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Jeopardises 300 students preparing for CSEC exams in April-May, 2014
THEAlliance For Change (AFC) Chairman, Attorney-at-Law, Mr. Nigel Hughes, seems incapable of staying out of legal trouble. On the 17th January, 2014, Mayfield French, the owner of popular city school Mae’s, sued Nigel Hughes, Hand-in-Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company and the Registrar of the Supreme Court in respect of a property located at Lot 29 Subryanville, Kitty, Georgetown, upon which part of the school has been built.


Nigel Hughes

Nigel Hughes

In the court papers which were seen by this newspaper, French is contending that since February 24th 2006, she purchased the said property from Nigel Hughes for the sum of $20,000,000 (twenty million dollars). She paid $8,000,000 (eight million dollars) as a deposit and went in possession; transport was supposed to be passed within 8 months and a mortgage on the said property was supposed to be paid off before the passing of the said transport.

In the meanwhile, this property was built up by French with buildings constructed on it as part of the school building complex.
According to French, she spent nearly$400,000,000 (four hundred million dollars) on the said property. The portion which was bought from Hughes houses classrooms of Mae’s Secondary School, the canteen and the auditorium offices, washroom and other administrative and learning spaces. However, Hughes never passed transport to her.

Before the sale to French, Hughes had mortgaged the very property to Hand-in-Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company. French claimed that it was only in December, 2013 that she first learnt that Hughes never paid off a loan for which this said property was mortgaged as collateral and that Hand-in-Hand Mutual Life Insurance obtained foreclosure proceedings against the property and Hughes since 20th March, 2012. Hughes’s indebtedness to the company stands at over $26,000,000 (twenty-six million dollars). The property was levied upon in December, 2013, by the Marshal of the Supreme Court and purportedly sold at an auction.

According to French, Hughes never disclosed that he did not pay off the loan; that he was sued as a result, and that a foreclosure order was obtained against the property. French claimed as a result she now faces ruin.

In the Court’s document, she states:
“The Plaintiff has no premises in which to house Mae’s Secondary except the building on East ½ of Lot 29 Third Avenue which was built by the Plaintiff specifically for that purpose.

There are three hundred (300) secondary students in occupation of the building, all students of forms 1-5, fifty-nine of which are preparing for their CSEC examination in April and May. These students would face irreparable damage if evicted from their school.”

A senior Legal Practitioner who spoke with Chronicle said Hughes’s conduct constitutes “a rank fraud” against French. “This is the kind of conduct that brings shame and disgrace to the profession,” the source concluded.

Only recently the National Assembly unanimously passed an amendment to the Deeds Registry Act to protect purchasers from the fraudulent conduct of vendors who sell their property multiple times without passing transport or just as Hughes did, mortgage same to a financial institution and then refuse to pay the mortgage.
The Alliance For Change supported this Bill. Little did they know that their own Chairman was himself a miscreant, or did they know?
One would recall that Khemraj Ramjattan, leader of theAlliance for Change claimed that he did not know that Hughes was the Company Secretary for Amaila Falls Hydro Inc.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

all story have 2 sides,we talking about guyana were people mission is to destroy people reputation  ,lets hear the man story and if it can be prove that he did do this act then he should resign from politics.this story do not make no sense,when a person buy a property they get a lawyer to check if there is any encumbrance on the property 


All I have to say is every story got 3 side.  The PPP propaganda side, Nigel side and the TRUTH.


Let us hear from Nigel Hughes now, until then -  Albert shut your clap trap.


Legal irregularities frustrate land issue

October 25, 2009 | By | Filed Under News 


By Prakash Persaud





I wish to express my disappointment with the sordidness being practised by some individuals whom we expect to display some degree of moral standings, but who instead contribute to the decay of ethical fibre in our beloved country.

Yet, some such people have the courage to appear in various forums to embellish their nefarious performances.

The following documented experiences which speak for themselves support my conclusion.

