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Former Member

Some of the people who I talk to (and rely on for unbiased counsel) are deeply alarmed over the seeming success of the PPP to create an incredibly successful post-election narrative. The lies are working on various fronts. They are working for several reasons inclusive of the fact that they are playing on actual historical experience of the PNC's previous term of Government in the minds of ordinary Indians and the Government's almost non-response to these lies.


1.Economically. The lies are actually so successful that Indian businessmen are indicating their hesitance to invest further in Guyana. It seems they are willing to withhold their capital from the Guyanese economy. With the current climate in the major industries (rice, sugar, natural resources) and this sense of uncertainty and "wait and see" approach of small business, we are going to register some artificially-induced loss of confidence.


The PPP is creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Their actions will help to hasten an economic recession in Guyana and they will blame it on the incumbent Government. And we will get "dem bais been ah tief but at least abbe was better off back then."


2. Politically. The PNC made a critical error in publicly emasculating Moses and AFC Spicy Recipe. The AFC Indo voters are not happy with this Government of 34 days. Alunatic Gyal and Cobra are correct in their contention that AFC Indo voters are almost regretful with their votes. I'm not pronouncing as to the bona fides of their concerns as even I think they're mostly unfounded. Jay Bharrat here is a canary in the coal mine. This new Cabinet was too large and certainly skewed too much to one race (the non-Indian one). I personally don't really care but that's not the point. The point is it's electoral impact which was far more damaging than I imagined. If the AFC were to run on their own in LG Elections today, they would perform abysmally to the point of embarrassment in some estimations.


3. Racially. The PPP has quite successfully created this narrative of Indian dispossession and exclusion largely by creating its own "facts." Every routine political appointee who should as a matter of convention and plain decency have resigned is being made to be dismissed by the Government so they can create a narrative of PNC victimization of innocent Indians (an easy button to push with Indians on any day because of historical experience). Raj Singh's dismissal is being received (astonishingly) as a case of Indo victimization at the hands of Black people who just irrationally hate all Indos. Lastly, there is the phenomenon at play here which we saw on May 11th. The more the Indian population contracts, the more tightly they will hold to the PPP. The AFC Mosaic cult are of course too stupid or lazy or drunk with their new status to notice and respond to the gathering storm clouds. Ordinary non-political AFC Indo voters are unhappy and need to be spoken to in full frank terms. Otherwise 2020 will be the best chance for the PPP to recapture power.


P.S...I underestimated the possibility that Indos are still largely pretty racist. Like cartoon-like racist. A significant chunk of the Indian people dislike Black people just because they dislike Black people. 60 years of internicine warfare of one kind of another since the 1950s has created a well of hardened attitudes amongst Indians.

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I had alot of opportunities open to me by Black people whilst growing up in Guyana. At the said time, during the Burnham era, I encountered some racism and witnessed many targeted against East Indians. East Indians were targeted for mainly cultural differences. And in 1992, it was even more so. East Indians were free-free at last. And they promoted heir culture openly which antagonize a segment of the Black population-not all.  


I doan think East Indians are anymore racist that Black people. At least, it is in the wide open spaces. And everybody knows that Guyana is a racist society.


Suh leh we move on.



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