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Tomorrow is a significant day for our beloved Guyana. The Court of Appeal determines whether it has authority to decide on the matter before us. If it does not, Lowenfield will be required to declare (again) on the March 2, 2020. But if the Court does have jurisdiction, I strongly believe it will block GECOM's Chair, Justice Claudette Singh, from declaring on such elections. Allow me to explain:

Please recall that the PPP/C was successful in blocking GECOM from declaring the results based on Mingo's tabulation that were allegedly deemed as fraudulent. If, as a PPP/C supporter, you are now conveniently claiming that GECOM has no investigative authority or the issues should be addressed by way of elections petition, then GECOM acted "ultra vires" as regards the recount and any subsequent tabulations thereof would be considered nullified, leading the path for Lowenfield's previous declarations of all ten (10) regions to stand.

By virtue of Gazette Order No. 60 of 2020, GECOM created its own definition of what is a "valid vote" in the recount process. GECOM's formulation of those rules was necessary after CJ George-Wiltshire ruled that Mingo's Region 4 tabulation failed the constitutionally mandated test for "fairness and impartiality." 

As the raw evidence from the opened ballot boxes began to show that Mingo was not the only person guilty of elections fraud, GECOM's Chair,
Justice Claudette Singh, famously averred during a visit to the recount center, "[h]e who asserts must prove."
In another crucial incident where GECOM was unable to validate a reported 50,000 plus votes from ballot boxes in a traditional PPP/C strongholds because the "Poll Books" and other GECOM authentication documents were "missing", Justice Claudette Singh voted with the three PPP/C's GECOM Commissioners to count those ballots as "valid votes" even though they clearly failed to meet GECOM's explicit and established definition for "valid votes" under the Order.
Keith Lowenfield is guilty of implementing the very rules established by his employ, GECOM, in determining a "valid vote". He rejected votes that were cast for both the PPP/C and APNU-AFC that failed to meet GECOM's definition of a "valid vote." If GECOM was to declare on just tabulated votes, it would go against its very own Order. 
My friends, the law can be beautiful, ugly and complex all in one, and it can be used to play a game of chess (not checkers). The previous court actions in favor of PPP/C have opened a path for APNU+AFC to do same, but at the most crucial stage of the election process: its very end. 
It is my hope that whatever the Court's ruling tomorrow, we can all come together to move Guyana forward. 
A good evening to you all, and I hope you have each enjoyed your Father's Day. See you bright and early tomorrow morning.


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@Rochelle posted:

By virtue of Gazette Order No. 60 of 2020, GECOM created its own definition of what is a "valid vote" in the recount process. GECOM's formulation of those rules was necessary after CJ George-Wiltshire ruled that Mingo's Region 4 tabulation failed the constitutionally mandated test for "fairness and impartiality."

Gazette Order No. 60/2020 does not have any reference to the definition or redefinition of "valid vote".

Gazette Orders cannot change the words, meanings and/or intentions specified in the Constitution.

Gazette Order No 60 of 2020 cannot redefine words contrary to what is written in the Constitution.

Gazette Orders are issued pursuant to and relates to specific Act(s).

Gazette Order No 60 of 2020 relates specifically to the procedures for the recount of the votes, employees involved with the tabulations, persons to be present such as representatives of political organizations, etc.

Gazette Order No. 60/2020

Source -

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Gazette Order No. 60/2020 does not have any reference to the definition or redefinition of "valid vote".

Gazette Orders cannot change the words, meanings and/or intentions specified in the Constitution.

Gazette Order No 60 of 2020 cannot redefine words contrary to what is written in the Constitution.

Gazette Orders are issued pursuant to and relates to specific Act(s).

Gazette Order No 60 of 2020 relates specifically to the procedures for the recount of the votes, employees involved with the tabulations, persons to be present such as representatives of political organizations, etc.

Gazette Order No. 60/2020

Source -

A "valid vote," as determined by GECOM Order No. 60 of 2020 and its addendum dated May 29, 2020, is one in which there is the "reconciliation" of:
(1) the ballots issued with the ballots cast, destroyed, spoiled, stamped, and as deemed necessary, their counterfoils/stubs;
(2) authenticity of the ballots and the number of voters listed and crossed out as having voted;
(3) the number of votes cast without ID cards;
(4) the number of proxies issued and the number utilized; and
(5) statistical anomalies and occurrences recorded in the Poll Book.
This is not APNU-AFC's standard of determining a "valid vote". It is not the standard of the PPP/C. It is unequivocally, the standards promulgated by GECOM to govern the recount of the votes cast in Guyana's March 2, 2020 Elections.
GECOM did not follow its own officially gazetted standard of determining a "valid vote" during the recount. Rather, it decided to dump votes which by its own standard should have been deemed "invalid" and count them with the "valid votes".
Last edited by Rochelle

Thank you for your opinion, Rochelle. It's my hope that the Court of Appeal will rule that it has no jurisdiction to adjudicate on Eslyn David's request, and that GECOM Chairman Claudette Singh will reorder Chief Elections Officer Lowenfield to submit the correct report on valid votes determined through the recount process. And furthermore that Ms Singh will declare the PPP/C as winner of the March 2 general elections, and that thereafter Dr Irfaan Ali will be duly sworn-in as Guyana's 9th President. More importantly it's my sincere hope that the incoming PPP/C administration will govern for the benefit of all the people, not some of the people.


A valid vote is one where it can be established for which that is one list of candidate for whom the elector have cast his/her vote for. Valid votes and rejected votes are only determined and known during the count.....where only the ballots that were casted the ballot box are used in this other documents are used saving and except the tally sheets....the ballot Paper Account and the envelopes PE 7 and 8.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Guyana belongs to all of us.   We live in a multiracial society. We need to work hard, live a decent life, and do not expect handout and pity, to get through a fruitful life.


There is a  difference between working hard and working smart. 
According to Mr. Goog, Hard work means putting in a lot of time and effort doing a certain amount of work. Whereas, smart work means spending less amount of time performing the same amount of workHard work aims at the quantity and may become monotonous and boring after a certain period. Smart work aims at achieving goals with quality. 
@Mitwah posted:
There is a  difference between working hard and working smart. 
According to Mr. Goog, Hard work means putting in a lot of time and effort doing a certain amount of work. Whereas, smart work means spending less amount of time performing the same amount of workHard work aims at the quantity and may become monotonous and boring after a certain period. Smart work aims at achieving goals with quality. 

Well!  GECON wasn't working smart.  I am talking about your beloved country.  When and where did anyone work smart in Guyana?  I don't care about the difference.


@Former Member posted:

Rochelle ...

May 29, 2020 Addendum for Order No. 60 of 2020 does not change the process for counting/tabulating the votes for the recount.

The recount showed VALID VOTES CAST. Who is to say what votes in the recount are not valid? Do they have proof of which votes are not valid? Rochelle is fooling herself. Needless to say, Rochelle's opinion is not honest but bias.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

The recount showed VALID VOTES CAST. Who is to say what votes in the recount are not valid? Do they have proof of which votes are not valid? Rochelle is fooling herself. Needless to say, Rochelle's opinion is not honest but bias.

There is a split decision.  2 to 1 in favour of valid votes cast, which means "valid votes cast" minus dead people and migrants who voted twice.


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