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Former Member


That Mr. Adam Harris is one of the most skillful journalists in Guyana, I am in no doubt. My attention was drawn to his weekly column published in yesterday’s edition of the Kaieteur News. It was an exhibition of an amalgam of political sophistry and journalistic guile par excellence.
The article was born out of a brief conversation that I had with Mr. Harris on the corridors of Parliament Buildings during the consideration of the national estimates by the Committee of Supply. It was not an interview nor was it intended for publication.
The scandal regarding the US$18M signing bonus stashed in a secret account at the Central Bank had just erupted. Our conversation was confined to this issue. Mr. Harris’s contention to me is that the money cannot be stolen. I explained to him that there is no record of this money in the official accounts of the Government and therefore, the regime of legal and administrative protection accorded to public monies will not apply to this deposit since it is not recorded anywhere.
Therefore, in the same way that it was secretly deposited, it can be secretly withdrawn and used for any unauthorised purpose and the population will have no way of detecting the same. Neither Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo’s name nor indeed the name of any PPP member featured in this conversation.
To my surprise, the entire thrust of Mr. Harris’s article was to convey the impression of corruption on the part of the PPP Government. In so doing, he credits me with knowledge of how money can be siphoned off in government. He also attributes to me, statements made about Mr. Jagdeo.
For the record, I wish to clarify that I have no such knowledge which Mr. Harris attributes to me other than knowledge which any prudent lawyer would possess on these matters.
As I said above, Mr. Jagdeo’s name was not mentioned in this conversation and at no time whatsoever, did I utter the statement about Mr. Jagdeo which Mr. Harris attributes to me. If I ever made such a statement, it certainly was not in the context in which Mr. Harris has situated it.
I hope that these clarifications will settle the public record.
Yours faithfully 
Mohabir Anil Nandlall MP

GILBAKKA'S COMMENT: I believe Anil Nandlall.


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Anil Nandlall spells disaster for the PPP. Dr. Frank Anthony is a better choice who can unite the country. When you see Nandlall is the same as looking at Jagdeo. Both are likable, but they cannot garner the votes necessary to win. Frank don't have baggage or skeleton in the closet. He is even better looking than Pinocchio Anil.   me bad. Bibi, I hope he's not your family. 

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Anil Nandlall's star is shining bright. Come 2020 we shall see whether it wanes or shines brighter. I hope for the latter.

The star is likely to dazzle as we get closer to 2020.

Whatever happened to Charles Ramson Jr.? Any news about him returning to Guyana?


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