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Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ha Ha, he has several handles and should treat his schizophrenia before talking about standards. It will ease up on his madness. 

It would be a nice start by deleting several of his many handles. It would baring back some sanity at GNI.

Dum dum, Myhandles are known to everyone. One or the other posting always deliver the same message. One of those is that the circus left town without you.

Here we go about standards. Jackass Storm starts with the name calling and he is the one calling for higher standards !

What an idiot ! I think that treating his schizophrenia and male menopause will be a welcome start. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Things get wild when one handle start talking to the other handle.  One handle ask a question and the other handle answers.  I think the medical terminology for that is cognitive schizophrenia, but I’m not too sure.

It gets even worse when some handles forgot what they originally posted. I will ask KP to diagnose the schizophrenic Storm D2 etc. 

GNI should clean up or ban members with multiple handles. That would be a good start. 

My favorite is when one handle is PPP and the other is PNC.  We need to take this show on the road and forget about that damn oil money.  I’m starting to see a lot of potential right here.

Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:
Leonora posted:

i nominate Mars and Stormborn to be Admin Assistants.      

Dave posted:

This is the Biggest Joke.

Stormborm / D2 .

- a man / woman  with multiple handle.

- a man / woman  who calls Guyana a shit country. 

- a man / woman who insult his family for stealing his land .

Suddenly this person wakes up on a sunny day from hybernation  asking Amral ( who posted a Champanzie ) to RAISE standard on GNI, this is funny rass.

I have a nick name. No one here is is fooled by my use of either. D2 is legacy. It is an original member.  Amral was asked to delete it but he left it. I have decided to keep it.

Also, I have never defiled my country. Connenting on its management is not insulting it. 

It is no insult to say even family can be thieves. That is a fact.  Further, I suggest you examine your personal character in this respect. 

I am within my rights to ask Amral to sanitize the board. I know the time when no expletive or racist, misogynistic,  homophobic or random insults were was allowed. I told Indra her feet were too big so she step on other toes and I god banned. I called another girl a skeezer and that earned me two weeks. Imagine what would happen here presently if similar standards were kept.  Rabid and Safraz helped amral to policed it then .

 During those period we had a cross section of our society from intellectuals to door men and they all behaved and contributed value. You rarely add to the worthy content here if the truth needs to be told. I rarely see you elaborate on anything beyond peeling back your naked racist skin for all to see. 

The site needs to be sanitized. It reeks with the worse sort of posts and that only encourages more out of habit. Presently one rarely sees analysis of any issue without some nit deciding to insult another member

Also, If you know amral fell short of proper behavior you of all people cannot lift him up from his  failure. You are mired in similar behavior as habit. I would remind him how good people take these actions. One British news person was fired from his job for a similar thing, 

Again, the board needs to be upgraded to be viable. We will never get new posters with the racists plying their wares unchallenged as the standard. And that does not even address the idiotic "stick in the ass" as acceptable  comments!

When admin joins in the fun of insulting Afros posting monkeys, there is no hope. Tone at the top is a powerful barometer!

Admin has their sides and what you are asking is contradictory!

Admin should never be in the fray but moderate.

Maybe Ramjattan should include GNI in his list. Im sure the Canadian authorities will take note of a site being hosted in their jurisdiction accommodating the most obscene ultra racism being beamed into a country tethering on the brink of a convulsive ethnic conflict!

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
Leonora posted:

i nominate Mars and Stormborn to be Admin Assistants.      

Dave posted:

This is the Biggest Joke.

Stormborm / D2 .

- a man / woman  with multiple handle.

- a man / woman  who calls Guyana a shit country. 

- a man / woman who insult his family for stealing his land .

Suddenly this person wakes up on a sunny day from hybernation  asking Amral ( who posted a Champanzie ) to RAISE standard on GNI, this is funny rass.

I have a nick name. No one here is is fooled by my use of either. D2 is legacy. It is an original member.  Amral was asked to delete it but he left it. I have decided to keep it.

Also, I have never defiled my country. Connenting on its management is not insulting it. 

It is no insult to say even family can be thieves. That is a fact.  Further, I suggest you examine your personal character in this respect. 

I am within my rights to ask Amral to sanitize the board. I know the time when no expletive or racist, misogynistic,  homophobic or random insults were was allowed. I told Indra her feet were too big so she step on other toes and I god banned. I called another girl a skeezer and that earned me two weeks. Imagine what would happen here presently if similar standards were kept.  Rabid and Safraz helped amral to policed it then .

 During those period we had a cross section of our society from intellectuals to door men and they all behaved and contributed value. You rarely add to the worthy content here if the truth needs to be told. I rarely see you elaborate on anything beyond peeling back your naked racist skin for all to see. 

The site needs to be sanitized. It reeks with the worse sort of posts and that only encourages more out of habit. Presently one rarely sees analysis of any issue without some nit deciding to insult another member

Also, If you know amral fell short of proper behavior you of all people cannot lift him up from his  failure. You are mired in similar behavior as habit. I would remind him how good people take these actions. One British news person was fired from his job for a similar thing, 

Again, the board needs to be upgraded to be viable. We will never get new posters with the racists plying their wares unchallenged as the standard. And that does not even address the idiotic "stick in the ass" as acceptable  comments!

When admin joins in the fun of insulting Afros posting monkeys, there is no hope. Tone at the top is a powerful barometer!

Admin has their sides and what you are asking is contradictory!

Admin should never be in the fray but moderate.

Maybe Ramjattan should include GNI in his list. Im sure the Canadian authorities will take note of a site being hosted in their jurisdiction accommodating the most obscene ultra racism being beamed into a country tethering on the brink of a convulsive ethnic conflict!

When admin joins in the fun of insulting Afros posting monkeys, there is no hope. Tone at the top is a powerful barometer! The moderator needs to be moderated.


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