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Originally posted by Alexander:
This was the point that I made when it was stated that Moses would preserve his credibility and integrity by being the elder statesman. But since he has tied bundle with the AFC he has become common fodder. He is a communist and how do you think this would go down with the US of A?

Let us stay away from the communist stigma when we discuss Guyana.....communism is not the issue but corruption,mismanagement,nepotism,etc....

Whether he is a communist or not Moses has intergity,vision,a proven track record of struggle,and a happy family life......
Originally posted by kidmost:
The last thing the AFC needs is political PPP relics who bring bad baggage and bitterness. Does the AFC wish to promote a Jagan Legacy ? a failed legacy ! a legacy which Moses is sworn to ! Is the AFC pro socialist/communist ? If the AFC brings Moses on board is he willing to denounce the Jagan Legacy and socialist Doctrine ? Ramjattan and Trotman were inside fighters , they opposed from within and had the balls to leave and challenge the PNC and PPP. Moses remained quiet while Cheddi and Janet were alive and started mumbling when after their deaths. I believe Moses can do much more for the people and country by not joining any party and by being a political commentator that " SPEAKS THE TRUTH" ABOUT INSIDE THE PPP .

Kid you appear to be giving more weight to Moses joining the AFC rather than Moses leaving the PPP and its impact. You do acknowledge that Moses leaving the PPP is damaging, and he can now speak without the shackles of being inside the party - the same way Ramjattan amped up his rhetoric of the corruption of this iteration of the PPP. ow pray, tell, what is more effective - joining a discredited APNU (the PNC is the major player here), speaking with no pulpit (as you suggest) or join forces with a credible force (AFC)? Now let's see if the other disenchanted PPP trust like Ramkarran, the Chandrapals, etc decide to follow Moses, and whether you would think the AFC is the best option for a platform to engage in a political fight.
Originally posted by Alexander:
This was the point that I made when it was stated that Moses would preserve his credibility and integrity by being the elder statesman. But since he has tied bundle with the AFC he has become common fodder. He is a communist and how do you think this would go down with the US of A?

According to Ramjattan, Moses should be the leader. He will bring jagan's marxist legacy back to the people. Sase Singh is also a Communist who believes in Jagan's lagacy.
All they need now is Joey.
Originally posted by Chief:
Mr Nagamootoo,
You are a seasoned politician and more so a decent human being. The journalistic blood that run through your veins has caused you to be a person who always stand up fairness and justice, something which you have fought and struggled for all your life.

You have chosen and remain to live and work in our beloved Guyana. In your quest to make Guyana a better place, time and again, you have stood up to the Government, many times to the dislike of some of your old comrades,who unlike you, cannot help but being like robots.

Mr Nagamootoo , at this crucial time of Guyana's history, please ask yourself a simple question, are you happy with the present state of affairs that your beloved Guyana is in. If your answer is that you are not happy then I humbly appeal that you join forces with The AFC right now, not tomorrow, not next week but right now. Time to change and correct the course of MV Guyana for right now we are in choppy waters.

Let history record that you have stood up, once again, for fairness and justice, so join The AFC and be part of the forces that will make that change happen.

Bhai Chief, wha me gone tell you. I am desperate to come out from the wilderness. My lawyer profession is good, but some new clients could be great.

Dem people in Berbice gun vote fuh me and I just want to get some popularity down deh.
Oh I forgot to mention dat them boys would be mad at me for what I am doing, and some say I am cross over... now this is not a man flying in the clouds you know. I have my feet planted in the ground.

There is nothing like sweet REVENGE. This is what I am doing right now. Sock it to them.

I am not interested stupid talk of fairness. I just want some final POPULAR SHOW. The AFC putting me on stage, so I can't say no.

After all, with the PPP, I am already a DEAD DUCK. So, I am now finally going to be a LIVE CHICKEN dancing on stage. Can't go wrong wid dat. yippie
We build bridges, roads, schools, hospitals, unversities, stadium, convention centre, Aieports, expand the manufacturing base, improve agriculturing and dairy farming and fisheries. Tourism is taking off.

When all these thing were being done, I asked the question, "Where were Ramjattan, Moses, sase singh and TK?"
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
We build bridges, roads, schools, hospitals, unversities, stadium, convention centre, Aieports, expand the manufacturing base, improve agriculturing and dairy farming and fisheries. Tourism is taking off.

When all these thing were being done, I asked the question, "Where were Ramjattan, Moses, sase singh and TK?"


You rass deh collecting welfare and drinking rum in Brampton.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Rama is too bad that the spoils from these developments ended up not in the pockets of poor rax payers.

Look at your house comparatively to the homes of Ali Baba and the forty thieves.

Ali baba was a great leader...

come back to reality. The PPP are light years ahead of the AFC. The PPP has done many great things for Guyana. Now the AFC is relying on Moses who never did anything in the last 10 years. Did you hear the cry in the wilderness, 'Jagan picked me'.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Rama is too bad that the spoils from these developments ended up not in the pockets of poor rax payers.

Look at your house comparatively to the homes of Ali Baba and the forty thieves.

Ali baba was a great leader...

come back to reality. The PPP are light years ahead of the AFC. The PPP has done many great things for Guyana. Now the AFC is relying on Moses who never did anything in the last 10 years. Did you hear the cry in the wilderness, 'Jagan picked me'.

Have you seen the mansions of sodomy that were built on parliamentarian salaries?
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Rama is too bad that the spoils from these developments ended up not in the pockets of poor rax payers.

Look at your house comparatively to the homes of Ali Baba and the forty thieves.

Ali baba was a great leader...

come back to reality. The PPP are light years ahead of the AFC. The PPP has done many great things for Guyana. Now the AFC is relying on Moses who never did anything in the last 10 years. Did you hear the cry in the wilderness, 'Jagan picked me'.

Have you seen the mansions of sodomy that were built on parliamentarian salaries?

yes! I have seen them all. They had my blessings to build them.

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