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14-year-old boy shot dead by rookie cop


Authorities scoured the scene at East 151st Street in the Bronx where Shaaliver Douse, was killed on Sunday after a pursuit by two rookie officers.

Authorities scoured the scene at East 151st Street in the Bronx where Shaaliver Douse, was killed on Sunday after a pursuit by two rookie officers.


A novice police officer has fatally shot a black teenager in the Bronx, New York City alleging that the 14-year-old boy did not drop his weapon, police officials said.

Shaaliver Douse was shot in the lower left jaw early on Sunday morning and was pronounced dead at the scene, CBS News reported.

The incident happened when two rookie officers on foot patrol heard gunfire in the area of Cortlandt Avenue and East 151st Street in the Melrose section of the Bronx after 3 a.m.

They rushed to the scene to find that Douse was carrying a 9mm semiautomatic handgun chasing another male.

The officers ordered him to drop the gun, but one of the cops fired a shot killing Douse after the teenager refused to comply.

“A black semiautomatic Astra A-100 9 millimeter handgun manufactured in Spain was recovered next to Douse’s body,” said police Commissioner Ray Kelly.

Kelly also said that the two police officers joined the force just this past January and the one who shot Douse was 26 years old.

He defended the cops for the action they took. “I think they did what we would expect officers of any experience level to do.”

Asked if Douse could have been shot in the legs, Kelly said it is not how officers are trained. “That is absolutely a myth. You can’t do that. We train all of our officers to shoot for body mass, because we shoot to stop,” he said.

Douse’s aunt said, “He was a beautiful, loving boy. He was a baby”. She did not accept the police version of the killing, saying she did not believe her nephew even had a gun.

“The cops have got to stop killing our children,” she said. “This is a 14-year-old kid. It’s not fair.”

Gun violence in the US came under spotlight after a gunman killed 20 first-graders and six adults in a rampage at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012.

Critics blame the notoriously liberal gun control laws in the US for the high rate of gun murders in the country.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by asj:

Plant a gun near the body, and all is taken care of whils't we await the next shooting of another Black Kid

 Another lie by this taliban sympathizer.  No one put a gun in his hand. He put it there himself and has a history of that."Surveillance video shows Shaaliver Douse, a suspected gang member, chasing and shooting at a young rival on Courtlandt Avenue near East 151st Street just before 3 a.m., police said."


This is a punk kid with a gun. He got what he was trying to give.

Originally Posted by asj:

Plant a gun near the body, and all is taken care of whils't we await the next shooting of another Black Kid

Asj, where did it say in the article that the gun was planted on the kid? Those are your words until another black kid get shot from disobeying police order to drop your weapon. In your world it's right for kids to carry weapons and police must standby and watch. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by asj:

Another Black Kid shot dead by Obama Nazi Police

Fact or wild imagination?

New York police is not Obama police. They are state police. Blame Cuomo if you want. You live by the sword(gun); you die by the sword.  

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:

Plant a gun near the body, and all is taken care of whils't we await the next shooting of another Black Kid

 Another lie by this taliban sympathizer.  No one put a gun in his hand. He put it there himself and has a history of that."Surveillance video shows Shaaliver Douse, a suspected gang member, chasing and shooting at a young rival on Courtlandt Avenue near East 151st Street just before 3 a.m., police said."


This is a punk kid with a gun. He got what he was trying to give.

Note the double standard, in Guyana you call it extra judicial killing, while in the US you claim the Black youth deserve what he got. You even believe that the police didn't plant the gun. How is this killing any different than phantomizing?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by asj:

Plant a gun near the body, and all is taken care of whils't we await the next shooting of another Black Kid

 Another lie by this taliban sympathizer.  No one put a gun in his hand. He put it there himself and has a history of that."Surveillance video shows Shaaliver Douse, a suspected gang member, chasing and shooting at a young rival on Courtlandt Avenue near East 151st Street just before 3 a.m., police said."


This is a punk kid with a gun. He got what he was trying to give.

Note the double standard, in Guyana you call it extra judicial killing, while in the US you claim the Black youth deserve what he got. You even believe that the police didn't plant the gun. How is this killing any different than phantomizing?



Can you name an incident where Guyanese police men shot some one who had agun pointed at them, and who had already fired rounds at some one who they wanted to kill?


Unless some one can prove that the kid who was shot didnt have a gun, and also didntr fire any rounds then he deserved what he got.  His parents should have spent time raising him properly instead of now pretending as if he was this cute little kid.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Blackmen in America (old and young) are living the dreams of MLK and Barak Hussain Obama. They have rights to carry guns, sell drugs, use crack and creat gang in neighborhood and are not supposed to be stop by police. I say shoot them friggas if they can't stop eating crack and infested society like cockroaches.


Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Blackmen in America (old and young) are living the dreams of MLK and Barak Hussain Obama. They have rights to carry guns, sell drugs, use crack and creat gang in neighborhood and are not supposed to be stop by police. I say shoot them friggas if they can't stop eating crack and infested society like cockroaches.


