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A businessman who supported the Alliance For Change (AFC) in the past has joined the Change Guyana political party.

Sase Shewnarain, the owner of Aracari Resort and Roraima Trust & Investment Inc. on Tuesday attended Change Guyana’s weekly press conference at the Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, Georgetown where he endorsed the new political party which is also led by a former AFC Supporter, Robert Badal.

“At this point right now, I feel it is incumbent upon me, a duty to endorse the Change Guyana party as a right choice, right now for Guyanese,” the businessman said.

Shewarain was born in Guyana and migrated to Canada for many years before returning in 1995 when he opened Roraima Trust and Investment Inc. and later the Aracari resort.

Although he has never been a member of another political party, he supported the AFC in 2015.

Speaking with the News Room at the sidelines of the press conference, Shewnarain said even after the AFC coalesced with the APNU (A Partnership for National Unity) he still believed that the party would stand on their principles.

Sase Shewnarain

“They went and [coalesce] on the basis that they will stand on their principles, they will see to it that their agenda is still going to be implemented. They fail to do that. They were subsumed, in my perspective, I have not seen any independence among them in terms of keeping to their agenda,” he told the News Room.

Shewnarain believes the AFC has abandoned its principles and such, cannot effect change from this point forward.

Meanwhile, the Presidential Candidate of Change Guyana, Robert Badal on Tuesday also spoke about the AFC, a party which he previously supported, noting that “the Alliance For Change wasn’t really a change because they got subsumed within the coalition and forgot all of their policies, their manifestos, their agendas, their independence, everything so was not a real effort for change.”

The AFC was on Friday last asked about its supporters and members who have left the party over the last four to five years. Deputy General Secretary of the Party, Lenno Craig told reporters that this is normal in politics but the party will not falter due to this.

He admitted that the party “mourns” the loss of supporters, financiers and members but Craig said, “it is one of those things that happen in politics, every party has suffered that and we have contingency plans in place, the AFC will not stumble and fall because of that.”

Given the number of persons who walked away from the AFC over the past years including former Parliamentarian Charrandass Persaud, some persons have argued that the party has lost its bargaining power with its coalition partner.

Meanwhile, a young businesswoman also endorsed Change Guyana on Tuesday. Tonaina Samaroo who is into the mining business is now venturing into politics but she believes aligning with this new party, she can contribute more to Guyana

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Badal like he want to buss up the collie peekle vote.

AFC vote he bussing up. See all them Indians businessman who was promise the moon and stars ... them loosing corn and husk now, but that Sase traitor who owns Aracari Resort as a front  ... heh heh ayo watch for the lash  back now from PNC.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Badal like he want to buss up the collie peekle vote.

AFC vote he bussing up. See all them Indians businessman who was promise the moon and stars ... them loosing corn and husk now, but that Sase traitor who owns Aracari Resort as a front  ... heh heh ayo watch for the lash  back now from PNC.

Not good!  He will steal away votes from Dr Irfaan!


Sita Shewnarain [centre), owner and director of the Aracari Resort cuts the ribbon to officially open the resort last Thursday. Assisting her is her husband, Sase Shewnarain while Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Manniram Prashad (fourth from right) looks on in the presence of other guests.

Sita Shewnarain (centre), owner and director of the Aracari Resort cuts the ribbon to officially open the resort last Thursday. Assisting her is her husband, Sase Shewnarain while Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Manniram Prashad (fourth from right) looks on in the presence of other guest


We have to be realistic. Not all AFC deserters will move towards the PPP/C. But the mere fact that businessmen/financiers are leaving the AFC is poetic justice of sorts as a response to AFC deceit and indecency.

Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Badal like he want to buss up the collie peekle vote.

AFC vote he bussing up. See all them Indians businessman who was promise the moon and stars ... them loosing corn and husk now, but that Sase traitor who owns Aracari Resort as a front  ... heh heh ayo watch for the lash  back now from PNC.

Not good!  He will steal away votes from Dr Irfaan!

Maybe. He should focus on improving his services at the resort. 

Businessman in Guyana should NEVER align themselves publicly with political parties... Guyana politics is mess up and politicians will screw you and drag your business to the gutter . 


This Sase Shewnarain is the same person that once owned Rivalda  Banquet Hall in Toronto, I am talking some 25 years ago.?? Aracari resort ,is it located on the West Bank of Demerara, if so well I know that chap, we had meetings years gone by.

Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Badal like he want to buss up the collie peekle vote.

AFC vote he bussing up. See all them Indians businessman who was promise the moon and stars ... them loosing corn and husk now, but that Sase traitor who owns Aracari Resort as a front  ... heh heh ayo watch for the lash  back now from PNC.

At least they aint supporting the leaking hole plastic CUP.

Dave posted:

Sita Shewnarain [centre), owner and director of the Aracari Resort cuts the ribbon to officially open the resort last Thursday. Assisting her is her husband, Sase Shewnarain while Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Manniram Prashad [fourth from right) looks on in the presence of other guests.

Sita Shewnarain (centre), owner and director of the Aracari Resort cuts the ribbon to officially open the resort last Thursday. Assisting her is her husband, Sase Shewnarain while Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Manniram Prashad (fourth from right) looks on in the presence of other guest

Is that Sash Sawh in the background???

Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Badal like he want to buss up the collie peekle vote.

AFC vote he bussing up. See all them Indians businessman who was promise the moon and stars ... them loosing corn and husk now, but that Sase traitor who owns Aracari Resort as a front  ... heh heh ayo watch for the lash  back now from PNC.

the part of "Dave" post which I bolded red above is outright slander on a public forum, unless "Dave" has proof!. Clown, you post that this gentleman operates his resort as a "front"?????? As I've always said - you're an inbred clown!


Smaller parties stealing votes from the major parties, seems to be a  repeat of the 1960s with the PPP, just before independence. 

The PNC stayed the same, but the PPP was fragmented by a number of smaller parties. External forces were at play in the 60s  and I hope its not the same again. Anyone see give away of free motorcycles ?  


Election is about PPP and PNC. The people who went over to AFC is coming back to PPP... they will not go to Badals party. Voters, especially businessmen know Badals party has no where to go.

He is in this for self interest. The way business is operate in Guyana, you have to be behind every operation of your business 7 days per week or you are screw by your employees, unless you have family members who share the same responsibilities as you and Badal has non of these support. 

He is currently expanding his hotel/ business executive offices ( which is the biggest single Investment in Guyana... where will he find the time to deal with political affairs and run businesses . 

This gamble will tarnish his business, he’s a fool. 

He also say his support is not going to either PPP or APNU. Who ever gets into government will squeeze his balls .. that’s how nasty Guyana politics is. 


Last edited by Former Member
Tola posted:

Smaller parties stealing votes from the major parties, seems to be a  repeat of the 1960s with the PPP, just before independence. 

The PNC stayed the same, but the PPP was fragmented by a number of smaller parties. External forces were at play in the 60s  and I hope its not the same again. Anyone see give away of free motorcycles ?  

Why do you care if “ External forces plays a roll similar to the 60s, You wants PPP to disappear from sight anyway. 

Sean posted:

At the end of the day, AFC business supporters will gravitate away from APNU. It will be interesting to see where they head to. Dr ALI should attempt to attract them. 

Jagdeo is the smartest politician currently in the Caribbean. Even David Hinds acknowledges this. 

Jagdeo has Dr Irfan in the Street embracing supporters while he takes care of the media and the illegal government.. that’s a brilliant mind. 

Dave posted:
Tola posted:

Smaller parties stealing votes from the major parties, seems to be a  repeat of the 1960s with the PPP, just before independence. 

The PNC stayed the same, but the PPP was fragmented by a number of smaller parties. External forces were at play in the 60s  and I hope its not the same again. Anyone see give away of free motorcycles ?  

Why do you care if “ External forces plays a roll similar to the 60s, You wants PPP to disappear from sight anyway. 

You rass know nothing about me or me Guyanese family  political background, going back to my grandfather and Cheddi father at PM. The PPP has been in my family whole life, long before I could remember.  

I am sour of the existing PPP, because of what we see happen to poor Indians in Berbice during the last PPP government, by people who represented the PPP. We are afraid the same might happen again, if the same atmosphere and people exist, after a PPP win.        

Tola posted:
Dave posted:
Tola posted:

Smaller parties stealing votes from the major parties, seems to be a  repeat of the 1960s with the PPP, just before independence. 

The PNC stayed the same, but the PPP was fragmented by a number of smaller parties. External forces were at play in the 60s  and I hope its not the same again. Anyone see give away of free motorcycles ?  

Why do you care if “ External forces plays a roll similar to the 60s, You wants PPP to disappear from sight anyway. 

