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Watch Goat Shit

Flying form all over....


Dem Racist

will start crawling out....

from dem dutty corner


Dem gon come tell abee

 wha the AFC-APNU

Could Do....

Should Do....

and Must Do


WE Ready

fuh all dem Experienced Racist

& Over Qualified Losers.

Parasite Prostitute  Pimps / Crablouse

AFC + APNU doing

what they have to do to Win

on May 11th...


But those

Experienced Losers & Crablouse

Got Other Plans....


They want Live another Day


The rally ended about 15 minutes ago. Final speaker David Granger promised the ethnically diverse crowd of approximately 7000 to make Essequibo safe again.

Moses Nagamootoo says videos will be available soon. There was no live streaming.

Subscribe to APNUAFC on YouTube for the latest videos.

Last edited by Former Member

Just came from the AFC/APNU Rally at Damon Park,Anna Regina,this is the biggest rally i have ever seen in the history of my life on the Essequibo Coast.


To my es...timate the crowd was around,8000,supporters and well-wishers,most of the people i saw there was young men and women who will be voting for the first time in their life.


The crowd was multi-ethnic,multi-cultural,it was the best i have ever seen with beautiful colours and creativity,i can see the energy in these people,some of them were dancing and celebrating,sporting their party jerseys and waving their flags.


I went there at 4.00 pm to avoid the crowd because i knew that at 5.00 pm i wouldn't get in near with my car.The place was already packed,but i managed to get a parking place near the stage.


I wanted to be near the stage to hear all the political speakers,i took my wife,my driver,his wife and 2 grands. The atmosphere was like a carnival with a ray of colours,people of all walks of life attended,the young,not so young,and the old,wearing yellow and green pants and shirts or vice -versa,all the speakers was direct to the point with their messages,no cuss down,no slandering,clean as ever.


I think the voters got the message they wanted to hear and i am certain change is coming on the 11th May,2015.


I drive out to bring my wife and grands home at about 7.00 pm,on my way i saw vehicles as far as a mile lining the roadway going to the northenside and the southernside,on my return i couldn't get back near the stage,i deceided to drive west ward ,there was another line of vehicles from the road to Caricom rice mills.


I then decided to turn up East coming to the stage,there was another line of vehicles on both sides of the street. I happen to meet just by the end of the tarmac because the whole area was crowded with people,i had to contend thst be given to the campaign organizers and their hard working people from Essequibo in making the rally one of the biggest in the history of Essequibo Coast,miles of villages was well decorated with banners and flage with both parties colours,yellow and green.


this rally can be considered a success.........


Small crowd at PPP’s Cotton Field meeting

April 3, 2015 · By Staff Writer · 43 Comments    Next Article Âŧ


Dear Editor,

The PPP had a public meeting around 5pm on Wednesday, April 1, at Cotton Field on the Essequibo Coast, about 100 feet away from my house. There were three speakers, namely,   President Donald Ramotar, the General Secretary of the Guyana Rice Producers’ Association and a former organizer of the PPP. The meeting was poorly attended by people from the village, which can be considered a PPP stronghold. I was expecting a large crowd since it was the President of Guyana speaking on the political platform.


In 1997, I was the chairman for a public meeting which was held by the PPP at this same venue. It was a mammoth crowd which attracted about 3,000 people from near and far.

As soon as the President took the podium talking for 20 minutes, he was greeted with a sudden blackout which lasted for 2 hours until he left for another meeting at Devonshire Castle. It was thanks to a businessman’s floodlight that he was helped to get his message across to the small crowd. Two days earlier I had predicted that he might be greeted with a blackout and he would know what Essequibians are going through when there are prolonged power outages.

Twenty-two years and several general elections have established certain basic facts. Given the low turnout at this very important and crucial meeting, the PPP is losing support from all indications. Apart from a conflict at the leadership level, there are growing contradictions between the PPP leadership and the rank-and-file as a result of corruption. The small crowd came to hear how the President was going to address the shortage of qualified doctors and drugs at all health centres, as well as the Charity and Suddie hospitals; joblessness; unbridled privatization; prudent management of our scarce resources; lack of institutional and administrative capacity in the region; runaway inflation; and the constant blackouts.

Instead, all the speakers continued to attack the opposition; it looked like they had nothing new to tell the people about how they will fix Guyana’s problems. Many Essequibians are living below the poverty line; a large percentage are jobless; there is a heavy brain drain; and nothing about programmes and policies was mentioned. The President did acknowledge that the rice industry was indeed facing a serious crisis and he would fix it. As a rice farmer and former rice extension officer, I couldn’t understand the logic of how he intended to fix it. He went on to say that he will increase the extension services by fixing the drainage and irrigation problems. What about the cost of production? Nothing was mentioned about how he would reduce that and raise the price for paddy.

