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June 4 ,2021


Dear Editor,

Former president, Mr. Granger, was recently quoted in the media boasting that he is the first ‘PNC’ leader since 1985 to win an election – he was seemingly making a pitch to his supporters for re-election as party leader. I get the impression that Mr. Granger was proclaiming that ‘1985 win’ as his legacy. I beg to differ. Mr. Granger is a decent family man, an academically brilliant individual and a leader who was not financially corrupt, but that is as far I can go in saying anything positive about him. In saying that he was the first PNC leader since ‘85, I am interpreting that he is implying he was a better leader than Mr. Hoyte. Very funny. Mr. Hoyte was a visionary, a transformational leader and the best president this country ever had. If Mr. Hoyte had served two more terms after 1992, Guyana would have achieved developed country status. Guyana’s racialized voting system was the reason Mr. Hoyte did not win another election and why it is impossible for the PNC to win a free and fair election. Mr. Granger, it was the AFC influenced Indo-Guyanese votes that made you president.

The AFC votes were so important that it caused me to remember the situation in a Caribbean country where two major parties held the same number of seats (let’s say 24 each) and the third party that contested held only one seat. The small party leader told the two titans that he will only collate to form a government with the party that is willing to make him prime minister. Of course one of them agreed. Thus the smart, sensible and only logical thing then was for Mr. Granger to (if he had wanted to cement his legal hold on power) treat the AFC nicely – give them real power, allow them to expand their base. To be precise, give the AFC prime minister real power, give an Indo AFC member the Ministry of Agriculture portfolio and let those two individuals be visible in regions 2, 3, 5 & 6. Instead Mr. Harmon received all the power in the world and PM Nagamotoo was given Information and some parliamentary nonsense to overlook – so much so that Mr. Jagdeo would poke fun by saying that he had no real power.

Mr. Hoyte had the unenviable task of going against his own Party’s failed policies. But he did. And came out smelling like a rose in the end. When he became president his first task was to signal that he wanted a violent-free reign, thus he jailed his Party’s enforcers. When the violent kick-down-the-door bandits began to reign terror he brought the ‘hangman’ out from retirement and ended that period of terror. He brought back flour. He had the testicular fortitude to make strong decisions – hence his Economic Recovery Programme came in. At first it was very rough but within two years prices started to go down. When a minister was accused of wrongdoing he was asked to resign. At the start of Mr. Granger’s term a minister was publicly exposed for asking GRA officers to ‘stand-down’ from an assignment. Mr. Hoyte would have fired him on the spot. Mr. Granger, after justifiably criticizing the PPP about their corrupt ways for years, allowed the minister to continue along his merry ways. And he did.

I am mystified as to what Mr. Granger’s policy or plan was. He did not seek to bring in new investments but instead taxed his suffering supporters more by increasing the cost of government services everywhere. He brought on a set of old, retired men (some from overseas) whilst his young, faithful supporters were left out. He committed political suicide by sending home thousands of sugar workers. A simple plan would have been to divest the industry and commit the buyers to retaining a certain number of workers and find work for the rest. Mr. Jagdeo is definitely at the opposite end of the intellectual spectrum to Mr. Granger but he made Mr. Jagdeo look like a genius – this is by no means an endorsement of Mr. Jagdeo, rather, it is an indictment against Mr. Granger. Mr. Granger’s act of bypassing his young supporters, having no policies to improve the lot of Black people and presiding over a government of men and women who became so arrogant and pompous that, except for Ms. Volda Lawrence, had no time for their people has caused Afro-Guyanese, who prior to 2015 would have laid down their lives for the cause, to have no time for PNC or politics. Once Mr. Jagdeo is around the PPP will never play by the rules (already we see the disparity in judgement – one set of people are jailed for 72 hours then charged and another set are referred to the Auditor General). When PPP practices injustice it is the power of the people that reins them in. Under Mr. Hoyte advantage could not have been taken against his supporters. Mr. Granger’s failed leadership has made his supporters passive.

When the No-Confidence Motion was passed against his government, because it was a vile, evil, treacherous act, all he needed was to obey the constitution and call elections within three months and he would have gained sympathy. Mr. Granger did otherwise and the rest is history. Ms. Desiree Bernard at a U.G. convocation said “education without common sense, is worse that common sense without education”. Who in their right mind will try to rig an election after the votes are counted at the place of poll? For not conceding power within one week maximum, and based on his failed policies and weak leadership, Mr. Granger’s legacy has now enabled the PPP to be in power for the foreseeable future. Non-blacks will not trust black people with power again – and who can blame them? Imagine in 2015 even his own supporters had had enough of Mr. Jagdeo and had turned their backs on him; this was the chance to rid this country of a man that ran it as if it were his personal possession. Now Mr. Jagdeo is a hero and is seen by his supporters as their saviour against perceived PNC’s bullyism. If APNU/AFC had conceded early they could have entertained the hope of returning to power in the next elections. Come 2025, God willing, if either Mr. Granger or Harmon happens to be the presidential candidate I will not be voting.


