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Canadian investors will be protected by our discipline forces who love to put their dip stick into male butta cup and spread disease. Come and invest and be safe. we only want to kill out them old folks and take their money.  



Another elderly couple beaten, robbed in Berbice

October 29, 2015 12:56 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

crime[] – Detectives in ‘B’ Division are hunting for a gang of three bandits, who beat and robbed an elderly couple on Thursday, October 29, 2015.

According to a police report, the men were masked and were armed with a cutlass and pieces of wood. They robbed and injured Daljit Balraj, 64 years and his wife Bidiawatee Balraj, 59 years, of Aldephi, Canje Village, Berbice, of a quantity of gold jewellery and cash.


The incident occurred at approximately 03:00 hrs. Police investigations revealed that Daljit Balraj was awaken by a noise in his yard and he went out on his verandah to investigate, when he was confronted by the men.


The bandits tied up the elderly couple, hit them in their faces and ransacked the house before escaping with the valuables. The victims were treated at the New Amsterdam Hospital and sent away. Investigations are in progress.


iNews had reported that an elderly re-migrant couple from East Canje, Berbice suffered a devastating act of robbery on Sunday night (October 25) when a gang of five men intruded their home and demanded their valuables.


iNews understands that at around 21:00 hrs, five men broke into the lot 257 No. 2 Village home of 62 – year – old Patrick Mangar and 66 – year – old Ravina Seeberchan and carted off with a television set, cash and other items.


The incident has also left Mangar a patient at the New Amsterdam Hospital, after he suffered a laceration to his head; his wife was also treated at the hospital for similar injuries and sent away.

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where is all them old folks in America who are getting social security money? Guyana is nice and warm to retire. Just buy your own coffin and take it with you. Don't be surprise if you breath your last breath when you reach the airport.  


The AFC told them that the new gov't. will save $20 billion year by cutting corruption. Well, very soon it's gonna be six months for the in office, so they should have at least $10 billion in savings to spend on fighting crime and other things.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

What are we complaining about, Granger supporters are extracting retribution on PPP supporters after 2 decades of repression by the PPP. 

It is the effect of the PPP fostering a drug culture that the junkie children of Indians are now cannibalizing them for a fix. Blaming Granger will not help the cause. The reality is on the ground and the people know it. Everywhere you go you see the crip walk of the junkie zombies.


Guyana is reaching a point where Granger has to sit Ramjattan down and give him one slap behind his head to knock some sense into him.


Crime is escalating and Guyanese at home and abroad are feeling unsafe in terms of living in Guyana and visiting Guyana.


Granger needs to shuffle his cabinet in six months and Ramjattan should be shuffled to another area where he can perform better. I honestly believe that Trotman is best suited for this job.


Instead of us fighting and arguing on this matter, let us look for a solution. Like it or not, the PNC has four more years and we must be realistic and not play politics with escalating crime.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

What are we complaining about, Granger supporters are extracting retribution on PPP supporters after 2 decades of repression by the PPP. 

It is the effect of the PPP fostering a drug culture that the junkie children of Indians are now cannibalizing them for a fix. Blaming Granger will not help the cause. The reality is on the ground and the people know it. Everywhere you go you see the crip walk of the junkie zombies.

In an election, everyone is better than the ruling government. Then,when given the opportunity they still blame the previous government for their short comings.The fact remains that crime has increased, you have had a plan when you say you can do better, or it's all HOT AIR. Since after election foreign visits to Guyana has dropped, Air Jamaica is flying with many empty seats. Make the country safe, and the tourists will come.


Sorry to say, but Ramjattan is responsible for many deaths on innocent victims. Why is he getting involved in Diwali dates when his ministry is responsible for keeping people safe? 


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