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Businessman shoots gun-toting assailant dead
Kevin makes known his liquor of choice

Businessman shoots gun-toting assailant dead


–Youngster’s Facebook profile shows he liked living in the fast lane

AGRICOLA resident Kevin Fields, 21, was fatally shot yesterday by a businessman after he snatched a bag with some $1.7M from him in a Sheriff Street auto spares store and attempted to flee.

A bulletproof vest, gun, sneakers and other items which sit on a coffee table were also among photos on the young bandit’s Facebook page

A bulletproof vest, gun, sneakers and other items which sit on a coffee table were also among photos on the young bandit’s Facebook page

The Guyana Chronicle understands that the Titus Street, Agricola resident and an accomplice had trailed the businessman from another location in the city, and after the man entered Ramchand Auto Spares on Sheriff Street to make a purchase he followed him there.

This publication was informed that the bandit and his accomplice had arrived on a Honda CG motorcycle and parked to the south over Duncan Street.
According to owner of the Sheriff Street business, Ramchand Ragbeer, he was in his office when he heard someone shouting for “Thief!” He said that suddenly he saw a young man dashing out of the store with the businessman in hot pursuit.
As the bandit made his way to his accomplice on the waiting motorcycle and spotted the robbery victim racing after him, he fired a shot but the man, a licensed firearm holder, returned fire, hitting him to the head.

Two of Kevin’s preferred weapons. The one to the right has a striking resemblance the one he used yesterday

Two of Kevin’s preferred weapons. The one to the right has a striking resemblance the one he used yesterday

His motorcycle accomplice then sped away from the scene, and according to information reaching this newspaper returned later and stood at a distance as the crowd gathered. This, however, was not confirmed by the police.
Ramchand told the Guyana Chronicle that the robbery victim is a regular customer at his store and would usually make large purchases. He said that prior to visiting his store, the man had made a purchase from another well-established store in the city.
The store owner said that in the past he has had incidents of robbery occurring outside of the store but not with the use of firearms. He praised the robbery victim for being able to retaliate and defend himself.
And as word of the shooting made the rounds yesterday, several persons gathered at the scene to get a glimpse of the young man on the ground next to the gun he used in his robbery attack.

Part of Kevin’s arms cache as revealed on his FB page

Part of Kevin’s arms cache as revealed on his FB page

The police were able to also recover a bag containing over a million dollars in cash which was snatched from the customer.
The police in a press release yesterday announced that when the bandit was shot they were able to recover $1.7M from him along with an unlicensed .32 Taurus revolver with five rounds and a spent shell.

Kevin’s Facebook Profile photo

Kevin’s Facebook Profile photo

Meanwhile as work of the shooting got around and the identity of the bandit was made known, this publication visited the Facebook page of the young man and discovered that he seemingly lived a life of crime and had several associates.
Among some of the photographs posted on his Facebook page are images of him lying on a bed with more than five hundred thousand dollars in cash along with what appears to be a firearm licence and a Republic Bank ATM card. Other photographs showed five different firearms with their magazines lying on what appeared to be a sheet and tagged to several of his friends, his Facebook page also had a photo of the firearm which

The lifeless body of the Agricola youngster after he was shot dead yesterday on Sheriff Street

The lifeless body of the Agricola youngster after he was shot dead yesterday on Sheriff Street

resembles the one he was using at the time he met his demise yesterday.
Looking at the Facebook page of 21 year old Kevin Fields, he proved to be living a lavish life with women, liquor, guns and money. His only sober photo was a photograph of him offering comfort to the mother of shot Agricola teen Shaquille Grant who was killed by the police in 2012.

Part of the crowd which gathered to get a close-up of the dead bandit

Part of the crowd which gathered to get a close-up of the dead bandit

Replies sorted oldest to newest

a couple of weeks ago this flighty lil antiman yugee wuz blowing kisses Granger's way and talking up an alternative future . . .


apparently sumbady in Freedom House clap wan or two bax pan he and straighten de lil punk out


suh, like the loyal follower of the 'rev' days, he fall back in line, pushing out he bony chest, parroting the PPP race bait line - working heself up into a frenzy bout blackman . . . bellowing bout "exterminate dem" and ting


he feelin 'manly' again

Last edited by Former Member

How does a young person like this youth afford to buy those weapons.  That Springfield and the Glock are about $800 US a piece if you get a good deal from a licenced gun store.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Too many guns. Most in the wrong hands. Somebody needs to stem this flow.

YES! Finally a man with balls.


Cut them down.  Wuk and live, tief and DIE.


Yuji speaks the truth. I do not sell my soul to anyone.

Granger is pictured with the bandit. The bandit killed had attacked an Indo Guyanese businessman.


Who Vex, Vex. Those are the facts. 


I do not try to please anyone and I will forever support freedom of speech until the last breath of my life.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22, your heading speaks volumes of your deep rooted racism. When do you plan to free yourself from its shackles?

Go easy on yuji, Mits.

He still hasn't found his bearings.

