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Cobra posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is she repeating Obama's words?  And we all know she will do nothing to defend any American.

She's is a copycat of Obama that brought shame and disgrace on America. I can wait for Trump to rip her apart for Benghazi attack and her email gate that is under investigation by the FBI.

Hillary speaks for political expediency, not what she truly believes.  Today she is so beholden to Obama's kingsmen she will just become a 3rd Obama term!  This must be avoided at all costs!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

No one is ecstatic.  There are human lives lost here.  This issue needs to be dealt with and only one man can handle the truth.   Obama and Hillary are burying their heads in the sand. 

You said the stars are lining up in Frump's favor in response to the killing...what does that mean? Guess a few more like these would have more stars lining up based on what you said

Cobra posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why is she repeating Obama's words?  And we all know she will do nothing to defend any American.

She's is a copycat of Obama that brought shame and disgrace on America. I can wait for Trump to rip her apart for Benghazi attack and her email gate that is under investigation by the FBI.

What shame and disgrace? As a known radical foreigner you exhibit the same kind of anti-American sentiments that spurns radical elements, prepared to attack the US.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

What would you do to prevent such a tragedy?

Bibi, you seem to have the answers. Why don't you provide your answer.

I'll help you.

Firstly, tell yourself that this is coming from an ideology that is using a religion wrongly.

Secondly, tell yourself that this ideology has its roots in the Arab world and in the Afghan/Pakistan area. 

Thirdly, tell yourself that those same Arabs and Afghan/Pakistanis will have to lead in the destruction of that ideology with American and NATO's help.

You can also provide answers such as:

  • Send American troops to fight 4 wars - in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Spare yourself Yemen, Libya and the Horn of Africa.
  • Pus a nuclear bomb on the swath of land between Raqaa and Mosul and wipe out 1 million civilians.
  • Be an imperial government in those 4 countries.


You see where I'm heading with all this?! 

Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What would you do to prevent such a tragedy?

Bibi, you seem to have the answers. Why don't you provide your answer.

I'll help you.

Firstly, tell yourself that this is coming from an ideology that is using a religion wrongly.

Secondly, tell yourself that this ideology has its roots in the Arab world and in the Afghan/Pakistan area. 

Thirdly, tell yourself that those same Arabs and Afghan/Pakistanis will have to lead in the destruction of that ideology with American and NATO's help.

You can also provide answers such as:

  • Send American troops to fight 4 wars - in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Spare yourself Yemen, Libya and the Horn of Africa.
  • Pus a nuclear bomb on the swath of land between Raqaa and Mosul and wipe out 1 million civilians.
  • Be an imperial government in those 4 countries.


You see where I'm heading with all this?! 

I honestly don't know what the answer is. So are you saying an eye for an eye is the solution for this problem?  I am well aware that there were wrongs done to some of the countries you mentioned.  However, I don't think Americans should tolerate any type of destruction on its soil.  Every country has a responsibility to protect its citizens. And America needs to do whatever it takes to protect Americans.

Bibi Haniffa
Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What would you do to prevent such a tragedy?

Bibi, you seem to have the answers. Why don't you provide your answer.

I'll help you.

Firstly, tell yourself that this is coming from an ideology that is using a religion wrongly.

Secondly, tell yourself that this ideology has its roots in the Arab world and in the Afghan/Pakistan area. 

Thirdly, tell yourself that those same Arabs and Afghan/Pakistanis will have to lead in the destruction of that ideology with American and NATO's help.

You can also provide answers such as:

  • Send American troops to fight 4 wars - in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Spare yourself Yemen, Libya and the Horn of Africa.
  • Pus a nuclear bomb on the swath of land between Raqaa and Mosul and wipe out 1 million civilians.
  • Be an imperial government in those 4 countries.


You see where I'm heading with all this?! 

Obama's weakness made this situation worse.  There has always been issues like this, remember Vietnam, etc.  And BTW, they just put the PNC back in power!

Obama seem to be going out of his way to avoid confronting the truth and the radicals senses it.  It's like having a friend in high places!!  In fairness, I think even Hillary will be a bit more hawkish!  But Trump is the right man for the job at this moment in time!

ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What would you do to prevent such a tragedy?

Bibi, you seem to have the answers. Why don't you provide your answer.

I'll help you.

Firstly, tell yourself that this is coming from an ideology that is using a religion wrongly.

Secondly, tell yourself that this ideology has its roots in the Arab world and in the Afghan/Pakistan area. 

Thirdly, tell yourself that those same Arabs and Afghan/Pakistanis will have to lead in the destruction of that ideology with American and NATO's help.

You can also provide answers such as:

  • Send American troops to fight 4 wars - in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Spare yourself Yemen, Libya and the Horn of Africa.
  • Pus a nuclear bomb on the swath of land between Raqaa and Mosul and wipe out 1 million civilians.
  • Be an imperial government in those 4 countries.


You see where I'm heading with all this?! 

Obama's weakness made this situation worse.  There has always been issues like this, remember Vietnam, etc.  And BTW, they just put the PNC back in power!

