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Stormborn posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:

To make this an intellectual forum for discussion, I would argue that the posters have to abide by two fundamental truths. One, they have to reveal their professional identity. Two , admin should include their professional affiliations so that the posters are aware of the person’s intellectual affiliation and professional affiliation. A case in point: TK has openly done so in the past, but the responders, who continue to remain anonymous, can pollute and infiltrate the threads with nonsensical responses for a variety of reasons (party affiliation, impending elections, etc.). This is the only way that sanity can be brought to this place and it is the only way you can encourage reliable and dependable discourse. There is no other way….regardless of the historical evidence you cited above. Furthermore, if I am going to debate an issue, I want to know about the person’s professional background. If I am asking TK a question about economics I know I can get a reliable response, rather than asking a similar question to someone else. This will also week out some of the more contentious contributions from posters whose intentions are questionable.    

I participate in a few more specialized  forum and everyone is an alias ( even if most are known.It is not the alias or the seemingly anonymity that caused people to misbehave.  They act according who they are. You cannot function without standards.  Since it is egalitarian, there is no necessity to show credentials....only good sense. 

BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity. I used to write here with my real identity. That was so long ago that probably only one or two remember my name.

This is all theoretical...regardless of your experience.

The standard should be for everyone to bare their is about fairness, equity and full disclosure....

On other forums where meaningful discussions take place, posters my use a "handle" but others are fully aware of who they are. 

In fact, I would argue that it is grossly unfair for some posters to reveal themselves as to who they are, like TK (to me this is also a sign of intellectual dishonesty if they dont), rather than acting like a "Peeping Tom". It only adds to the GUESSING GAME and imputes motive.

So DrugB can call an established professor WE ALL KNOW a "dunce" but we have no clue as to who DrubG is.... I will submit also, that if WE know who DrugB is, he will refrain from these types of statements and the intellectual discussion can continue without these intervening infractions and distractions.

Here is another issue you raised which contributes to my point:

   "BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity."

Once posters get into this type of logic to second guess who the posters are, it then defeats the purpose, and its a distraction from what they are saying... 


VishMahabir posted:
Drugb posted:
VishMahabir posted:
If I am asking TK a question about economics I know I can get a reliable response, rather than asking a similar question to someone else. This will also week out some of the more contentious contributions from posters whose intentions are questionable.    

TK is/was a dunce, not sure how you came up with the claim that he is reliable. Same with the other self proclaimed pundits. 

This is symptomatic of the very problem I described before....and why this is not a good forum for intellectual discourse...

TK is a professor at a university in Florida (I did my research) and contributes a column in SN.

TK is an educated educator.  I’ve agreed and disagreed with him on some political positions.  He’s not a dunce nor is he shallow!

VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:

To make this an intellectual forum for discussion, I would argue that the posters have to abide by two fundamental truths. One, they have to reveal their professional identity. Two , admin should include their professional affiliations so that the posters are aware of the person’s intellectual affiliation and professional affiliation. A case in point: TK has openly done so in the past, but the responders, who continue to remain anonymous, can pollute and infiltrate the threads with nonsensical responses for a variety of reasons (party affiliation, impending elections, etc.). This is the only way that sanity can be brought to this place and it is the only way you can encourage reliable and dependable discourse. There is no other way….regardless of the historical evidence you cited above. Furthermore, if I am going to debate an issue, I want to know about the person’s professional background. If I am asking TK a question about economics I know I can get a reliable response, rather than asking a similar question to someone else. This will also week out some of the more contentious contributions from posters whose intentions are questionable.    

I participate in a few more specialized  forum and everyone is an alias ( even if most are known.It is not the alias or the seemingly anonymity that caused people to misbehave.  They act according who they are. You cannot function without standards.  Since it is egalitarian, there is no necessity to show credentials....only good sense. 

BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity. I used to write here with my real identity. That was so long ago that probably only one or two remember my name.

This is all theoretical...regardless of your experience.

