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Former Member

Police analysing spent shell used in robbery of Longden St money changer


A 60-year-old money changer was on Sunday afternoon shot and robbed of $120,000 in cash while he was in the vicinity of Longden Street, Georgetown, by two unmasked motorcycle bandits- one of whom was armed with a hand gun.

The victim has been identified as Rockford Richardson called “Bigga” of Freeman Street, East La Penitence, Georgetown.

Based on information received, the incident occurred at about 13:33h.

Enquiries disclosed that the victim was sitting on a chair in front of Silvie’s building, plying his trade, when he was approached by two men on a motorcycle from a northern direction.

The men stopped in front of him and the pillion rider, whipped out a gun from his waist and confronted Richardson, while demanding that he turn over his cash.

Scared, the sexagenarian immediately complied and handed over his cash.

However, while retrieving the money, the armed suspect reportedly discharged one round at the money changer, resulting in him sustaining a wound on his left thigh, above his knee.

The bandit then rejoined his accomplice on the waiting motorcycle and fled the scene north along Longden Street, Georgetown.

Public spirited persons ran to Richardson’s assistance and rushed him to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was examined by a doctor and admitted a patient in the Accident and Emergency Unit in a stable condition.

Police have disclosed that a .32 spent shell was retrieved from the scene of the crime and is presently being analysed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

AFC/PNC campaigned and conned up the people that they would clean up the crime situation. The buck stop at Granger's desk and he is a Korhee who does nothing, its as if he does not exist.

Rohee was 1000 better than the other Korhee Ramjattan.

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:

they need more cops or something to quell these crimes

Look at the method being used. CG bikes. Easy get away. Weave in and out of traffic. The police needs to do the same. Gets bikes too,  to pursuit, where larger vehicles might have difficulty going. Its worth a shot.

Sheik101 posted:
Ray posted:

they need more cops or something to quell these crimes

Look at the method being used. CG bikes. Easy get away. Weave in and out of traffic. The police needs to do the same. Gets bikes too,  to pursuit, where larger vehicles might have difficulty going. Its worth a shot.

Agreed but what is this government's response in combating these types of crimes ? Zero, Nada, nothing.

The police force is under equipped, under paid and too much is expected of these cops. The force needs modernization, training and increase in personnel.

The U.S. ambassador hinted about the cops not having the proper equipment in combating crime.

What is Korhee Granger doing, the buck stops at his desk ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Ray posted:

they need more cops or something to quell these crimes

Look at the method being used. CG bikes. Easy get away. Weave in and out of traffic. The police needs to do the same. Gets bikes too,  to pursuit, where larger vehicles might have difficulty going. Its worth a shot.

Agreed but what is this government's response in combating these types of crimes ? Zero, Nada, nothing.

The police force is under equipped, under paid and too much is expected of these cops. The force needs modernization, training and increase in personnel.

The U.S. ambassador hinted about the cops not having the proper equipment in combating crime.

What is Korhee Granger doing, the buck stops at his desk ?

My dad came back from Guyana recently.  The police are getting kickbacks from the bandits, they all share the loot and no one gets arrested.  So in effect they do less work and make an extra buck to ‘top’ up their low salaries. 


What Guyana needs is vigilante groups to combat crime  

Give them the authority to beat the mother shit out of the criminals when they are caught before turning them over to the police


When will Rumjaat get sober to start doing his job and stop free loading on the poor tax payers. He is a failure, should be fired immediately!!!Put a Blackman to catch the Black criminals, one eye Jack can"t see night from day, or maybe he is getting Kick Back from the criminals.

Sheik101 posted:
Ray posted:

they need more cops or something to quell these crimes

Look at the method being used. CG bikes. Easy get away. Weave in and out of traffic. The police needs to do the same. Gets bikes too,  to pursuit, where larger vehicles might have difficulty going. Its worth a shot.

What motorcycle training these police get to play cat and mouse game with professional bandits? Bandits are always ahead of police instead of the opposite. Guyana is at a stage where aggressive and professional police work in badly needed.

What happens to the British help in combating crimes in Guyana?

kp posted:

When will Rumjaat get sober to start doing his job and stop free loading on the poor tax payers. He is a failure, should be fired immediately!!!Put a Blackman to catch the Black criminals, one eye Jack can"t see night from day, or maybe he is getting Kick Back from the criminals.

Now look here, KP. U can trash Ramjattan all u want. It would not solve anything. The man is a lawyer trained to defend criminals not go after them. But on a serious note, I see what you're saying. He is inept in his duties. The honorable thing that he should do is step down. Give someone else a chance. Someone who's prepared to take the bull by its horns. There's no shame in it. it would be after all, in the best interest of the nation. But i suspect the pay must be good and perhaps that's all that matters.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Amral posted:

Granger doesn't have the balls and jagdeo has the balls but only allow men to play with them 

Not true.

How you know what's true and not true about the man's balls?  Sometimes you muss mind yuh own business!


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