My Principal, Drupati Persaud, who was my mother-in-law, obtained in her favour in 1986 a High Court Judgment against the estate of the late Baldeo Ramgolam of Chateau Margot, East Coast Demerara.

In addition, Justice Kenneth Barnwell ordered that Chandra Mahadai Ramgolam, who was one of two Executrices of the Estate, apply for Probate of the Estate immediately then to make sure that all the assets of the Estate would be identified and so collected.

Prakash Persaud

Prakash Persaud

Both Chandra Ramgolam and her Attorney-at-Law Ms. Sheila Chapman further confirmed in affidavits sworn by them on 25th May, 1995 and 24th June, 1999 respectively that I was the agent/attorney for the Plaintiff Drupati Persaud.

Also, both Chandra Ramgolam and her Attorney-at-Law Ms. Sheila Chapman who were in Court in July 1986 promised to obtain Probate of the Estate within two months from then. However, in spite of several promises, application for same was not done until 1992 -six years later!

In the application for probate in 1992, a supplementary affidavit by Chandra Ramgolam drawn by Attorney-at-Law Ms. Sheila Chapman, she averred in paragraph 2 (two) “That on the 21st day of July 1986 Mr. Prakash Persaud was named Receiver by Mr. Justice Barnwell and he has been in possession of all the assets since that date. Hereto attached and marked “Exhibit A” is a photocopy of the said Order”.

However, unknown to me, shortly after, an Agreement of Sale and Purchase was made with Chandra Mahadai Ramgolam as Vendor, and Mahendra Jetto, of 10 Industry Crown Dam, East Coast Demerara, as Purchaser for the major assets of that estate in my possession – 768 acres of Lands and Sawmills etc. at Pln. Clemwood, Demerara River.

That Agreement was witnessed by Sheila A. Chapman and Lorna Bayley and was purported to give “immediate possession to the Purchaser by the Vendor on the signing of the agreement”

The Practitioner, Ms. Sheila Chapman, herself had inter-meddled in the estate when by letter the same day – 6th October, 1993 she wrote Mr. Jerry Dhanpaul, who was living on the property of that Estate, telling him that the property was sold and that permission to retain a house on the land was terminated.

After signing the questionable Agreement of Sale dated 6th October, 1993, Ms. Sheila Chapman after three years – (on 30th April, 1996) signed as Attorney –at-Law for the Vendor Chandra Mahadai Ramgolam in her capacity as Executrix of the Estate of Baldeo Ramgolam; and Mr.Mortimer Coddett signed as Attorney-at-Law for the Purchaser, Mahendra Jetto; and instructed the Registrar of Deeds of Guyana to advertise the Transport of the 768 acres of Land at Pln. Clemwood, Demerara River.

No Transport was mentioned, and it seems that because of trepidation no such advertisement took place. But yet, for reasons better known to them, an affidavit was then drawn by Attorneys-at-Law Sheila A. Chapman, Avril A. Trotman and Raphael C.C.Trotman eight months later (on 20th November, 1996) praying for the grant of an Order from the High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Chandra Mahadai Ramgolam to sell the 768 acres of Lands and Sawmill along with derelict equipment at Pln. Clemwood, Demerara. River, and saying “That MAHENDRA JETTO has now offered to purchase the said sawmill and derelict equipment” Those were the said properties that were purported sold to MAHENDRA JETTO since 6th October, 1993 when “Immediate possession” was given to the Purchaser from the Vendor !

I then learnt of that application to the High Court praying for an Order to sell the properties at Clemwood, Demerara River; and I then wrote the then Hon. Chief Justice, Madam Justice Desiree Bernard, CCH.of the Supreme Court informing her that I was the Receiver of all the assets of that Estate, and sought Her Honors’ indulgence for me to be served notices as to the next date of hearing of the matter in Court.

Her Honour responded favourably, and the applicants then abandoned that course also.

