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Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

have you any stats on poverty, you can share on GNI.

Gilly aiding Billy:

 "according to the Guyana Poverty Reduction Strategy: 2011 – 2015".

So they were poor all along from since PPP days. Ram Goat is trying to make us believe that everybody suddenly became poor in the last three years. 

Nanny Mars,

I am just citing the fact the poverty and unemployment are on a rapid increase in Guyana over the last three years.  This is a fact.  This is not an attempt to deny the existence of poverty over the last three decades. 

Just saying that unemployment rose over the last few years is just being silly Billy. Your PPP destroyed the sugar industry so what do you expect, for them to hire more people? That is a big loss of jobs but the only way to save the industry was to close the estates that were bleeding cash. Not everyone is poorer. Unfortunately, the sugar industry took the brunt of it but it was on the death bed when it was handed over in 2015. Many other government workers can tell you they have seen positive increases over the last three years and with the tax threshold also being increased, it has meant a lot more money in their pockets. 

Baseman posted:
Mars posted:
kp posted:
Mars posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

have you any stats on poverty, you can share on GNI.

Gilly aiding Billy:

 "according to the Guyana Poverty Reduction Strategy: 2011 – 2015".

So they were poor all along from since PPP days. Ram Goat is trying to make us believe that everybody suddenly became poor in the last three years. 

Let's assume what you are saying is true, Well, the APNU/AFC had promised greatness, jobs, solve the crime problems, build the infrastructure and grow the economy. After three years everything is for the WORST. I still don't see any attempt being made to create employment or even protect the employed.

 Government employees are stealing, who would you call, the police thieving, fireman a thieving, this sound like a catchy tune by this administration. Who can the poor Guyanese turn to?

The economy is growing steadily despite all the naysayers. 3.4% GDP growth is not bad in this hard guava season. The bottom has fell out of the drugs trade and the underground economy from the PPP years when everything being exported out of Guyana was laced with cocaine. Everything is not for the worst. That is PPP mantra y'all trying to preach so that you can get back in come 2020. The crime situation is improved but not ideal. Crime will never go away if that is what you're implying but a 15% reduction in serious crime is a good starting point. Government employees have always been tiefin. It didn't start in 2015. At least they are being paid a lot more than pre 2015. Read Gilly's poverty report if you think everything was rosy when the PPP was there. 

Guyana always had nuff poverty and nuff nuff tiefin’. 

Dem boys seh it only start in 2015.


We need to take note of the fact that the price of oil was over $100 per barrel in 2014. In 2015,  the price oil dropped below $50 per barrel.  The PNC took power in 2015 when the economy was saving close to million US dollar per day. This great savings from oil import supposed to really helped the economy. It did not and APNU/AFC have deliberately kept quiet about this fact. If oil price was still over a $100 Guyana's economy would gone way lower under this admin. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

We need to take note of the fact that the price of oil was over $100 per barrel in 2014. In 2015,  the price oil dropped below $50 per barrel.  The PNC took power in 2015 when the economy was saving close to million US dollar per day. This great savings from oil import supposed to really helped the economy. It did not and APNU/AFC have deliberately kept quiet about this fact. If oil price was still over a $100 Guyana's economy would gone way lower under this admin. 

Fake news. We were getting cheap oil from Venezuela so the savings from oil you're talking about is in your head. We're paying world market prices now while Chavez and Madburro were giving us cheap oil for rice previously.

We were also getting $1800 for an ounce of gold a few years ago and now it's down to $1200. Some you win and some you lose.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

We need to take note of the fact that the price of oil was over $100 per barrel in 2014. In 2015,  the price oil dropped below $50 per barrel.  The PNC took power in 2015 when the economy was saving close to million US dollar per day. This great savings from oil import supposed to really helped the economy. It did not and APNU/AFC have deliberately kept quiet about this fact. If oil price was still over a $100 Guyana's economy would gone way lower under this admin. 

Fake news. We were getting cheap oil from Venezuela so the savings from oil you're talking about is in your head. We're paying world market prices now while Chavez and Madburro were giving us cheap oil for rice previously.

We were also getting $1800 for an ounce of gold a few years ago and now it's down to $1200. Some you win and some you lose.

True deh.  Oil was buffered by rice.  

And true deh you win some, lose some.

But true deh too, PNC dem lose some and lose some.  

Dem head under water, but dem still breathing!

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

have you any stats on poverty, you can share on GNI.

Gilly aiding Billy:

Thank you !!

Based on the information you requested, how best do you think poverty can be eradicated?  Has the PNC put measures in place to help the poor?  Can you elaborate on the programs designed and implemented by the current administration to improve the standard of living of the nation’s poor?  Based on the the new tax policies of the PNC, the dollar amount to the average cost per person is estimated at GY$ 400,000 per annum in taxes alone.  Factor in the additional cost of living in the areas of healthcare, transportation, etc. and we have a poorer nation.

Bibi Haniffa
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

We need to take note of the fact that the price of oil was over $100 per barrel in 2014. In 2015,  the price oil dropped below $50 per barrel.  The PNC took power in 2015 when the economy was saving close to million US dollar per day. This great savings from oil import supposed to really helped the economy. It did not and APNU/AFC have deliberately kept quiet about this fact. If oil price was still over a $100 Guyana's economy would gone way lower under this admin. 

Fake news. We were getting cheap oil from Venezuela so the savings from oil you're talking about is in your head. We're paying world market prices now while Chavez and Madburro were giving us cheap oil for rice previously.

We were also getting $1800 for an ounce of gold a few years ago and now it's down to $1200. Some you win and some you lose.

