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Mother dies after giving birth at Linden Hospital

…as GPHC CEO promises an investigation into mistreatment allegations

The family of 41-year-old Jennifer Gill of Amelia’s Ward, Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice), are calling for a full investigation into her death after the woman died following the delivery of a healthy baby boy at the Linden Hospital Complex (LHC).
According to reports, Gill died in the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) shortly after 20:00h on Monday.

Dead: Jennifer Gill

However, the deceased woman’s niece, Tashanna (only name given), said her aunt was scheduled to undergo a C-section due to her age and weight of her baby. She explained that after her aunt’s “water broke” (rupture of membranes) she was admitted to the medical institution at about 07:00h on Saturday.
Her niece explained however, that the C-section was not performed but her baby boy was delivered vaginally on Saturday evening. Tashanna further noted that she was informed that no doctor was available at the time for the C-section therefore it was not performed.

She went on to state that she visited the hospital on Sunday morning as her aunt was scheduled to undergo a hysterectomy operation; however, she noted that the now dead woman was unresponsive and appeared unconscious after leaving the theatre. She said cotton wool had been placed around her eyes and nose which appeared bloodied.
According to the woman’s niece, the now dead woman was later admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. She said relatives were sent away and were later told that the woman died on Monday evening.

Family members however believe that Gill had already died when they saw her inside the ICU.
An investigation is reportedly underway as the medical institution is yet to make an official report. Meanwhile, an official attached to the medical institution told Guyana Times on Tuesday that obstetricians were in the process of preparing an official report which was expected to be forwarded to the Public Health Minister.

The official noted that until that was done, an official statement could not be made on behalf of the hospital. Another official noted that the institution is also awaiting the results of a post mortem-examination.
Gill is survived by two children.

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Brigadier (ret’d) George Lewis, said that the hospital would be investigating the mistreatment claims a 36-year-old woman, who accused the nurses and midwives in the maternity ward of grievously mistreating her before, during and after her delivery on Monday last.

On Saturday last, Jennifer Jagdeo’s baby girl died as a result of complications during the pregnancy and the fact that she was delivered prematurely. The Herstelling, East bank Demerara woman said that she felt degraded by the treatment she received at the GPHC and is seriously considering actions against the Hospital.

“I felt like worst than dog treatment at the Georgetown Hospital,” Jagdeo told this newspaper.

In response to the woman’s allegations, Lewis has promised an investigation. Lewis has since expressed the administration’s condolences to Jagdeo’s family while noting that the administration is aware of instances of staffers mistreating patients and at the same time explaining that mistreatment would not be condoned.

He also urged persons, who were mistreated by staffers to report it to the Complaints Department. Additionally, Lewis said that persons accessing services at the GPHC should also be respectful to the staffers at the institution.

He noted that over the last year the GPHC would have delivered over 7,000 babies and saw almost 18,000 pregnant women adding that persons should also take that into consideration when accessing services at the institution.
Meanwhile, Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the GPHC, Dr Lucio Pedro said that he would have spoken to his staff who all denied the accusations.

In a previous interview, Jagdeo said that her doctor had advised that the baby would not survive because of the complications during the pregnancy. The woman said that she had accepted that she would have lost her first child, but it is the treatment that she got from the GPHC that she could not accept.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyana has failed in two major areas under every administration. Health and Security. 

From the Victim's own mouth: 

“I felt like worst than dog treatment at the Georgetown Hospital,” Jagdeo told this newspaper.

People are also killed like dogs in Guyana.


What racist nonsense is this.

First off - it is not an indian woman but a mixed woman.

second off, if she was in Berbice or Essequibo or even GT, she would have still died because the medical system in Guyana is a SHYTEHOLE system that was born and bred under the PPP who stole billions from the health care system.

Team Granger just following the PPP and continued the tiefing.

Brian Teekah posted:

What racist nonsense is this.

First off - it is not an indian woman but a mixed woman.

second off, if she was in Berbice or Essequibo or even GT, she would have still died because the medical system in Guyana is a SHYTEHOLE system that was born and bred under the PPP who stole billions from the health care system.

Team Granger just following the PPP and continued the tiefing.

Hey, BT, stop acting like a frigging big shot. There is no red carpet welcome for your reentry. What is racist about my post? Is it because I said the woman is Indian? 


On Saturday last, Jennifer Jagdeo’s baby girl died as a result of complications during the pregnancy


Where is Riff Rass, How come you does call president Jagdeo HOMO, look he pickney died.

kp posted:

On Saturday last, Jennifer Jagdeo’s baby girl died as a result of complications during the pregnancy


Where is Riff Rass, How come you does call president Jagdeo HOMO, look he pickney died.

He changed his name to Jennifer?

kp posted:

Mother dies after giving birth at Linden Hospital



Your headline does' not add up.

