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Shalabh Kumar with Steven Mnuchin
Shalabh Kumar with Steven Mnuchin

Indian American businessman Shalabh Kumar, the President of Republican Hindu Coalition (RHC) and a close aide of President-elect Donald Trump, has been appointed to the Transition Finance and Inauguration Committee, of the incoming administration.

RHC, on Wednesday, announced that its founder and the current president Shalabh “Shalli” Kumar has been appointed to the prestigious committee.

Kumar in a statement said: “I am honored to accept these positions with the transition team and the inauguration committee.”

He added: “I am looking forward to rolling up my sleeves and working together with Steve (Mnuchin) and the other members of the Trump administration to Make America Great Again.”

Trump and Kumar had earlier shared the stage during a fundraising event in New Jersey. The hard work of Kumar in mobilizing Indian Americans, mostly Hindus, in favor of Trump during the election, seems to have finally paid off.


Steven Mnuchin, a banker who is Trump’s Treasury Secretary pick, and Kumar, were reportedly the brains behind the successful “Aab Ki Baar Trump Sarkar” campaign.

It was during the Humanity United Against Terror fundraising event, hosted by the RHC in New Jersey, that Trump made a famous speech in which he said: “I Love Hindus”.


A day before the election, Trump had met some Hindu community leaders in Orlando and also sent his daughter-in-law to a Hindu Temple in Virginia.trump-with-shalabh-kumar

Kumar had donated $898,000 towards the Trump campaign.


The appointment of Kumar to the Transition Finance and Inauguration committee comes in the midst of Trump appointing two Indian Americans to key posts in his administration.

Gov. Nikki Haley was earlier appointed as the next US Ambassador to the United Nations; and Seema Verma was picked to be the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Also, after a meeting with US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara, on Wednesday, Trump asked him to continue with his job in the new administration, which takes charge next month.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Dude, you were here when Muslim taxi drivers were demanding their own chapel in the airport here in Washington. It was their right given Christians had ones and they wanted their own because they need special facilities to do their wadu or washing up etc. How has times changed!

It takes very little for you to feel the flip side of white wrath if you have not felt it already. I also doubt any puja house will ever be in the white house. There is no private chapel there wither.

Danyael posted:

Dude, you were here when Muslim taxi drivers were demanding their own chapel in the airport here in Washington. It was their right given Christians had ones and they wanted their own because they need special facilities to do their wadu or washing up etc. How has times changed!

It takes very little for you to feel the flip side of white wrath if you have not felt it already. I also doubt any puja house will ever be in the white house. There is no private chapel there wither.

You really don't have a sense of humor. I am speaking metaphorically, not literally.

skeldon_man posted:

I wonder what would happen in Saudi Arabia if Hindus and Christians would demand their own Mandirs and churches in Jeddah or even practise their religion in public?

Just lots of whipping!

ba$eman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I wonder what would happen in Saudi Arabia if Hindus and Christians would demand their own Mandirs and churches in Jeddah or even practise their religion in public?

Just lots of whipping!

I was thinking of beheading.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Me hear Diwali will be a national holiday in America.  Don't know if it's true.

Trump tower will become the tower of Diyas next Dewali.  A nice prelude to the Christmas tree lighting!

Hail TRUMP!!


Here are a bunch of hungry belly Caribbean Indians hanging their coats on what Asian Indians do.

There is a whole different socio economic profile between Guyanese Indians and Indians from India, and they will quickly tell you all so.

As one charitably said "Caribbean Indians are a wonderful mix of Africa and India".  Another opined that Guyanese Indian girls dance like black women, even when trying to dance Indian dances.   A delegation returning from Guyana where they accompanied a major Indian politician laughed at how the Indians were as incompetent in pronouncing Hindi words as the blacks, and that they couldn't find proper Indian food there.

You all really need to stop embarrassing yourselves.   This is like an Eskimo taking credit for what people from China do.

Given that you all are seen as deeply culturally impacted by your almost 200 years living among Afro Caribbean people you really need to cease your hatred of blacks. When you do so you hate part of who you are.



Listen Burnham Buxton Boy,

We are Indos and were are proud of it. We love our Indo curry, Indo music, Indo Cinema, Indo religion. Indo culture, Indo dress etc, etc.

Some people gave up their entire identity and took last names like Burnham etc. 

We kept ours intact. You are burning in envy because you hate everything Indo as a result of of your racism towards Indo.

Indos got you crazy. You getting pagla, doula.

The only exception is the Chammar Moses, the Chammar stated that he is not Indo.

Long Live Mahatma Trump !!!

Last edited by Former Member

Nikki (I am white) Haley and crabdog anti-koolie Preete are not indians but they are  Sikhs. If my hindu  girl Toolsie G was selected then I would have been happy instead of Indian hater Sikhs.

caribny posted:

Here are a bunch of hungry belly Caribbean Indians hanging their coats on what Asian Indians do.

There is a whole different socio economic profile between Guyanese Indians and Indians from India, and they will quickly tell you all so.

As one charitably said "Caribbean Indians are a wonderful mix of Africa and India".  Another opined that Guyanese Indian girls dance like black women, even when trying to dance Indian dances.   A delegation returning from Guyana where they accompanied a major Indian politician laughed at how the Indians were as incompetent in pronouncing Hindi words as the blacks, and that they couldn't find proper Indian food there.

You all really need to stop embarrassing yourselves.   This is like an Eskimo taking credit for what people from China do.

Given that you all are seen as deeply culturally impacted by your almost 200 years living among Afro Caribbean people you really need to cease your hatred of blacks. When you do so you hate part of who you are.