In spite of all these happenings, Mahendra Jettoo and Chandra Ramgolam, and their respective Attorneys-at-Law, Mr. Mortimer Coddett and Ms. Sheila Chapman who were all fully aware that I was in possession of all the assets of the Estate, nonetheless surreptitiously appeared two years later before Honourable Mr. Justice Carl Singh in the High Court of Guyana, and obviously by means of some intrigues obtained from him a highly ridiculous Order No. 958 dated 27th October, 1998, which stated “IT IS BY CONSENT ORDERED that the Registrar of Deeds be and it is hereby directed to pass Transport to the Plaintiff MAHENDRA JETTOO on or before time of conveyance.”!.

It is also, even, rather unusual for the Transport Number not to have been mentioned therein. No conundrum, legal or otherwise, can explain or interpret this “Order”.

The defendant Chandra Mahadai Ramgolam was not ordered to pass Transport to Mahendra Jettoo, failing which the Registrar is ordered to do so, as is the usual form of Order of the Court.

I got a wind of the situation, and I tried at the Deeds Registry of the Supreme Court to obtain a copy of the original Transport for the Lands at Clemwood Demerara River, but it was absent from records there. It may have been removed from the records to conceal any skullduggery that may be ongoing!

I later learnt that by the use of that “Consent Order No. 958 of 1998″, Transport No.1956/98 for the Clemwood, Demerara River properties was passed (with no annotation made on it of the previous Transport No. 1345 of 1949) to Mahendra Jettoo on Old Year’s day 1998; and he received unusual attention to uplift it the same day.

I then decided to make some investigations on the matter; and I sought the help of an acquaintance of Mahendra Jettoo to assist me in my endeavor. He managed to obtain from Mahendra Jettoo the “missing original Transport No. 1345 of 1949″ which was supposed to be secured at the Deeds Registry I made a photocopy of it, and he returned it to Jettoo, who had asked him not to show it to anyone else.

Similarly, no annotation was made on the 1949 Transport that the properties have been sold and Transported to Jettoo; and there seems to be a conspiracy to keep the conveyance as secretive as possible. Undoubtedly, it was a well thought out long-term plan to execute an alleged fraud on the major assets of the Estate, since except for the Transport No. 1345 of 1949 Demerara which were missing from the Deeds Registry, annotations were made by the Registrar on all the other five Transports for Properties owned by the late Baldeo Ramgolam, that those properties were passed for levy by the Plaintiff–Drupati Persaud in this matter.

Furthermore, ever since the application for the probate of the Estate, which was done under the cover of an affidavit sworn by Chandra Mahadai Ramgolam and drawn by Attorney-at-Law Ms. Sheila Chapman, the Transport Numbers for all the other five real estate properties were declared, but mention of Transport No. 1345 of 1949 for the Demerara River properties was avoided.

Later, Chief Justice, Honourable Mr. Justice Carl Singh, acting on my complaint as regards the interferences by Attorney-at-Law Ms. Sheila Chapman on the estate of the late Baldeo Ramgolam, which was in my possession, telephoned Ms. Chapman at her office on the issue on 9th July, 2001.

Ms. Sheila Chapman then said to him (the Chief Justice) that the “said terms of receivership did not affect immovable property.”

Attorney-at-Law Ms. Sheila Chapman later that very day (9th July, 2001) displayed a problem with her mental health, by yet sending the Chief Justice under her complimentary slip, a copy of the High Court Certificate No.3773/1985 which showed “PRAKASH PERSAUD as Receiver in respect of all the Assets of the Estate of BALDEO RAMGOLAM, deceased.” and also some written arguments saying it was legal for me to receive only movable assets!

In the year 1999, I filed a case in the High Court through Attorney-at-law Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan for the return of the Clemwood properties to the list of properties received by me. And during that filing, Mr. Ramjattan told me that Ms. Sheila Chapman’s son – Attorney-at-Law Mr. Raphael Trotman suggested to him that he abandon my case, as it was useless to do such a matter since the Judge had given an order to sell the properties !.