The rule is, if you fail to see the distorted heading of a thread within one hour, the heading is automatically accepted as it is and your finding becomes void. Ask Riff about the new rule.


Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Brigadier (ret’d) George Lewis...


Another Granger's boys from the military. PNC military man is CEO of the hospital. Is he like a medical dude(give out aspirin and band aid) wid lil haspital experiance? 

Prince posted:
kp posted:

Mother dies after giving birth at Linden Hospital



Your headline does' not add up.

The rule is, if you fail to see the distorted heading of a thread within one hour, the heading is automatically accepted as it is and your finding becomes void. Ask Riff about the new rule.

I didn't know Riff has Heading Rule. Riff make up rule depends how he feels .

skeldon_man posted:

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Brigadier (ret’d) George Lewis...


Another Granger's boys from the military. PNC military man is CEO of the hospital. Is he like a medical dude(give out aspirin and band aid) wid lil haspital experiance? 

Granger placing military buddies in key positions in event there is civil unrest when he rig the next election then the army take Rule.

skeldon_man posted:

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Brigadier (ret’d) George Lewis...


Another Granger's boys from the military. PNC military man is CEO of the hospital. Is he like a medical dude(give out aspirin and band aid) wid lil haspital experiance? 

I am happy when coolie gets annoyed over PNC. You know why? Because all you stupid. 

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Brigadier (ret’d) George Lewis...


Another Granger's boys from the military. PNC military man is CEO of the hospital. Is he like a medical dude(give out aspirin and band aid) wid lil haspital experiance? 

I am happy when coolie gets annoyed over PNC. You know why? Because all you stupid. 

You are performing very well as a negros showing your real colour.

kp posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Brigadier (ret’d) George Lewis...


Another Granger's boys from the military. PNC military man is CEO of the hospital. Is he like a medical dude(give out aspirin and band aid) wid lil haspital experiance? 

I am happy when coolie gets annoyed over PNC. You know why? Because all you stupid. 

You are performing very well as a negros showing your real colour.

Listen, you. As long as I remain on GNI, I will continue to act like a negro and abuse coolie until they come to their senses.  

kp posted:

Everyone stupid and only you have sense,well boy you have a lot of growing up to do. I suggest other than posting shit find another hobby. 

I am not the one complaining about negros and the PNC and hoping for an all coolie party to rule Guyana. All you coolie xyz&%$#

Prince posted:
kp posted:

Everyone stupid and only you have sense,well boy you have a lot of growing up to do. I suggest other than posting shit find another hobby. 

I am not the one complaining about negros and the PNC and hoping for an all coolie party to rule Guyana. All you coolie xyz&%$#

Stop smelling up the site, rest yuh self.

Prince posted:

Lots of people are out there like Jagdeo who is without wife or children. I don't understand why people are accusing him of being gay when he never claim to be gay. 

Do you really believe "if" BJ had a wife that he would leave her to the mercy of a sub-par medical system?  He would have her in the great USA, having an "anchor" baby!


Whilst many are ranting about race and politics, I am sadly at the depth of our posters.

The town of Linden is totally overlooked.


During my recent visit, I posted a video on my facebook. It depicts the state of environmental devastation.

This community seems to be totally overlooked.

No job opportunities for the youth force.

No viable industry as the current bauxite operations are in a maintenance mode.


I did speak out of the lack of healthcare in Linden.


I am aware of another case at Linden

I know of a case where a longtime resident of Linden and a former bauxite worker was diagnosed with a minor infection of the lower leg. He was given over the counter medication and send home. 

During a routine visit to Georgetown, the patient share his pain with relatives who then took his to the Balwan Singh Hospital. He was admitted immediately and his lower leg was amputated to save his life.

Linden Medical experts a week earlier treated same infection as a minor infection.

I also happened to know of the other victim  Jennifer Jill. It is indeed a very sad story of medical incompetence at Linden Hospital.

How many more need to died before real medical changes are done at Linden Hospital.

I will assist the family by starting a lawsuit against this medical  establishment. I will encourage others to join in this fight.


contact me at

Vish M

My brother once paid a visit to Gph and said he was surprised at the quality of care and lack of expertise and guess work.  

He took a list of medication from one patient and saw many trial and error drugs. They assumed an ailment and gave a drug, when it didn’t work, they took another assumption and gave another. 

A baby had just died when he went.  It suffocated due to fluids in the lung.  The drug administered does have that side effect so he don’t know why it was given.  He said the baby was misdiagnosed and given the wrong drug.

So if that’s gt, imagine the outlying areas. This was 10 years ago!

Vish M posted:

Whilst many are ranting about race and politics, I am sadly at the depth of our posters.

The town of Linden is totally overlooked.


