoming for any poster to make such a baseless and contemptuous statement.

ksazma posted:
Tola posted:

167 replies with nothing accomplished, but GNI management laughing all the way to the bank. 

Destroy to conquer in Guyana and GNI, where everyone lose. Shameful indeed, but that is the Guyanese culture and we might die with it. 

This is so contemptuous. GNI management don't ask any poster for a fee so it is quite unbecoming for any poster to make such a baseless and contemptuous statement.

If they asked for a fee no one would be posting here.  Some a dem still writing bounce rent checks in dem 60s.

Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:

This is so contemptuous. GNI management don't ask any poster for a fee so it is quite unbecoming for any poster to make such a baseless and contemptuous statement.

just so that someone knows about costs. Hosting this forum is $70.00 US dollars every month and this price is fixed at the moment for me as the owner and having it for so many years. It is a "grandfather" account.

Not sure how the formula will work if ownership gets transferred.  But I am just sharing this bit of knowledge.

But there are many other places that have free forums and cheaper. Only problem is shifting the years of content to another site, not so simple.

Last edited by Amral
Tola posted:
Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

I made a suggestion about having a rum shop forum that’s free for all where members are warned about the nature of that forum before posting and informed of the fact that bottles fly and brawls break out. 

There can be the existing Political Discussion forum where members adhere to a strict code of conduct and quick suspension if that forum rules are violated. While I hear talk about civility, I hear and read about old time members having big brawls. Leonora spoke about being threatened by members here. 

The issue of race discussion will still exist and those who hang onto the race crutch will continue being the biggest culprits. Guyana is still a racially divided country. 

I am interested in 2020 option. Will talk with bossman by the end of the year. It will have to be a buyout option. 

I have a interest also, it can be partnership. 

Its called a backward option, one step forward and two in the grave.

Is your mind right to promote a rum shop forum. But you must be desperate to kill coolie rum drinkers, where coolie women are killed  left and center, from drunkards.     

The oil money coming, you will run the alcohol abuse / suicide office .... I man hear you gat nuf nuf experience. 

Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

I made a suggestion about having a rum shop forum that’s free for all where members are warned about the nature of that forum before posting and informed of the fact that bottles fly and brawls break out. 

There can be the existing Political Discussion forum where members adhere to a strict code of conduct and quick suspension if that forum rules are violated. While I hear talk about civility, I hear and read about old time members having big brawls. Leonora spoke about being threatened by members here. 

The issue of race discussion will still exist and those who hang onto the race crutch will continue being the biggest culprits. Guyana is still a racially divided country. 

I am interested in 2020 option. Will talk with bossman by the end of the year. It will have to be a buyout option. 

I have a interest also, it can be partnership. 

Banna, Yuji isn't interested in any partnership. He prefers all the profit for himself. Afterall, GNI management laughs all the way to the bank. 

Leonora posted:

i nominate Mars and Stormborn to be Admin Assistants.      

Two of the worst offenders. Mars has been harassing me about goady fuh years until I invited him to suck de goady down. D2 is another scamp man with fraudulent claims about his wealth/education and prowess as a male stud impregnating women far an wide. Not to mention his attacks on Pria Manickchand calling her fat and all kinds of obscene names. Now the same crabdog come here claiming to be above board morally.  

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

This forum need owners who aren't biased and party hacks,they will kill it.I am tagging along, whenever i see changes that doesn't suit my taste, will be out of here. There aren't many participants like in the olden days, seems it's not attracting newbies. Tried to invite a few folks, apparently they aren't interested.

Why would people be interested in a place where lunatics show up to fabricate lies and promote racism?

Who are lunatics ?? well the liars stories can be debunked, that should be a piece of cake.

Lad a mercy, though you had better sense... you walk straight into her arms and she put the cap on yo head .. 

Where did Bibi say you Django is a lunatic.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

In hindsight, PPP should have gone to the NCV, be defeated with 33/32 and today PNC would be trapped!

I don't think the PPP would have violated the 33/32 defeat. They are not like the despotic PNC.

Did you and your quicky liker understand what I wrote?  Thats exactly what I meant.  The PPP would have accepted defeat and today the PNC could not make the 34 argument.

The despotic PNC would have still made any argument they want regardless of what the PPP did. Look at how foolish they presented themselves at the CCJ last week.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Tola posted:

167 replies with nothing accomplished, but GNI management laughing all the way to the bank. 

Destroy to conquer in Guyana and GNI, where everyone lose. Shameful indeed, but that is the Guyanese culture and we might die with it. 

This is so contemptuous. GNI management don't ask any poster for a fee so it is quite unbecoming for any poster to make such a baseless and contemptuous statement.

If they asked for a fee no one would be posting here.  Some a dem still writing bounce rent checks in dem 60s.

It may also be that some of the fools pontificating here for a manageable GNI can't even manage their own house. This is a damn 2 cents message board for crying out loud. Well, Bossman just reminded us that it is more like a $70. per month message board. 


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