It will take patient work to expel racialism from his system, which was inserted there by older folks.

I truly believe that deva exists in yuji and will turn him around in due course. Dheeray, dheeray.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi22, your heading speaks volumes of your deep rooted racism. When do you plan to free yourself from its shackles?

Go easy on yuji, Mits.

He still hasn't found his bearings.

It will take patient work to expel racialism from his system, which was inserted there by older folks.

I truly believe that deva exists in yuji and will turn him around in due course. Dheeray, dheeray.




I speak the truth. An Indo Guyanese businessman was attacked. Does anyone expect him to hand over his money and bow down to a criminal ? Scriptures sanction the hanging of criminals.


I could care less if a bandit is black, brown or blue. Wipe them out. Exterminate them.


And yes, the bandit is pictured with Granger. Those are hard facts and no one can deny the facts. Those who cannot debate just run and hide under a race umbrella. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:
The biggest bandits in Guyana are the PPP tiefmen from Freedumb House. Let's hang them without a trial then, if your scriptures dictate it and you're supporting it.


First, ask your lawyers in the AFC/PNC to bring the facts to a court of law. They are all talking and talk is cheap. 


To date they have brought forth katahar in a court of law. Ker you.............


Stop defending Bandits pictured with Granger.



I don't see what the people in the picture have to do with the shooting dead of the bandit. Let us not forget that this bandit is a product of the PPP. He was born under PPP rule, and lived a lifestyle that so many have carved out for themselves due to the PPP. You couldn't buy a firearm during the PNC days. But the PPP has made it extremely easy to even acquire Ak-47 rifles.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I don't see what the people in the picture have to do with the shooting dead of the bandit. Let us not forget that this bandit is a product of the PPP. He was born under PPP rule, and lived a lifestyle that so many have carved out for themselves due to the PPP. You couldn't buy a firearm during the PNC days. But the PPP has made it extremely easy to even acquire Ak-47 rifles.


Was he nurtured by the PNC ? It may appear so.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I don't see what the people in the picture have to do with the shooting dead of the bandit. Let us not forget that this bandit is a product of the PPP. He was born under PPP rule, and lived a lifestyle that so many have carved out for themselves due to the PPP. You couldn't buy a firearm during the PNC days. But the PPP has made it extremely easy to even acquire Ak-47 rifles.


Was he nurtured by the PNC ? It may appear so.

On the contrary. This bandit is a clear product of the PPP, from cradle to grave. He had credit cards guns, a taste for expensive drinks, drugs etc. All symptoms of a heavy PPP influence.


So is someone was born under Obama's Presidency and commits a crime, does that mean that Obama is responsible ?


You are uttering sheer hogwash.


Stop defending criminals. Where are the father figures in these homes ?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Granger pictured with the Bandit.





Your allowing your prejudice to lead you to put a racial spin on this incident. You cannot prove that Granger had knowledge that he knowingly took a picture with a bandit when your PPP nincompoops cannot even read the Facebook on which these hoodlums are boasting of their spoils. This is a time when Rohee and his secret intelligence should be interrogating all those who have links with him. Birds of feather fluck together.


Slavery was abolished a long time ago. Free yourself from the shackles of racism. Lord Krishna said he created the jaatees.



Last edited by Mitwah
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Granger pictured with the Bandit.





Your allowing your prejudice to lead you to put a racial spin on this incident. You cannot prove that Granger had knowledge that he knowingly too a picture with a bandit when your PPP nincompoops cannot even read the face on which these hoodlums are boasting of their spoils. This is a time when Rohee and his secret intelligence should be interrogating all those who have links with him. Birds of feather fluck together.


Slavery was abolished a long time ago. Free yourself from the shackles of racism. Lord Krishna said he created the jaatees.





A picture is worth a thousand words.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

So is someone was born under Obama's Presidency and commits a crime, does that mean that Obama is responsible ?


You are uttering sheer hogwash.


Stop defending criminals. Where are the father figures in these homes ?

One crime isn't enough to make a judgement. And someone born under Obama would not be old enough to be liable for any court conviction of a crime.

This bandit was obviously a serial criminal, educated in the art during the years that the PPP has been in charge of educating young men and women about career prospects. This young man did what every PPP businessman does: get rich quick or die trying. Yes he was a PPP style businessman. There is nothing in his past to suggest any other influence.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

So is someone was born under Obama's Presidency and commits a crime, does that mean that Obama is responsible ?


You are uttering sheer hogwash.


Stop defending criminals. Where are the father figures in these homes ?

One crime isn't enough to make a judgement. And someone born under Obama would not be old enough to be liable for any court conviction of a crime.

This bandit was obviously a serial criminal, educated in the art during the years that the PPP has been in charge of educating young men and women about career prospects. This young man did what every PPP businessman does: get rich quick or die trying. Yes he was a PPP style businessman. There is nothing in his past to suggest any other influence.




He was nurtured by your PNC to unleash terror. The truth is finally unfolding.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

"Why the sudden desperation to cover this up and disassociate himself from the young man, when two years ago he was eager to associate with him in front of the cameras" ?