Anyone who works in the extension services will tell you that drainage and irrigation has nothing to do with extension services; this is a service which is provided by trained and qualified officers in the field and their main objective is to evaluate the new rice varieties, meet with farmers at farm school and educate them on how to cut costs and increase production. Such officers are concerned with agronomy, entomology and plant pathology. What the industry needs at the present moment is an ITEC specialist. The President also went on to talk about a new fertilizer; the only fertilizers I know of are nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium and NPK which is a mixture of all the fertilizers.

I could hear some quiet heckling from a group of young boys, saying ‘time to go, enough is enough, we need jobs, not fair promises.’

 There are many problems facing Essequibians. And they must be addressed. They must be neither underestimated nor overestimated. They must not be swept under the carpet on the pretence that all is well here in this region.

 I personally feel that this election campaign should be focused on uniting the 6 races and moving Guyana forward, rather than attacking opponents and slandering their characters as was done at this public meeting.

 Yours faithfully,

Mohamed Khan


Opposition promises

Essequibo rice farmers

improved payment system

  • Saturday, 04 April 2015 23:17

Opposition promises Essequibo rice farmers improved payment system


The opposition coalition Saturday night promised the largely rice-dependent Essequibo Coast that it would examine ways of ensuring that lowly-paid farmers receive higher prices for their paddy and that they get a fair share from sales to Venezuela.
Prime Ministerial candidate Moses Nagamootoo appealed to the rice farmers to vote in favour of a government that would bring an end to “vampires” who were paying meager prices for paddy while the country’s coffers earn billions of dollars from grain sales to Venezuela. “You don’t need a reason for a change in government. You need a new government that would change the laws so that prices are guaranteed,” he said.
Nagamootoo supported calls for the establishment of a Development Bank from which millers could borrow to pay farmers. He endorsed calls for farmers to be given a major say in managing the rice industry through the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) and remove discrimination about the allocation of quotas.
The concerns and promises were earlier made by, among others, prominent Essequibo businessman Sam Bacchus and hotelier and rice miller, Robert Badal at a rally held at Damon Square, Anna Regina.
It was on the Essequibo Coast that rice farmers had last year blocked roads with burning objects to vent their frustration at the long-delayed payments by millers. Several of the farmers were tear-gassed, arrested and prosecuted.
Addressing thousands of persons—the largest diverse and multi-ethnic gathering that the opposition has attracted so far for the May 11, 2015 general elections—  empathized with farmers who receive “directed and dictated” prices.  Noting that he does not pay farmers GUY$500 per bag of paddy but instead pays GUY$3,400 or GUY$3,200 per bag and that farmers receive full payments, Badal expressed optimism that farmers could be treated better.
 â€œI believe that a lot better could be done to remove the discontent, to remove the rift between millers and farmers. It takes inspired leadership and direction and that’s what our two leaders – David Granrer and Moses Nagamootoo will bring to the fore,” said Badal, the Pegasus Hotel’s owner, who publicly endorsed the coalition of A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) at the rally. His
Naitram, a member of the Essequibo Paddy Farmers Association, told attendees that farmers should be paid at least GUY$2,800 per bag instead of being handed out GUY$500 by “fat cats” who sell rice and paddy to Venezuela through an agreement with the Guyana government.  The AFC Councillor for Region Two (Pomeroon- Supenaam) called for farmers to be adequately represented on GRDB. “We want to see genuine rice farmers from each region representing farmers’ interest. It is time for a change,”  said  Natram who was among those who had been charged with protest-related activities.
Bacchus, a rice farmer and miller, was critical of the manner in which he said government was subsidizing the rice industry from higher prices for paddy and rice being sold to neighbouring Venezuela. “If the Venezuelans give us the subsidy then I feel that it should be shared with all the citizens of this county not a handpicked few,” said Bacchus, a rice farmer and miller, who was a well-known supporter of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).
Bacchus, whose father is well-known rice magnate Imam Bacchus, advocated that the subsidy be removed totally and allow the industry to strive on market forces.  “A partial subsidy on any industry is a recipe for trouble because the government makes its feels that everybody can get the  price that the Venezuelans are paying,” he said.

Our Friend CaribJ

was waiting for this picture.


Now.....De other fella gon tell us

is APNU supporters wearing yellow shirt....

and AFC supporters sporting Green.


Anil done throw in de towel....

