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AG Nandlall "lie" - Granger

  • Tuesday, 04 June 2013 14:33 


Leader of the Opposition David Granger has accused Attorney General Anil Nandlall of misleading the public with his statement that no reason has been offered for the non-support of the confirmation of the acting Chancellor of the Judiciary and Chief Justice.

Nandlall at a PPP press conference on Monday told reporters that President Donald Ramotar opened talks with Granger soon after assuming office since the constitution requires the opposition leader’s support for the appointments.

“The fact is that no reason has yet been advanced by the Leader of the Opposition to suggest why these office holders ought not to be confirmed. The government’s position, which the party supports, is that they have served with distinction,” Nandlall said.

But at a briefing called on Tuesday Granger said the AG’s contention was false since he had indicated to President Ramotar his conditions for the substantive appointments since a March 6, 2013 meeting.

“I asked the president to provide the curriculum vitae of the nominees and also, to assure the people of Guyana that the best person would be appointed to the position of Chancellor, to advertise in the Eastern Caribbean where other jurisdictions share our laws.

He did not indicate whether or not he would agree to that measure but I would like to point out that we were not opposed to any particular name, in fact we did not discuss the names, what we discussed was the modalities that would be used to select the next Chancellor of the Judiciary,” Granger said.

He added that he believed that the people would prefer to have a Chancellor nominated by a transparent process rather than one selected by a “deal” between the two sides.

The opposition leader noted that Nandlall was not at that meeting with Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon being the only other government representative.  He added that he had written the president requesting that Nandlall’s comments be withdrawn.

“The statement alleged to be made by the Attorney General to the effect that I said no and I advanced no reason is a lie; I advanced very clear reasons why the process initiated by the president should be taken to another stage.”

Justices Carl Singh and Ian Chang have been acting as Chancellor and Chief Justice respectively for some eight years now.

“Let us go for the best and if it turns out that Justices Singh and Chang are the best then so be it but let us embark on a process that the Guyanese public is satisfied with,” Granger stated.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Granger lying through his teeth to save face. He claims that he gave a reason to Ramoutar and Luncheon but not the not the Attorney General who he was required to  supply the proper up or down response. Now he playing diplomat. ahahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Granger lying through his teeth to save face. He claims that he gave a reason to Ramoutar and Luncheon but not the not the Attorney General who he was required to  supply the proper up or down response. Now he playing diplomat. ahahah

dummy why the man have to speak to ANIL   

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Granger lying through his teeth to save face. He claims that he gave a reason to Ramoutar and Luncheon but not the not the Attorney General who he was required to  supply the proper up or down response. Now he playing diplomat. ahahah

dummy why the man have to speak to ANIL   

I warned you before, now you are blocked. I will not put up you folks from the pedophile gang. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Granger lying through his teeth to save face. He claims that he gave a reason to Ramoutar and Luncheon but not the not the Attorney General who he was required to  supply the proper up or down response. Now he playing diplomat. ahahah

dummy why the man have to speak to ANIL   

I warned you before, now you are blocked. I will not put up you folks from the pedophile gang. 

Bugurd you lack comprehension skill. But then again you don't know what is 10% of 43.9%. Could someone take this BurroGurd to his stable and lock the door.


The Opposition Leader exposed the Attorney General




Dear Editor,
The Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, a few days ago told the nation that Opposition Leader David Granger refused to agree to the appointment of Justice Ian Chang and Justice Carl Singh to fill the post of Chancellor and Chief Justice respectively. This statement was strongly rejected by Mr. Granger who stated that the AG lied to the nation.
The Opposition Leader told Guyanese that what he advised the government is that a transparent process should be established to appoint the two office holders, in order that the local judicial system is blessed with the most suitably qualified and competent appointees.
Mr. Granger’s rejection of Nandlall’s statement and his explanation has certainly caused the AG to appear like a most blatant liar, particularly since he has not refuted Granger’s comments in the media.
Here we have the chief legal officer of the nation, blatantly and without care or caution, telling a most vicious lie to the nation. The question is whether actions by such office holders amount to perjury.
The Attorney General has taken an oath to uphold our Constitution and to carry out the functions of his office in a lawful, truthful and ethical manner, he is presumed to be under this oath for the duration of his office.
What we saw a few days ago is the AG’s bold flouting of his responsibility and duty to bear truth to the Guyanese people by either recklessly or intentionally postulating a barefaced lie to the people.
In some other jurisdictions, his last day on the job would be the day his lie was exposed, but then again in Guyana, I believe that the government feels comfortable to perpetuate these common wrongs against the people, because it perceives the people as passive.
I commend Mr. Granger for quickly exposing Mr. Nandlall, and urge the people to be vigilant, lest we are used as scapegoats by the PPP/C government, which we now know had no intention of making the necessary amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering of Financing of Terrorism Bill. They have been exposed here too.
A call for transparency in the system used to appoint the Chief Justice and the Chancellor of the Judiciary is referred to by the PPP/C government as a refusal to agree to the appointment of two men the government already identifies for the posts.
How much more pervasive can nepotism, corruption and bad governance be embedded in this regime? I also view the Attorney General’s deliberate lie as an affront to the Guyanese people, who the government continues to disrespect without care. Mr. Nandlall should not get away with this lie he must offer an apology to the nation, before he resigns. Enough of this eye pass!
Lurlene Nestor


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