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Bandits rob goldsmith, open firePDF | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Saturday, 12 January 2013 17:51
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Two bandits Saturday afternoon staged a daring daylight robbery grabbing a large quantity of jewellery from a goldsmith at Mon Repos Market, East Coast Demerara.

The robbery victim has been identified as Bissoon Tulchand. The incident occurred at Stall 400 shortly after 4PM.

Tulchand told investigators that at the time he was conducting business with a customer when a man pointed a gun at him while his accomplice collected the gold jewellery from the showcase.

The value of the jewellery was not immediately known.

During their escape, the gunman fired a single shot. No one was injured, police sources said.

Eyewitnesses said the men fled on motorcycles in unknown directions.

Police said they have not arrested anyone.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

My condolence goes out to Mr Tulchand.  Rass like I want to kill this East Indian fella, like I getting like Joker.


My deepest sympathy for your financial loss and mental trauma Mr. Tulchand.  May Lord Krishna bless you with the power to heal and recover multiples of what you lost.


Yes, may Lord Krishna give dis dunce hindu some sense in the future when it comes to voting at the next elections.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

Look I started this blog not for you Mr. Ronald and Mr Joker to bash each other but for us to understand how to solve this problem.


I got to blame ROHEE and his Police for not protecting the people.


But that is the solution.


What is the solution to all this robberies?


Blame. Blame. Blame. Blah. Blah. Blah.


When will you get it through your thick skull...The PPP Head Mudheads don't give a flying **** about you ordinary Mudheads. They don't care!

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

Look I started this blog not for you Mr. Ronald and Mr Joker to bash each other but for us to understand how to solve this problem.


I got to blame ROHEE and his Police for not protecting the people.


But that is the solution.


What is the solution to all this robberies?


Blame. Blame. Blame. Blah. Blah. Blah.


When will you get it through your thick skull...The PPP Head Mudheads don't give a flying **** about you ordinary Mudheads. They don't care!



I thought Mudhead (R) was the registered word from Jailal?


Any way you are right Rohee does not give a shyte about the ordinary people much less the ordinary KULI.


But that is not a solution.  Please can you not waste my time and show your common sense?

Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

Look I started this blog not for you Mr. Ronald and Mr Joker to bash each other but for us to understand how to solve this problem.


I got to blame ROHEE and his Police for not protecting the people.


But that is the solution.


What is the solution to all this robberies?


Blame. Blame. Blame. Blah. Blah. Blah.


When will you get it through your thick skull...The PPP Head Mudheads don't give a flying **** about you ordinary Mudheads. They don't care!



I thought Mudhead (R) was the registered word from Jailal?


Any way you are right Rohee does not give a shyte about the ordinary people much less the ordinary KULI.


But that is not a solution.  Please can you not waste my time and show your common sense?


The solution is very simple. An enhanced and professionalized Police Force as well as the same for the other security forces of the state. Also, a professional and accountable judiciary under a competent and non-corrupt DPP.


However, the above is never going to happen under a PPP Government. So the starting point always must come back to removing the PPP from office as they are the principal obstacle.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

Look I started this blog not for you Mr. Ronald and Mr Joker to bash each other but for us to understand how to solve this problem.


I got to blame ROHEE and his Police for not protecting the people.


But that is the solution.


What is the solution to all this robberies?


Blame. Blame. Blame. Blah. Blah. Blah.


When will you get it through your thick skull...The PPP Head Mudheads don't give a flying **** about you ordinary Mudheads. They don't care!



I thought Mudhead (R) was the registered word from Jailal?


Any way you are right Rohee does not give a shyte about the ordinary people much less the ordinary KULI.


But that is not a solution.  Please can you not waste my time and show your common sense?


The solution is very simple. An enhanced and professionalized Police Force as well as the same for the other security forces of the state. Also, a professional and accountable judiciary under a competent and non-corrupt DPP.


However, the above is never going to happen under a PPP Government. So the starting point always must come back to removing the PPP from office as they are the principal obstacle.



I agree - professional police and independent judiciary and DPP.


But what is the majority opposition doing to force this to happen?



Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

Look I started this blog not for you Mr. Ronald and Mr Joker to bash each other but for us to understand how to solve this problem.


I got to blame ROHEE and his Police for not protecting the people.


But that is the solution.


What is the solution to all this robberies?


Blame. Blame. Blame. Blah. Blah. Blah.


When will you get it through your thick skull...The PPP Head Mudheads don't give a flying **** about you ordinary Mudheads. They don't care!



I thought Mudhead (R) was the registered word from Jailal?


Any way you are right Rohee does not give a shyte about the ordinary people much less the ordinary KULI.


But that is not a solution.  Please can you not waste my time and show your common sense?


The solution is very simple. An enhanced and professionalized Police Force as well as the same for the other security forces of the state. Also, a professional and accountable judiciary under a competent and non-corrupt DPP.


However, the above is never going to happen under a PPP Government. So the starting point always must come back to removing the PPP from office as they are the principal obstacle.



I agree - professional police and independent judiciary and DPP.


But what is the majority opposition doing to force this to happen?



dude, the Opposition cannot "force" any of those things . . . absent an unlikely counterrevolution inside Freedom House, THIS can only happen with the removal of the PPP from executive power

Originally Posted by Mahen:

But what is the majority opposition doing to force this to happen?




