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Originally Posted by albert:

What recourse is there for the owner of the Church Street home which Kaieteur News published on its front pages yesterday in furtherance of Glen Lall & Adam Harris' anti-Jagdeo campaign? The businessman whose privacy and right to live in peace was violated by Kaieteur News also had his security compromised and is now open for public ridicule

According to the Official Gazette, dated December 7, 2013, he acquired the two properties from his friend Brian James.


if it's in the Official Gazzette then how the hell is hisprivacy violated and security compromised?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Just like d2 defamation of Dr Chehil, Kaiteur is engaging in slander campaign, jumping to conclusions with shoddy journalism. How many times this month already they peddled misinformation and slander?

Dude, where and how did I defame the Lady? Do you mean to say she was ashamed she was with Gollum. If so my sincerest apologies since I would understand. 


Now jack ass. given your nature is to lie, please on this occasion inform us how the lady was defamed.


The paper told no lie. Indeed they admit to being surprised at the scale given they mis identified the address. Their reporting on the matter is on their site. And unlike you fellow purveyor of misinformation Alberta, it is not a tiny article on the matter but a full page spread.


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