He declare PPP only got

Lowlife Chat-3 following left


and Anil telling De AFC-APNU

he different "He ah Dhar-Poke"


Now watch Dem PPP Joker on GNI.....

 gon tell us Kwame, Gail, Anil,

Manzoor, Rohee & Roger

does get bigger crowd than this.

Last edited by Former Member

Bhai coming...

is Essequibo we talking about.

PPP hold back development in Essequibo fuh 23 years...

No High speed Internet.

Poor Electricity...

Nuff Water Problem,

Road & Bridge Bruk up,



New Stelling Floating away...

Dem Boat got no where to Dock..

De Chiney Ferry mysteriously

Parking pon dem Island....



Look PPP had a meeting Right there a few days ago....

Shame mek dem cant show Picture.....


Donald and Irfan had 10 Crab Louse show up...

Them had Blackout .....


Dem Bhai had to

Play Card & Domino and Drink Rum

fuh over 2 Hour

until de power come back on

fuh Donald talk to the few that remain.



Read Former

PPP Executive Report


Small crowd at PPP’s Cotton Field meeting

April 3, 2015 · By Staff Writer · 43 Comments    Next Article Âŧ


Dear Editor,

The PPP had a public meeting around 5pm on Wednesday,

April 1, at Cotton Field on the Essequibo Coast,

about 100 feet away from my house.


There were three speakers, namely,  

President Donald Ramotar,

the General Secretary of the

Guyana Rice Producers’ Association and

a former organizer of the PPP.


The meeting was poorly attended by people from the village,

which can be considered a PPP stronghold.


I was expecting a large crowd

since it was the President of Guyana

speaking on the political platform.


In 1997,

I was the chairman for a public meeting

which was held by the PPP

at this same venue.

It was a mammoth crowd

which attracted about 3,000 people

from near and far.



has 3 Times More People...


And no one was

Bused or Trucked

By State Vehicle

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

There is an annual Car and Bike Show here in Essequibo tonight. Yet about 7000 persons turned out for the Essequibo Unity Rally. This is an irrepressible movement of change. The people are energized and motivated. They have had enough, they want change.

There are some people in this World that would give up their Benz for an Oxford.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Watch Belly wuk when we post dem pics here nuff shittings gonna start happenin wid de namesakes...



The crowd is 99 Percent Afros and who really cares since the PNC is a 99 Percent Afro based party. The carry their Afro motorcade from region to region. 


The reality is that the AFC has no support base left.


Who are they trying to fool ?


Ha Ha !

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Watch Belly wuk when we post dem pics here nuff shittings gonna start happenin wid de namesakes...



The crowd is 99 Percent Afros and who really cares since the PNC is a 99 Percent Afro based party. The carry their Afro motorcade from region to region. 


The reality is that the AFC has no support base left.


Who are they trying to fool ?


Ha Ha !

You're mistaken big time, yuji. The majority of those people were Essequibians. And it was a truly multi-racial gathering.

This morning the big talk throughout the Essequibo Coast is about last night's rally. There is general agreement that it was the largest public assembly, even beating the 3,000-strong attendance Cheddi Jagan attracted in 1992.

While you're showing a brave face here, Freedom House is reeling from a stunning blow. On May 11 Essequibians will vote for national unity.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Watch Belly wuk when we post dem pics here nuff shittings gonna start happenin wid de namesakes...



The crowd is 99 Percent Afros and who really cares since the PNC is a 99 Percent Afro based party. The carry their Afro motorcade from region to region. 


The reality is that the AFC has no support base left.


Who are they trying to fool ?


Ha Ha !

You're mistaken big time, yuji. The majority of those people were Essequibians. And it was a truly multi-racial gathering.

This morning the big talk throughout the Essequibo Coast is about last night's rally. There is general agreement that it was the largest public assembly, even beating the 3,000-strong attendance Cheddi Jagan attracted in 1992.

While you're showing a brave face here, Freedom House is reeling from a stunning blow. On May 11 Essequibians will vote for national unity.


I see 95 Percent Afros in that crowd. Welcome to AFC's rent a crowd and motorcade.


Spin Gil, Spin.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

So what if it were true there were many Afros.


Energized Afros throughout Guyana spells doom for the Kleptos.


Keep whistling loudly while walking past the cemetery.


PNC is good for 40 Percent max. Please do not forget this fact. Take that in your pipe and smoke.


PNC has Never won a free and fair election. Take that in your pipe and smoke it.


Racist PNC has 95 Percent Afro support. Take that in your pipe and smoke it.


A 95 Percent Afro crowd spells disaster for the coalition. This is becoming a common theme. AFC cannot deliver, they need to rent an Afro crowd everytime.


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