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An entire school building is missing

February 20, 2016 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
On Monday, January 18, 2016 The Aurora Primary and Nursery Schools that once housed the Secondary School also was dismantled by a contactor in order that a new concrete and wooden building would be erected on the very site. This building was carefully taken down to preserve the materials and zinc. As expected the residents from the community made an approach to the Regional Executive Officer Mr. Rupert Hopkinson to have some of the materials in order for them to build or extend pens for rearing of poultry, livestock, pigs and cattle.
The R.E.O. rightly advise those persons to put their request in writing and send it to his office for consideration, because all the materials would be taken to Anna Regina and taken into custody of the Regional Administration. These materials were then loaded into trucks by the workers on site on different dates and time and I must say sometime during the hours of darkness. The trucks headed into the direction of Anna Regina where we all know, materials of all types and equipment are lodged, stored and parked, for the Region. More than a week after the last of the about twenty trucks laden with materials left the Aurora School situated right next to the Aurora Police Station, it was discovered that not a single truck with materials turned up at the Ministry location where they were intended to be stored.
The R.E.O. was contacted by concerned citizens of the community and other areas of the region. As a result, he made contact with the persons from Aurora including me. A discussion was held with us on Sunday, 31st January, 2016; we were not impressed with the reasons he advanced for him not being able at that point in time to account for the peoples materials.
We are contending among other things that our grandparents, our parents, our children and some of our grandchildren attended that school and through the Parent Teachers Association and other means or ways have made a significant contribution toward the delivery of education through that said school; it is galling to see it is stolen from us.
It is generally agreed we would have preferred to see these materials given to the Muslim, Hindu and Christian Churches in Aurora, and to the many play grounds in the region for the construction and extension of pavilions.
I am saying a lot of people from within the community that is to say Good Hope – Pomona and elsewhere are totally dissatisfied or getting to the point of being angry as more and more information is unraveling into the public domain, because they all know how many millions of dollars they were told was spend on renovation and extension during the last decade or so.  There are persons, particularly the R.E.O. who is the Accounting Officer for the region must say how much they know, when they knew it and what they did.
It is interesting to note that I caused an article to be published in the Kaieteur News on Friday 15th January, on page 31, under the caption β€˜The story of a missing Heart Machine and also mentioned in that article was the disappearance of a dental equipment. At the time of writing this letter I am not sue if the authority has located this priceless piece of equipment or if persons were held for questioning. Now less than a month later it is the story of a missing school.  Now what should we expect, failing to have a thorough investigation into this nasty act would be an indictment on the part of the regional authorities, for they rightfully would be accused of supporting questionable activities. It is the belief of many people that this issue would add to the long list that ready exists during the previous administration. I hope that they are wrong.
Archie W. Cordis
Former A.F.C. Councillor
Region 2

Replies sorted oldest to newest

You know how it is Mitts, you turn your eyes and they used to steal your bicycle. Now, they steal a whole school. Obviously, they saw the need for an education. Granger's rehabilitation program for released prisoners, I think

Mitts, Rupert learned a lot from his father, Bajee. All who lived on the Essequibo Coast knew how Bajee operated. Rupert is otherwise engaged. He is busy ensuring that he gets accommodation that is in accordance with his status as a REO 


Sadly, some Guyanese feel they have a sense of entitlement to public property. They even cannibalize public buildings that have no caretakers. And more. in Guyana I last lived in De-Groot-en-Klyne, WCD, just a stone's throw from the seawall. One day in 1991 I saw a man with spade and jute sacks grabbing sand from a heap that was deposited there for sea defence repairs. I told him firmly that if he didn't empty his sacks I would report him to George Hoyte, Chief Hydraulics Officer. i had to explain to him that the sand was meant for a strong seawall and hence protection to his own property.


Where did the missing materials from the Aurora School go?

Dear Editor,

On Monday, January 18, 2016 the Aurora Primary and Nursery School building which once also housed the secondary school was dismantled by a contactor in order that a new concrete and wooden building could be erected on the very site. This building was carefully taken down to preserve the materials and zinc.