You forgot. White men should have free rights to use and sell drugs but never be arrested.


BTW this generation of black kids do not use drugs apart from weed which is very heavily used by white kids.  Meth, etc are white kids play things.


If blackman don't like Whiteman law they're free to go back to Africa. They can smoke all the crack they want in the mother land. Even Bob marley was telling them through his sings to go back to Africa. They all turn crack heads and food stamp reciepents by their African brother, Obama.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

If blackman don't like Whiteman law they're free to go back to Africa. They can smoke all the crack they want in the mother land. Even Bob marley was telling them through his sings to go back to Africa. They all turn crack heads and food stamp reciepents by their African brother, Obama.

cobra, last time i checked u are a poorly educated PPP migrant and ignorant tribalist, a few generations removed from a life's work collecting and cleaning up the shit of his 'betters'


remind me again where a tribal ignar like u who likely backtracked into this country and should consider himself extraordinarily LUCKY that he was ALLOWED TO STAY gets his STANDING to pour scorn on the sitting President of the United States - a son of Africa and Europe - and those African Americans whose blood and sacrifice built this country and MADE IT POSSIBLE for ungrateful animals like u to aspire to something better


who are u again 'sir'?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

If blackman don't like Whiteman law they're free to go back to Africa. They can smoke all the crack they want in the mother land. Even Bob marley was telling them through his sings to go back to Africa. They all turn crack heads and food stamp reciepents by their African brother, Obama.

Since when are the laws  the dominion of the white man? May I remind you that the reason you stand here and declare you have rights is a consequence of a long list of black men illustrating deficiencies in the law?


Houston, Marshall et al did not come here on a visa but were sons of slaves who saw jim crow for what it was and are responsible for the the precedence  in the law that permits you the rights to stand and say you have rights.


I guess you forgot you were considered with all non whites to be in the category of a negro of some sort! You are such a pitiful mal-educated ingrate!

Originally Posted by caribny:



Can you name an incident where Guyanese police men shot some one who had agun pointed at them, and who had already fired rounds at some one who they wanted to kill?


Unless some one can prove that the kid who was shot didnt have a gun, and also didntr fire any rounds then he deserved what he got.  His parents should have spent time raising him properly instead of now pretending as if he was this cute little kid.

First, lets clear up the premise before we move forward, the 14 year old allegedly pointed a gun at police. How come you are so ready to believe the police? They are know to carry spare guns to plant on victims in the case of extra judicial deaths. 


Finally, don't forget the Linden protesters who were killed when they fired on police.  But more importantly check this link for those who police killed in Guyana when they pointed gun at them :

Persons killed by the Guyana Police Force from 1998 – 2006

The following is a list of persons killed by the Guyana Police Force. This list was extracted from multiple years of the GUYANA REVIEW publication. What is striking about this list is that in a society where people of Indian heritage make up the vast majority of citizens, this list of people killed reflect less than 1% Indian victims. The GPF overwhelming targets African communities each night, looking for ‘trouble’; as a matter of policy. One simply cannot make the case that Indians are somehow inherently less prone to crime that Africans, history simply does not support this fallacy. Thus it is clear that, the policy of harassing young Africans has not resulted in a safer Guyana, it has simply resulted in more African deaths. The sad fact is that young, African males are simply not safe in Guyana.

Originally Posted by asj:

Plant a gun near the body, and all is taken care of whils't we await the next shooting of another Black Kid

Are you now joining the Al Sharpton club.  Banna, you are a looney.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Plant a gun near the body, and all is taken care of whils't we await the next shooting of another Black Kid

Are you now joining the Al Sharpton club.  Banna, you are a looney.

Douse’s aunt said, “He was a beautiful, loving boy. He was a baby”. She did not accept the police version of the killing, saying she did not believe her nephew even had a gun.


“A black semiautomatic Astra A-100 9 millimeter handgun manufactured in Spain was recovered next to Douse’s body,” said police Commissioner Ray Kelly.


You killed the black kid and you are looking for a way out, what would be a better way than planting a gun near his body or by his hand?


She did not accept the police version of the killing, saying she did not believe her nephew even had a gun.


No one can say for sure whether the gun found near the body belongs to the dead negro kid or was planted by the Police.


I, myself also did not believe the Police Story.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Plant a gun near the body, and all is taken care of whils't we await the next shooting of another Black Kid

Are you now joining the Al Sharpton club.  Banna, you are a looney.

Douse’s aunt said, “He was a beautiful, loving boy. He was a baby”. She did not accept the police version of the killing, saying she did not believe her nephew even had a gun.


“A black semiautomatic Astra A-100 9 millimeter handgun manufactured in Spain was recovered next to Douse’s body,” said police Commissioner Ray Kelly.


You killed the black kid and you are looking for a way out, what would be a better way than planting a gun near his body or by his hand?