I am not sure whether Mr. Ramjattan mentioned to him that the purported sale of the properties took place five years before any such Order was given by the Judge. Nevertheless, I understood that Mr. Ramjattan was continuing with my case, as I was aware that he filed the signed pleadings of my case to the High Court.

Within six months after Mahendra Jetto obtained Transport No. 1956 of 1998, the very Clemwood, Demerara River properties, were advertised in Guyana Official Gazette for sale to a Company registered in Guyana.

The sale was challenged by me, and the Hon.Chief Justice, Mr.Carl Singh sitting with Hon. Mr. Justice Roy in the Full Court, then found, that all the assets of the Estate of Baldeo Ramgolam (decd.) were indeed received by me, and made Interim Order No. 95 of 2002 restraining Mahendra Jetto from effecting any conveyance of the property to anyone or any entity whatsoever.

I had also complained to Attorney General, Mr. Doodnauth Singh about the fraud and general injustice being done to me more particularly by Attorney-at-Law Ms. Sheila Chapman, and upon his advice I took the matter up with the Legal Practitioner’s Committee.

I attended hearings of my complaint at the Court of Appeal building by the Legal Practitioner’s Committee of four lawyers headed by a Senior Counsel.

My lawyer, Mr.Ramjattan never turned up to represent me. But in fact he admonished me and said that I was putting him in a difficult spot, since he had to consider the question of fraternity.

The hearings displayed a mood of abhorrence against me for making such a charge against one of their fellow lawyers. My last attendance for the case at the Court of Appeal building was on 27th

January, 2000, when I was told that the matter was adjourned to a date to be fixed. Yet, I heard nothing further from the Legal Practitioner’s Committee on the matter.


After quite some time I officially requested from that office of the Legal Practitioner’s Committee, copies of the record of those proceedings. I obtained the copies, but over eighty per cent of the relevant documents were missing from the file. However, the ‘fly leaf’- (summary of the case proceedings) was in it, and I was appalled when I saw written at the end of it, thus “Committee is of the view that there is no lawyer and client relationship. Resp. was counsel to the other side. Final adj to 27/1/2000 at 3.30 p.m.”

However, according to the Laws of Guyana Cap 4.01 Legal Practitioners –Procedure on application to strike off the roll [68 of 1952].

Item 24 (1) an application by a client or other person aggrieved to require a legal practitioner to answer any allegation made by such client or person against the legal practitioner, or to strike the name of the legal practitioner off the roll of the Court shall be made to the Registrar and shall be verified by affidavit.

In as much as Ms Chapman was counsel to the other side my complaint was against her and by the citation above I am a proper person to file such a complaint as I was a person aggrieved, and entitled to a hearing by the Legal Practitioner’s Committee. Many other sections of the law on this subject were also violated by the Committee to protect one of their peers.

Later, I learnt that Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan did file a case of fraud against fellow Attorney-at-Law Ms. Sheila Chapman in the High Court and for the return of the Clemwood, Demerara River properties to the estate of the late Baldeo Ramgolam, but he neither filed the requisite statement of claim nor the request for hearing of the case.

I did not discover this anomaly until the matter was scheduled to be heard in the High Court about six years later! As a result, my case flopped due to the statute of limitation.

Of course, like everyone else, I have feelings of affinity. Mr. Rafael Trotman’s father is a very close friend of our family to the extent that he can be considered to be one of us, and even though I think that Mr. Khemraj Ramjatttan is in a “fraternity flux” which sways him unpredictably, I nonetheless have a friendly relationship with him.

But, I recognize that freedom of people is to have a standing rule to live by. Common to every one in the society, is that no man should be subjected to the inconstant, uncertain, and unknown arbitrary will of another man.