Obama seem to be going out of his way to avoid confronting the truth and the radicals senses it.  It's like having a friend in high places!!  In fairness, I think even Hillary will be a bit more hawkish!  But Trump is the right man for the job at this moment in time!

Obama's policy is seeing the region re organize on its own as he kill off ISIS personnel. They have no place to go but to the desert to die. It might take another year but few US soldier will die, least money will be spend and the emerging  political reality will be a  natural shaking out of people to their rightful places. 

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What would you do to prevent such a tragedy?

Bibi, you seem to have the answers. Why don't you provide your answer.

I'll help you.

Firstly, tell yourself that this is coming from an ideology that is using a religion wrongly.

Secondly, tell yourself that this ideology has its roots in the Arab world and in the Afghan/Pakistan area. 

Thirdly, tell yourself that those same Arabs and Afghan/Pakistanis will have to lead in the destruction of that ideology with American and NATO's help.

You can also provide answers such as:

  • Send American troops to fight 4 wars - in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Spare yourself Yemen, Libya and the Horn of Africa.
  • Pus a nuclear bomb on the swath of land between Raqaa and Mosul and wipe out 1 million civilians.
  • Be an imperial government in those 4 countries.


You see where I'm heading with all this?! 

Obama's weakness made this situation worse.  There has always been issues like this, remember Vietnam, etc.  And BTW, they just put the PNC back in power!

Obama seem to be going out of his way to avoid confronting the truth and the radicals senses it.  It's like having a friend in high places!!  In fairness, I think even Hillary will be a bit more hawkish!  But Trump is the right man for the job at this moment in time!

Obama's policy is seeing the region re organize on its own as he kill off ISIS personnel. They have no place to go but to the desert to die. It might take another year but few US soldier will die, least money will be spend and the emerging  political reality will be a  natural shaking out of people to their rightful places. 

But we will end up losing much more at home!  Obama is sending a message of weakness.  I don't think he has a foreign policy conviction but is driven by events rather than strategy!  He suddenly ramp up towards the end but the Islamists view it as domestic posturing to help Hillary rather than a conviction to crush them!  At least the Russians giving them some hell!  The American people have an ally in Putin rather than their own president!

Last edited by Former Member

Ba$eman, we've been through a long discourse on the current US foreign policy in the Middle East. Here are some salient points:

  • No declaration of war unless the US is threatened
  • The Arab people must pave their own destiny with, but with US help if necessary
  • The US war on terror, persecuted by the US President, continues.


Now tell me what foreign policy is there to stop domestic terrorism (all involved in Fort Hood, Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando are all US born).

Tell me also what domestic policy is there to stop these same shootings that the US is failing to do. Build a wall on the southern border? Stop visitors and migration by people from Arab countries? Round up all Arabs and Asian Muslims in the US - a la McCarthy?

I'm all ears. what would Trump do to stop these US-born murderers who obviously are inspired by the IDEOLOGY and all with some mental illness and access to assault rifles that really is for war not civilian use. How many refugees has the US allowed in - 2,000 to half million by Germany (where there have been no attacks).

For one moment I ask you to abandon partisan thinking and be objective.

Kari posted:

Ba$eman, we've been through a long discourse on the current US foreign policy in the Middle East. Here are some salient points:

  • No declaration of war unless the US is threatened
  • The Arab people must pave their own destiny with, but with US help if necessary
  • The US war on terror, persecuted by the US President, continues.


Now tell me what foreign policy is there to stop domestic terrorism (all involved in Fort Hood, Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando are all US born).

Tell me also what domestic policy is there to stop these same shootings that the US is failing to do. Build a wall on the southern border? Stop visitors and migration by people from Arab countries? Round up all Arabs and Asian Muslims in the US - a la McCarthy?

I'm all ears. what would Trump do to stop these US-born murderers who obviously are inspired by the IDEOLOGY and all with some mental illness and access to assault rifles that really is for war not civilian use. How many refugees has the US allowed in - 2,000 to half million by Germany (where there have been no attacks).

For one moment I ask you to abandon partisan thinking and be objective.

Crushing ISIS will also destroy their allure of success.  ISIS has become an inspiration to many because of their perceived invincibility.  We will never get rid of the thinking all together, but we can prevent them becoming an inspiration.  This guys father's thinking surely seem to have some role in how the son developed. Not sure what the solution is but maybe we do need to have limits as this ideology transcends generations.

It's too short a time to know when taking in so many refugees mean to Germany.  I think they went overboard.  The US needs to be careful with these Islamist, they are not to be trusted even though the vast majority are law abiding!

I think the hatred emanating from mosques and some Imams are inspiring youths to act out.  And yes, likely the troubled ones.  This needs to be addressed.  Enhance the laws on what constitutes treason could be part of solution.  This way you can yank the citizenship of those naturalized and preaching hate.

We have to realize Islamist view their faith above the state.  Islam itself is view as a virtual state by many Islamist so the borders and constitution mean little.  We must come to realize and accept that and them will develop mitigating measures.  There is no simple and short-term solution but when we come to realize/accept Islam is not an ally, we will take steps to protect the homeland!


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