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Last October, Muslims from the urban municipality of Viana, Luanda, attended the destruction of the minaret of their mosque Zengo.

LUANDA – According to several Angolan newspapers, Angola has become the first country in the world to ban Islam and Muslims, taking first measures by destroying mosques in the country.

“The process of legalization of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, their mosques would be closed until further notice,” Rosa Cruz e Silva, the Angolan Minister of Culture, was quoted by Agence Ecofin on Friday, November 22.

Silva comments were given during her visit last Tuesday to the 6th Commission of the National Assembly.

She asserted that the decision was the latest is a series of efforts to ban ‘illegal’ religious sects.

The minister added, in her answer to questions raised by the MPs of the 6th Commission of National Assembly, that the action will oblige the revision of law 2/04 of May 21, related to freedom of religious assembly, Angolan official news agency, Agencia Angola Press, reported.

The Angolan government would also be obliged to update the current national context as a way of fighting the rise of new religious congregation whose religious assemblies are contrary to “habits and customs to Angolan culture,” Silva added.

Same as Islam, Silva announced that there are at least 194 religious sects that were not authorized to have their activities.

“All sects on the list published by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in the Angolan newspaper ‘Jornal de Angola’ are prohibited to conduct worship, so they should keep their doors closed," she was quoted by Cameroon Voice‏.

"In addition, we also have a long list of more than a thousand legalization applications,” she added.




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Originally Posted by TI:
Last October, Muslims from the urban municipality of Viana, Luanda, attended the destruction of the minaret of their mosque Zengo.

LUANDA – According to several Angolan newspapers, Angola has become the first country in the world to ban Islam and Muslims, taking first measures by destroying mosques in the country.

“The process of legalization of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, their mosques would be closed until further notice,” Rosa Cruz e Silva, the Angolan Minister of Culture, was quoted by Agence Ecofin on Friday, November 22.

Silva comments were given during her visit last Tuesday to the 6th Commission of the National Assembly.

She asserted that the decision was the latest is a series of efforts to ban ‘illegal’ religious sects.

The minister added, in her answer to questions raised by the MPs of the 6th Commission of National Assembly, that the action will oblige the revision of law 2/04 of May 21, related to freedom of religious assembly, Angolan official news agency, Agencia Angola Press, reported.

The Angolan government would also be obliged to update the current national context as a way of fighting the rise of new religious congregation whose religious assemblies are contrary to “habits and customs to Angolan culture,” Silva added.

Same as Islam, Silva announced that there are at least 194 religious sects that were not authorized to have their activities.

“All sects on the list published by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in the Angolan newspaper ‘Jornal de Angola’ are prohibited to conduct worship, so they should keep their doors closed," she was quoted by Cameroon Voice‏.

"In addition, we also have a long list of more than a thousand legalization applications,” she added.




this is plainly a stupid thing to do. It has no chance to eliminate believers of a faith. Christianity is evidence of that.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Bro Bob Marley, Forbes Burnham, Indira Ghandi, Michael Manley and all the other leaders   who fought for Angola to be freed from Apparthied will be turning in thier graves.

Forbes Burnham criticize White apartheid but practiced Black apartheid.  Talk about the pot calling the pun intended.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Islam is not a sect. It is a religion.  Religion is the embodiment of God. Allah is God.  They worship Allah. 

Within the religion there are "sects".  The Wahab terrorists are a sect.  This is true with every religion

Originally Posted by Chief:

Bro Bob Marley, Forbes Burnham, Indira Ghandi, Michael Manley and all the other leaders   who fought for Angola to be freed from Apparthied will be turning in thier graves.

Burndog would not have given a rat's ass about anyone but himself.

Originally Posted by TI:
Last October, Muslims from the urban municipality of Viana, Luanda, attended the destruction of the minaret of their mosque Zengo.

LUANDA – According to several Angolan newspapers, Angola has become the first country in the world to ban Islam and Muslims, taking first measures by destroying mosques in the country.