Trevor Charles

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ah koodn't hav.sed hit betta! Tree chairs an sum taybuls, two!

Butt wid ile in de PPP hans hit gun bee.haad! Onliss yuh.waatch.dem karefullee!

Dem bung fuh.teef!

Last edited by Former Member
@Django posted:

An ode to political self-destruction

June 4 ,2021  --  Source

Dear Editor,

The AFC votes were so important that it caused me to remember the situation in a Caribbean country where two major parties held the same number of seats (let’s say 24 each) and the third party that contested held only one seat. The small party leader told the two titans that he will only collate to form a government with the party that is willing to make him prime minister. Of course one of them agreed. Thus the smart, sensible and only logical thing then was for Mr. Granger to (if he had wanted to cement his legal hold on power) treat the AFC nicely – give them real power, allow them to expand their base. To be precise, give the AFC prime minister real power, give an Indo AFC member the Ministry of Agriculture portfolio and let those two individuals be visible in regions 2, 3, 5 & 6. Instead Mr. Harmon received all the power in the world and PM Nagamotoo was given Information and some parliamentary nonsense to overlook – so much so that Mr. Jagdeo would poke fun by saying that he had no real power.


Trevor Charles

Eh-eh -- well look at the news here ...

In the PNCR/APNU/AFC 2015 - 2020 government Joseph Harmon held all the power and Moses Nagamootoo, dee wan an' only Moses in dee Wilderness, was wandering aimlessly pretending to be the real big boss.


It will always be either the PPP or the PNC.

With a firm support of Blacks to the PNC, for all future, the PNC can be the government again in the next elections, depending on that 5 seats that represents the only democratic thinking Guyanese.

The PPP will make all the mistakes they have made before because they do not know how to create a progressive government. Just as in 2015, that 5 seats will decide if the PNC is worthy.

Aubrey Norton needs to attract Indo advisors, avoid the mistakes of Granger and completely change the structure of parliament to satisfy both blacks and indians. It is possible to do.

The country is ready for the move. Oil will change it constituents, they will grown accustomed to affluence.

The issues of the PPP, they are not a free thinking organization, Jagdeo is their thinker. As usual he will create another rift in the party for the next election, Ali be out just as Ramotar. Nandall will be upset because his chances as a the Presidential candidate will be voided. Robert Persaud will be the candidate. This was a/the plan all along.

Imagine a country with Persaud and Jagdeo in its governance. Apart from the cultism of the PPP supporters who would want to be governed by such narrow vision as to think they have no hope other than Jagdeo.

Perhaps, not those voters of the 5 seats.

Let us hope Norton is a visionary. Whether, whatever we call it, The Alternative, The Third Force or New Party, they do not motivate the electorate for a change.

So, the country only has the PNC.


The PNC needs new, younger leaders who can demonstrate they are not racist! And not GDF!

F Norton!

Besides, e two fing huglee! E luk lyk ah traglodite!

Bunhum was ah gud-lukin bullee an teef!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

The PNC needs new, younger leaders who can demonstrate they are not racist! And not GDF!

F Norton!

Besides, e two fing huglee! E luk lyk ah traglodite!

Bunhum was ah gud-lukin bullee an teef!

The man died a pauper ,same with Jagan haven't had much wealth. The current day leaders showing off the teefing money glorified by many people.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

The man died a pauper ,same with Jagan haven't had much wealth. The current day leaders showing off the teefing money glorified by many people.

??? Yuh meen de storee bowt de sekund richist maan afta Mobutu waznt.tru? Bowt de Swis baank akungt wuznt tru! Iz haow muchh yuh?

Nobaddy az yet ansur muh qwesshunz bowt Ali an Jagde Grate Deseevur maanshunz!

Last edited by Former Member

Ebony was juss being boastfull of Black people-dem cause coolie to sey the man was a tief. If he did thief, then it had to be Foreign government Aid to Guyana. The country was not a money making one even before independence. Kick backs is not thiefing, it is only corruption.

@Former Member posted:

??? Yuh meen de storee bowt de sekund richist maan afta Mobutu waznt.tru? Bowt de Swis baank akungt wuznt tru! Iz haow muchh yuh?

Nobaddy az yet ansur muh qwesshunz bowt Ali an Jagde Grate Deseevur maanshunz!

Not true propaganda !!!


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