Well, like in the Zimmerman case, let the fact come out.  He sound like a lil bad man.  He aun and mother gon seh he nice, wouldn't they?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Plant a gun near the body, and all is taken care of whils't we await the next shooting of another Black Kid

Are you now joining the Al Sharpton club.  Banna, you are a looney.

Douse’s aunt said, “He was a beautiful, loving boy. He was a baby”. She did not accept the police version of the killing, saying she did not believe her nephew even had a gun.


“A black semiautomatic Astra A-100 9 millimeter handgun manufactured in Spain was recovered next to Douse’s body,” said police Commissioner Ray Kelly.


You killed the black kid and you are looking for a way out, what would be a better way than planting a gun near his body or by his hand?

Well, like in the Zimmerman case, let the fact come out.  He sound like a lil bad man.  He aun and mother gon seh he nice, wouldn't they?

Bai just like the Obama Nazi Police would say that the kid had a gun, no one knows for sure, if he did or did not, NY Police Commissioner would seems to be the most lying bastard there ever was.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Plant a gun near the body, and all is taken care of whils't we await the next shooting of another Black Kid

Are you now joining the Al Sharpton club.  Banna, you are a looney.

Douse’s aunt said, “He was a beautiful, loving boy. He was a baby”. She did not accept the police version of the killing, saying she did not believe her nephew even had a gun.


“A black semiautomatic Astra A-100 9 millimeter handgun manufactured in Spain was recovered next to Douse’s body,” said police Commissioner Ray Kelly.


You killed the black kid and you are looking for a way out, what would be a better way than planting a gun near his body or by his hand?

Asj, does the Aunt spend every minute with him on the outside to know what he was doing? Of course, the Aunt will speak greatly of a household member like all the murderers in jail who's family shed tears for them too. The jails are being overcrowded with innocent people I guess.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by asj:

Plant a gun near the body, and all is taken care of whils't we await the next shooting of another Black Kid

Are you now joining the Al Sharpton club.  Banna, you are a looney.

Douse’s aunt said, “He was a beautiful, loving boy. He was a baby”. She did not accept the police version of the killing, saying she did not believe her nephew even had a gun.


“A black semiautomatic Astra A-100 9 millimeter handgun manufactured in Spain was recovered next to Douse’s body,” said police Commissioner Ray Kelly.


You killed the black kid and you are looking for a way out, what would be a better way than planting a gun near his body or by his hand?

Asj, does the Aunt spend every minute with him on the outside to know what he was doing? Of course, the Aunt will speak greatly of a household member like all the murderers in jail who's family shed tears for them too. The jails are being overcrowded with innocent people I guess.

Well Osama and Mullah Omar are his heroes, so what you expect.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

If blackman don't like Whiteman law they're free to go back to Africa. They can smoke all the crack they want in the mother land. Even Bob marley was telling them through his sings to go back to Africa. They all turn crack heads and food stamp reciepents by their African brother, Obama.

You must be proud of yourself.


The KKK and the other white supremacists still dont want you though.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

First, lets clear up the premise before we move forward, the 14 year old allegedly pointed a gun at police. How come you are so ready to believe the police? They are know to

Where are those, aside from his family, who claim that he was a cute little 14 y/0 kid who happened to be out on the streets at 3 AM.  Even many Bronx residents are saying that the boy got what was to be expected given his track record of bad behavior.


Even his mother now says that he was beginning to behave better.  Clearly he was a bad little bot even by her standards.


Druggie why are you defending this thug?  Trayvon you rushed to condemn, yet a confirmed thug you defend?   Where was Trayvon's gun?  Note that this is not the first time this guy was connected to a gun.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Where are those, aside from his family, who claim that he was a cute little 14 y/0 kid who happened to be out on the streets at 3 AM.  Even many Bronx residents are saying that the boy got what was to be expected given his track record of bad behavior.


Even his mother now says that he was beginning to behave better.  Clearly he was a bad little bot even by her standards.


Druggie why are you defending this thug?  Trayvon you rushed to condemn, yet a confirmed thug you defend?   Where was Trayvon's gun?  Note that this is not the first time this guy was connected to a gun.

So why don't you apply the same standards to those in Guyana who go around murdering and robbing people? You call them angels when the police shoot them.

As for Travon, I never condemned him, this is a figment of your racist imagination. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

So why don't you apply the same standards to those in Guyana who go around murdering and robbing people? You call them angels when the police shoot them.

As for Travon, I never condemned him, this is a figment of your racist imagination. 

1. When have I called criminals in Guyana angels?


2.  You jumped for joy when Zimmerman was set free and rambled about high levels of black criminality being the reason why Trayvon was stereoptyped.


Yet now you run around pretending to care about one of the very people who gives rise to the stereotypes of black males.  You know no one is running to this kid's defense except his family who were apparently too busy at 3 AM to care where they 14 y/o was, who he was with, and what he was doing.


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