You rass know nothing about me or me Guyanese family  political background, going back to my grandfather and Cheddi father at PM. The PPP has been in my family whole life, long before I could remember.  

I am sour of the existing PPP, because of what we see happen to poor Indians in Berbice during the last PPP government, by people who represented the PPP. We are afraid the same might happen again, if the same atmosphere and people exist, after a PPP win.        

Indians in Berbice still poor and still suffering under the current illegal Coalition cabal. Does that mean that you are sour at the current illegal Coalition cabal.

Tola posted:
Dave posted:
Tola posted:

Smaller parties stealing votes from the major parties, seems to be a  repeat of the 1960s with the PPP, just before independence. 

The PNC stayed the same, but the PPP was fragmented by a number of smaller parties. External forces were at play in the 60s  and I hope its not the same again. Anyone see give away of free motorcycles ?  

Why do you care if “ External forces plays a roll similar to the 60s, You wants PPP to disappear from sight anyway. 

You rass know nothing about me or me Guyanese family  political background, going back to my grandfather and Cheddi father at PM. The PPP has been in my family whole life, long before I could remember.  

I am sour of the existing PPP, because of what we see happen to poor Indians in Berbice during the last PPP government, by people who represented the PPP. We are afraid the same might happen again, if the same atmosphere and people exist, after a PPP win.        

Appreciate you say this, now let’s unite and apply the pressure on APNU and have them kick out. 
I agree PPP neglect their supporters, but we have to give them a second chance, I am sure they have learn from their mistakes. 

ksazma posted:
Tola posted:
Dave posted:
Tola posted:

Smaller parties stealing votes from the major parties, seems to be a  repeat of the 1960s with the PPP, just before independence. 

The PNC stayed the same, but the PPP was fragmented by a number of smaller parties. External forces were at play in the 60s  and I hope its not the same again. Anyone see give away of free motorcycles ?  

Why do you care if “ External forces plays a roll similar to the 60s, You wants PPP to disappear from sight anyway. 

You rass know nothing about me or me Guyanese family  political background, going back to my grandfather and Cheddi father at PM. The PPP has been in my family whole life, long before I could remember.  

I am sour of the existing PPP, because of what we see happen to poor Indians in Berbice during the last PPP government, by people who represented the PPP. We are afraid the same might happen again, if the same atmosphere and people exist, after a PPP win.        

Indians in Berbice still poor and still suffering under the current illegal Coalition cabal. Does that mean that you are sour at the current illegal Coalition cabal.

No, I am sour at the PPP representative in the last government, because they should do better to look after their Indian voters.

Regarding the PNC, I am an Indian and they don't give shit about me, nor do I about them. 

Maybe I don't articulate myself better, but Janet, Cheddi and  his brothers and some sisters were my friends. But I am pissed regarding what Jagdeo was allowed to take place in Berbice, resulting in  replacing some government people,  because of the problem.     

Dave posted:

Sita Shewnarain [centre), owner and director of the Aracari Resort cuts the ribbon to officially open the resort last Thursday. Assisting her is her husband, Sase Shewnarain while Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Manniram Prashad [fourth from right) looks on in the presence of other guests.

Sita Shewnarain (centre), owner and director of the Aracari Resort cuts the ribbon to officially open the resort last Thursday. Assisting her is her husband, Sase Shewnarain while Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Manniram Prashad (fourth from right) looks on in the presence of other guest

So all them man in the AFC wife name Sita?

Ram Ram Bhagwan.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Dave posted:

Election is about PPP and PNC. The people who went over to AFC is coming back to PPP... they will not go to Badals party. Voters, especially businessmen know Badals party has no where to go.

He is in this for self interest. The way business is operate in Guyana, you have to be behind every operation of your business 7 days per week or you are screw by your employees,unless you have family members who share the same responsibilities as you and Badal has non of these support. 

He is currently expanding his hotel/ business executive offices ( which is the biggest single Investment in Guyana... where will he find the time to deal with political affairs and run businesses . 

This gamble will tarnish his business, he’s a fool. 

He also say his support is not going to either PPP or APNU. Who ever gets into government will squeeze his balls .. that’s how nasty Guyana politics is. 

How come Badal is successful in his business ventures Guyana ? he seems to be a smart individual.

Dave posted:

Election is about PPP and PNC. The people who went over to AFC is coming back to PPP... they will not go to Badals party. Voters

He is in this for self interest. The way business is operate in Guyana, you have to be behind every operation of your business 7 days per week or you are screw by your employees, unless you have family members who share the same responsibilities as you and Badal has non of these support. 