I think only half of Guyana's oil imports came from Venezuela through the rice for oil deal.  The venezuelans bartered for rice giving Guyana a price for its rice that was about 20% higher than the world market.  Guyana benefited from the drop in oil whether the deal was there or not. Gold stayed at 1800 for a short period. 


Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

We need to take note of the fact that the price of oil was over $100 per barrel in 2014. In 2015,  the price oil dropped below $50 per barrel.  The PNC took power in 2015 when the economy was saving close to million US dollar per day. This great savings from oil import supposed to really helped the economy. It did not and APNU/AFC have deliberately kept quiet about this fact. If oil price was still over a $100 Guyana's economy would gone way lower under this admin. 

Fake news. We were getting cheap oil from Venezuela so the savings from oil you're talking about is in your head. We're paying world market prices now while Chavez and Madburro were giving us cheap oil for rice previously.

We were also getting $1800 for an ounce of gold a few years ago and now it's down to $1200. Some you win and some you lose.

I think only half of Guyana's oil imports came from Venezuela through the rice for oil deal.  The venezuelans bartered for rice giving Guyana a price for its rice that was about 20% higher than the world market.  Guyana benefited from the drop in oil whether the deal was there or not. Gold stayed at 1800 for a short period. 


You got caught in a big fat lie and now you're back pedaling to "I think", which means that you don't even know what you're talking about. You're just wasting thoughts because most of Guyana's oil came from Venezuela through the Petrocaribe deal. Add the money made on cheap oil and the premium Venezuela paid for rice and you'll see that there is no savings on our current oil bill. Also, Venezuela wrote off US $200 million that we owed them for oil they sent us as part of Petrocaribe. Gold price was much higher for quite a few years than it is now so we were obviously taking in a lot more revenue from gold exports.

Also, remittances, (a lot of it is laundering drugs money), were much higher during the PPP years. Look at the numbers for the last few years.









Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like mars took over django's job.  Defend the incompetent PNc to the bitter end.

Just putting some reality to the lies that you folk throw out here on a daily basis.

What lies? You visited Guyana, you must have had on blinders or only hung around PNC "yes men". If you walked around the country you would know firsthand the suffering of the people ever since PNC took over. Only the few who benefited from PNC "emergency" contracts would sing their praises like you do from afar. 

Drugb posted:
Mars posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like mars took over django's job.  Defend the incompetent PNc to the bitter end.

Just putting some reality to the lies that you folk throw out here on a daily basis.

What lies? You visited Guyana, you must have had on blinders or only hung around PNC "yes men". If you walked around the country you would know firsthand the suffering of the people ever since PNC took over. Only the few who benefited from PNC "emergency" contracts would sing their praises like you do from afar. 

Read the lies that the Ram Goat was trying to pass off. That's what I'm responding to.

Please, people were suffering in Guyana for years and you clowns chanted that they were going to the moon. You really think that suffering only started in Guyana after 2015? Read Gilly's report on poverty in Guyana posted in this thread.

Mars posted: 

Read the lies that the Ram Goat was trying to pass off. That's what I'm responding to.

Please, people were suffering in Guyana for years and you clowns chanted that they were going to the moon. You really think that suffering only started in Guyana after 2015? Read Gilly's report on poverty in Guyana posted in this thread.

The people will decide come 2020, you from afar can't dictate to them that their lives have been enriched by PNC based on cooked up numbers and exaggerated claims by PNC book cookers.  

Drugb posted:
Mars posted: 

Read the lies that the Ram Goat was trying to pass off. That's what I'm responding to.

Please, people were suffering in Guyana for years and you clowns chanted that they were going to the moon. You really think that suffering only started in Guyana after 2015? Read Gilly's report on poverty in Guyana posted in this thread.

The people will decide come 2020, you from afar can't dictate to them that their lives have been enriched by PNC based on cooked up numbers and exaggerated claims by PNC book cookers.  

Of course the people will decide like they always do. I never once claimed that I can influence the masses in Guyana to vote one way or another. I've always said that I'm just a commentator on a forum that hardly anyone in Guyana is aware of its existence. The people there thought that the PPP was too corrupt and they kicked them out on their asses. No one can match the PPP book cookers, those who came into office ketchin hire car and now driving Lexus and living in exclusive mansions such as those in Pradoville. Ultimately, come 2020, they will decide who they want to lead them into the future. Life goes on for me one way or the other.

Last edited by Mars
Gilbakka posted:
Mars posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:

have you any stats on poverty, you can share on GNI.

Gilly aiding Billy:

 "according to the Guyana Poverty Reduction Strategy: 2011 – 2015".

So they were poor all along from since PPP days. Ram Goat is trying to make us believe that everybody suddenly became poor in the last three years. 

No doubt, the poverty is endemic, entrenched, long lasting. Billy believes it got worse after 2015.

BTW padna, lend me a hundred dallah, nuh. I in de me-too-poor movement.

Good luck with borrowing a hundred dallah.  Scotiabank announced it's closing doors in Guyana.  Which bank leaves a country that is expecting big oil money?

Bibi Haniffa

You people have warped brains from mars. See a doctor before you hurt yourself. 

Did Scotia bank not also indicated selling their banking operations, due to  banking reasons, in Anguilla, Antigua, Grenada, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Marteen, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, including Guyana.

You two make an excellent loaded pair in a manhole.  

Last edited by Tola

Trinidad's Republic Bank will be taking over several of these operations. Watch what happens when foreign companies want to transact their business in this region.  Trusted banking institutions like Scotia bank are the foundation of transparent and accountable transactions.  Bank of America was the first to retreat from the region following change of govt in several countries in 2016.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

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