The standard should be for everyone to bare their is about fairness, equity and full disclosure....

On other forums where meaningful discussions take place, posters my use a "handle" but others are fully aware of who they are. 

In fact, I would argue that it is grossly unfair for some posters to reveal themselves as to who they are, like TK (to me this is also a sign of intellectual dishonesty if they dont), rather than acting like a "Peeping Tom". It only adds to the GUESSING GAME and imputes motive.

So DrugB can call an established professor WE ALL KNOW a "dunce" but we have no clue as to who DrubG is.... I will submit also, that if WE know who DrugB is, he will refrain from these types of statements and the intellectual discussion can continue without these intervening infractions and distractions.

Here is another issue you raised which contributes to my point:

   "BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity."

Once posters get into this type of logic to second guess who the posters are, it then defeats the purpose, and its a distraction from what they are saying... 


I would that full disclosure will eliminate the silly comments that people make...the sandbox mentality...because they will not be able to make meaningful contributions to the discussions and they will not be tempted to hide behind the handles of their faker names.

If any Admin who is considering taking on this task, they should seriously consider having members make full disclosure, even if they use a handle...

I am sure this will contribute to a reduction of the willy nilly contributions and abuse of this privilege. It will reduce contributors, but the site can reflect one that even if a person is not willing to contribute, they can at least become educated about the discourse and debates they are reading about. 

Things have progressed and changed since 20 years ago...


Leonora posted:
Stormborn posted:

why is it not a forum for intellectual discourse? I have seen many of the people you see on the Guyanese news come here to test their views. Everyone from Hinds to Randy to TK to Batoram to Gampat, to Ruel to Dhanpaul etc. Many of these people left because the low life contingency usually begin a cussing spree. I know one very good scholar, from San Diego who contributed a lot here at one time. I was introduced to many Muslim philosopher through him. I would never even care to discuss them had he not come here.   The PPP even deployed an army of paid personnel to post their position daily. Elections is coming and this is the place where many will come to air their views If people needs to express their inner conflicts or reveal t heir inner demons the admin has a avenues for that. There is the social forum, religious forum etc. where 

I remember them all. GNI was superhot with talent. Don't forget Dr. Singh from Edmonton (Bushy), a tenured Professor who knew each bone in the body and its function, published many articles, etc. He messed with you because a Guyanese criminal had the same name. 

San Diego Professor told me they came here during class breaks to unwind.   

We had a strong PPP team headed by Tiger and a strong PNC team headed by Rabid. Everyone put up a great fight for his team! Rabid lived in our area and was a great cricketer. 

Now...this information reflects the problem here may be a serious conversation for some of you who know who "Bushy" is and what his intellectual prowess and expertise is all about...but for others who dont know these people and who see them as mere contributors.

for the rest of us who are not provilege to this type of information....this sounds like gossip...


VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:

To make this an intellectual forum for discussion, I would argue that the posters have to abide by two fundamental truths. One, they have to reveal their professional identity. Two , admin should include their professional affiliations so that the posters are aware of the person’s intellectual affiliation and professional affiliation. A case in point: TK has openly done so in the past, but the responders, who continue to remain anonymous, can pollute and infiltrate the threads with nonsensical responses for a variety of reasons (party affiliation, impending elections, etc.). This is the only way that sanity can be brought to this place and it is the only way you can encourage reliable and dependable discourse. There is no other way….regardless of the historical evidence you cited above. Furthermore, if I am going to debate an issue, I want to know about the person’s professional background. If I am asking TK a question about economics I know I can get a reliable response, rather than asking a similar question to someone else. This will also week out some of the more contentious contributions from posters whose intentions are questionable.    

I participate in a few more specialized  forum and everyone is an alias ( even if most are known.It is not the alias or the seemingly anonymity that caused people to misbehave.  They act according who they are. You cannot function without standards.  Since it is egalitarian, there is no necessity to show credentials....only good sense. 

BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity. I used to write here with my real identity. That was so long ago that probably only one or two remember my name.

