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An AFC parliamentarian openly called for ethnic partition

Kaieteur News – What is shocking, sickening, and psychologically twisted is that the AFC has held many of its second-tier leaders accountable for complaints made against them. But the AFC has never asked its top leaders to explain depraved behavior that no political party in a democratic country would tolerate.

This insane degeneration reminds me of my youthful days in the WPA, where one of the top leaders wanted to sex and did sex with every person wearing a skirt and there was never, never any discussion in the WPA’s war-room about the danger it can bring to the WPA.

Unfortunately for Walter Rodney, President Burnham was blackmailing a top WPA leader. Security breaches in the WPA would have been natural. It had to be if one of your leaders is sexing all over the place. Surely state security agents could not be sleeping. These are things that I would never write about unless the person is no longer on earth.

In one of the virtual meetings between the AFC’s management committee which is the main decision-making body outside of the national executive committee, an African leader in the AFC called for Indians and Africans to have a separate existence in our country. The person did not use the word partition as I have in the caption of this column.

Not one person at that meeting objected except Dr. Vincent Adams, who rejected the racial fulcrum of the exhortation citing two fundamental premises – his mother was Indian and there is too much integration between ethnic groups to ask for a separation. I have studied Guyanese politics my entire life. I have experienced it all my life. I say with forceful emphasis, if that advocacy was made inside the PPP and PNC, many mandarins would have got up from their seats and voices would have been raised.

Look where the call for separation came from. A party that you thought was the most multi-racial in Guyana since the break-up of the united PPP in the 1950s with Burnham and Jagan at the helm. Not one of those generals in the AFC army showed revulsion to that sociological thesis except Dr. Adams. What is the explanation? The answer revolves around Freudian analysis. The election rigging and what was perceived to be the loss of African state power brought out what was deeply buried in the Freudian structure of that person. That person saw him/her as always an African before being Guyanese. The election crisis simply brought it to the surface.

So what happens next? The ball is in the court of Guyanese journalism. I am not going to name the person. I am not going up the steps of the High Court at my age. The editors and journalists have to do what journalism compels them to do. In a troubled land bedeviled by ethnic strife for 70 years, journalism owes it to the people of Guyana to identify their leaders who want to break up Guyana.

In this county, a sitting MP who is in fact inside the hierarchy of his/her party voiced a preference for the ethnic separation of the Guyanese territory, and no media house, no other political party, no one from civil society has entered a debate with this person about that untenable position generated from a dangerous temperament.

But look at the juxtaposition. Roshan Khan is under fire for a remark far less harmful. Other persons are being criticized for far less evil adumbrations in the newspapers. It is interesting to note that when Dr. Adams offered reasons for his rejection, the AFC bigwig was unmoved. It was disturbing to know that as Dr. Adams defended the cultural and sociological integrity of Guyana, not one person in that virtual meeting joined him. Indeed we are dealing with the evil inside the AFC.

I have personal regrets about my support for the AFC that would live with me until I die. I think the biggest regret I made in life is to have been associated with the AFC. For that, I offered an apology to my family, friends, all the other political parties, and every single Guyanese in and outside of this land. But how can humans see into the future?

I voted for Lennox Shuman in the 2020 election because I think all Guyanese owe it to the Indigenous people to have them empowered. Why should anyone who voted for Shuman be blamed if he turns out to be a colossal disappointment? I have to live every day with the brutal fact that I have contributed to the physiology of the AFC. I am not a religious person but if God does exist he will have to forgive me.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why is this surprising, political commentators must have been blind. The AFC comprises of a Burnham faction among the Blacks in the party. I have written of this several times, ofcourse on GNI. In the PNC, these individuals had no room so they found a nest in the AFC with a PNC agenda.  After being elected, some AFC Ministers came to Toronto, these frigging Afroes were so obvious of their prejudices against the vast Indian gathering they din even try to hide it.

Every chance I get on here, I would say the man is a bigot. His face alone speaks volumes his contempt for Indian ppl.

If this is Freddie's comments, he should not only write, he should be an observant observer.

One could have seen the failure of President Granger very early, the same way the failure of President Jagdeo is already mounting.

On the Partition thing, it is better than Civil War. Seventy years ago, a much tolerant Afro came to the conclusion that partition would be better for Guyana. Sydney King's point is shared by me and Prashad and now the secret AFC member.


Partition will never happen. For now, frustrations makes it relevant. Some time within the next few years, before the next elections Jagdeo and his hand picked expat Guyanese will cut and run. The ppl will will decide they have had enough.


