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Former Member

CAC7F10D-B883-4272-868A-0998F9B79C16The first round of public hearings of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the Lindo Creek Massacre was Thursday postponed until further notice due to the absence of witnesses.
Chairman of the Inquiry retired Justice Donald Trotman today informed journalists and special invitees that the commission was forced to adjourn the hearing because of the lack of witnesses and prerequisites.
“I have come to let you know that because of the particular circumstances I have mentioned we will not be having any hearings today and we would have to adjourn these proceedings until such time as we can get these important pre-requisites can be put in place,” the commissioner was quoted as saying by government’s Department of Public Information.
According to the Chairman, it is hoped that the situation could be resolved by Monday, February 19.
Justice Trotman could not share what those prerequisites are, as they are internal matters. However, regarding the lack of witnesses, Justice Trotman related those family members who were expected to appear before the commission were facing some transportation and other issues.
“We have been expecting relatives of the deceased. but some of them have not been able to come, and some may arrive late, and the uncertainty of their presence is one of the factors that would make the hearing possible.”
The Presidential Commission of Inquiry has been established to enquire into the circumstances surrounding the killings of Cecil Arokium, Dax Arokium, Horace Drakes, Bonny Harry, Lancelot Lee, Compton Speirs, Nigel Torres and Clifton Berry Wong, on or about the 21 June, 2008 and to report the findings and recommendations to President David Granger.
The CoI was also established to investigate and make findings of fact on all matters in relation to the killings of the eight miners in the Upper Demerara-Upper Berbice Region in June 2008. It will also make recommendations on actions to be taken against all persons and/or organisations that are deemed responsible for the deaths of those persons.
The commission will be accepting original and follow-up statements from interested parties during its life and will be setting subsequent hearings, to facilitate the attendance of witnesses.


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  • CAC7F10D-B883-4272-868A-0998F9B79C16

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django posted:

At the least this failure aren't affecting the economy.

Is that’s the best you can say .

Guyana economy is sinking. Stop reading FAKE news by your propagandist and experience the suffering yourself .

The tax payers hard earn money is wasted.... 


Dave posted:
Django posted:

At the least this failure aren't affecting the economy.

Is that’s the best you can say .

Guyana economy is sinking. Stop reading FAKE news by your propagandist and experience the suffering yourself .

The tax payers hard earn money is wasted.... 


Yeah boss,all the News Media in Guyana are propagating Fake News.

Bhai,take off the wool from your eyes.

Gilbakka posted:

Are people afraid to testify? Afraid of being bumped off? Don't they have faith in the witness protection law, recently passed in parliament? 


don't they have faith in Justice System ?

It will take a while for the fear the people had faced to subside.

Django posted:

At the least this failure aren't affecting the economy.

WTR, the economy has been in a down draft for awhile under the PNC.  

Dem PNC striking out on almost all fronts!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:

At the least this failure aren't affecting the economy.

WTR, the economy has been in a down draft for awhile under the PNC.  

Dem PNC striking out on almost all fronts!

The question to be asked what kind of Economy Guyana had prior to the Coalition taking office.We are seeing the effects of the past gov't propped up Sugar Industry and the windfall from the Petro Caribe rice deal.

More Hucksters than Manufacturers, what can one expect.Also don't forget the peddlers activities are being thwarted,they are busted daily.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

At the least this failure aren't affecting the economy.

Is that’s the best you can say .

Guyana economy is sinking. Stop reading FAKE news by your propagandist and experience the suffering yourself .

The tax payers hard earn money is wasted.... 


Yeah boss,all the News Media in Guyana are propagating Fake News.

Bhai,take off the wool from your eyes.

Dude, there is no wool over my eyes . I have businesses in Guyana and speak of experience ... no disrespect to you..but when last have you been to Guyana and spend quality times with the man in the street   .

I recently came back and can tell you this. 

I went into the field with my sales rep from Skeldon to Linden to Essequibo . Guyanese of all races are mad with themselves who support AFC . However, blacks say one thing ... Election Day is another story . 

Construction is at a standstill. The only busy animal on the street is stray dogs and donkeys .

People do not have money to spend . Prostitution is on the increase ( unless this is what you mean about good economy) . People are depress and are not motivated to work . 

Excessive amount of rain that flood streets and community centres, this result in clog drains and swamp play grounds . Cricket is a dead sports in Guyana . 

I would say nicely “ shut yo Kunt “ you have no idea what the FK you talking . 


Gilbakka posted:

Are people afraid to testify? Afraid of being bumped off? Don't they have faith in the witness protection law, recently passed in parliament? 

There is nothing for them to talk about. The media already say it all . 

Any evidence is against the current government and people are afraid to speak out . 


Dave posted:

Dude, there is no wool over my eyes . I have businesses in Guyana and speak of experience ... no disrespect to you..but when last have you been to Guyana and spend quality times with the man in the street   .

I would say nicely “ shut yo Kunt “ you have no idea what the FK you talking . 


Bhai, i was there 2 years ago spent a week ,most of the time spent looking up family.

Noticeably Guyanese don't care a damn,the place is unkempt.

I wouldn't bother with your last sentence.

Django posted:
Dave posted:

Dude, there is no wool over my eyes . I have businesses in Guyana and speak of experience ... no disrespect to you..but when last have you been to Guyana and spend quality times with the man in the street   .

I would say nicely “ shut yo Kunt “ you have no idea what the FK you talking . 


Bhai, i was there 2 years ago spent a week ,most of the time spent looking up family.

Noticeably Guyanese don't care a damn,the place is unkempt.

I wouldn't bother with your last sentence.

Enjoy your long weekend . 

Django posted:

At the least this failure aren't affecting the economy.

Dumb Dumb, paying him millions of dollare do not affect the Economy!!  You either were born brain dead, went to school August Month, the BIGGEST DUNCE on the Planet, NO ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!!!!!!

Nehru posted:
Django posted:

At the least this failure aren't affecting the economy.

Dumb Dumb, paying him millions of dollare do not affect the Economy!!  You either were born brain dead, went to school August Month, the BIGGEST DUNCE on the Planet, NO ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!!!!!!

 Banna,it's Saturday for some is a long weekend.

Suh chill and enjoy.

Gilbakka posted:

Are people afraid to testify? Afraid of being bumped off? Don't they have faith in the witness protection law, recently passed in parliament? 


These are very valid questions and Donkey Man Williams overlooked this very important aspect of the inquiry. This reminds me of Granger, Donkey Man Williams and Harmon sitting at the table, clueless.

The PNC does is again. Putting the cart before the horse is an everyday act for the PNC.

The appointment of the father of a sitting Minister to head an inquiry also stinks of the lack of impartiality. What were these chaps thinking ? Are they Martians ?

Last edited by Former Member

Django, for you to say the economy is doing good, who ever told you is doing DRUGS. I have families and friends that go to Guyana often, just yesterday my brother in law and family left for Guyana they have posted a few barrels months ago so that they can give things to the needy, we all chip in to help, Wales is on top of the list.Guyanese were known to be hospitable but not any more, their behaviour has changed to stealing and robbing, they don't have enough to eat.



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