This is all theoretical...regardless of your experience.

The standard should be for everyone to bare their is about fairness, equity and full disclosure....

On other forums where meaningful discussions take place, posters my use a "handle" but others are fully aware of who they are. 

In fact, I would argue that it is grossly unfair for some posters to reveal themselves as to who they are, like TK (to me this is also a sign of intellectual dishonesty if they dont), rather than acting like a "Peeping Tom". It only adds to the GUESSING GAME and imputes motive.

So DrugB can call an established professor WE ALL KNOW a "dunce" but we have no clue as to who DrubG is.... I will submit also, that if WE know who DrugB is, he will refrain from these types of statements and the intellectual discussion can continue without these intervening infractions and distractions.

Here is another issue you raised which contributes to my point:

   "BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity."

Once posters get into this type of logic to second guess who the posters are, it then defeats the purpose, and its a distraction from what they are saying... 


I am sure everyone here knows almost everyone else, drugb included. Most of the long time posters really dont care. And the nits usually measure their worth in terms of their supposed "mansions" and stock portfolio. If you were paying attention you would see one of those supposedly with wall street credentials talking economic nonsense yesterday by using a phrase in the completely wrong way. I did not care to comment on it. There is no premium to show credentials. If you have any it will come out in your post and that is where it matters. 

If the moderator was on the job he would have sanctioned drugb. He is obliged to show TK is a dunce not simply calling him a dunce. I am sure there are areas of study that he will know better than TK but I am quite certain where economics is concerned Drugb is the dunce. 


Leonora posted:
Stormborn posted:
Leonora posted:
We had a strong PP

BTW, How is Erroll?  I hope he is making good use of his retirement. 

He has mellowed and is slimmer. He's enjoying the grandkids and learning to cook. 

I should call him. I can send him my library of  E-cookbooks or invite him over. I guess he is close to seventy now. He is one of the nicest Guyanese I met. My wife also seem to like him a lot. She talked to him more than I did. 

I do not think he has option to get too thin. He was already skinny.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I participate in a few more specialized  forum and everyone is an alias ( even if most are known.It is not the alias or the seemingly anonymity that caused people to misbehave.  They act according who they are. You cannot function without standards.  Since it is egalitarian, there is no necessity to show credentials....only good sense. 

BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity. I used to write here with my real identity. That was so long ago that probably only one or two remember my name.

This is all theoretical...regardless of your experience.

The standard should be for everyone to bare their is about fairness, equity and full disclosure....

On other forums where meaningful discussions take place, posters my use a "handle" but others are fully aware of who they are. 

In fact, I would argue that it is grossly unfair for some posters to reveal themselves as to who they are, like TK (to me this is also a sign of intellectual dishonesty if they dont), rather than acting like a "Peeping Tom". It only adds to the GUESSING GAME and imputes motive.

So DrugB can call an established professor WE ALL KNOW a "dunce" but we have no clue as to who DrubG is.... I will submit also, that if WE know who DrugB is, he will refrain from these types of statements and the intellectual discussion can continue without these intervening infractions and distractions.

Here is another issue you raised which contributes to my point:

   "BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity."

Once posters get into this type of logic to second guess who the posters are, it then defeats the purpose, and its a distraction from what they are saying... 


I am sure everyone here knows almost everyone else, drugb included. Most of the long time posters really dont care. And the nits usually measure their worth in terms of their supposed "mansions" and stock portfolio. If you were paying attention you would see one of those supposedly with wall street credentials talking economic nonsense yesterday by using a phrase in the completely wrong way. I did not care to comment on it. There is no premium to show credentials. If you have any it will come out in your post and that is where it matters. 

If the moderator was on the job he would have sanctioned drugb. He is obliged to show TK is a dunce not simply calling him a dunce. I am sure there are areas of study that he will know better than TK but I am quite certain where economics is concerned Drugb is the dunce. 

I agree. I believe Druggy did do a nice write up on Blockchain a while back!

VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:

To make this an intellectual forum for discussion, I would argue that the posters have to abide by two fundamental truths. One, they have to reveal their professional identity. Two , admin should include their professional affiliations so that the posters are aware of the person’s intellectual affiliation and professional affiliation. A case in point: TK has openly done so in the past, but the responders, who continue to remain anonymous, can pollute and infiltrate the threads with nonsensical responses for a variety of reasons (party affiliation, impending elections, etc.). This is the only way that sanity can be brought to this place and it is the only way you can encourage reliable and dependable discourse. There is no other way….regardless of the historical evidence you cited above. Furthermore, if I am going to debate an issue, I want to know about the person’s professional background. If I am asking TK a question about economics I know I can get a reliable response, rather than asking a similar question to someone else. This will also week out some of the more contentious contributions from posters whose intentions are questionable.    

I participate in a few more specialized  forum and everyone is an alias ( even if most are known.It is not the alias or the seemingly anonymity that caused people to misbehave.  They act according who they are. You cannot function without standards.  Since it is egalitarian, there is no necessity to show credentials....only good sense. 

BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity. I used to write here with my real identity. That was so long ago that probably only one or two remember my name.

This is all theoretical...regardless of your experience.

The standard should be for everyone to bare their is about fairness, equity and full disclosure....

On other forums where meaningful discussions take place, posters my use a "handle" but others are fully aware of who they are. 

In fact, I would argue that it is grossly unfair for some posters to reveal themselves as to who they are, like TK (to me this is also a sign of intellectual dishonesty if they dont), rather than acting like a "Peeping Tom". It only adds to the GUESSING GAME and imputes motive.

So DrugB can call an established professor WE ALL KNOW a "dunce" but we have no clue as to who DrubG is.... I will submit also, that if WE know who DrugB is, he will refrain from these types of statements and the intellectual discussion can continue without these intervening infractions and distractions.

Here is another issue you raised which contributes to my point:

   "BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity."

Once posters get into this type of logic to second guess who the posters are, it then defeats the purpose, and its a distraction from what they are saying... 

So, is VishMahabir your real name?  

Are you a real long time student?

Is GNI truly your teaching place on Guyana?

Baseman posted

Stormborn posted:

If the moderator was on the job he would have sanctioned drugb. He is obliged to show TK is a dunce not simply calling him a dunce. I am sure there are areas of study that he will know better than TK but I am quite certain where economics is concerned Drugb is the dunce. 

I agree. I believe Druggy did do a nice write up on Blockchain a while back!

Most wasn't his work, he was plagiarizing without quoting the Sources. I exposed him on the topic.

Django posted:
Baseman posted

Stormborn posted:

If the moderator was on the job he would have sanctioned drugb. He is obliged to show TK is a dunce not simply calling him a dunce. I am sure there are areas of study that he will know better than TK but I am quite certain where economics is concerned Drugb is the dunce. 

I agree. I believe Druggy did do a nice write up on Blockchain a while back!

Most wasn't his work, he was plagiarizing without quoting the Sources. I exposed him on the topic.

That banna gun come and want to fite. 

Django posted:
Baseman posted

Stormborn posted:

If the moderator was on the job he would have sanctioned drugb. He is obliged to show TK is a dunce not simply calling him a dunce. I am sure there are areas of study that he will know better than TK but I am quite certain where economics is concerned Drugb is the dunce. 

I agree. I believe Druggy did do a nice write up on Blockchain a while back!

Most wasn't his work, he was plagiarizing without quoting the Sources. I exposed him on the topic.