Was there a sudden desperation? What there is is a sudden willingness by the likes of you to make political capital from the fact that both men appear in the same picture at a funeral. But let's be honest: both Jagdeo and Ramotar have been pictured with mass murderers wanted by the UN. Bouterse and Assad have been pictured shaking the hands of our presidents. This bandit is not wanted in connection with any murder that have taken place in Guyana. All that we know is that he was shot dead whilst fleeing from the scene of a crime. Bouterse and Assad on the other hand have blood on their hands. The same hands that they used to shake the hands of Jagdeo and Ramotar.


Mr T and others in the PNC will always defend criminals who unleash terror in Guyana especially if these criminals are from Linden and Agricola and nurtured by the PNC.


Guess what ? Terrorist must and will always be exterminated. Stop crying crocodile tears.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

So is someone was born under Obama's Presidency and commits a crime, does that mean that Obama is responsible ?


You are uttering sheer hogwash.


Stop defending criminals. Where are the father figures in these homes ?

One crime isn't enough to make a judgement. And someone born under Obama would not be old enough to be liable for any court conviction of a crime.

This bandit was obviously a serial criminal, educated in the art during the years that the PPP has been in charge of educating young men and women about career prospects. This young man did what every PPP businessman does: get rich quick or die trying. Yes he was a PPP style businessman. There is nothing in his past to suggest any other influence.




He was nurtured by your PNC to unleash terror. The truth is finally unfolding.

On the contrary. What is unfolding is that the PPP set up this guy to be in the same picture with Granger, and then the PPP shot him dead to silence him. Who sold him those guns? Not a PPP authorized gun dealer?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

So is someone was born under Obama's Presidency and commits a crime, does that mean that Obama is responsible ?


You are uttering sheer hogwash.


Stop defending criminals. Where are the father figures in these homes ?

One crime isn't enough to make a judgement. And someone born under Obama would not be old enough to be liable for any court conviction of a crime.

This bandit was obviously a serial criminal, educated in the art during the years that the PPP has been in charge of educating young men and women about career prospects. This young man did what every PPP businessman does: get rich quick or die trying. Yes he was a PPP style businessman. There is nothing in his past to suggest any other influence.




He was nurtured by your PNC to unleash terror. The truth is finally unfolding.

On the contrary. What is unfolding is that the PPP set up this guy to be in the same picture with Granger, and then the PPP shot him dead to silence him. Who sold him those guns? Not a PPP authorized gun dealer?




PNC raised him. Ask the PNC. Granger was proud to take pictures his alleged "freedom fighter". Ask Granger.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mr T and others in the PNC will always defend criminals who unleash terror in Guyana especially if these criminals are from Linded and Agricola and nurtured by the PNC.


Guess what ? Terrorist must and will always be exterminated. Stop crying crocodile tears.

I am not in the PNC. May I remind you that my family had to flee Wismar when the troubles broke out?  Your accusation alone would be good enough for many in my family to consider you to be a marked man. Calling us PNC supporters is not far off from signing your own death warrant. It's an insult that can only be made good with a funeral.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Originally Posted by Mars:
The biggest bandits in Guyana are the PPP tiefmen from Freedumb House. Let's hang them without a trial then, if your scriptures dictate it and you're supporting it.


First, ask your lawyers in the AFC/PNC to bring the facts to a court of law. They are all talking and talk is cheap. 


To date they have brought forth katahar in a court of law. Ker you.............


Stop defending Bandits pictured with Granger.



I do not have any lawyers in the PNC or AFC so how could they be my lawyers? Apparently you are too stupid to understand the job of a lawyer. If someone is a suspect in a theft, it is the job of the cops and the prosecutors to make a case and bring charges against him, Dumbo. Lawyers are there to defend the accused, not to bring charges against them nincompoop. Please use English if you're addressing me as I do not understand the language of your Dalit ancestors. I did not at anytime defend this bandit. I'm just suggesting that you extend the same punishment which you suggested for bandits to the PPP tiefmen from Freedumb House.
Originally Posted by yuji22:

So is someone was born under Obama's Presidency and commits a crime, does that mean that Obama is responsible ?


You are uttering sheer hogwash.


Stop defending criminals. Where are the father figures in these homes ?

dude, your post would have much more meaning if it wasn't so racist

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yugi is using this incident to detract from the fact that Guyana is a failed state under the PPP/C regime and that Freedumb House provides a sanctuary for robber barrons.

And a haven for bandits. Just look at the crime statistics. There are now more bandits roaming Guyana under the PPP than at any time in our history. The PPP has created the right conditions for these criminals. They see the PPP presidents stealing unchallenged, so they accept that as the way to go.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Agricola breeds criminals, let us see if PNC supporters will defend this dead criminal. 

i will support him,to bad he was trying to rob the wrong man,he should rob the ppp ministers and their family,kidnap them and disappear some of them bodies,maybe kidnap  and put a good buggering on your racist ass


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