As fate would have it, the Executrix, Mahadai Ramgolam, subsequently came to my home on her own free will and asserted that she was “misled and misguided” by Attorney-at-Law Ms. Sheila Chapman on the issue, and that after she recognized that she was set up to act so deviously, she offered to hand over to me the money she received for the purported sale of the properties. In order to authenticate the transaction, she submitted to me relevant receipts, bank statements etc.

However, I did not take the money because to so would have lent legitimacy to the fraud. The other Executrix, Parbatie, who was the reputed wife of the late Baldeo Ramgolam, left Guyana dejectedly to live overseas quite before probate of the estate was obtained. She has now learnt of the fraud committed on the estate, and she has now issued an irrevocable Power of Attorney for me to act on her behalf on any matters concerning her standing in the estate.

Be it as it may, I am asking for true justice to be dispensed in this and all other cases. Certainly, in democratic lands, the actors of such subversions of avowed judicial systems would have had their addresses changed a long time ago and for a long time too. Consequently, I hope that the relevant Authorities for Justice in Guyana would recognize the above mentioned irregularities; and though belated, take appropriate actions to infuse in the minds of Guyanese, some feelings of confidence in our justice system.

Condign sanctions will in due course be sought to be imposed after actions for perjury committed by persons involved, together with complaints of fraud, embezzlement and unbecoming conduct.

Let justice be done though the heavens fall.
Originally Posted by warrior:

all story have 2 sides,we talking about guyana were people mission is to destroy people reputation  ,lets hear the man story and if it can be prove that he did do this act then he should resign from politics.this story do not make no sense,when a person buy a property they get a lawyer to check if there is any encumbrance on the property 

Funny how this only applies when the person on the receiving end happens to be a leading opposition politician 


Who tief more than the PPP on the $4 billion medical supplies contract and sell the ketlazone for $1900 when it cost $80 at Bacchus Drug Store?


PPP is the biggest Tiefs.

Last edited by Former Member

Investigation reveals…Gov’t pays $1,909 for $80 cream



The Guyana Government is buying anti-fungal creams at a cost of $1,909 per tube when the same cream is being retailed in India, inclusive of taxes, for as little as $80. 
The cream is KETACONAZOLE and is used to treat jock itch, dandruff, athlete’s foot and other ailments.
The government buys the cream from the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (New GPC) and then distributes it to public hospitals and health centres.
When Kaieteur News first ran the story about the cost of the cream, the Guyana Times, carried an article in defense of the New GPC. Both the Guyana Times and the New GPC are owned by Dr. Ranjisinghi Ramroop, the best friend of former President Bharrat Jagdeo.
The Guyana Times article sought to suggest that the cheaper creams being sold on the local market are counterfeit, or fake.
However, Kaieteur News has found that the very creams that the Guyana Times sought to label as fake are all being manufactured in India, including the one that the New GPC sells to the government through the Ministry of Health.

Bharrat Jagdeo

The same cream Ketaconazole, is being manufactured by U.S. Company Johnson and Johnson in India.  This brand-name cream can be obtained for $210 here in Guyana.
Another company out of Britain also manufactures Ketoconazole out of India. This is being sold in Guyana for $155.
The one the government buys from New GPC is also manufactured in India.
This particular one is not being sold in local drug stories but Kaieteur News through its agent, managed to source it out of Indian for $80 per tube. The maximum suggested retail price that is stated on the box is the equivalent of $127, inclusive of all taxes.
It simply means that the government is buying the cheapest one at a price that is almost 25 times the Indian retail price… or paying $1750 more for one tube.
According to Guyana Revenue Authority, its Customs arm has several systems in place to ensure that pharmaceutical supplies meet the necessary safety requirements.
It is the same for the Ministry of Health’s Food and Drug Administration Department. Before drugs can enter Guyana, certain documentation must be presented there.
A licence to import will then be issued and these will have to be subsequently presented to Customs before the drugs are released.
Pharmaceuticals being brought into the country for government are Duty-free and

