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Former Member

PM Moses Nagamootoo in the Guyana Chronicle refers to Burnham's leadership as 'visionary'. Is this the same Nagamootoo who had pilloried Burnham, his leadership and his governance for decades? Who had spent half a lifetime advocating that Burnham as a dictator and his leadership had all but destroyed Guyana every which way? He placed Burnham on the same plateau as Jagan..something he would have metaphorically murdered anyone for suggesting ten years ago. Senility? Singing for his supper? Both? Perhaps even worse?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PM Nagamootoo is a Guyanese before he became a politician. He has his view about Guyana and its past leadership. He couldn't have said what he really thinks of Burnham since his loyalty was with the PPP. We are not living in a PPP box anymore. PM Nagamootoo has every right to speak truthfully of what he thinks of Burnham. Many of us grew up under his leadership. Many of us were educated under his leadership. Many of us were discipline under his leadership. And so is Moses Nagamootoo. Only abee coolie bin a fight fuh dall and alou when we were supposed to eat yam and cassava bread. Cheddi had that idea too. So, wah wrang now?

Prince posted:
Django posted:

Don't joke bhai,

source the article.

It's an excerpt from (FB) about what PM said about Burnham. 

Source: Guyana Chronicle/Annan Boodram.

Read what Nagamottoo said,its in the international edition of Guyana Chronicle,Page 4 "My Turn"

These fellas from Richmond Hill can twist words.Can these folks be trusted ?

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:

Dog Shyte Moses can only bark like a Ko Ko Beah because he is just like a piece of trash. Hell will refuse this scumbag.

Moses and Ramjattan are doing anything to hold on to their position. 

Watch the game play after LG election. 

Granger is under tremendous pressure from Congress place to kick the AFC out and go solo PNC in 2020 election.

remember when Granger was in opposition, his  vehicle was surrounded by PNC mobsters who almost flipped it over with him inside. 

Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

Dog Shyte Moses can only bark like a Ko Ko Beah because he is just like a piece of trash. Hell will refuse this scumbag.

Moses and Ramjattan are doing anything to hold on to their position. 

Watch the game play after LG election. 

Granger is under tremendous pressure from Congress place to kick the AFC out and go solo PNC in 2020 election.

remember when Granger was in opposition, his  vehicle was surrounded by PNC mobsters who almost flipped it over with him inside. 

alyuh good . . . consider writing wan movie script deh


ronan posted:
Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

Dog Shyte Moses can only bark like a Ko Ko Beah because he is just like a piece of trash. Hell will refuse this scumbag.

Moses and Ramjattan are doing anything to hold on to their position. 

Watch the game play after LG election. 

Granger is under tremendous pressure from Congress place to kick the AFC out and go solo PNC in 2020 election.

remember when Granger was in opposition, his  vehicle was surrounded by PNC mobsters who almost flipped it over with him inside. 

alyuh good . . . consider writing wan movie script deh


Yeah man ...  I hear you gon be the leading actor

Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

Dog Shyte Moses can only bark like a Ko Ko Beah because he is just like a piece of trash. Hell will refuse this scumbag.

Moses and Ramjattan are doing anything to hold on to their position. 

Watch the game play after LG election. 

Granger is under tremendous pressure from Congress place to kick the AFC out and go solo PNC in 2020 election.

remember when Granger was in opposition, his  vehicle was surrounded by PNC mobsters who almost flipped it over with him inside. 

alyuh good . . . consider writing wan movie script deh


Yeah man ...  I hear you gon be the leading actor

i welcome the offer of a starbai role

yuji22 posted:

I will throw the biggest party ever when they are kicked to the curb. I remember when Granger’s vehicle was attacked by a mob at Congress Place.

I hope that Congress Place implement their action plan on Moses and Ramjattan ASAP.

Why are you so excited about other people's downfall? These men are career politicians. They are both attorneys. They played the game they are entitled to play and get the position they deserved. What the hell is wrong with you? 

Dave posted:

Moses and Ramjattan are doing anything to hold on to their position. 

Watch the game play after LG election. 

Granger is under tremendous pressure from Congress place to kick the AFC out and go solo PNC in 2020 election.

remember when Granger was in opposition, his  vehicle was surrounded by PNC mobsters who almost flipped it over with him inside. 

APNU can't win the National Election if they go solo,maybe the PPP hoping AFC will be kicked out of the coalition.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

Moses and Ramjattan are doing anything to hold on to their position. 

Watch the game play after LG election. 

Granger is under tremendous pressure from Congress place to kick the AFC out and go solo PNC in 2020 election.

remember when Granger was in opposition, his  vehicle was surrounded by PNC mobsters who almost flipped it over with him inside. 

APNU can't win the National Election if they go solo,maybe the PPP hoping AFC will be kicked out of the coalition.

They both need each other to contest the Genersl Election. APNU can't ditch AFC just yet. 

Django posted:
Dave posted:

Moses and Ramjattan are doing anything to hold on to their position. 

Watch the game play after LG election. 

Granger is under tremendous pressure from Congress place to kick the AFC out and go solo PNC in 2020 election.

remember when Granger was in opposition, his  vehicle was surrounded by PNC mobsters who almost flipped it over with him inside. 

APNU can't win the National Election if they go solo,maybe the PPP hoping AFC will be kicked out of the coalition.