He is currently expanding his hotel/ business executive offices ( which is the biggest single Investment in Guyana... where will he find the time to deal with political affairs and run businesses . 

This gamble will tarnish his business, he’s a fool. 

He also say his support is not going to either PPP or APNU. Who ever gets into government will squeeze his balls .. that’s how nasty Guyana politics is. 


That’s  nonsense. That’s when you run the business like a mom and pop operation.  As long as that’s your model you will be restrained by how many family ready to work for you. 

However, Given the climate in Guyana I agree, it will be a two horse race. 

No one will squeeze his balls, he has every right to compete and decide how to interact with the PPP and PNC!  

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Oh rass me hear me @real_name deh in Chronicle this morning!

I hardly read that paper , which article you are mentioned ?

TCV response to an accusation that we are a PPP front!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Oh rass me hear me @real_name deh in Chronicle this morning!

I hardly read that paper , which article you are mentioned ?

TCV response to an accusation that we are a PPP front!

I read the letters from both sides . Will let sleeping dogs lie.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Election is about PPP and PNC. The people who went over to AFC is coming back to PPP... they will not go to Badals party. Voters, especially businessmen know Badals party has no where to go.

He is in this for self interest. The way business is operate in Guyana, you have to be behind every operation of your business 7 days per week or you are screw by your employees,unless you have family members who share the same responsibilities as you and Badal has non of these support. 

He is currently expanding his hotel/ business executive offices ( which is the biggest single Investment in Guyana... where will he find the time to deal with political affairs and run businesses . 

This gamble will tarnish his business, he’s a fool. 

He also say his support is not going to either PPP or APNU. Who ever gets into government will squeeze his balls .. that’s how nasty Guyana politics is. 

How come Badal is successful in his business ventures Guyana ? he seems to be a smart individual.

Badals business success was achieved between 1994 ( stock feed) 2009 ( Pegasus )  described best by the words perseverance, determination and commitment.

Now, you provide the answer to your own question about Badal success. 

Was Robert Badal a politician until NOW. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Election is about PPP and PNC. The people who went over to AFC is coming back to PPP... they will not go to Badals party. Voters, especially businessmen know Badals party has no where to go.

He is in this for self interest. The way business is operate in Guyana, you have to be behind every operation of your business 7 days per week or you are screw by your employees,unless you have family members who share the same responsibilities as you and Badal has non of these support. 

He is currently expanding his hotel/ business executive offices ( which is the biggest single Investment in Guyana... where will he find the time to deal with political affairs and run businesses . 

This gamble will tarnish his business, he’s a fool. 

He also say his support is not going to either PPP or APNU. Who ever gets into government will squeeze his balls .. that’s how nasty Guyana politics is. 

How come Badal is successful in his business ventures Guyana ? he seems to be a smart individual.

Badals business success was achieved between 1994 ( stock feed) 2009 ( Pegasus )  described best by the words perseverance, determination and commitment.

Now, you provide the answer to your own question about Badal success. 

Was Robert Badal a politician until NOW. 

Yes he was.  He was a known critic of the PPP and Jagdeo.  

Dave posted:
Django posted:

How come Badal is successful in his business ventures Guyana ? he seems to be a smart individual.

Badals business success was achieved between 1994 ( stock feed) 2009 ( Pegasus )  described best by the words perseverance, determination and commitment.

(1)   Now, you provide the answer to your own question about Badal success. 

(2)    Was Robert Badal a politician until NOW. 

Need more clarity on (1)

(2) There are no problem , anyone can become a politician at any chosen time. He is wealthy , perhaps will not be tempted to fill his pockets.  We have seen the bicycle riders pilfering the government coffers.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

How come Badal is successful in his business ventures Guyana ? he seems to be a smart individual.

Badals business success was achieved between 1994 ( stock feed) 2009 ( Pegasus )  described best by the words perseverance, determination and commitment.

(1)   Now, you provide the answer to your own question about Badal success. 

(2)    Was Robert Badal a politician until NOW. 

Need more clarity on (1)

(2) There are no problem , anyone can become a politician at any chosen time. He is wealthy , perhaps will not be tempted to fill his pockets.  We have seen the bicycle riders pilfering the government coffers.