Of course, many AFC members moved to Toronto where Mitwah gets entangle with them and exhibits the same contempt for Indos and the PPP. AFC follows a dead horse (PNC) and loses the 2020 election, but Mitwah refuses to recognize a working government and maintained confidence that the court will rule in favor of the coalition election petition. This gentleman said I don't know anything about Guyana. Perhaps. No level minded Guyanese wouldn't say that to another Guyanese.                         

Mitwah is a known derailer of all PPP progressive topics on the forum. He demands more than he can chew and still ask for more, but never give a logical reason for his belly grumbles when the AFC never did squat.

I know an AFC financier from Florida, he is a dark-skinned fella. I always see him in parliament when the coalition was in power. When Charrandas voted against the coalition, he walked out with a passion. This is an example of how people behave when the coalition loses. They have no regard for the voters of the country, but their own personal greed.

Last edited by Viper

Mitwah is a known derailer of all PPP progressive topics on the forum. He demands more than he can chew and still ask for more, but never give a logical reason for his belly grumbles when the AFC never did squat.

I couldn't have said it better.


One could have seen the failure of President Granger very early, the same way the failure of President Jagdeo is already mounting.

Please explain what failure you are talking about. President Irfaan Ali is very progressive and there is no failure on his part. The Former President is in the past.  Seignet, wake up and smell the coffee.

@Ramakant-P posted:

One could have seen the failure of President Granger very early, the same way the failure of President Jagdeo is already mounting.

Please explain what failure you are talking about. President Irfaan Ali is very progressive and there is no failure on his part. The Former President is in the past.  Seignet, wake up and smell the coffee.

So your Mahatma Jagdeo failure is mounting ? Its no added news to every Guyanese he screwed to get rich.

Ali's failure don't have a choice, when your Mahatma Jagdeo is King Kong and in control of the PPP.

Jagdeo's legacy will be the destruction and failure of the PPP. 

@Tola posted:

So your Mahatma Jagdeo failure is mounting ? Its no added news to every Guyanese he screwed to get rich.

Ali's failure don't have a choice, when your Mahatma Jagdeo is King Kong and in control of the PPP.

Jagdeo's legacy will be the destruction and failure of the PPP.

No! You are wrong. Maybe you can explain what failure is mounting when everything they did so far is perfect. Your handle has been shaken and you have gone off the top end again.  Jagdeo runs the PPP and Ali runs the Government.   This is now a progressive government of the People.

Can you for once put aside your vendetta against the PPP who you dislike because they didn't give you a job because you are a Canadian citizen, and be constructive in your critique?

@Mitwah posted:

How many partitions? Should a referendum be held?

I know you don't want one. 

Let me see:

One for Indians (Indiastan), one for anti_Indians Prashadnagar), One for blacks, one for Douglas, one for Amerinds, and one for Chinese and Portughese.

It's not going to happen.

@Ramakant-P posted:

I know you don't want one.

Let me see:

One for Indians (Indiastan), one for anti_Indians Prashadnagar), One for blacks, one for Douglas, one for Amerinds, and one for Chinese and Portughese.

It's not going to happen.

And one for chupidee people with Kakakant as founding president.


There will be no partitioning of Guyana. In 10 to 20 years the Venezuelan and Brazilian migrants will have established enough of a base to influence the corrupt Guyanese politicians and exert influence over our politics. Guyanese will wind up working for them in an amazing turn of events.

The very money migrant prostitutes and laborers exact from the Guyanese  will be used to purchase wealth in the country. Guyanese are easily subdued, as there is no nationalism or patriotism among us.

Venoes from the west, Brazilians from the south, Surinamese encroaching from the east. Guyanese will be pushed north toward the atlantic, eventually succumbing to the mighty atlantic ocean rising.

The Guyanese identity as we know it now will be lost forever. Only a matter of time.

@Ramakant-P posted:

........because they didn't give you a job because you are a Canadian citizen

Who you calling a Canadian citizen ?  Furthermore, who de rass would want to work for a PPP government, when most what they do is for kickbacks, money laundering, or into drugs to get rich ?


In addition to my post above, look how stupid the Commie idiots in Guyana are. Hugo Chavez turned a once prosperous Venezuela into the toilet bowl of south america. He then revived claims to parts of Guyana.

Yet the Guyanese politicians are such commie idiots that they named a Hugo Chavez Center in Guyana. I don't know which party did it, but the mere fact it is there is an affront to everything Guyanese. But this is what commie idiots do.