I think I believe I remember something to that effect!!!!!!!!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:

To make this an intellectual forum for discussion, I would argue that the posters have to abide by two fundamental truths. One, they have to reveal their professional identity. Two , admin should include their professional affiliations so that the posters are aware of the person’s intellectual affiliation and professional affiliation. A case in point: TK has openly done so in the past, but the responders, who continue to remain anonymous, can pollute and infiltrate the threads with nonsensical responses for a variety of reasons (party affiliation, impending elections, etc.). This is the only way that sanity can be brought to this place and it is the only way you can encourage reliable and dependable discourse. There is no other way….regardless of the historical evidence you cited above. Furthermore, if I am going to debate an issue, I want to know about the person’s professional background. If I am asking TK a question about economics I know I can get a reliable response, rather than asking a similar question to someone else. This will also week out some of the more contentious contributions from posters whose intentions are questionable.    

I participate in a few more specialized  forum and everyone is an alias ( even if most are known.It is not the alias or the seemingly anonymity that caused people to misbehave.  They act according who they are. You cannot function without standards.  Since it is egalitarian, there is no necessity to show credentials....only good sense. 

BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity. I used to write here with my real identity. That was so long ago that probably only one or two remember my name.

This is all theoretical...regardless of your experience.

The standard should be for everyone to bare their is about fairness, equity and full disclosure....

On other forums where meaningful discussions take place, posters my use a "handle" but others are fully aware of who they are. 

In fact, I would argue that it is grossly unfair for some posters to reveal themselves as to who they are, like TK (to me this is also a sign of intellectual dishonesty if they dont), rather than acting like a "Peeping Tom". It only adds to the GUESSING GAME and imputes motive.

So DrugB can call an established professor WE ALL KNOW a "dunce" but we have no clue as to who DrubG is.... I will submit also, that if WE know who DrugB is, he will refrain from these types of statements and the intellectual discussion can continue without these intervening infractions and distractions.

Here is another issue you raised which contributes to my point:

   "BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity."

Once posters get into this type of logic to second guess who the posters are, it then defeats the purpose, and its a distraction from what they are saying... 

So, is VishMahabir your real name?  

Are you a real long time student?

Is GNI truly your teaching place on Guyana?

Yes to the first 2. 

GNI has stimulated my interest in Guyana.

But the fact that you can even ask this question is a case in point...proving what I said.

You are more concerned about the messenger, not the message.

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Stormborn posted:

To make this an intellectual forum for discussion, I would argue that the posters have to abide by two fundamental truths. One, they have to reveal their professional identity. Two , admin should include their professional affiliations so that the posters are aware of the person’s intellectual affiliation and professional affiliation. A case in point: TK has openly done so in the past, but the responders, who continue to remain anonymous, can pollute and infiltrate the threads with nonsensical responses for a variety of reasons (party affiliation, impending elections, etc.). This is the only way that sanity can be brought to this place and it is the only way you can encourage reliable and dependable discourse. There is no other way….regardless of the historical evidence you cited above. Furthermore, if I am going to debate an issue, I want to know about the person’s professional background. If I am asking TK a question about economics I know I can get a reliable response, rather than asking a similar question to someone else. This will also week out some of the more contentious contributions from posters whose intentions are questionable.    

I participate in a few more specialized  forum and everyone is an alias ( even if most are known.It is not the alias or the seemingly anonymity that caused people to misbehave.  They act according who they are. You cannot function without standards.  Since it is egalitarian, there is no necessity to show credentials....only good sense. 

BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity. I used to write here with my real identity. That was so long ago that probably only one or two remember my name.

This is all theoretical...regardless of your experience.

The standard should be for everyone to bare their is about fairness, equity and full disclosure....

On other forums where meaningful discussions take place, posters my use a "handle" but others are fully aware of who they are. 

In fact, I would argue that it is grossly unfair for some posters to reveal themselves as to who they are, like TK (to me this is also a sign of intellectual dishonesty if they dont), rather than acting like a "Peeping Tom". It only adds to the GUESSING GAME and imputes motive.

So DrugB can call an established professor WE ALL KNOW a "dunce" but we have no clue as to who DrubG is.... I will submit also, that if WE know who DrugB is, he will refrain from these types of statements and the intellectual discussion can continue without these intervening infractions and distractions.