Dr. Ranjisinghi Ramroop

VAT-free. Only freight and insurance are paid by the importer.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by warrior:

all story have 2 sides,we talking about guyana were people mission is to destroy people reputation  ,lets hear the man story and if it can be prove that he did do this act then he should resign from politics.this story do not make no sense,when a person buy a property they get a lawyer to check if there is any encumbrance on the property 

Funny how this only applies when the person on the receiving end happens to be a leading opposition politician 

fat albert you ever buy any property,or the ppp just give you what you want so you have no idea how a purchase works

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Who tief more than the PPP on the $4 billion medical supplies contract and sell the ketlazone for $1900 when it cost $80 at Bacchus Drug Store?


PPP is the biggest Tiefs.

So i guess its quite ok for Nigel, Khemraj and the others to steal from the citizenry ? As long as the PPP does it its ok for Nigel and company to do it right? 

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Who tief more than the PPP on the $4 billion medical supplies contract and sell the ketlazone for $1900 when it cost $80 at Bacchus Drug Store?


PPP is the biggest Tiefs.

So i guess its quite ok for Nigel, Khemraj and the others to steal from the citizenry ? As long as the PPP does it its ok for Nigel and company to do it right? 



As I said before - shut your clap trap until Nigel Speaks, or you also want pampers for your mouth like how Moses give JUG_DE_HOE a set for his mouth?

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Who tief more than the PPP on the $4 billion medical supplies contract and sell the ketlazone for $1900 when it cost $80 at Bacchus Drug Store?


PPP is the biggest Tiefs.

Prak and company could rob these two senior citizens as long as di PPP thieving right?


Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Who tief more than the PPP on the $4 billion medical supplies contract and sell the ketlazone for $1900 when it cost $80 at Bacchus Drug Store?


PPP is the biggest Tiefs.

So i guess its quite ok for Nigel, Khemraj and the others to steal from the citizenry ? As long as the PPP does it its ok for Nigel and company to do it right? 

no it not okay if anybody commit a crime they must be come Nigel is not being charge with no crime.i say charge the man or shut your trap 

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Who tief more than the PPP on the $4 billion medical supplies contract and sell the ketlazone for $1900 when it cost $80 at Bacchus Drug Store?


PPP is the biggest Tiefs.

So i guess its quite ok for Nigel, Khemraj and the others to steal from the citizenry ? As long as the PPP does it its ok for Nigel and company to do it right? 



As I said before - shut your clap trap until Nigel Speaks, or you also want pampers for your mouth like how Moses give JUG_DE_HOE a set for his mouth?

So we must disregard the allegations made in court documents filed by the very reputable Mayfield French until the Saint Nigel - Bramma's company secretary who failed to disclose his relationship with SITHE Global even whilst his party launched a relentless campaign against it - speaks right?  

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Who tief more than the PPP on the $4 billion medical supplies contract and sell the ketlazone for $1900 when it cost $80 at Bacchus Drug Store?


PPP is the biggest Tiefs.

So i guess its quite ok for Nigel, Khemraj and the others to steal from the citizenry ? As long as the PPP does it its ok for Nigel and company to do it right? 

no it not okay if anybody commit a crime they must be come Nigel is not being charge with no crime.i say charge the man or shut your trap 

It's a civil matter, hence Mrs French's resort to legal proceedings but it also exposes crookedness on Nigel's part even whilst his party protracts itself as being comprised of pagans of virtue whilst labeling everyone else opposed to it as corrupt  

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Who tief more than the PPP on the $4 billion medical supplies contract and sell the ketlazone for $1900 when it cost $80 at Bacchus Drug Store?


PPP is the biggest Tiefs.