The answer to (2) was a Yes or No. 

but as usual, again you fail to provide direct answer and choose to provide explanation that has no relevance to the question. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

How come Badal is successful in his business ventures Guyana ? he seems to be a smart individual.

Badals business success was achieved between 1994 ( stock feed) 2009 ( Pegasus )  described best by the words perseverance, determination and commitment.

(1)   Now, you provide the answer to your own question about Badal success. 

(2)    Was Robert Badal a politician until NOW. 

Need more clarity on (1)

(2) There are no problem , anyone can become a politician at any chosen time. He is wealthy , perhaps will not be tempted to fill his pockets.  We have seen the bicycle riders pilfering the government coffers.

The answer to (2) was a Yes or No.

but as usual, again you fail to provide direct answer and choose to provide explanation that has no relevance to the question. 

Banna you don't make sense !!!

What is the problem with Badal , getting into politics , seriously i wish him success. Time to further weaken the two peas of the same pod.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Election is about PPP and PNC. The people who went over to AFC is coming back to PPP... they will not go to Badals party. Voters, especially businessmen know Badals party has no where to go.

He is in this for self interest. The way business is operate in Guyana, you have to be behind every operation of your business 7 days per week or you are screw by your employees,unless you have family members who share the same responsibilities as you and Badal has non of these support. 

He is currently expanding his hotel/ business executive offices ( which is the biggest single Investment in Guyana... where will he find the time to deal with political affairs and run businesses . 

This gamble will tarnish his business, he’s a fool. 

He also say his support is not going to either PPP or APNU. Who ever gets into government will squeeze his balls .. that’s how nasty Guyana politics is. 

How come Badal is successful in his business ventures Guyana ? he seems to be a smart individual.

Badals business success was achieved between 1994 ( stock feed) 2009 ( Pegasus )  described best by the words perseverance, determination and commitment.

Now, you provide the answer to your own question about Badal success. 

Was Robert Badal a politician until NOW. 

Yes he was.  He was a known critic of the PPP and Jagdeo.  

He was NOT a politician. Been a critic of a politician or political party does not makes you a politician. 
Are you a politician Base? 

Change Guyana Part

Badal also disclosed that he was never a member of AFC or any political party. He further stated, “The executive of the AFC would confirm this,” he said.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

How come Badal is successful in his business ventures Guyana ? he seems to be a smart individual.

Badals business success was achieved between 1994 ( stock feed) 2009 ( Pegasus )  described best by the words perseverance, determination and commitment.

(1)   Now, you provide the answer to your own question about Badal success. 

(2)    Was Robert Badal a politician until NOW. 

Need more clarity on (1)

(2) There are no problem , anyone can become a politician at any chosen time. He is wealthy , perhaps will not be tempted to fill his pockets.  We have seen the bicycle riders pilfering the government coffers.

The answer to (2) was a Yes or No.

but as usual, again you fail to provide direct answer and choose to provide explanation that has no relevance to the question. 

Banna you don't make sense !!!

What is the problem with Badal , getting into politics , seriously i wish him success. Time to further weaken the two peas of the same pod.

LOL to your response. 

BTW their is no problem with Badal getting into politics. I am lost as to how you are coming up with all this. WTF. 

Gilbakka posted:

Hey Django, let's settle yesterday's fight. How can you accept that PNCR is reformed but cannot accept that Lumumba, Kwame and Pulouri Joe are reformed? Don't deflect.

Looks like three reformed , they jump ship to feed from the trough. Inquired about the Skeldon Factory Land , who benefited ?

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

How come Badal is successful in his business ventures Guyana ? he seems to be a smart individual.

Badals business success was achieved between 1994 ( stock feed) 2009 ( Pegasus )  described best by the words perseverance, determination and commitment.

(1)   Now, you provide the answer to your own question about Badal success. 

(2)    Was Robert Badal a politician until NOW. 

Need more clarity on (1)

(2) There are no problem , anyone can become a politician at any chosen time. He is wealthy , perhaps will not be tempted to fill his pockets.  We have seen the bicycle riders pilfering the government coffers.

The answer to (2) was a Yes or No.

but as usual, again you fail to provide direct answer and choose to provide explanation that has no relevance to the question. 

Banna you don't make sense !!!

What is the problem with Badal , getting into politics , seriously i wish him success. Time to further weaken the two peas of the same pod.

LOL to your response. 

BTW their is no problem with Badal getting into politics.

I am lost as to how you are coming up with all this. WTF. 

What happen , you in ?


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