I share your frustration. Guyana's parliament is composed principally of thieves and dullards.


Don't ever think I believe much will change under a PNC Government.


The PPP as an Opposition Party though will be forced to reform or die. That's the best one can hope for.


And if the PNC is let back into office, their international superiors will not let them run buck wild but will impose strict conditions on their conduct.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Mahen:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

Look I started this blog not for you Mr. Ronald and Mr Joker to bash each other but for us to understand how to solve this problem.


I got to blame ROHEE and his Police for not protecting the people.


But that is the solution.


What is the solution to all this robberies?


Blame. Blame. Blame. Blah. Blah. Blah.


When will you get it through your thick skull...The PPP Head Mudheads don't give a flying **** about you ordinary Mudheads. They don't care!



I thought Mudhead (R) was the registered word from Jailal?


Any way you are right Rohee does not give a shyte about the ordinary people much less the ordinary KULI.


But that is not a solution.  Please can you not waste my time and show your common sense?


The solution is very simple. An enhanced and professionalized Police Force as well as the same for the other security forces of the state. Also, a professional and accountable judiciary under a competent and non-corrupt DPP.


However, the above is never going to happen under a PPP Government. So the starting point always must come back to removing the PPP from office as they are the principal obstacle.



I agree - professional police and independent judiciary and DPP.


But what is the majority opposition doing to force this to happen?



dude, the Opposition cannot "force" any of those things . . . absent an unlikely counterrevolution inside Freedom House, THIS can only happen with the removal of the PPP from executive power

Mahen, why you gon boy, I wanted to challange you on that sponsorship thing.  Merica get tough these days, plenty in Richmond hill suffering these days.  Some of them seh it better to plant bigan in Mahaica and eat little and live long than suffer from so much stress in Richmond Hill where children putting parents in old people home and robbing them their social security.


Mahen, u wrong.


USA is a great country but why should a people abandon their homeland and not fight for it?


On this question from Redux


The legislature is controlled by Granger, he can use his committees to prepare public policy on all matters, economic, security.


Look at the fiasco with the public procurement commission.


DO you know who is in charge of the process - Carl Barrington Greenidge.


To date he has not gotten the names for the commission together and thus the PPP cannot be blamed for this.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

The legislature is controlled by Granger, he can use his committees to prepare public policy on all matters, economic, security.


Look at the fiasco with the public procurement commission.


DO you know who is in charge of the process - Carl Barrington Greenidge.


To date he has not gotten the names for the commission together and thus the PPP cannot be blamed for this.


The National Assembly's bills need presidential assent.


The only power the National Assembly has is to dissolve itself and order fresh elections. That's it!


Time for some plain talk:


The AFC has to run on a platform of devolution of power; of building independent institutions of governance in Guyana; meaning, first off, that we have to get rid of the odious dictatorship constitution bequeathed to us by Burnham.


In the struggle to get there . . . if the AFC is not prepared to 'risk' the PNC ascending to executive power with a combined PPP/AFC holding a crippling majority in the legislature, then the party might as well fold its tent, reformulate as the (Reform) Indo-hegemonist wing of the PPP, and nominate Baseman as leader.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

The legislature is controlled by Granger, he can use his committees to prepare public policy on all matters, economic, security.


Look at the fiasco with the public procurement commission.


DO you know who is in charge of the process - Carl Barrington Greenidge.


To date he has not gotten the names for the commission together and thus the PPP cannot be blamed for this.


The National Assembly's bills need presidential assent.


The only power the National Assembly has is to dissolve itself and order fresh elections. That's it!

Look, stop being an ass.


The first thing is get the bill passed in the house and send it to Ramu.


Have the PNC controlled house sent anything to Ramu over the last 12 months?


Get my point dummy!


The majority opposition just blasted LAZY.

Originally Posted by redux:

Time for some plain talk:


The AFC has to run on an platform of devolution of power; of building independent institutions of governance in Guyana; meaning, first off, that we have to get rid of the odious dictatorship constitution bequeathed to us by Burnham.


In the struggle to get there . . . if the AFC is not prepared to 'risk' the PNC ascending to executive power with a combined PPP/AFC holding a crippling majority in the legislature, then the party might as well fold its tent, reformulate as the Indo-hegemonist wing of the PPP, and nominate Baseman as leader.

LOVE it,


Baseman Leader of the AFC party.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

The legislature is controlled by Granger, he can use his committees to prepare public policy on all matters, economic, security.


Look at the fiasco with the public procurement commission.


DO you know who is in charge of the process - Carl Barrington Greenidge.


To date he has not gotten the names for the commission together and thus the PPP cannot be blamed for this.


The National Assembly's bills need presidential assent.


The only power the National Assembly has is to dissolve itself and order fresh elections. That's it!

Look, stop being an ass.


The first thing is get the bill passed in the house and send it to Ramu.


Have the PNC controlled house sent anything to Ramu over the last 12 months?


Get my point dummy!


The majority opposition just blasted LAZY.


Look buddy,


I'm not a member of the Opposition so I'm in no position to explain why your colleague mudheads can't get their act together.


You're a member of an Opposition party. Why don't you go bytch to them?


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