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RiffRaff posted:

Bring it on whiny likkle beetch!

We ready for Trump!!!


I suggest that all of these people engaged in childish tantrums focus on 2018. 

Analyze why Hillary lost.

1. Trump made inroads not only among Angry White Males but he did BETTER among Latinos, Asians and BLACK MEN.  He did as well among Millennials (who voted) as Romney did.  Millennials went to vote for other candidates, which also hurt Hillary

2. Blacks and millennials did NOT vote in the numbers that they did in 2012. If blacks in Detroit voted in the same numbers as they did in 2012 Hillary would have WON MI. I am willing to bet that the same will apply for NC, PA, and WI.

3.  The only group where Hillary did as well as Obama did in 2012 was black women.

So all of those screaming that race was the reason why Hillary lost need to examine why in an equally divisive USA Obama won while she lost. This was an old white woman running against an old white man.  Minorities were not that overwhelmingly impressed with her.  Neither were Millennials.


The issue was jobs. Trump sold a bill of goods that he could bring back jobs. Hillary failed to dismantle that lie. Many people bought the Trump scam.

This is the fault of Hillary's team, who focused on the female thing, instead of the jobs thing. Females vote based on their pocket books even more than men do. So Hillary should have focused on dismantling Trump's jobs scam to get the female vote.

We have a problem. People mix with people like them. Hillary's team like diversity. Bright, mainly white college educated people who earn well, and so cannot appreciate the fact that bread and butter issues "trump" every thing else!

So I suggest that folks admit that the messaging was wrong. That Hillary failed to knock out Trump in the debate because she misread the electorate. She thought that Trump's boorish behavior would have been the knock out. She didn't understand that what people heard was that Trump was a pig, but he could bring jobs.

Why didn't Hillary push Trump's outsourcing of jobs more?

caribny posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Bring it on whiny likkle beetch!

We ready for Trump!!!


I suggest that all of these people engaged in childish tantrums focus on 2018. 

Analyze why Hillary lost.

1. Trump made inroads not only among Angry White Males but he did BETTER among Latinos, Asians and BLACK MEN.  He did as well among Millennials (who voted) as Romney did.  Millennials went to vote for other candidates, which also hurt Hillary

2. Blacks and millennials did NOT vote in the numbers that they did in 2012. If blacks in Detroit voted in the same numbers as they did in 2012 Hillary would have WON MI. I am willing to bet that the same will apply for NC, PA, and WI.

3.  The only group where Hillary did as well as Obama did in 2012 was black women.

So all of those screaming that race was the reason why Hillary lost need to examine why in an equally divisive USA Obama won while she lost. This was an old white woman running against an old white man.  Minorities were not that overwhelmingly impressed with her.  Neither were Millennials.

What do you think it means...sitting and waiting for a campaign or standing up for social values in place in the society and drawing a line?

RiffRaff posted:

Bring it on whiny likkle beetch!

We ready for Trump!!!


There will be vehement push back on Obama care. It will not be repealed easily and the republicans know they have to accommodate 20 million people in better ways to tear this down..


The clean air act is also sacrosanct. I hope there is a red line here as well. The same with the tar sands.




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