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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I am sure you are other worldly. Being born into the real world immediately confers on the individual all rights and privileges of the state. Yes, to be human is to be possessed of rights.


Again, you take the lordly step to presume yourself civilized when you know definitively that was not your lot or considered your lot until your ancestors came here but that is another story.


Amerindians on the other hand are a forest people, living very closely to what the father of western constitutionalism considered the to be the ground of rights, the state of nature.  Please avail yourself to Locke's second treatise on government. It will be a civilizing exercise.

Nonsense, a lot of meaningless ramblings again without saying anything. The bottom line is that these folks did not own any land nor did they have a concept of land ownership. They didn't have a system of governance nor a stem of land ownership or inheritance of such land on to successive generations. Their mere existence in the jungle does not translate into land ownership. Animals live in the jungle but they don't own it. 

Bai, hindus back in India never own land either. The zamindar owned it all.


These are old culture yuh writing about.


Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The Amerindians never had the concept of land ownership pre British and Dutch invasion. I don't see what this big hoopla is about land rights and ownership when these folks never secured their land and had no system of assigning ownership to individuals. 

When God sent mankind away from Shinar, He made sure he He gave them prescribed borders. The devil forever uses mankind to impose injustice upon those who have no upright shepherds.


But have no fear, death is temporary. It is the soul that is tormented for ALL UNRIGHTEOUS ACTS. 

Let me humor you with a response to your rambling foray into religion. Lets assume that these people were indeed one of the tribes scattered from Shinar by "god".  They have since turned to heathen practices as you will note that even D2 the resident buck claims to be a atheist, indulging in mumbo jumbo nonsensical practices.  


The Amerindians of Guyana did not believe in your God or even any God at all. Their men were cruel to the women folk,it was common practice for them to throw back in hummocks relaxing while pregnant women worked the fields in the hot sun. They wouldn't lift a finger with housework except to hunt and fish. They had no concept of land ownership, if another tribe came and drove them off their land, they moved aside willingly and set up abode elsewhere accepting their fate. 


So please cut the religious crap out and get a dose of reality. 

 Ignorant man, not because your conception of god is your newly adopted Episcopalianism means that others must conform to that same. Amerinds are animists no less than Brahmanism that sees the universe as one and god in everything. Being a dummy you do not know that. 


As for the cruel part, most native Guyanese tribes are matrilineal  meaning identity and the center of life was circumscribed by the women. Take a hike you pitiful dunce.

Mek up u mind. U have claimed god doan exist.

 My claim is not a tribal claim. You are a christian, your people were Kali devotees. One is what one claims to be and where one ground their identity does not have to be circumscribed completely what other members of the group sharing that identity thinks. Being religious or not does not take away from ones identity. You are no less of madras because you are a christian. Note, we are speaking of primal claims to land and the only claim to Guyana you have is by calling yourself Guyanese and all it entails ie people believing different things living in the same place and claiming citizenship.


I always sey the land belong to the native people, because it is God who dispersed them there.


That dispersion is a continuous process. And as it was command by God back in Shinar when mogoloid, negroid and caucasoid, all lived together.


U c Noah was a multi-colored man. 


I am grateful that the Wild Coast( land of many waters) did exists, and the natives were there, and that the Dutchman colonized it, and that they brougt Africans who would eventually be responsible for giving the land the possibilities of a British colony and that my forefathers brought me over from India in their loins, and give me a great life in the new land. That is a great favor from God-because in the Bhojpuri corridor of land, the Brahmins and zamindars would curbed my destiny.


Thanks to the native people of Guiana.


That command from Shinar, still make some of us as travellers-until we die.


The land with all its fine stones and the cattle on a thousand hills belong to God. U cannot conjure up none of that.


The land is God's as well-woe unto those who steal from God-dem baxsides are going into a consuming fire.


Where land is concerned, hindoes do kill for it-just like any other race. Is a bad experience they had under the Mughals and the British Raj.


Seriously, the GOG should be respectful of the Amerindians. It is a sad thing thing when beggars become eye-pass.



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