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An Open Letter to the PPP’s Supporters

December 3, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, It just occurred to me that there seems to be little or no response on the part of supporters of the PPP condemning their Party over its outrageous conduct in regard to its subversion of Guyana’s democracy, and its long list of violations as these relate to corruption and the other breaches of the law by the PPP’s ministers and officers. The PPP’s supporters need to realize that we are all Guyanese who cannot be anything but offended by the PPP’s conduct. The PPP does not own them, nor can they control them, nor can they tell them what to think. The PPP’s supporters can see for themselves what is happening, and that it is corruption and injustice beyond recovery for any government. The PPP has especially enriched itself and its acolytes quite handsomely while dressing roads and putting down a few schools and other public facilities here and there throughout the country. One only needs to look at how the contractor for the Amaila Falls road disappeared after receiving hundreds of millions of our tax dollars. A number of other beneficiaries of the PPP’s network of corruption are well known throughout Guyana. The PPP’s supporters need to understand that in this new dispensation of Guyana’s history, there are no Burnhams in any of the opposition parties, and I have already publicly stated that it was the Peoples’ National Congress (PNC) itself, under the leadership of Desmond Hoyte, which put shut to condemnations of rigging, and handed the people of Guyana real democracy in 1992. Burnham and his legacy of vote rigging and vicitimization (as he and the PNC have been accused of so many times; I cannot comment on my own behalf) are dead and no more. A number of other opposition parties have aligned themselves with the PNC. These Parties consist of professionals dedicated to the prosperity of all Guyanese, and development for all. All of these dedicated professionals are committed Guyanese who cannot be wrong about what they know to be true, that the PNCR is indeed a New Party for all Guyanese, which has embraced them all, and embraces all Guyanese, regardless of political affiliation, because, that is what real government is about. It’s about delivering justice and equal opportunity to all, irrespective of political, religious or other affiliations. The PPP has placed Guyana in a difficult and unimaginable position, where the incumbent administration has disregarded and denied the representatives of the people of their democratic right of administration of the nation’s financial resources by subverting the democratic process through proroguing. The supporters of the PPP are asked to understand and know that both the opposition and its supporters know that the PPP has systematically fed them propaganda aimed at frightening them with the ghosts of Burnham and his legacy. Especially, they must believe that the Opposition and its supporters mean them no harm, under any circumstance. All the Opposition is asking is that the PPP’s supporters take a hard look at what the PPP is doing to Guyana’s democracy and the risk to upheaval that the PPP seems to be provoking, if only to frighten them again. They are asked to know that they have nothing to be scared of, ever, because in a democracy, the Opposition understands that it is their duty to convince supporters of the PPP and the wider Guyanese population that they (the Opposition) can indeed deliver more and better on government than the PPP. And that is their message and purpose. Listen to them, hear what they are saying. They do not speak of violence and upheaval. They speak of peaceful protests, engaging international support against the PPP, and returning to Parliament and managing the country’s business. They speak of going to the polls to have the electorate deliver a referendum to the PPP, to put an end to all of the infighting and chaos in Parliament that is resulting from the PPP’s corruption and gross mismanagement of our financial and natural resources, and its continued violation of our democratic rights in respect to the holding of local government elections, which returns government back to towns and communities. The Opposition has a plan to move this country forward. More importantly right now however is that Guyana’s democracy especially depends on the supporters of the PPP. Consider the alternatives and place your support strongly behind a return to Democracy in Guyana. Craig Sylvester

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Opposition has a plan to move this country forward.


Can this FOOL at least tell us what the "PLAN" is. Is it to create a Country of Hungry Bellies AGAIN????

This is one of the paid ghost writers.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Opposition has a plan to move this country forward.


Can this FOOL at least tell us what the "PLAN" is. Is it to create a Country of Hungry Bellies AGAIN????

This is one of the paid ghost writers.

if u read the blog, u would see the blogger wrote, "It is time to Care Again."


And soon after the PPP came up with slogan,"We Care."


Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

The Opposition has a plan to move this country forward.


Can this FOOL at least tell us what the "PLAN" is. Is it to create a Country of Hungry Bellies AGAIN????

This is one of the paid ghost writers.

if u read the blog, u would see the blogger wrote, "It is time to Care Again."


And soon after the PPP came up with slogan,"We Care."


Does not mean the PPP used his slogan.

Dear Editor,


The PPP’s supporters need to realize that we are all Guyanese who cannot be anything but offended by the PPP’s conduct.


The PPP does not own them, nor can they control them, nor can they tell them what to think.



Craig Sylvester,

An Open Letter to the PPP’s Supporters, December 3, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters

Supporters do know that they are Guyanese and are waiting to demonstrate their solid support for the PPP/C.


In that case, if the PPP is no good and the PNC has demonstrated in the past that they were no good, then I would suggest that the people look elsewhere for a party that would provide good governance.. 


The same people who are accusing the PPP of subverting democracy is the very same people  claiming that the PNC never rigged elections. Why would I want to heed the advice of such people? Am I stupid?

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The same people who are accusing the PPP of subverting democracy is the very same people  claiming that the PNC never rigged elections. Why would I want to heed the advice of such people? Am I stupid?


Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The same people who are accusing the PPP of subverting democracy is the very same people  claiming that the PNC never rigged elections. Why would I want to heed the advice of such people? Am I stupid?

You need to wake up from your slumber and accept the PPP is a dictatorship.


This is not about anyone else's past conduct this is about the PPP's conduct today.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The same people who are accusing the PPP of subverting democracy is the very same people  claiming that the PNC never rigged elections. Why would I want to heed the advice of such people? Am I stupid?

You need to wake up from your slumber and accept the PPP is a dictatorship.


This is not about anyone else's past conduct this is about the PPP's conduct today.

I dont see Troops taking over the Place.  Ayl YUh really STUPID!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The same people who are accusing the PPP of subverting democracy is the very same people  claiming that the PNC never rigged elections. Why would I want to heed the advice of such people? Am I stupid?

You need to wake up from your slumber and accept the PPP is a dictatorship.


This is not about anyone else's past conduct this is about the PPP's conduct today.

I dont see Troops taking over the Place.  Ayl YUh really STUPID!!!


The NBS case is a clear and precise case of why the PPP is a dictatorship.


The fact that the Attorney General and his wife have admitted on tape and facebook that Anil stole govt money and he then "repaid" the money yet he is still on the job and not facing trial demonstrates this is a dictatorship.


The NCN case of fraud yet the perpetrators walk is another clear example of the dictatorship we live in.


The suspension of parliament because the cowards in the PPP are afraid to face the people of Guyana proves this is a dictatorship.


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