Nah bai, don't make us your issue.  Baseman found quick acceptance at all levels in India.  I also have a few Indian friends here in the US and Europe, they never see me anything "Black", neither do they see any of the Indians from Africa or anywhere else.  However, Indians do have their delineation among themselves from India and whatever differences you see and there too.

yuji22 posted:

Listen Burnham Buxton Boy,

We are Indos and were are proud of it. We love our Indo curry, Indo music, Indo Cinema, Indo religion. Indo culture, Indo dress etc, etc.

Some people gave up their entire identity and took last names like Burnham etc. 

We kept ours intact. You are burning in envy because you hate everything Indo as a result of of your racism towards Indo.

Indos got you crazy. You getting pagla, doula.

The only exception is the Chammar Moses, the Chammar stated that he is not Indo.

Long Live Mahatma Trump !!!

This banna filled with hatred.  He must have a sickness and need help!

yuji22 posted:


We are Indos and were are proud of it. We love our Indo curry, Indo music, Indo Cinema, Indo religion. Indo culture, Indo dress etc, etc.


With Indo this and Indo that why do you bother with Guyana?  It appears as if a Dalit village, the one where your folks came from, is more appropriate for you.

Because face it blacks aren't going any where so if our presence and our culture assaults you a trip back to India, with no right of return, seems appropriate.

Clearly being Guyanese is causing you lots of stress and anger. Because being Guyanese is to be culturally diverse. But you want to be cultural monolithic. 

ba$eman posted:
..  Baseman found quick acceptance at all levels in India.  I also have a few Indian friends here in the US and Europe, they never .

So why didn't you stay there, given that you hate blacks with such a vengeance, and we are here to stay in the USA and in Guyana?

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
..  Baseman found quick acceptance at all levels in India.  I also have a few Indian friends here in the US and Europe, they never .

So why didn't you stay there, given that you hate blacks with such a vengeance, and we are here to stay in the USA and in Guyana?

Because I want to irritate you, you little racist punk.  I love being in the West...and I loved supporting TRUMP!!  And I'm Indian-Guyanese, and proud of it!!  You are here to stay, and so am I!!  Suck it up!!

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


We are Indos and were are proud of it. We love our Indo curry, Indo music, Indo Cinema, Indo religion. Indo culture, Indo dress etc, etc.


With Indo this and Indo that why do you bother with Guyana?  . 

Because we belong there as much as you!!  Go to hell if you don't like it!

ba$eman posted:

Because I want to irritate you, you little racist punk. .

You don't.  Your constant stereotyping of blacks using KKK type logic in fact proves what a racist you are.

I mean be original.  Express your hatred of blacks more originally.  The KKK will sue you for plagiarism.

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


We are Indos and were are proud of it. We love our Indo curry, Indo music, Indo Cinema, Indo religion. Indo culture, Indo dress etc, etc.


With Indo this and Indo that why do you bother with Guyana?  . 

Because we belong there as much as you!!  Go to hell if you don't like it!

Do you. Never do I see any references to Guyana, or Guyanese.  You consider other Guyanese to be the enemy, and in fact don't even have a construct in your brain of how you are connected to these others.  You view them as people who are completely unconnected to you.

Its India this and India that.  Clearly if you really do miss India that much the best thing for your sanity is to go back.

Your ancestors came to Guyana and met Afro Guyanese there, and when you do decide to return to India we will still be there.

So either accept the fact that Guyana is multi cultural and we need to embrace and respect each other, or LEAVE! But screaming about blacks like a deranged KKK Grand Wizard does you no good.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:.

.With Indo this and Indo that why do you bother with Guyana?  .


Because we belong there as much as you!!  Go to hell if you don't like it!

Do you. Never do I see any references to Guyana, or Guyanese.  You consider other Guyanese to be the enemy, and in fact don't even have a construct in your brain of how you are connected to these others.  You view them as people who are completely unconnected to you.

Its India this and India that.  Clearly if you really do miss India that much the best thing for your sanity is to go back.

Your ancestors came to Guyana and met Afro Guyanese there, and when you do decide to return to India we will still be there.

So either accept the fact that Guyana is multi cultural and we need to embrace and respect each other, or LEAVE! But screaming about blacks like a deranged KKK Grand Wizard does you no good.

Yes, and because we say so, not you.  Go to hell with your views, take it to the toilet.  Why did YOU leave your PNC Afro-centric Guyana and "haul your Black ass" to the WHITE man's country, then come here and try to impose your bullyism!!  Now you gatt TRUMP!

To hell with you and when my ancestors came and when yours came.  It buys you no more right than me.  Same as our kids born in the US, they are no more or no less Americans, and yes, Indo-Americans.

Chief posted:



Indo religion is whatever religion he or she chooses to worship. It can be Islam, Hinduism, Christianity or Buddhism to name a few. Who is to say an Indo must have a religion?

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


We are Indos and were are proud of it. We love our Indo curry, Indo music, Indo Cinema, Indo religion. Indo culture, Indo dress etc, etc.


With Indo this and Indo that why do you bother with Guyana?  . 

Because we belong there as much as you!!  Go to hell if you don't like it!

Do you. Never do I see any references to Guyana, or Guyanese.  You consider other Guyanese to be the enemy, and in fact don't even have a construct in your brain of how you are connected to these others.  You view them as people who are completely unconnected to you.

Its India this and India that.  Clearly if you really do miss India that much the best thing for your sanity is to go back.

Your ancestors came to Guyana and met Afro Guyanese there, and when you do decide to return to India we will still be there.

So either accept the fact that Guyana is multi cultural and we need to embrace and respect each other, or LEAVE! But screaming about blacks like a deranged KKK Grand Wizard does you no good.

It's Sunday, but I can't stand your racist nonsense. Using the term Indo KKK irks me. Let thy be reminded "You are the Poster BOY Of RACISM" Maybe ,the PNC give you the notes to put on GNI, over and over  hoping it will stick one day.


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