Here is another issue you raised which contributes to my point:

   "BTW no one here is anonymous. That is a myth. Everyone here leaves a trail of crumbs that one can follow to their identity."

Once posters get into this type of logic to second guess who the posters are, it then defeats the purpose, and its a distraction from what they are saying... 

So, is VishMahabir your real name?  

Are you a real long time student?

Is GNI truly your teaching place on Guyana?

Yes to the first 2. 

GNI has stimulated my interest in Guyana.

But the fact that you can even ask this question is a case in point...proving what I said.

You are more concerned about the messenger, not the message.

Just a value question, do onto others as you would like them do onto you!

You are passing judgment but you doing exactly what you criticizing! 

Become the change you wish to see!

Thats all I’m saying!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Say what you please about DrugB. He is a hard-hitter and a painful thorn in the sides of many of you who consider yourselves an authority on politics and economics.

DrugB is constantly being demeaned by some posters who resort to personal attacks whenever he counters their arguments. 

With what ??  your other sentence need some thorough examination.



You are using a sledgehammer to kill a flea with all this "full disclosure" bullshit. No one is calling for "intellectual" discourse. The challenge is for civil discourse. I'm not a politician or well connected politically. I think most who post here are the same. You don't need a Phd to conduct yourself properly. The problem here arises from the gutter snipe lowlives who know little to nothing about Guyana other than "we is PPP people" and will "cuss" those who are not.

Secondly, there is a lack of moderation. Yet to see Mitwah's offensive post as Raymond promised yesterday. The admins are both busy, but more than that they have their favorites and friends, so like anything Guyanese is "who yuh kno".

And who cares who used to post here? I don't know who Leonora is talking about, nor do I care. That gentleman does not affect what I read or how I interact here. He is just a part of this place's history. Why does that bother you so much?

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Say what you please about DrugB. He is a hard-hitter and a painful thorn in the sides of many of you who consider yourselves an authority on politics and economics.

DrugB is constantly being demeaned by some posters who resort to personal attacks whenever he counters their arguments. 

With what ??  your other sentence need some thorough examination.


Your defense of the PNC here is similar that of Neil Boston's dotish arguments at the CCJ.  DrugB has hammered the best of the best on this forum, including our resident idiot of GNI, as the PNC posters used to call him. 

Billy Ram Balgobin


Mits made this post without any provocation whatsoever:

"Hypocrite, how many handles do you have? We know you use Druggy's nick to talk porn about sucking. You're the biggest culprit dragging the site down and talking about posters children. You seem to have a special relations with Admin; allowing you to get away with your personal attacks.

get lost dummy. "

I could understand posters going after each other with some name calling etc...I let it slide to an extent. He is accusing someone of using someone else nick to talk porn etc. He has no proof of this.

Last edited by Former Member
Iguana posted:


You are using a sledgehammer to kill a flea with all this "full disclosure" bullshit. No one is calling for "intellectual" discourse. The challenge is for civil discourse. I'm not a politician or well connected politically. I think most who post here are the same. You don't need a Phd to conduct yourself properly. The problem here arises from the gutter snipe lowlives who know little to nothing about Guyana other than "we is PPP people" and will "cuss" those who are not.

Secondly, there is a lack of moderation. Yet to see Mitwah's offensive post as Raymond promised yesterday. The admins are both busy, but more than that they have their favorites and friends, so like anything Guyanese is "who yuh kno".

And who cares who used to post here? I don't know who Leonora is talking about, nor do I care. That gentleman does not affect what I read or how I interact here. He is just a part of this place's history. Why does that bother you so much?

I don't care about people's personal lives.  I am here to read about what is happening in Guyana. I am interested in the viewpoints of all political parties and individuals. That's why I never wanted anyone to be banned for expressing their political point of view. The only way we would know what people are concerned about is to let them speak their minds. You may want to argue that free speech is not absolute and I do agree with that.  If a poster uses language out of bounds to wound people emotionally or goad others into racial hate and violence then that person should be reprimanded and even banned.  

Billy Ram Balgobin

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