During my recent visit, I posted a video on my facebook. It depicts the state of environmental devastation.

This community seems to be totally overlooked.

No job opportunities for the youth force.

No viable industry as the current bauxite operations are in a maintenance mode.


I did speak out of the lack of healthcare in Linden.


I am aware of another case at Linden

I know of a case where a longtime resident of Linden and a former bauxite worker was diagnosed with a minor infection of the lower leg. He was given over the counter medication and send home. 

During a routine visit to Georgetown, the patient share his pain with relatives who then took his to the Balwan Singh Hospital. He was admitted immediately and his lower leg was amputated to save his life.

Linden Medical experts a week earlier treated same infection as a minor infection.

I also happened to know of the other victim  Jennifer Jill. It is indeed a very sad story of medical incompetence at Linden Hospital.

How many more need to died before real medical changes are done at Linden Hospital.

I will assist the family by starting a lawsuit against this medical  establishment. I will encourage others to join in this fight.


contact me at

Good luck suing. You think Guyana is America?  

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Brigadier (ret’d) George Lewis...


Another Granger's boys from the military. PNC military man is CEO of the hospital. Is he like a medical dude(give out aspirin and band aid) wid lil haspital experiance? 

I am happy when coolie gets annoyed over PNC. You know why? Because all you stupid

Verbal diarrhea from a lizard brain individual.

Prince posted:
Brian Teekah posted:

What racist nonsense is this.

First off - it is not an indian woman but a mixed woman.

second off, if she was in Berbice or Essequibo or even GT, she would have still died because the medical system in Guyana is a SHYTEHOLE system that was born and bred under the PPP who stole billions from the health care system.

Team Granger just following the PPP and continued the tiefing.

Hey, BT, stop acting like a frigging big shot. There is no red carpet welcome for your reentry. What is racist about my post? Is it because I said the woman is Indian? 

wow he get it give the man a cigar 


skeldon_man posted:

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Brigadier (ret’d) George Lewis...


Another Granger's boys from the military. PNC military man is CEO of the hospital. Is he like a medical dude(give out aspirin and band aid) wid lil haspital experiance? 

jagdeo is 4 doctor in one he should go do some operation at these hospitals 

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Brigadier (ret’d) George Lewis...


Another Granger's boys from the military. PNC military man is CEO of the hospital. Is he like a medical dude(give out aspirin and band aid) wid lil haspital experiance? 

jagdeo is 4 doctor in one he should go do some operation at these hospitals 

Bai if you de admin, you should hire Jags. Wah you seh?

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Brigadier (ret’d) George Lewis...


Another Granger's boys from the military. PNC military man is CEO of the hospital. Is he like a medical dude(give out aspirin and band aid) wid lil haspital experiance? 

I am happy when coolie gets annoyed over PNC. You know why? Because all you stupid. 

hello who you calling stupid

warrior posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Brigadier (ret’d) George Lewis...


Another Granger's boys from the military. PNC military man is CEO of the hospital. Is he like a medical dude(give out aspirin and band aid) wid lil haspital experiance? 

I am happy when coolie gets annoyed over PNC. You know why? Because all you stupid. 

hello who you calling stupid

You need to give de man wan wrang side slap.

skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Brigadier (ret’d) George Lewis...


Another Granger's boys from the military. PNC military man is CEO of the hospital. Is he like a medical dude(give out aspirin and band aid) wid lil haspital experiance? 

jagdeo is 4 doctor in one he should go do some operation at these hospitals 

Bai if you de admin, you should hire Jags. Wah you seh?

i do not like the way prince calling you stupid u is my guru my hero my idol the only professor that love to hunt wild cabbage with a 5 shooter shot gun   

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Brigadier (ret’d) George Lewis...


Another Granger's boys from the military. PNC military man is CEO of the hospital. Is he like a medical dude(give out aspirin and band aid) wid lil haspital experiance? 

jagdeo is 4 doctor in one he should go do some operation at these hospitals 

Bai if you de admin, you should hire Jags. Wah you seh?

i do not like the way prince calling you stupid u is my guru my hero my idol the only professor that love to hunt wild cabbage with a 5 shooter shot gun   

Prince needs attention. He will write shit to get attention. Forgive the dude for his knowledge is limited.


Seems as though the this is off track

It is about the gross lack of care.

It was reported that the doctor was missing in action and  instead of a C Section, it was reported that the nurse forced the woman to do a natural delivery.

more to follow

Vish M

the quality of care in all of Guyana's hospitals continues to be scandalous under the coalition Gov't

that said, this is the 1st maternal death at the Linden Hospital in NINE YEARS!

read the full report and larn lil

suh, measure the critique and ease up on the divisive ethnic campaign propaganda, arrite?


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