DJ, below  is one reason to kick start the rigging process. Bhai, PPP is out for at least 20-25 years. American controls  the electoral process, oil being the main reason. 

UN aid for GECOM
By Staff Writer
September 17, 2018
In February this year, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) sent a letter to the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Guyana requesting UN electoral assistance for the 2018 local government and 2020 general elections. The request, which included Information Technology assistance, had not been publicised by GECOM and what is publicly known about the matter is as a result of media reports.

Following the request for assistance, a team from the UN visited in early May on a scoping mission. The public became aware of this visit as a result of a news item issued by the Attorney General’s Chambers. The release, accompanied by a photograph of the visitors with Attorney General, Basil Williams SC said that the discussion covered a range of issues that would be dealt with in preparation for the Local Government and General elections.

“Those issues are the results tabulation process; developing the necessary software to expedite the process; the biometric instrument used at polling stations; verifications of electoral listings; and to ensure security at the polling stations”, the release had said, adding that the UNDP would render support and guidelines in those capacities and where else necessary. It added that at the end of the visit a report would be prepared with recommendations which would be submitted to UNDP Guyana. Mr Williams in the release also pledged his support for the process between GECOM and the UN. The areas of assistance listed in the release from the Attorney General’s Chambers are substantive and sensitive.

In June, in his first public comments on the matter, GECOM Chairman, Justice (ret’d) James Patterson while declaring the recent visit by the UN team a success, expressed confidence to Stabroek News that his request for an internationally recruited Information Technology specialist would be granted. He added that once a candidate had been identified, the Commission would have the final say.

“I can say with some assurance that nothing has been finalised but we are not far from that,” Mr Patterson told Stabroek News during an interview.

Since that June pronouncement there has been no further word from Mr Patterson even though GECOM has received the UN report on assistance. PPP/C-nominated GECOM Commissioner Robeson Benn, in a letter to the press published on August 10th, said that at the August 7th statutory meeting of the Commission, GECOM Chairman Mr Patterson “mystified the Commission” when he stated that he had cancelled “indefinitely” a meeting scheduled for 5 pm that same day to review the UN report.

Mr Benn said when asked why the meeting was being cancelled, “The Chairman alluded to information which he said he had been made aware of, with respect to the engagement and report which he could not divulge.”

Earlier this month, when asked by Stabroek News about the matter, Mr Patterson was not very forthcoming. “There is no movement. When there is you will be informed,” he said.

With Local Government Elections (LGE) set for November 12 it would appear that there isn’t enough time for well-structured assistance by the UN to GECOM. The question is why. Why did GECOM write to the UN for assistance, prompting the visit of a mission and now try to avoid the matter? Has Mr Patterson changed his mind on accepting assistance? If this is the case he should state so and provide the reasons for such. It would appear that the government-appointed members of GECOM – two named by APNU/PNCR while in opposition and the third by the WPA – are not pressing for the UN assistance to be addressed as they have said nothing publicly about it.

There is no reason why if there are urgent needs for electoral personnel that these cannot be filled by Guyanese. These candidates would, however, in the parlance of today have to be “fit and proper” and not compromised by their associations with one group or another. This would be particularly so in the sphere of information technology given the sensitive security issues which would be encompassed. GECOM has not even said publicly whether it has found a local candidate and whether all of its potential needs for the upcoming LGE have been requited.

The Chairman and GECOM must issue clear answers on these matters. Rigged general elections under the PNC between 1968 and 1985 unfortunately led to a longstanding distrust among stakeholders in the realm of electoral matters which has not disappeared even with sweeping electoral reforms. All elections since 1992 have seen generous offers of aid from the UN, the US, the UK, Canada, the European Union and a host of elections-related bodies. Where these offers have been conducive to the proper conduct of elections they have been accepted and implemented by GECOM. The various offers, the continuing interest of donor countries and the mounting of observer missions have all helped to instil confidence in the electoral processes given the climate of suspicion that often attends them.

The reticence by Mr Patterson on the question of UN aid which had been requested by GECOM raises troubling concerns. Do the needs identified in the original request by GECOM to the UN still exist? If so why hasn’t GECOM acted on the UN offer? If the needs no longer exist, who filled them and have these persons been vetted by the full commission? Assistance by donors to the scheduled general election in 2020 will undoubtedly be needed in a whole host of areas including building confidence in the voters list and transmittal of official results. Mr Patterson and GECOM have to be exceedingly careful in handling these offers lest it appears that efforts are being made to frustrate donors and therefore undermine confidence in the electoral process.

Mr Patterson would also be aware that he was controversially handpicked by President Granger in one of the most egregious acts of unilateralism in the recent history of the country. That act has therefore left half of the country with a wary view of Mr Patterson. The Chairman can therefore ill afford any act that would add to concerns about his role on GECOM particularly in matters that could undermine confidence in preparations for elections. A clear statement is needed from the Chairman to the public on the offer of UN electoral aid and why the matter has not been proceeded with at GECOM.

Django posted:

Although i don't support the current PPP,I will never condone rigging by the PNC,never,if i have to mobilize people and get our State Congressman involved,i surely will.

Sweet music to Gilly's ears.

But you have to refine your music score sheet. Make space after every comma. Too many commas make jerky music.

Last edited by Former Member

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