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Home > TOP STORY > Another major hotel brand to announce operations soon- Finance Minister
Another major hotel brand to announce operations soon- Finance Minister


GUYANA’S premium hotel-room stock will be given a significant boost with the opening of commercial operations by the Five-Star Marriott Hotel in August this year.

But according to Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh during his presentation of the 2014 National Budget in the National Assembly on Monday one other major brand is likely to announce commencement of operations in Guyana soon.


He said: “It is expected that one other major international brand is likely to announce shortly their intention to open operations in Guyana.”
The minister made it clear that such operations will be a major boost to Guyana’s economy.


“This 197-room full service hotel will include an entertainment complex along with conference and banqueting facilities and a promenade,”
“The Marriott is the first major international brand to come to Guyana in over 40 years and in terms of range of hotel products and quality of service the Marriott brand will raise the bar in Guyana and serve as a source of attraction for international travellers.
“It is expected that the facility will create direct employment for over 300 Guyanese and indirect business opportunities for a wide cross section of suppliers of goods and services.”


He added that this year Government will continue to focus on strengthening institutional capacity and marketing, as well as product development.
The minister said, “A number of policies will be developed in an effort to further advance the sector by addressing a number of areas, including cross border travel through multi-destination packaging, group travel and temporary importation of vehicles for recreational purposes such as safaris and the development of event standards.


“Over the years, Guyana has continued to participate at European tradeshows which attract the highest numbers of nature and adventure travellers.”
“In addition to these existing shows, in 2014, Guyana will participate for the first time at trade shows in Latin America.
“…in the area of marketing, government continued to reach out to the international media through familiarisation trips and social media and attracting prominent film and television producers to our shores.
“These methods have proven to be most effective and a number of documentaries were filmed in 2013 to be aired in 2014. Further, in an effort to build capacity, a total of 442 industry personnel were trained in a number of areas including customer service, frontline, housekeeping, kitchen procedures and community based tourism.


Singh stressed that with all these developments on the horizon, the tourism industry is poised to be a major driver of growth and job creation in Guyana looking ahead.


2014 PLANS
In 2014, sums totalling US$90.6M has been allocated for continued implementation of the Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund (GRIF) projects previously identified, along with new projects in the priority areas of adaptation, high potential low carbon sectors, hinterland development and low carbon infrastructure. Specific new interventions are expected to include ecotourism development.


Singh said: “Tourism remains one of the sectors in which Guyana has a strong comparative advantage given our vast and diverse endowment of nature, our geographical location, and the advantage of a large diasporic market.”


“With these advantages in mind, Government continues to pursue initiatives to ensure the development of a vibrant and sustainable tourism industry, in collaboration with the private sector.”
This year also, several related developments will see the foundation laid for accelerated growth in the tourism industry.


The Finance Minister contends that as a direct result of Government’s ongoing efforts to increase airlift capacity and expand route options, two new Latin American airlines announced the introduction of flights to Guyana with effect from the current year.


The Venezuelan flag carrier, CONVIASA, commenced flights between Puerto Ordaz and Timehri in January 2014. In addition, the Panamanian flag carrier, COPA, announced the introduction of flights between Panama City and Timehri from July 2014.


Singh said. “These two new services will dramatically improve the ease of travelling between Guyana and Latin America and beyond including, in particular, through connections with destinations such as on the US west coast.


“These developments supplement the introduction, in July 2013, by LIAT of a daily service between Barbados and Ogle, adding to that airport’s growing operations as a regional hub, with other airlines already offering daily services to Suriname and express courier flights to Trinidad.”
in 2013, visitor arrivals totalled 200,122 reflecting a 13.3 per cent increase over 2012, while hotel and hospitality facilities recorded an occupancy rate of approximately 76 per cent, relatively unchanged from 2012.


Also during 2013, work commenced on the development of a Hinterland Tourism Development Plan and focus continued to be placed on community based tourism by rigorously continuing the processes of inspecting and registering interior lodges, resorts, and tour guides.

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Guyana is in a position to tap into the global tourism industry. Choices of accommodation, the expansion of our main gateway and Hydro power energy tied into one to make Eco-Tourism a money making industry in Guyana. Lack of political and financial support from the opposition is holding back this potential of economic boom in these areas. Guyana would have realized these economic potentials years ago if the opposition was on board. They say you don't make toilet when you ready to shit. This seems to be the opposition way of doing business. No wonder they're unsupported of the (PSC) and major developments in our country.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Guyana is in a position to tap into the global tourism industry. Choices of accommodation, the expansion of our main gateway and Hydro power energy tied into one to make Eco-Tourism a money making industry in Guyana. Lack of political and financial support from the opposition is holding back this potential of economic boom in these areas. Guyana would have realized these economic potentials years ago if the opposition was on board. They say you don't make toilet when you ready to shit. This seems to be the opposition way of doing business. No wonder they're unsupported of the (PSC) and major developments in our country.

Bhai, Pigs like MUD!!!