“The process of legalization of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, their mosques would be closed until further notice,” Rosa Cruz e Silva, the Angolan Minister of Culture, was quoted by Agence Ecofin on Friday, November 22.

Silva comments were given during her visit last Tuesday to the 6th Commission of the National Assembly.

She asserted that the decision was the latest is a series of efforts to ban ‘illegal’ religious sects.

The minister added, in her answer to questions raised by the MPs of the 6th Commission of National Assembly, that the action will oblige the revision of law 2/04 of May 21, related to freedom of religious assembly, Angolan official news agency, Agencia Angola Press, reported.

The Angolan government would also be obliged to update the current national context as a way of fighting the rise of new religious congregation whose religious assemblies are contrary to “habits and customs to Angolan culture,” Silva added.

Same as Islam, Silva announced that there are at least 194 religious sects that were not authorized to have their activities.

“All sects on the list published by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in the Angolan newspaper ‘Jornal de Angola’ are prohibited to conduct worship, so they should keep their doors closed," she was quoted by Cameroon Voice‏.

"In addition, we also have a long list of more than a thousand legalization applications,” she added.





Angola should be ashamed of this act. It must be condemned.


got this from a fellow named ayub on


"Clarifying the false claim that Angola has 'banned Islam' 

Some of you may have read in the last few days that Angola has outright banned Islam and that it is now illegal to be a Muslim in the Southern African nation. This however is not true. The news that has been spreading like wildfire is simply a case of people believing anything that they hear and then repeating it because it sounds unbelievable. The problem is that people seem to care little about fact-checking or confirming news from proper sources.

The story was first printed 4 days ago by a Moroccan newspaper called 'La Nouvelle Tribune' which is run by the son of a Communist Moroccan politician. The newspaper stated that the governor of Luanda had spoken against radical Muslims and stated that they are not welcome in Angola. It then quoted Angolan politician Roza Cruz as stating that Islam has not yet been approved by the Angolan Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, and that mosques would therefore be closed until further notice. 

The first thing to note about this article is that the politician's name that was quoted is actually Roza Cruz e Silva, not Roza Cruz which the newspaper got wrong. Second is that no other official is named, and that the statement about Islam not being recognised is not something new but has always been the case. What 'recognised' means is that the government of Angola does not officially recognise Islam as a religion, which may sound odd but is not that odd considering that Italy, France and many others countries also do not recognise Islam at an official level. It simply means that the government does not interfere nor officiate on any matters in the religion. It does not mean that the religion is illegal or that it is banned. 

As for the claim that mosques are closed, this is not true and can be confirmed by Muslims in Angola. It seems that Roza Cruz e Silva was either referring to a specific mosque/s or that she never said this at all and the newspaper made it up. Until now the newspaper is the only source of the quote, and considering that they managed to misspell her name I would not put much faith in them. The article then lastly claimed that the minaret of a mosque was dismantled last year and that a mosque (possibly the same one) was destroyed. It does not say why it was destroyed, however it must be noted that it happened LAST YEAR. 

What happened after the initial story however is where we see the dangers of spreading unverified information. The few pieces of information in the article were mixed up and exaggerated, until the story had took an entirely new direction. Stories were claiming that Islam had been banned in Angola, and that mosques were ordered to be destroyed, and that being a Muslim was now illegal. Photos were shown of mosques being destroyed, however all the photos were from Palestine and not from Angola. Eventually a fake quote attributed to the President and before long the story spread like wildfire. 

After doing some fact-checking it was made clear that Roza Cruz de Silva was only speaking about a few Muslim groups who were on the list of proscribed religious groups that would not be allowed to operate mosques, some of which were built without permits. The list contains 194 groups from all religions, yet only a few are Muslims. So it was not true that all mosques would be closed, nor were there orders to destroy any mosques, nor is Islam 'illegal' in Angola."


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