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The Kaieteur News, owned by back-tracker Glen Lall has found itself in hot water again with another official of the judiciary, this time in Essequibo. Magistrate Sunil Scarce on Monday blasted the newspaper for an erroneous article published over the weekend. Scarce while addressing the court, said he noticed the contentious article on March 16, which stated that he ordered a woman and her children out of their home.

The magistrate said he unequivocally and categorically denies making such an order. Scarce said all the orders made were reflected on the case jacket, and as such, he considers the article to be false and misleading. He said the matter is sub judice and he would not say anything further.

Scarce said he also instructed the clerk of court to prepare a letter to the press on the issue, which he said will be forwarded to the Office of the Chancellor of the Judiciary. The magistrate after making the announcement, cleared the courtroom and proceeded to deal with the matter, concluding it in the process.

Meanwhile, attorney for the applicant Latchmie Rahamat said she saw the case jacket and agrees that at no time was the applicant and her children ordered out of their home.



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