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Sanjeev Datadin

Sooo ... the 9AM start of Court is finalllyyy commenced ... curiously only lawyers and litigants directly concerned are permitted in Court (High Court Act says hearing should be public) ... and the application by ANUG to join us now being considered but the other lawyers and political parties are not allowed to be in Court when that is heard ... Ordinarily all parties with interest are permitted in Court ... guess these are not ordinary times ... fight continues !!!

Anthony Vieira

it is with total disgust that I must report that the main excuse on these face book pages for not allowing a free or fair election, is proffered as an unwillingness to repeat the sad 23 year PPP rule! In comparison to the wonderful things which were accomplished during the last 5 years when the collation government was in power.
Every derogatory remark overlooks the fact the collation government got into power because there were decent people in this country essentially of Afro and non Afro-Guyanese persuasion, who decided that it was time for a change, and gave their support to the AFC in 2011 and 2015. This support and goodwill for the AFC was squandered and lost because of the unfriendly actions of the collation, to the sugar industry, the business community, the gold and diamond miners, and the FACT that so much was squandered during the give away [i refuse to call it a negotiation] of our national patrimony to EXXON and the other extractors, currently estimated to be 55 Billion US dollars, some people are now identifying some really sad accomplishments of this regime to retain power in preference to the PPP/C.
i think that i have offered enough information as to how the key players of this executive are seeking to cash in on this oil bonanza and leave the rest of the population is poverty, these electoral shenanigans in the face of massive criticisms by the international observer community here at our invitation, totaling nearly half of the people on this planet seems to be a totally foolhardy act in view of the repercussions which can result from these 2020 electoral irregularities.
If the collation lost the votes necessary to rule this country because of their politically suicidal acts when in power, how can anyone say that they were doing better in view of the refusal of the decent voters who supported the AFC in 2011 and 2015 and then withdrew they support 2020. These decent, middle of the road people, who formed the members of the third force and who supported the AFC are a good barometer of who they feel are better rulers for this country, the PPP/C or the Collation!!

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Saarah Gajraj

Singing for your supper is one thing.
Burying your head in the sand to defend a bunch of cheats, liars and bullies is quite another.
If u say...this is where i work and these ppl pay me...misguided as that is, i give you a pass. Say no matter what happens i support XYZ....thats fine too. Donโ€™t come talking about what happened in some other year or a bundle of other non relevant issues to defend something that can actually be viewed as many times as you need.
Continue to contort yourselves to explain circumstances that weโ€™ve previously only seen in movie scripts to avoid whats right in front of you, or say you donโ€™t know who to believe.

The facts are:
We had declared and accepted declaration in 9 regions. The region 4 tabulation was going swimmingly well until BOTH the DRO and RO got sick and it all went downhill from there.
Pick sense from nonsense....WHO wants to STOP the count and interrupt the process if they know they are WINNING?????

It is GLARINGLY simple if you just admit it, but becomes TERRIBLY complex when you try to deny it. So people begin to suggest โ€œfresh electionsโ€ 6 billion dollars so people could get off the hook, and you could keep your job?

The solution is to pick up where they left off before the attempts to CHEAT started and finish the remaining boxes. FOUR hours!!! FOUR hours and we could be done.

We are definitely not all simpletons.


Django and his cabals your comment please! and please, if you will address Josh comments, deal with every point of him...lets see your true democratic side.

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and beard
Josh Kanhai

To the people out there that's think the APNUรทAFC isn't trying to rigging the election, consider their history. It's as follows:
- This is the very regime that had suffered a NCM.
- This is the very regime that found the first half man ever in the history of life.
- This is the regime that spent alleged GYD $700m for lawyers to go to the Caribbean Court of Justice to argue for their Half Man.
- This is the very same regime that had this country at an economic standstill for 456 days + post NCM.
- This is the very regime that has consistently and diligently disregard and disrespect the constitution of our Home.

This is the regime that tried to rig the election four times in front my eyes, those of my colleagues and the international community and took a well earned seat from the Joiner.

So I urge you to think! I urge you to think about this country's economy; think about the well-being of our people; think about the effects on our children. I urge you to not think with your brain but with a conscious heart. Throw out the pride, save yourselves while you can.
Also, listen to the numerous cries for the recount. Why are you not confident that you won? You should happily want a recount.

#Recount and let's #keepmovingforward!

#Guyana #Democracy #forthepeople


Guyana a country without a government, yet we have these imposters parading as Ministers, Their time had expired on election day. Granger on the other hand is in CARETAKER mode, even so his powers are limited.

 It 's a mockery to see this small nation with about 450,000 electorate cannot settle a simple election. It is certain that they couldn't negotiate a proper oil contract with Exxon, giving away its resources.

 Telling the entire world, come ! we can be easily SCREWED.


Based on my readings today and his established patterns, Justice Franklyn Holder has convinced me that he is taking his orders from the APNU/AFC. Because his action should are questionable at best, any reasonable person would conclude that he is both a crook and a corrupted Judge. For me this is my reasoning:

  • Justice Holder has accepted Ms Mooreโ€™s request from a tainted, crooked and suspended Virginia State Attorney, to prevent a recount of Region 4;
  • The other Attorney Mr. Yearwood, has made a claim that an imposter used his name on record as the second Attorney - Justice Holder remained silent on this matter;
  • The GECOM Recount matter was adjourned to today and now again until next Wednesday to hear arguments in the case. Obviously, for Justice Holder this disputed matter of the peopleโ€™s right to elect a free and fair government (via an election) of their choice is NOT AN URGENT ENOUGH to be dealt with immediately;
  • Justice Franklyn Holder, has denied the presence of the press in Court and limiting other interested Attorneys in Court. Using the COVID-19 is a poor excuse. Does he think that the virus would end next week or get worse? What should be done today should be done today. Procrastination is the thief of time.
  • The Chief Justice worked feverishly including weekends and extremely long hours to deal with GECOM matters. She saw urgency in these cases. Is this Justice Franklyn Holder more special than the Chief Justice?
  • Justice Franklyn Holderโ€™s failure to recuse himself and declare a conflict of interest in this case, because his son in law is an adviser in the Ministry of the Presidency. Even if he wanted to continue the case, he ought to have disclosed this information.



Django and his cabals your comment please! and please, if you will address Josh comments, deal with every point of him...lets see your true democratic side.

Why do you do this ? the calling out and linking , do you see i do that to any member here. I think you are over stepping ,everyone have a right to choose ,without any form of confrontation or ridicule.

I know what's DEMOCRACY ,read widely on subject ,some are from scholarly works of many people. I can share with you ,some are like mini novel ,then again you rather some one to explain it you ,rather than read  and make and informed decision for yourself. 

Are you brainwashed ?

Last edited by Django

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