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Former Member
Written by MATTHEW HENSON   
Wednesday, 10 April 2013 22:12

AFTER reading Alliance For Change’s Member of Parliament  Valerie Gerrido-Lowe’s presentation during the  Budget 2013 debate, as reported in the Stabroek News, I was  not certain as to whether I should have become angry, or simply laugh my head off, so to speak.
Either  emotion taken, would have been understood for the great absurdity that was this MP’S presentation. And I hate speaking in such a tone, especially as it relates to a member of the fairer sex, one who is elected to serve as a law-maker, with the best of intentions.

It is no secret that  socio-economic development of Amerindians has been a major cornerstone of the PPP/C government’s national development plans. This had been a commitment made to Amerindians during the historic 1992 election campaign, and one which the government has faithfully carried out since 1993
As is so well documented, the Amerindians  have  had a history of gross neglect and exploitation, beginning from colonial times, and continuing through the long reign of the PNC government.
Apart from a few schools, heath outposts and a single  hospital, Amerindian communities were bereft of basic infrastructure that facilitated the proper support of modern habitat and human living.
All this began changing when the PPP/C began to unveil its special socio-economic plan for Amerindian development. Specifically named the Hinterland Development Programme, these interventions cover every facet of Amerindian  socio-economic well-being, inclusive of health, education, water and housing, electrification, roads, agriculture, and a special component for making Amerindian communities self-sufficient.
There is even a revised Amerindian Act, that has specified Amerindian rights in keeping with the constitution.
These programmes, at a cost of billions of dollars, have been gradually transforming every  Amerindian community: new hospitals and health outposts have been built, staffed with properly qualified health staffers, even in areas where none had existed; dozens of new schools, from nursery, primary, through to secondary; modern sourcing of water and  storage facilities, that enable each locale to have potable water.
And just announced in  Budget 2013, is an initiative that will facilitate each Amerindian community with a computer station as part of government’s e-governance strategy.
These are just a micro-view of the array of benefits that hinterland communities and their residents now enjoy. Thanks to the PPP/C government.
Thus, by what twisted logic or severe distortion  this MP stood in the National Assembly to utter the following: “Communities do not enjoy basic necessities like potable water, a health post with qualified personnel and adequate, stocked drugs and telephone facilities”,  must be one of the biggest gaffes. But seriously, it is a pernicious lie and a wicked distortion! If this is politics, then it is the evil kind that is intended to both misinform and  misguide.
One wonders whether Ms. Garrido-Lowe did do any background research prior to her response. Also, when last has she visited a hinterland community?

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