If it is private money, they can build 10 hotel, I do not care.


But they have used about $12 billion of taxpayers money so far on Marriot and if that hotel is not completed some people will go to JAIL.

Last edited by Former Member

I always agree if there are discrepancies of wasteful spending of taxpayers money, those who're responsible should go to jail. Meanwhile, I believe in any major undertaken that will benefit Guyana's economy and create jobs for Guyanese. What I laid out about is something that I believe will be fruitful in the future.

Originally Posted by Cobra:


Home > TOP STORY > Another major hotel brand to announce operations soon- Finance Minister
Another major hotel brand to announce operations soon- Finance Minister


GUYANA’S premium hotel-room stock will be given a significant boost with the opening of commercial operations by the Five-Star Marriott Hotel in August this year.


The Finance Minister contends that as a direct result of Government’s ongoing efforts to increase airlift capacity and expand route options, two new Latin American airlines announced the introduction of flights to Guyana with effect from the current year.


The Venezuelan flag carrier, CONVIASA, commenced flights between Puerto Ordaz and Timehri in January 2014. In addition, the Panamanian flag carrier, COPA, announced the introduction of flights between Panama City and Timehri from July 2014.


Singh said. “These two new services will dramatically improve the ease of travelling between Guyana and Latin America and beyond including, in particular, through connections with destinations such as on the US west coast.


“These developments supplement the introduction, in July 2013, by LIAT of a daily service between Barbados and Ogle, adding to that airport’s growing operations as a regional hub, with other airlines already offering daily services to Suriname and express courier flights to Trinidad.”
in 2013, visitor arrivals totalled 200,122 reflecting a 13.3 per cent increase over 2012, while hotel and hospitality facilities recorded an occupancy rate of approximately 76 per cent, relatively unchanged from 2012.


Also during 2013, work commenced on the development of a Hinterland Tourism Development Plan and focus continued to be placed on community based tourism by rigorously continuing the processes of inspecting and registering interior lodges, resorts, and tour guides.

Three questions?


1.  Why did the PPP suddenly add Moleson Creek and Lethem to its visitor arrival statistics in a year when it knew full well that air arrivale into GEO and OGL will be down?  Do they think that people knowledgeable about tourism will be fooled that they now include Surinamers coming over to spend the day with their Corentyne cousins, and Brazilian pork knockers entering through Lethem?  These neither impress airlines, nor do they help the hotel sector!


2.  Why is the PPP babbling about ahotel in G/twn and then talking about eco/adventure tourism which is based on travel to locations without reliable transportation, which the PPP does NOTHING to address?


3.  Why will Latin Americans travel to Guyana when their eco/adventure industries are way more developed than Guyana's.


I know the PPP is too dumb to answer so these questions aree merely to suggest how stupid they are.



FACT; US arrivals were down 17% last year.  Despite all the media attention that the PPP babbles about.  The idiots dont even understand how much damage Guyana was dealt by Gold Rush, indeed there even appears to have been  MURDER!


FACT; fewer than 10,000 people travel from Europe every year.  Given that there has been limited increase in such travel we can assume that it consists mainly of UK based Guyanese, and business people, gov't officials, and aid workers.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Guyana is in a position to tap into the global tourism industry. Choices of accommodation, the expansion of our main gateway and Hydro power energy tied into one to make Eco-Tourism a money making industry in Guyana. Lack of political and financial support from the opposition is holding back this potential of economic boom in these areas. Guyana would have realized these economic potentials years ago if the opposition was on board. They say you don't make toilet when you ready to shit. This seems to be the opposition way of doing business. No wonder they're unsupported of the (PSC) and major developments in our country.

I see they told you to peddle that myth?


Tell us why were US arrivals down by 17% last year.  And other air arrivals unchanged?  Unless they arrive through GEO or OGL they dont count as people who will consume tourism related goods and services.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I always agree if there are discrepancies of wasteful spending of taxpayers money, those who're responsible should go to jail. Meanwhile, I believe in any major undertaken that will benefit Guyana's economy and create jobs for Guyanese. What I laid out about is something that I believe will be fruitful in the future.

This is corruption pure and simple.


1.  T%he private investor has not been disclosed, and apparently has yet to0 invest his equity.


2.  The gov't, through NICIL is assuming almost all of the risk, but yet will not get any of the return, as they will not have an equity position.


It is quite clear that this is another PPP crony deal by an investor who wants 100% of the profit and ZERO % of the risk, if the project doesnt succeed!


In 2014, Marriott Hotel will NOT open.  That is my curse on this tiefing PPP.


Babby Ramsaroop is the silent investor.



BUTT PLUG promised his the project at 10 cent on the dollar but DANALD throw a cog in the wheel.


That is why the FAKE poll come out to seh - BUTT PLUG "would be the most formidable candidate that the Opposition parties…could face in any upcoming general elections".


MOSES , get the pampers since is sheer shyte will fly if the PPP allow Mr. BUTT PLug on the campaign in 2016.



Last edited by Former Member

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