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Moral fabric of this Nation has been torn apart

Posted By Staff Writer On December 4, 2014 @ 5:05 am In Daily,Features | No Comments

Introduction: Stabroek News has invited the People’s Progressive Party/Civic, A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance For Change (AFC) to submit a weekly column on governance and related matters. Only the AFC has submitted a column this week.

Senior members of the Alliance For Change, my fellow Berbicians and Guyanese, I have, in my travels to more than 60 countries, never attached myself to any political party. I must therefore answer the question as to WHY I am here on this AFC political platform, with the likes of Khemraj Ramjattan, Moses Nagamootoo, Nigel Hughes, Cathy Hughes, Dr. Ramayyah, and so on.

In Guyana, traditionally, we have had the two old parties—the PNC and the PPP. They have had multiple changes at governance. The first was woeful in its performance to improve the lives of Guyanese. The second was inadequate. Both are shot through with scandal and corruption.

I am not here to malign the PPP or APNU—no good comes of it. But I am here because I believe that the AFC offers the kind of NEWNESS that Guyanese need desperately. I am here because I believe that through the AFC we can utilize the constructive and implementable ideas I have for the betterment of all the citizens of this Republic of Guyana. The AFC is the only political party in Guyana that is capable of attracting talent and putting that talent to use for our Nation. The rest work in the old ways of “who knows who”, bribery, and ideological sameness.

20141204AFClogoWheresoever we meet Guyanese, we hear of the problems in Guyana: crime, poor education, poverty, joblessness, the uncaring attitude towards our youth, domestic violence and rape (most of it done within homes and hidden!), suicide, political ineptitude, and so on. But I am firm that there is only ONE problem in Guyana: and that problem is that the moral fabric of this Nation has been torn apart. All other problems come from this single source of moral corruption. No amount of words can stitch back this moral fabric! No amount of shouting and blaming can stitch it back.

It is my considered opinion that the Alliance for Change offers Guyana the best chance of creating a new political culture in order that our Nation take its rightful place in the community of nations. The question, of course, is this: HOW will we in the AFC do this? 1. We shall do this with real leadership, with leaders that have Intelligence, Imagination, and Integrity. 2. Through the practical conviction that the talent of all our citizens must be ICED (Identified, Cultivated, Employed, and Deployed). 3. By being completely honest and dignified in our deeds and words. There will be no broken promises. 4. Through inclusiveness rather than exclusiveness. 5. Through a new togetherness rather than divisiveness. 6. Through concrete ideas rather than empty rhetoric . 7. Through honour rather than moral corruption. 8. And through the knowledge that it is YOU the people who give us the authority and honour of serving YOU. These are the principles that build and develop nations!

Within weeks the AFC shall distribute to you, in writing, clearly defined, articulated and coherent policies and programmes in all areas of national life, including the following.

* Agriculture (especially GUYSUCO and the on-going plight of cane cutters)

* Post-agriculture production activity (canning, bottling, exportation)

* Energy (assured power supply using new technologies that we are exploring)

* Education—with reforms along contemporary international lines

* Security—the GPF, GDF, and all other security agencies

* Health and Health Care Delivery

* Policies and Programmes for Youth

* Policies and programmes for all sports, including an elite athletics center and mentoring

* Employment Center in each Region for Training, job creation, and job placement

* Foreign Affairs: strengthening our traditional partners (USA, UK, EU, and Canada), but also developing new bi-lateral ties with Australia, New Zealand, the Scandinavian countries, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, India, China, Japan, Oman, Qatar, etc. New system for identifying and deploying diplomats based on competency, training, and language.

* Opening new avenues for the private sector

* Transportation and Infrastructure

* Social Welfare (domestic violence, forced marriages and rape, suicide, the handicapped, the aged, the orphaned, etc.)

* Natural Resources

* Tourism, Industry and Hospitality Industry

The list is not exhaustive, but the AFC is in the process of developing, and articulating implementable, sustainable, socially and fiscally responsible and responsive programmes. The AFC will take something in writing to the people of Guyana and ask for their input. We do not come to the people with empty hands and empty heads and bellies hungry for power. We are aware that we do not know it all, and that the people are the rulers and we are their servants.

The AFC is fully aware that all political authority comes from the citizens of this Nation. This is why the AFC, with the permission and blessings of the people of the Republic of Guyana will win the honour of serving the people. The AFC shall not break promises, since we know that broken promises are like walking on broken glass. Do not vote the AFC into power! Vote the AFC into SERVICE!


we have a failed government it is time for them to go........This is why the cowards Ramotar and his master plug batty do not want to face the people.


From a pensioner to a prisoner


I am a pensioner but I might as well have been a prisoner!
My NIS pension was last due in October. To date the pension book is not yet at the Lethem office. On Monday, 1st December I was informed that the book would arrive the next day.
I live in Annai, 120km (almost 75 miles) away. It takes an entire day and $10,000 to collect the book, so pensioners incur a sizeable expense, sometimes only to be told a lie.
What is the purpose of this office? To offer poor service and pay two officers to warm seats for a salary? All one can ask is for efficiency. But can that be delivered? And when?
Michael James





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