Suh alyuh doant worry about partition. By the time these commie idiot politicians done wid we, we ain't gon have a country fuh partition.


Guyana to Open Hugo Chavez Centre for Rehabilitation and Reintegration

Guyana will open the Hugo Chavez Centre for Rehabilitation and Reintegration on Friday, a facility that will provide refuge for some of the country’s homeless population.

The project, located on a 7.3-acre site at Onverwagt in West Coast Berbice was funded by $2 million from the government of Venezuela.

The date was in the year 2013.

@Django posted:

Guyana to Open Hugo Chavez Centre for Rehabilitation and Reintegration

Guyana will open the Hugo Chavez Centre for Rehabilitation and Reintegration on Friday, a facility that will provide refuge for some of the country’s homeless population.

The project, located on a 7.3-acre site at Onverwagt in West Coast Berbice was funded by $2 million from the government of Venezuela.

The date was in the year 2013.

yep. Commie skonts tekking money from the same dictator staking claims to their land. Never occurred to them to tell him to stop turning his country into shit hole and turning our country into a refugee camp. Dumb, self serving fkers.

@Django posted:

Guyana to Open Hugo Chavez Centre for Rehabilitation and Reintegration

Guyana will open the Hugo Chavez Centre for Rehabilitation and Reintegration on Friday, a facility that will provide refuge for some of the country’s homeless population.

The project, located on a 7.3-acre site at Onverwagt in West Coast Berbice was funded by $2 million from the government of Venezuela.

The date was in the year 2013.

A PPP facility to accommodate Venezuelan troops after they take over Essequibo. Dum asses !! Not a blade of grass. What was Ramotar's cut ?

@seignet posted:

Why is this surprising, political commentators must have been blind. The AFC comprises of a Burnham faction among the Blacks in the party. I have written of this several times, ofcourse on GNI. In the PNC, these individuals had no room so they found a nest in the AFC with a PNC agenda.  After being elected, some AFC Ministers came to Toronto, these frigging Afroes were so obvious of their prejudices against the vast Indian gathering they din even try to hide it.

Every chance I get on here, I would say the man is a bigot. His face alone speaks volumes his contempt for Indian ppl.

If this is Freddie's comments, he should not only write, he should be an observant observer.

One could have seen the failure of President Granger very early, the same way the failure of President Jagdeo is already mounting.

On the Partition thing, it is better than Civil War. Seventy years ago, a much tolerant Afro came to the conclusion that partition would be better for Guyana. Sydney King's point is shared by me and Prashad and now the secret AFC member.

After over 60 years of endless racial strife, Partition is still a good idea! but who gets what, how, where and when?

@seignet posted:

Partition will never happen. For now, frustrations makes it relevant. Some time within the next few years, before the next elections Jagdeo and his hand picked expat Guyanese will cut and run. The ppl will will decide they have had enough.

Which people? You men the mouthy ones?

@Ramakant-P posted:

One could have seen the failure of President Granger very early, the same way the failure of President Jagdeo is already mounting.

Please explain what failure you are talking about. President Irfaan Ali is very progressive and there is no failure on his part. The Former President is in the past.  Seignet, wake up and smell the coffee.

All Ali has done is.....nothing much, so far!

@Ramakant-P posted:

No! You are wrong. Maybe you can explain what failure is mounting when everything they did so far is perfect. Your handle has been shaken and you have gone off the top end again.  Jagdeo runs the PPP and Ali runs the Government.   This is now a progressive government of the People.

Can you for once put aside your vendetta against the PPP who you dislike because they didn't give you a job because you are a Canadian citizen, and be constructive in your critique?

Uh, Rama, who made Jagdeo VicePresident? Jagdeo?

@Former Member posted:

There will be no partitioning of Guyana. In 10 to 20 years the Venezuelan and Brazilian migrants will have established enough of a base to influence the corrupt Guyanese politicians and exert influence over our politics. Guyanese will wind up working for them in an amazing turn of events.

The very money migrant prostitutes and laborers exact from the Guyanese  will be used to purchase wealth in the country. Guyanese are easily subdued, as there is no nationalism or patriotism among us.

Venoes from the west, Brazilians from the south, Surinamese encroaching from the east. Guyanese will be pushed north toward the atlantic, eventually succumbing to the mighty atlantic ocean rising.

The Guyanese identity as we know it now will be lost forever. Only a matter of time.

