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Former Member

A popular video circulating social media claims to show Abedin, who was raised in Saudi Arabia between the ages of two and 18, her family, and by extension Clinton, have ties to groups and people who fund terrorism.”

The narrator of the video names the “four main players” as Clinton, Abedin, Saudi Arabia and Abdullah Omar Nasseef.


The video alleges that the Abedin family business, The Institute of Minority Muslim Affairs which, as we reported, is a pro-Sharia Law newsletter where Abedin used to work, is “owned by the Muslim World League, Saudi Arabia’s global organization that promotes violent Wahhabi Islam.”


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

If Abedin was raised in Saudi Arabia, then dat fullah gyal is as clean as a whistle.

And her father was an Islamic Cleric in Saudi.  You know how that goes.

Nehru posted:

She does seems like a power drunk individual who can get careless but to try and paint her as a Terrorist sympathizer is BULLSHIT!!!

She work solely and surely like most of the undetected sympathizers until she strike. You have a soft spot for this woman, bhai. One day she might kill all awee rass.  

Prince posted:
Nehru posted:

She does seems like a power drunk individual who can get careless but to try and paint her as a Terrorist sympathizer is BULLSHIT!!!

She work solely and surely like most of the undetected sympathizers until she strike. You have a soft spot for this woman, bhai. One day she might kill all awee rass.  

Nah, Nehru have a hard spot for any pretty woman!  Nehru can never be president.  All our enemies will send over their prettiest to take care of "business"!


Trump must be right then when he yelled and screamed that our intelligence is terrible because this gal has had security clearance from as far back as anyone can remember. Some people will believe any stupidness right Prince?


assange clinton wikileaks

WikiLeaks just finished the job that started few months ago! Hillary just got killed! She is not going to survive this! It’s too much! Pure treason!  According to Conservative Daily Post: Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton are the founders of ISIS. We have proven that through emails and documents leaked from WikiLeaks, but liberal media outlets still refuse to cover it.

After all, they are still more focused on what Trump said eleven years ago than what Hillary has actually done.

Because of brave patriots like Julian Assange, we have been given more evidence that Hillary Clinton is more connected to ISIS than we originally believed.

An email was leaked between Clinton and John Podesta indicating that: “Western intelligence, US intelligence and sources in the region” to accuse Qatar and Saudi Arabia of “providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL [or ISIS] and other radical Sunni groups in the region.”

Citing the need to “use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets,” said Hillary to Podesta while arguing the current developments in the Middle East were “important to the U.S. for reasons that often differ from country to country.”


Odd that Clinton argues Saudi Arabia and Qatar are helping fund ISIS when Hillary’s largest donations come from those two countries.
In another correspondence from 2012, the Director of Foreign Policy at the Clinton Foundation, Amitabh Desai, set up a meeting with Bill Clinton for five minutes in exchange for a $1,000,000 “birthday check.”

The email adds that the small but rich nation occupying the Qatar Peninsula would “welcome [the Clinton Foundation’s] suggestions for investments in Haiti — particularly on education and health.” Desai added that while Qatar had already “allocated most of their $20 million … [they were] happy to consider projects we suggest.”


Hilllary is a terrorist sympathizer.  When she becomes President, ISIS will destroy America in their own backyard.  On American soil.  This woman is willing to sell her soul to the devil.  Historians will be writing about this.   

Bibi Haniffa

Turmoil in the FBI

Washington (CNN) Among the casualties of the 2016 presidential campaign is the mystique of the FBI.

Behind the scenes over the past 15 months, infighting among some agents and officials has exposed some parts of the storied bureau to be buffeted by some of the same bitter divisions as the rest of American society.
This account is based on interviews with more than a dozen officials close to the matter who spoke anonymously because they've been ordered not to speak to the news media.
Tensions have built in particular over the handling of matters related to Hillary Clinton. Some of the sharpest divides have emerged between some agents in the FBI's New York field office, the bureau's largest and highest-profile, and officials at FBI headquarters in Washington and at the Justice Department.
Some rank-and-file agents interpreted cautious steps taken by the Justice Department and FBI headquarters as being done for political reasons or to protect a powerful political figure. At headquarters, some have viewed the actions and complaints of some agents in the field as driven by the common desire of investigators to get a big case or, perhaps worst, because of partisan views.

Hillary Clinton is on the brink of losing the election and she's not taking any chances on a tight race scenario. She doubled her TV add spending and putting pressure on the FBI and the Justice Department. She get the law in her pocket. This woman may get you killed so she can win white house. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

A popular video circulating social media claims to show Abedin, who was raised in Saudi Arabia between the ages of two and 18, her family, and by extension Clinton, have ties to groups and people who fund terrorism.”

The narrator of the video names the “four main players” as Clinton, Abedin, Saudi Arabia and Abdullah Omar Nasseef.


The video alleges that the Abedin family business, The Institute of Minority Muslim Affairs which, as we reported, is a pro-Sharia Law newsletter where Abedin used to work, is “owned by the Muslim World League, Saudi Arabia’s global organization that promotes violent Wahhabi Islam.”


Looks Like all you secrets are going to the highest bidder. This will come back to bite all you some day. Don't trust dem Saudis.

Last edited by Former Member

Ayatollah Khamenei: Clinton prove Iran right

Washington (CNN) Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday lambasted Hillary Clinton for revealing what he called the moral shortcoming of the United States.

The theocratic head of Iran was speaking to students ahead of the anniversary of the Iran Hostage Crisis of 1979.
Khamenei said the comments Clinton had made in the presidential debates "are sufficient for the annihilation of the reputation of the United States."
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:

Stupids is indeed what stupid does. This irrefutably proves you do not have a lick of sense.

Hillary is going down in flames!

If she does it will not make the above true....but she will not!!


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