So i guess its quite ok for Nigel, Khemraj and the others to steal from the citizenry ? As long as the PPP does it its ok for Nigel and company to do it right? 

no it not okay if anybody commit a crime they must be come Nigel is not being charge with no crime.i say charge the man or shut your trap 

It's a civil matter, hence Mrs French's resort to legal proceedings but it also exposes crookedness on Nigel's part even whilst his party protracts itself as being comprised of pagans of virtue whilst labeling everyone else opposed to it as corrupt  

fat albert the only thief here is you

Originally Posted by albert:

I can only imagine what would happen if these folks were to get their hands on the state purse

We know what you are doing and that is primary.The PPP is robbing us left and right so the state purse is being pillaged as we speak so you being the messenger of potential harm and neglecting to be worried about our present jeopardy need to be shot on the spot. You are not a messenger but is perpetrating a con.



If Hughes is such a pernicious double dealer that will be discovered in the courts. I was of the opinion that a contract for sale requires the purchaser receiving a free and clear declaration by Mr Hughes. If he lied get his ass. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by albert:

I can only imagine what would happen if these folks were to get their hands on the state purse

We know what you are doing and that is primary.The PPP is robbing us left and right so the state purse is being pillaged as we speak so you being the messenger of potential harm and neglecting to be worried about our present jeopardy need to be shot on the spot. You are not a messenger but is perpetrating a con.



If Hughes is such a pernicious double dealer that will be discovered in the courts. I was of the opinion that a contract for sale requires the purchaser receiving a free and clear declaration by Mr Hughes. If he lied get his ass. 

their is always some problem with that school in the first place that is a residential area and the school expend to accept more student than its bylaw 


Owner(s) must disclose all information about a property during the course of and at the conclusion of a sale; some of which are loans, encumbrances, etc.


Will be of interest to see the results of this case.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by albert:

I can only imagine what would happen if these folks were to get their hands on the state purse

We know what you are doing and that is primary.The PPP is robbing us left and right so the state purse is being pillaged as we speak so you being the messenger of potential harm and neglecting to be worried about our present jeopardy need to be shot on the spot. You are not a messenger but is perpetrating a con.



If Hughes is such a pernicious double dealer that will be discovered in the courts. I was of the opinion that a contract for sale requires the purchaser receiving a free and clear declaration by Mr Hughes. If he lied get his ass. 

their is always some problem with that school in the first place that is a residential area and the school expend to accept more student than its bylaw 

The site of school is a separate and distinct matter regarding the financial issues on this item.


There were and currently numerous school situated in residential locations.


Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes, was appointed as the ‘Secretary’ of the Amaila Falls Hydro Inc., the Special Purpose Vehicle/Company created for the development, construction and operation of the US$858M Hydro Power plant.
Executive Member of the AFC, Cathy Hughes, the wife of Nigel Hughes, as recent as yesterday issued a press statement in which she was identified as the Public Relations Officer for Sithe Global, locally.
Party Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, when contacted said that he was aware that Hughes has an association with the company but said he did not know that he was Company Secretary.
Excerpts from the Kaieteurnews


If Nigel Hughes is proven guilty the man should be kicked to the curb, there has to be no room for slackness in the AFC. This goes for anyone in the AFC. These people can then move over to the PPP/C where such actions seem acceptable.


Nigel Hughes seems to be operating within the AFC unchecked, when caught with in hands in the cookie jar as it relates to the hydro project, he resign but his resignation was never accepted by his party top brass.

Originally Posted by cain:

If Nigel Hughes is proven guilty the man should be kicked to the curb, there has to be no room for slackness in the AFC. This goes for anyone in the AFC. These people can then move over to the PPP/C where such actions seem acceptable.

The PPP/C would welcome them with open arms anytime.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Imagine that! To be petty you went and got the case filing! What inscrutably dispicable punks? It is not going to get you into the majority again.




You all cry out about the thieving PPP/C. I do agree there is a perception that folks in the government steal. Show us the evidence.  Here the dude puts the hardcopy online to prove his case and you call it petty. Is this double standard?


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