Possible, lizard! Maybe a good idea for stupid Guyanese who can't seem to get along! Divide and conquer!


There will be no Partition ,survey was done by UG ,Guyanese solidly disagrees. There have to be solutions for the divide ,most people knows the head honcho propagating the hostilities ,time will wipe these fellas out.

@Former Member posted:

yep. Commie skonts tekking money from the same dictator staking claims to their land. Never occurred to them to tell him to stop turning his country into shit hole and turning our country into a refugee camp. Dumb, self serving fkers.

All in the cause of a United Socialist States of South America! Fk these dreamers! The US owns the Western hemisphere which is vital to their country's economy and its overfed, overweight citizens! Let the downtrodden South American Indians go overthrow their landlords and military themselves!

@Mitwah posted:

How many partitions? Should a referendum be held?

Let the brave, bold Afros have Essequibo! They can beat not only the Venezuelans whose military have more members than Guyana has people, if even you include those who left because of Burnham, the greatest bullying ass*ole!


The bullshit continues today. They still address one another as "comrade" and "comrade leader". Not even Russia is doing this bullshit anymore. These fking people, from both sides, are STUCK in the past! It's as if they still have a commie dream! The PPP is still set up as a commie party where the leader is selected.I'm sure the PNC is not much different.

Last year I visited NYC and was in a bakery in brooklyn and a fella said "excuse meh comrade...". I told him to STFU. These people have not moved into the 21st century!!! Backward, brainwashed dolts who can't see the monopoly these 2 parties have on their vote and that socialism/communism does NOT work! Look at Venezuela!!!!

Thank god I'm not around Guyanese much. If I hear more of their rank anti American shit I'll lose it. These fkers come to America and live large and then cuss the very country that feeds and protects them.

Right on this forum. Ganga Mary Nehru raise yuh hand again you anti American dog. Hates America, but calls on them to drop daisy cutters on the PNC folks during the elections.Why don't you call on mother India?

Useless mother fkers who can't even run their own country, need help in the basic function of ELECTIONS! Gotta have help from up north, otherwise they wind up enslaving one another again or starving. Gotta hold out a begging bowl to America and the Euros in order to survive. Useless commie f.cks.

@Former Member posted:

The bullshit continues today. They still address one another as "comrade" and "comrade leader". Not even Russia is doing this bullshit anymore. These fking people, from both sides, are STUCK in the past! It's as if they still have a commie dream! The PPP is still set up as a commie party where the leader is selected.I'm sure the PNC is not much different.

Last year I visited NYC and was in a bakery in brooklyn and a fella said "excuse meh comrade...". I told him to STFU. These people have not moved into the 21st century!!! Backward, brainwashed dolts who can't see the monopoly these 2 parties have on their vote and that socialism/communism does NOT work! Look at Venezuela!!!!

Thank god I'm not around Guyanese much. If I hear more of their rank anti American shit I'll lose it. These fkers come to America and live large and then cuss the very country that feeds and protects them.

Right on this forum. Ganga Mary Nehru raise yuh hand again you anti American dog. Hates America, but calls on them to drop daisy cutters on the PNC folks during the elections.Why don't you call on mother India?

Useless mother fkers who can't even run their own country, need help in the basic function of ELECTIONS! Gotta have help from up north, otherwise they wind up enslaving one another again or starving. Gotta hold out a begging bowl to America and the Euros in order to survive. Useless commie f.cks.

Truly said if even you ARE a lizard!

@Former Member posted:

In addition to my post above, look how stupid the Commie idiots in Guyana are. Hugo Chavez turned a once prosperous Venezuela into the toilet bowl of south america. He then revived claims to parts of Guyana.

Yet the Guyanese politicians are such commie idiots that they named a Hugo Chavez Center in Guyana. I don't know which party did it, but the mere fact it is there is an affront to everything Guyanese. But this is what commie idiots do.

Suh alyuh doant worry about partition. By the time these commie idiot politicians done wid we, we ain't gon have a country fuh partition.

That's why I intended to vote PNC in 1968! With the Vietnam war raging, the US would think nothing of settling the dreaming inFidel Castro, a would-be liberator like Simon Bolivar, and Cheddi in their backyard! To misquote Shakespeare, "Not that I loved Cheddi less, but that I loved Guyana more!" My wife's Indo relatives in Enmore told me I was a traitor to Cheddi because of my intentions to vote PNC! Fk Cheddi and his stupid dreaming! Bugger Jagdeo and his Commie treacherous dreams! I'm sure he would like that!


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