As expected the residents from the community made an approach to the Regional Executive Officer Mr Rupert Hopkinson to have some of the materials in order for them to build or extend pens for the rearing of poultry, livestock, pigs and cattle. The REO rightly advised those persons to put their request in writing and send it to his office for consideration, because all the materials would be taken to Anna Regina and taken into the custody of the Regional administration.

These materials were then loaded into trucks by the workers on site on different dates. I must say that some time during the hours of darkness, the trucks headed in the direction of Anna Regina where we all know, materials of all types as well as equipment are lodged, stored and parked, for the Region.

More than a week after the last of about twenty trucks laden with materials left the Aurora School situated right next to the Aurora Police Station, it was discovered that not a single truck with materials had turned up at the ministry location where they were intended to be stored.

The REO was contacted by concerned citizens of the community and other areas of the Region, and as a result, he made contact with the persons from Aurora, myself included. A discussion was held with us on Sunday, 31st January; we were not impressed with the reasons he advanced for not being able at that point in time to account for the people’s materials.

We are contending, among other things, that our grandparents, parents, ourselves, our children and in some cases, our grandchildren who attended that school β€’ maybe in a different structure β€’ from time to time, through the Parent Teachers Association and other means made a significant contribution to the delivery of education, and it is galling to see the school materials stolen from us. It is generally agreed we would have preferred to see these materials given to the Muslim, Hindu and Christian Churches in Aurora, and to the many playgrounds in the Region for the construction and extension of pavilions.

I am saying a lot of people from within the community, that is to say Good Hope-Pomona and elsewhere are totally dissatisfied, or are getting to the point of being angry as more and more information is unravelling in the public domain, because they all know how many millions of dollars they were told were spent on renovation and extension during the last decade or so. Persons, particularly the REO, who is the Accounting Officer for the Region, must say how much they know, when they knew it and what they did.

It is interesting to note that I caused a letter to be published in the Kaieteur News on Friday, January 15, on page 31, under the caption β€˜The story of a missing Heart Machine’ that also mentioned the disappearance of a dental equipment. At the time of writing this letter I am not sure if the authority has located this priceless piece of equipment or if persons were held for questioning.

Now less than a month later it is the story of a missing school. Now what should we expect? Failing to hold a thorough investigation into this nasty act would be an indictment of the regional authorities.

It is the belief of many people that this issue would add to the long list that already exists under the previous administration. I hope that they are wrong.

Yours faithfully,

Archie W Cordis

Chameli posted:

Sir Gilibaka....when u lived in De-Groot-En-Klyne,  did u know the ppl by the big bridge that meets the village west of urs... who had the shop?

The first house west of De-Groot bridge was Anchor shop. His son Misir lived there when I was there.

Just past the high bridge and entering Zeeburg on the north side of the public road was Boyee shop. Before the 1963-64 riots Boyee's shop was at Uitvlugt Front. I don't know who operated Boyee's shop in the 1990s. The high bridge was about to be levelled when I left in 1996.

Zed posted:

You know how it is Mitts, you turn your eyes and they used to steal your bicycle. Now, they steal a whole school. Obviously, they saw the need for an education. Granger's rehabilitation program for released prisoners, I think

Mitts, Rupert learned a lot from his father, Bajee. All who lived on the Essequibo Coast knew how Bajee operated. Rupert is otherwise engaged. He is busy ensuring that he gets accommodation that is in accordance with his status as a REO 

This sounds like looting. I hope Granger, Ramjattan et al are apprised of this and bring in this Rupert fella to account for the materials.


"The REO was contacted by concerned citizens of the community and other areas of the Region, and as a result, he made contact with the persons from Aurora, myself included. A discussion was held with us on Sunday, 31st January; we were not impressed with the reasons he advanced for not being able at that point in time to account for the people’s materials."

Hopkinson is more preoccupied with his living conditions being more lucrative than his subordinates, he has no time to properly account for the missing school under his watch.

ksazma posted:

"The REO was contacted by concerned citizens of the community and other areas of the Region, and as a result, he made contact with the persons from Aurora, myself included. A discussion was held with us on Sunday, 31st January; we were not impressed with the reasons he advanced for not being able at that point in time to account for the people’s materials."

Hopkinson is more preoccupied with his living conditions being more lucrative than his subordinates, he has no time to properly account for the missing school under his watch.

This sounds like bareface jiggery-pokery on the REO's part.


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