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Another Gov’t promise fulfilled to Buxton/Friendship -- phase 2 of $82M D&I rehabilitation project launched

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Monday, 12 September 2011 01:20
Source - Guyana Chronicle

Minister of Agriculture Robert Persaud hands over signed contract to contractor Colin Talbot. Looking on is Chief Executive Officer of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority, Lionel Wordsworth.

AS part of the efforts to foster the expansion of agriculture in Guyana, Government continues to invest in the necessary infrastructure to sustain increased agricultural production.

Another facet of this reality was Saturday furthered when Minister of Agriculture Robert Persaud sealed yet another contract in the presence of hundreds of Buxtonians for the second phase of a drainage and irrigation project.

The second phase will see the continuation of construction, rehabilitation and restoration of drainage and irrigation structures in the Buxton/Friendship areas.

In excess of $82M will be spent on infrastructural development of which $78M will be allocated for the construction of the main drainage sluice.

He said that a considerable amount of work was done to restore the drainage system in the backlands of the Buxton/Friendship areas, to allow the free flow of water during the rainy season.

This phase, he said, will be focusing on the discharge of water in the front lands, “because we have some limitation in moving water from the pump basin quickly, to make residential and farming areas less vulnerable to flooding”.

Minister Persaud informed residents that the initiative is a direct result of President Bharrat Jagdeo’s promise to residents, during an outreach to the community, to redesign and reconstruct the main drainage sluice in the community.

“What we are seeking to do is correct the neglect and poor decision making in the past...the existing structure would have been closed in the 1970s, which contributed to the decline of agricultural activities in the Buxton/Friendship communities,” Minister Persaud said.

He said that work is also being done at Golden Grove, Victoria, Belfield and Cane Grove, to bring back some level of productive and food security.

This opportunity, he said, is also giving farmers an opening to tap into the global market since the price for food is rising.
Minister Persaud, while encouraging farmers to expand their agricultural ventures, spoke about the effects of climate change, which are reversing the capacity of many countries to produce food.

Staffers of Ministry of Agriculture, residents and farmers of Buxton/Friendship area at the launch of phase two of the drainage and irrigation rehab project.]

He told residents and farmers that the world’s population is expected to grow significantly, and that food production will have to be doubled to meet demands, and hence countries like Guyana will be looked upon to respond to those demands.

“The global population is close to seven billion; and by 2050, it is expected to hit 9.5 billion; and from all indications, we have to double our capacity to produce food, and also dealing with more pressing problems, including the global economic meltdown and the disruption of trading patterns,” Minister Persaud informed.

Outlining the vulnerability of low-lying areas, he said that government has been investing huge sums, putting in place interventions to safeguard citizens’ livelihoods.

“We don’t want farmers in the Buxton/Friendship areas to just be the producer of raw products…. the advent of hydropower in the near future will allow us to convert our crops into food right here in the communities,” Minister Persaud said.

The project, he said, is giving farmers the capacity to develop long-term agri industries, whether it is livestock or crops.

Highlighting some of the measures to increase food production, Minister Persaud said that more lands are being put back into cultivation.

Minister Persaud also used the opportunity to inform residents and farmers about the Government’s ICT thrust, through the One Laptop Per Family Programme, that will help farmers to access information and make market linkages.

“So when these other infrastructure, as part of the modernising process of our country, come on stream, we don’t want the people of Buxton/Friendship and other communities to be left out….we want every single community to have access and to play a part in moving development forward,” Minister Persaud said.

Minister Persaud informed residents that close to $120M was spent on rehabilitation works from 2009 to 2010, and “there is much more that we have to do”.

He also updated residents and farmers on the land clearing programme that was undertaken by the ministry to assist farmers in returning to production.

Minister Persaud urged residents and farmers to be the eyes and ears of their community and to play an integral role in overseeing the execution of the project.

The contract was awarded to Colin Talbot Contracting Services.

Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture, under its Agriculture Support Services Programme (ASSP) , rehabilitated and constructed 360 drainage infrastructure and 136 kilometres of access roads at Golden Grove/ Victoria, Vergenoegen/Bonasika, Vreed-en-Hoop/La Jalousie, Canals Polder, Crabwood Creek and East Bank to tune of $2.2B. -- (GINA)

Last Updated ( Monday, 12 September 2011 01:24 )

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bannas, I baan and grow there. I will be welcomed with open arms, kisses and more. yippie yippie
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by Nehru:
We gun nice up Buxton. VOTE PPP. yippie partybanana

Goa tek a trip deh nah, see how quick dem big-up and nice yuh up. Wink
Really??? HUH Confused
Originally posted by Mr.T:
A contract is not a promise fulfilled. As PPP history has shown, roads, laptops, etc. have all had contracts signed but the PPP promise on them remains unfulfilled.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
A contract is not a promise fulfilled. As PPP history has shown, roads, laptops, etc. have all had contracts signed but the PPP promise on them remains unfulfilled.

Here Nehru, I repeated it for you.

Hope it doan go SWOOSH again. Read it slow dis time aright.
You need to read slow. You are the one DUMB. There are countless roads, Bridges, hospitals, Schools built since 1992. Pay attention, you will surely learn.
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
A contract is not a promise fulfilled. As PPP history has shown, roads, laptops, etc. have all had contracts signed but the PPP promise on them remains unfulfilled.

Here Nehru, I repeated it for you.

Hope it doan go SWOOSH again. Read it slow dis time aright.
Every village is important to the present administration....and the Buxton/Friendship village is no exception...all Guyanese enjoys equal opportunities and the Nations Resources allocated by the elected Government...
Originally posted by Nehru:
You need to read slow. You are the one DUMB. There are countless roads, Bridges, hospitals, Schools built since 1992. Pay attention, you will surely learn.
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
A contract is not a promise fulfilled. As PPP history has shown, roads, laptops, etc. have all had contracts signed but the PPP promise on them remains unfulfilled.

Here Nehru, I repeated it for you.

Hope it doan go SWOOSH again. Read it slow dis time aright.

Elections must be held every day. A black man actually got a contract? I thought the PPP said only Indos got contracts because there were no qualified blacks.

Poor man, After this he will have to wait another 5 years.

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